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MGMT 5050 – T1 2023

Assessment Summary

Assessment task Weighting Due Date* Learning Outcomes

Assessment 1: Organisational Memo

Week 3: 1pm (AEST) Friday March 3

CLO 1,2,3

Assessment 2: Ethical Decision-Making Report

30% Week 7: 1pm (AEST) Friday March 31 CLO 2,3

Assessment 3: Reflections

Scheduled during exam period.

3a. Complete weekly wikis

3b. Video reflection with transcript




Week 11: 1pm (AEST) Monday April 24

3a. Complete by each Monday of the following week

by 1 pm. E.g., Week1 Wiki is due Monday 1pm of


Full compilation on Week 11: 1pm (AEST) Monday

April 24.

3b. Week 11: 1pm (AEST) Friday April 28

CLO 1,4,5,6

CLO 1,4,6

CLO 1, 4,5,6

Assessment 4: Active and Engaged Participation

Attend class and participate in activities


Weekly during class being active and engaged

CLO 4,6

* Due dates are set at Australian Eastern Standard/Daylight Time (AEST/AEDT). If you are located in a different time-zone, you can use the time and date converter.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

1. Recognise the interconnectedness of the economic, political, ecological and social spheres of human activity (PLO5, PLO6)

2. Apply ethical and sustainability frameworks to contemporary business problems (PLO5)

3. Understand how the business world can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (PLO5, PLO6)

4. Critically reflect on your own values, practices and role as a potential agent of positive change. (PLO7)

5. Identify?the key features of corporate social and environmental responsibility (PLO5)

6. Develop skills relevant for responsible business professionalism (PLO3, PLO6, PLO5, PLO7)

MGMT 5050 – T1 2023


Assessment Details

Icon legend

Due Date Weighting Format Length/Duration Submission


Turnitin is an originality checking and plagiarism prevention tool that enables checking of submitted written work for

improper citation or misappropriated content. Each Turnitin assignment is checked against other students' work, the

Internet and key resources selected by your Course Coordinator.

If you are instructed to submit your assessment via Turnitin, you will find the link to the submission in your Moodle

course site. You can find out more information in the Turnitin information site for students.

Late Submissions

If you submit your assessment after the due date, you will incur a penalty of 5% of the assessment mark per day that

the submission is late. No submissions will be accepted after 5 business days from the due date. You can read more

in the UNSW Assessment Implementation Procedure.


You are expected to manage your time to meet assessment due dates. Extensions will only be granted for students

who have been awarded special consideration.

No extensions will be granted for weekly wikis or class participation.

Special Consideration

Special consideration is the process for assessing the impact of short-term events beyond your control (exceptional

circumstances), on your performance in a specific assessment task. Circumstances beyond your control are

exceptional circumstances or situations that may:

Prevent you from completing a course requirement,

Stop you from submitting an assessment,

Significantly affect your assessment performance.

Available here is a list of circumstances that may be beyond your control. This is only a list of examples, and your

exact circumstances may not be listed.

You can find more detail and the application form on the Special Consideration. You can apply for special

consideration via the special consideration portal on myUNSW (My Student Profile > Special Consideration).

MGMT 5050 – T1 2023


Assessment 1: Organisational Memo

Week 3: 1pm (AEST) Friday March 3.


Written organisational memo - the importance of integrating SDGs

750 words +/-10% plus reference list

Via Turnitin

Description of assessment task

In business you will often have ideas that you would like managers including the CEO to undertake. The Individual

Organisational Memo is an internal professional document that you would give to your manager to progress an idea.

