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您当前位置:首页 >> Database作业Database作业

日期:2020-09-26 09:08

CIS 484 – Lab #1

All Labs in this course will build off the prior one. This Lab consists of three parts each with

their own Due Dates:

Part 1: [ERD] Due August 31st by 9:00 a.m.

Part 2: [UI Design] Due Sept 7th by 9:00 a.m.

Part 3: [Working Software/Database] Due Sept 14th by 9:00 a.m.

[All three parts are INDIVIDUAL assignments]


For this lab, you will use ASP.net, C#, and MS SQL Server. All of the labs are designed in a way

that you will need to ask questions of your client (your instructor).

 Part 1:

Below is an incomplete relationship of the DB Tables needed for the Lab, as shown in Access.

You need to normalize the tables (3nf) and eliminate redundancy. You will need more tables

than these shown. You will need to design your DB ERD based on the client requirements that

are listed in the following section. You might need to elicit or clarify more about the client’s

needs from your Instructor for all three Lab parts. The Primary Keys for the two tables shown

must be an integer, and the next key value will be determined by the highest key value used. You

can assume that at least one record already exists in each table.

Your first deliverable (Part 1) is to create an ERD in something like Visio (or any other data

modeling software) using the above as a start and the below elicited requirements for details.

You will submit your Visio ERD into Canvas by the deadline and have yours ready to discuss in

Class (in-person or in WebEx) on 9/1/2020. Submit the deliverable to Canvas as a PDF. The

ERD must include all the tables mentioned or hinted at below – remember this will be your data

model for your DB, and for the rest of your Labs! Make sure its realistic, normalized, and

functionally sensible, and as complete as possible.

 Part 2

Your second deliverable (Part 2) will be your layout for your User Interface. You will create

this with any electronic tool you wish. You will submit this to Canvas as a PDF (most likely

screenshots or page-by-page of your design) and have yours ready to discuss in class on


 Part 3

Your third deliverable (Part 3) will be your completed program. This submission will include

your Web Folder and your SQL (see details below) zipped up in one overall folder (see below).

Your submission must allow me to create your tables and pre-populate them with your SQL

(which much be correct and error-free) and allow me to run your Web Site, all without issues.

Initially elicited requirements for the overall Lab:

1. Students are attending smaller sub-events at a Field Trip-type outing at an educational

Program event. Students can attend multiple events during the Program.

2. Students will have a teacher from their Middle-School that will be the point of contact

between the overall Program and them.

3. The Program will host a lunch, and teachers can sign their students up for this lunch, as

well as one or more events. The lunch can be considered an Event as well.

4. The Program will have both coordinators and volunteers. Coordinators talk with the

teachers and help them with any questions. Volunteers are active at the day-of Program

during each of the events. Each event will have at least 1 Volunteer, but a Volunteer can

sign up for no more than 2 events.

5. T-Shirts are given out to every participant in the Program (Coordinators, Volunteers,

Teachers, and Students). T-Shirts include a logo and are in 4 colors: green, yellow, blue,

and black. T-shirt sizes are collected from all participants.

6. Events will have a date and time associated with them.

Functionality, Programming, UI, and DB requirements for the Overall Lab:

1. You will need to create a Student class that includes an array of Student objects. All

inserting of Student records into the DB will use this class. No I/O or SQL statements

will be included in the code for this class.

2. You will need to create an Event class that includes an array of Event objects. All

inserting of Event records into the DB will use this class. No I/O or SQL statements will

be included in the code for this class. Any other tables you create must also include

associated classes for inserting in your DB for that table/class, and arrays for those

classes as well.

3. Create any other classes as needed.

4. Your program should not delete any information in any tables. You will use primary and

foreign keys for your associations between tables, and create any bridge tables as


5. You should not use an SQL Create or Drop statement anywhere in the code for your

program. All SQL table creation should be done prior to your program running. You will

include a copy of this SQL code in your Canvas submission for Part 3.

6. Your program should allow for the creation of Students and the insertion of associated

records into the DB. The UI should accommodate the entering of info and creation of

Students. You should pre-populate some test records (at least 3-5 – include the SQL for

this in your submission) for all other tables/entities (Events, Teachers, etc.) and your

program in Lab 1 does not have to have the ability to create these, BUT it should have the

ability to associate these and Student records. For example – once I’ve used your

program to create some Students, I should be able to associate them with a Teacher and

sign them up with to an event during the Program.

7. Prior to insertion of new Student records into the Student class array, your program

should check to see if a record already exists. If it does, a message should appear to the

user and the text boxes stay populated with what they typed in.

8. Insertions of new Student records should go into the Student class’ array first. When the

program loads, it should read all records from the DB for other tables, create their

instance objects, and reference them from the associated Class’ arrays (Remember that

we will only be creating new Student records from the UI). A “Commit” button should be

present somewhere in your UI to write out the Student data from its Class array to the

DB. Be sure to perform the same check: if the student record represented by the Object is

already in the DB, don’t write it out (no duplicate records).

9. For testing purposes, include a “Populate” button that will fill textboxes with valid data.

10. Also include a “Clear” button so that all the textboxes can be cleared out.

11. Make sure your data is Validated (using our ASP.net and C# data validation techniques)

and use Try/Catch as needed.

12. Your name should appear in the title of your webpage application and in the comments of

your files, and in the main body of your Form.

13. Your SQL Server DataBase must be called “Lab1” and the server must be LocalHost /

MSSQLSERVER (the default SQL Server service that installs).

Submission Requirements

 Your program must have no error or informational compile errors or warnings.

 I will judge your programs based on how well they work and on the elegance of the code.

Code should be well documented and efficient. Proper indentation, descriptive variable

names, and comments are essential. No extraneous variables or extra unnecessary lines of

code. All files must include your name at the top of the code listing.

 Zip your Web Site folder and submit that to canvas, along with your SQL listings in a

text file (include this in the zip – Place your Web Folder and text files in an overall folder

and zip that).

Grading Rubric:

Your name is in the title and body of the webpage 1 Point

Student Class file: in its own file, all (data) fields are private, no sql in the class


1 Points

Drop Down List shows current, live list of students to associate with teachers,

events, etc.

1 Point

Populate button to populate textboxes with valid information for testing. 1 Point

Validation: Your form does not process when some or none of the textboxes are


1 Point

Validation: Verify that a Volunteer cannot sign up for more than 2 events. 1 Point

Creation of Students go into that Class’ array first. No duplicates are allowed.

ArrayList cannot be used (use a static array).

1 Point

Commit button functions, inserts student records into the DB from the Class’

array, no duplicates occur.

5 Points

Clear button functions as required 1 Point

Code is properly indented, commented, intuitive variable names used,

efficiently coded.

3 Points

Program runs with no errors/issues. SQL is error free and correct (so that I can

run it on my local machine)

4 Points

Associations between entities can occur (students with teachers, teachers with

schools, students with events, volunteers with events, coordinators with

volunteers, etc.)

5 Points

Total: 20 Points

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