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日期:2025-03-03 09:34

Academic Year:   2024/25

Assessment Introduction


BEng Robotics Engineering

BEng Electronic Engineering

BEng Electrical Electronic EngineeringModule Code: EL3147

Module Title: Digital Signal and Image Processing A

Title of the Brief:

Digital Image Processing – A Mini Project

Type of assessment: report


This Assessment Pack consists of a detailed assignment brief, guidance on what you need to prepare. You’ll also find information on this page to guide you on how, where, and when to submit. There will be a support session for this coursework on Thursday 12th Dec 2024 during the class. If you need additional support, please make a note of the services detailed in this document.  

Submission details - How, when, and where to submit:

Assessment Release Date: Thursday, 12/12/2024

Assessment Deadline: 13:59pm, Friday, 11/04/2025

Please note this is the final time you can submit, not the time to submit.

You should submit your report via Turnitin on Blackboard space of EL3147

The link on Blackboard will be available from: 11/02/2025.

Feedback will be provided by: 02/05/2025

This assignment constitutes 25% of the total module assessment mark. You are expected to write a report to summarise your work on the tasks defined in the assignment brief below, particularly the Table 1 which gives a template of how your report shall be structured. Your report shall start with a very short introduction describing the image enhancement methods used, including histogram equalisation and gamma correction.

Your report has a word limit of 1000 words, excluding the references/appendices it might have.

You should use Harvard reference style in the report.

Your submission should be one zipped file which includes:

othe report in word or pdf

othe Matlab program you designed as a .m file, with comments included

oall the images used in the assignment

Your submitted zipped file should be accessible, i.e., don’t use password protection.

Note: If you have any valid mitigating circumstances that mean you cannot meet an assessment submission deadline and you wish to request an extension, you will need to apply online, via MyUCLan with your evidence prior to the deadline. Further information on Mitigating Circumstances via this link.

We wish you all success in completing your assessment. Read this guidance carefully, and any questions, please discuss with your Module Leader.

Teaching into assessment:

The assignment is going to be discussed at the lecture on 12/12/2024. The background of this assignment will be introduced and the tasks will be explained. Questions from students will be addressed during this support session.

Additional Support:

All links are available through the online Student Hub

1.Academic support for this assessment will be provided by contacting Yu ZHOU (yzhou11@uclan.ac.uk).

2.Our Library resources link can be found in the library area of the Student Hub or via your subject librarian at NMarshall7@uclan.ac.uk.

3.Support with your academic skills development (academic writing, critical thinking and referencing) is available through WISER on the Study Skills section of the Student Hub.

4.For help with Turnitin, see Blackboard and Turnitin Support on the Student Hub

5.If you have a disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term health or mental health condition, and not yet advised us, or would like to review your support, Inclusive Support can assist with reasonable adjustments and support. To find out more, you can visit the Inclusive Support page of the Student Hub.

6.For mental health and wellbeing support, please complete our online referral form, or email wellbeing@uclan.ac.uk. You can also call 01772 893020, attend a drop-in, or visit our UCLan Wellbeing Service  Student Hub pages for more information.

7.For any other support query, please contact Student Support via studentsupport@uclan.ac.uk.

8.For consideration of Academic Integrity, please refer to detailed guidelines in our policy document . All assessed work should be genuinely your own work, and all resources fully cited.  

9.For advice on the use of Artificial Intelligence, please refer to Categories of AI tools guidance.

10.Academic misconduct will be penalized as per the University rules. For detailed information on the procedures relating to academic misconduct, please see the current version of the University Academic Regulations (Academic Quality Unit - academic_regulations_2324.pdf - All Documents (sharepoint.com))

Assignment brief

This assignment is designed to give you an insight into selected aspects of digital image processing. You are asked to produce your image processing programs in Matlab, apply these programs and evaluate the results to obtain findings.

This assignment will enable you to:

develop and apply appropriate representation and analysis techniques for digital signals and images

design, analyse, select, and apply 1-D and 2-D digital filters

create, and analyse the performance of, processing systems for digital signals and/or images for particular practical applications based on analysis of the signals/images using an appropriate fast prototyping software development platform.

The above items correspond to the Intended Learning Outcomes 2, 3 & 4 of module descriptor.

This assignment consists of two tasks (T1, T2).

The first task (T1) is to make your own Matlab program, apply it to the images (see Fig. 1) and evaluate the results obtained. Here you can use image processing toolbox functions for Hough transform (e.g., hough, houghpeaks, edge).

a.Show your code and the results in processing Fig_1a & Fig_1b.

b.Find out whether long lines in Fig_1a are parallel to each other. Show your evidence and explain why.

c.Find out whether long lines in Fig_1b are parallel to each other. Show your evidence and explain why.

The second task (T2) is to design your own program for T1, without using the image processing toolbox functions for Hough transform, specifically, no ‘hough’, no ‘houghpeaks’ but ‘edge’ is allowed.  

a.Show your code and the results in processing Fig_1a & Fig_1b. Note: Your code should be YOURS, not from anyone else. If we find two pieces of code identical, both submissions will be awarded 0 for T2.

b.Explain how you design your own ‘hough’. Note: your version shall be different from what is given from Matlab. Your version shall not be longer than 50 lines of Matlab code. Its input is an edge image and its outputs are: an accumulator, alpha vector, radius vector.

c.Evaluate the computational complexity of your program and compare it with your T1 program.

(a) Fig_1a(b) Fig_1b

Fig. 1. Image samples.

Fig. 1a and 1b can be downloaded from EL3147’s Blackboard / Assignments folder.

You will summarize your work in a report, which shall include two appendices: one for T1, one for T2. Your report shall be submitted to Blackboard for marking.


Hough, P.V., C (1962), Method and means for recognizing complex patterns. US Patent, 3069654.

Duda, R.O. and Hart, P.E., 1972. Use of the Hough transformation to detect lines and curves in pictures. Communications of the ACM, 15(1), pp.11-15.

Illingworth, J. and Kittler, J., 1988. A survey of the Hough transform. Computer vision, graphics, and image processing, 44(1), pp.87-116.

Late work

Work submitted electronically may be submitted after the deadline to the same Turnitin assignment slot and will be automatically flagged as late.

Unless an extension of the hand-in deadline date has been approved in due time, lateness penalties will be applied in accordance with University policy as follows:

(Working) Days Late byLate Penalty

1 - 5maximum mark that can be achieved: 40%

more than 50% given

Marking scheme

Your report should contain the following elements which will be marked in accordance with the scheme below:

Table 1. Tasks and assigned marks



• T1a

oMatlab program

oresults in processing Fig_1a, Fig_1b

• T1b – analysis of Fig_1a

• T1c – analysis of Fig_1b

• T2a – code & results in processing Fig_1a, Fig_1b

• T2b – show your own ‘hough’ and explain

• T2c – evaluate computational complexity & discussion

Presentation of the report10


This assignment constitutes 25% of the total module assessment mark. You should write a report for this assignment explaining your work, show and discuss the results.

Feedback Guidance:

Reflecting on Feedback: how to improve.

From the feedback you receive, you should understand:

The grade you achieved.

The best features of your work.

Areas you may not have fully understood.

Areas you are doing well but could develop your understanding.

What you can do to improve in the future - feedforward.

Use the WISER: Academic Skills Development service. WISER can review feedback and help you understand your feedback. You can also use the WISER Feedback Glossary

Next Steps:

List the steps have you taken to respond to previous feedback.

Summarise your achievements

Evaluate where you need to improve here (keep handy for future work):



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