In this instance as a student in MGMT 5050 you have started to consider how important Sustainable Development

Goals will be for organisations. For this assignment, you have been thinking about how the SDGs can be integrated

into daily work policies and practices. During a recent discussion you have had with your manager, they cited a

problem with getting good new employees. You have started to notice that there is a lack of diversity of employees in

the organisation. As a result, you have considered that many employers are unaware of inequities in their hiring and

work practices, yet this may be ‘robbing’ them of potential workers who can add significant value. Choose one of the

following areas:

1. Increasing female representation at senior levels

2. Enabling those with neuro diversity

3. Supporting those with a disability

4. LGBTQIA+ inclusivity

Now write a memo to your employer on how to address inequity in hiring. Your memo should demonstrate your

understanding of SDGs and inclusivity focusing on work for all. Highlight the types of practices that need to change

and why it is more than good business to make these changes. Consider general business practices from resume

screening, application processes, meeting times and work hours. Your role is to support this business to make a

change that will support their move towards SDG implementation.

As a student of MGMT 5050, you should write your ideas for change in an Organisational Memo. Your manager will

then table it at the next Senior Management Meeting. This is your opportunity to shine and perhaps get a promotion

too. It would be great for your career as this will ‘set you apart’ from the other graduates.

Use materials from weeks 1 and 2 in THIS COURSE and ensure you make links to the Sustainable Development

Goals. No other materials beyond the source material and course materials are to be used. This must be written in

your own words (do not copy things from the internet as this may lead to plagiarism, please note using computer

translating software has led to problems in the past as well).

This is NOT a research assignment. You are not required to undertake research on this organisation, instead it is your

opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the first 2 weeks of class in your own words and applied to a real -

world problem.

MGMT 5050 – T1 2023 4

The marking rubric will be available in week 2. A template to help you with the layout of your memo will also be

provided. You can use it or create your own memo document. A short video detailing the requirements of this

assignment and providing tips on doing well on this assignment will be provided on Moodle, under the Assessments


Format requirements

Submission must be made in a Word-based document.

12-point font, Arial or Times New Roman

Harvard referenced

1.5 line spaced

Double return between paragraphs

Left justified

Min 2.5 cm margins

Must be uploaded in a Word document

Submission instructions

Submission must be made via the Turnitin submission link under the Assessments Hub.

Supporting resources and links

Writing and academic support

We recognise you may want assistance with your writing. In MGMT5050 we offer access to Smarthinking within the

course as part of this first assignment. It is the official online writing support service for UNSW, which is aimed at

providing detailed and personalised evaluation and feedback of your written work. It is accessible online from

anywhere and it provides both real-time and on-demand support. You can access this additional help through

assessment help on the Moodle page.

Academic support: If you need additional help with writing, referencing, speaking, or presenting, the Business School

offers individual consultations, online academic writing and communication modules, communication workshops, and

additional online resources. Click on the link below to read more about what is available to you.

Read more about academic support

You can also book a business consult:


Or the university also offers help via:


MGMT 5050 – T1 2023 5

Assessment 2: Ethical Decision-Making Report

Week 7: 1pm (AEST) Friday March 31


Written report, based on the provided case study in the Leganto reading list

1700 words +/- 10%, excluding reference list

Via Turnitin

Description of assessment task

In this assessment you will apply the tools and concepts you have developed over the first half of the course, to

analyse Coca Cola’s approach to sustainability. To do so you will applying the seven-step decision making model

included in the course materials and described in S&I classes. You will also have to apply at least one ethical

framework and incorporate an understanding of stakeholders and underpin your work with SDGs.

Consider the case:

You can access everything about Coca Cola’s approach and reports through:


Consider if you believe they are doing a good job and why or why not. Identify why you say this and then analyse what

was done. You must apply the seven-step model to that analysis but make sure you do more than describe what

happened. Show critical thinking, make some determination of what was good or poor practice, and consider why you

made that judgment based on what you have been learning (you need to consider what they did well and what could

be done better). In addition, provide your solutions and analyse your solutions. Make sure your analysis of the case

issues and your solutions are informed, meaning that references need to be provided to support your analysis and

solutions. After the conclusion create one question to stimulate thinking by the reader or that could be used as a

class discussion point. This question, when answered, would allow the student/s to demonstrate understanding of the

core issues facing a business on its road to sustainability and ethical management.

You will be required to undertake research to complete this case study report, finding at least 3 additional papers to

support your work using available resources through the UNSW Library catalogues, databases and collections, or

other appropriate sources. Please use the following Journals:

Academy of Management Journal

Academy of Management Learning and Education

Academy of Management Perspectives

Academy of Management Review

Business Communication Quarterly

Business Horizons

Management Journal of Business Communication

Journal of Management Education

Journal of Management Information Systems

Organization Science

Organizational Dynamics

MGMT 5050 – T1 2023 6

You can also use any materials provided by the course. A short video detailing the requirement of this assignment and

providing tips on doing well on this assignment will be provided on Moodle, under the Assessments Hub.

Report requirements:

Your report needs:

An introduction

A summary of the current situation at CCA: What they are doing, consider using PESTLE here.

Analysis: Now analyse their actions to date, consider their stakeholders, use SDGS and ethical frameworks. You

should evaluate their actions too in the process. This part of your report may have subsections

Recommendations: Do you have any recommendations for CCA? If so provide these showing how these are

improvements to what they are already doing with links to SDGs, stakeholders and ethics.


Question for discussion



Format requirements

Submission must be made in a Word-based document.

12-point font, Arial or Times New Roman

Harvard referenced

1.5 line spaced

Double return between paragraphs

Left justified

Min 2.5 cm margins

Have a title page (no UNSW coversheet is required)

Submission instructions

Submission must be made via the Turnitin submission link under the Assessments Hub.

Supporting resources and links

Writing and academic support

Smarthinking is the official online writing support service for UNSW, which is aimed at providing detailed and

personalised evaluation and feedback of your written work. It is accessible online from anywhere and it provides both

real-time and on-demand support. For assignment 2, Click on the link below to access the service as this is provided

outside of the course.

Access Smarthinking

Academic support: If you need additional help with writing, referencing, speaking or presenting, the Business School

offers individual consultations, online academic writing and communication modules, communication workshops, and

additional online resources. Click on the link below to read more about what is available to you.

Read more about academic support

You can also book a business consult:


MGMT 5050 – T1 2023 7

Or the university also offers help via:


MGMT 5050 – T1 2023


Assessment 3: Part A and B

Part A Weekly Wiki

l Weekly each Monday of the following week by 1 pm (e.g., Week 1 WIKI due is Monday 1pm week 2) and

l a full copy of 10 weeks of WIKIs submitted in Week 11 at 1pm (AEST) Monday April 24.


Weekly wiki entry

150 words weekly +/- 10% weekly, final submission maximum 1650 words.

Weekly Via individual wiki on Moodle, then collated and submitted via Turnitin week 11

Description of assessment task

Reflective learning supports the development and application of skills. The weekly wiki is designed to support you to

reflect upon your learning as you complete it each week. Like a personal journal, the best value and learning is created

by doing this in real time. The wiki task is designed for you to reflect upon what you have learned and experienced

each week of the course, and how you have changed. Think about how you have been impacted and or changed. It

must be written in your own words. On the basis that education should be transformative, we want to hear about your

ability to self-reflect. The wiki is done weekly and at the end of week 10 you then collate it into a Word document and

submit it through Turnitin for a final grade.

Part 1

Each week answer the wiki reflective question in 150 words +/-10% in your personal wiki on Moodle. You should use

course materials to support your assertions and apply references to these. After week two your tutor will give you

indicative feedback to provide you with opportunity to improve.

There is only one submission. Your content is NOT to be changed after weekly submission

Part 2

Please download your wiki posts from each week as is (no changes to what you wrote each week). You can do this by

going to the WIKI INDEX top right of your wiki edit page. Scroll to the bottom and download as a wiki template file. You

do not need to format this much – just head week 1, week 2 etc. Include a reference list at the end. It must be a direct

copy of what you have submitted no changes. You will not see your Turnitin score of matches as this used as an

integrity checker. Note any sections with direct matches to public sources, poorly referenced or matching previous

submissions will be reported for plagiarism.

Upload a full copy of your weekly wiki entries to Turnitin. These will be graded via Turnitin rubric.

THIS IS DUE BY Week 11at 1pm (Sydney Time) Monday April 24. Only one submission is allowed

Submission instructions

Your weekly wiki pages are in your tutor’s online Learning in Practice space. The Turnitin link will be available in week

10 after class. There is only one submission given your wikis must be original work (written in your own words) and

cannot be altered after the fact.

MGMT 5050 – T1 2023 9

Supporting resources and links

In completing your weekly wikis, please use course materials only. Your weekly wikis may also become a source of

data/evidence for your final reflection.

Part B Video reflection with transcript

Week 11: 1pm (AEST) Friday April 28.


Video taken without edits or support slides/ materials

4-minute video +/- 10 Secs

Via Moodle assignment for the video and transcript through the Turnitin link

Description of assessment task

The final assessment task is designed for you to reflect upon what you have learned over the course, and how you

have changed. Also consider how you have changed as a result of your study. On the basis that education should be

transformative, we want to hear about your ability to self-reflect. The reflection is submitted in two parts:

Reflect upon the feedback you received over both your memo and case study. Did you improve, why or why

not? What do you know about yourself as a learner in relation to this?

Reflect upon any actions or changes you made over the 10 weeks - make meaning of it for you specifically,

consider how are you different and draw upon this as 'data'.

Draw upon at least one reading from the course as a source to support how you have changed in an informed


Part 1 You need to make a single take video 4 mins +/- 10 seconds considering the three points above, and presenting

what you have learned and how you have changed (it is not a summary video it is a reflective presentation about you

and how you have changed). No edits, no props or slides, consider it a recorded interview. Load it to the Moodle

assignment- you can load a link to YouTube or your OneDrive if that is easier.

Upload a video with you talking directly to camera. You should be dressed professionally as you might if you were

attending an online meeting or interview. This should also extend to your background. Take the video in landscape,

not portrait.

Part 2 Upload a transcript of what you said in your video to Turnitin. Transcribe your video and submit that transcript

to Turnitin. A transcript is done AFTER and as a result of your video. You should edit this transcript and provide

references in it to show your reflection as informed.

NOTE as this is a transcript of what you have said you can only load it once and will not have access to the Turnitin

report for similarity.


Submission instructions

The video reflection will be submitted during the exam period. BOTH the video and transcript must be submitted for

this assignment to be complete. Submit the video via Moodle assignment and the transcript via Turnitin link.

MGMT 5050 – T1 2023 10

Supporting resources and links

In completing your reflection, you must include some reference to your personal feedback received in assignment 1

and 2 by way of evidence or data. Your weekly Wikis may also become a source of data/evidence. There will be a set

reference to guide your reflection.

Assessment 4: Active participation

Weekly during class.


Joining in class discussions and activities

Being present, available, and answering questions each and every week. Note you must attend your

assigned LiP to be eligible for marks

Description of assessment task

We recognise that being an active learner and participant helps you to be more successful. Coming to class

and engaging with the teacher and your peers is an important part of the Learning in Practice session and

forms enables social learning. As part of the active participation requirement, you need to engage with your

classmates each week during class. This will provide you with the best foundation to learn in MGMT5050.

Each week (including week 1) there are active learning components to prepare for your LiP classes. Each week,

your Tutor will also have synchronous activities for you to participate in which may involve taking part in small

group discussions, short informal presentations to the class, answering questions, or class discussion.

Simply attending the Learning in Practice Workshops without doing the required prework and getting involved in

discussion and activities is of little value either to you or your classmates and will result in no or a minimal

participation mark.

Supporting resources and links

Each week ensure you have undertaken your H5P (pre-learning) activities and attend class ready to do class activities

and discussions. For online students, It is preferable that you at least have a microphone. A webcam as well as a

microphone is beneficial. A chat box is available for those without a webcam or microphone. The weekly pre-learning

activities are available under the course readings and materials hub.

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