INFO20003 A2 S1 2019 1
INFO20003 Semester 1, 2019
Assignment 2 – SQL
Due: 6:00pm Friday 3 May
Submission: Via LMS
Weighting: 10% of your total assessment
Melbourne Touch Rugby
The Melbourne Touch Rugby competition is a 6-player-a-side competition for men’s, women’s and
mixed teams (a mixed team has a minimum of 3 women and maximum of 3 men on the field at any
time). Players must be registered with a club to play in the competition and players can only be
registered for one club at a time.
Currently there are 8 rugby clubs participating in the competition, which began in 2017. Each club has
three teams – a men’s team, a women’s team and a mixed team. The men’s competition is known as
the Dewar Shield; the women’s competition is known as the Williams Plate; and the mixed teams
competition is known as the Bingham Trophy.
A season is the set of games played in a competition in a calendar year. Each season consists of
rounds in which every team plays a game.
Even though each game is played by 12 players (6 from each team), a team is not a fixed group of 6
players. The team officials choose 6 players from their club, or possibly even from another club, to
play for that team in a game. As such, the composition of a team varies from round to round.
If for any reason a team is unable to organise enough players to play a game, that team will forfeit
the game and their opponents will score a “walkover”. A walkover awards 28 points to the team who
scores a walkover and 0 points for the team who forfeited. If a game is cancelled (e.g. due to extreme
heat, unsuitable playing pitch), no score is recorded against either team.
INFO20003 A2 S1 2019 2
The Data Model
Figure 1: The ER Model for Melbourne Touch Rugby
Assignment 2 Setup
A dataset is provided against which you can test your solutions to the assignment. To set up the
dataset, download the file rugby.sql from the Assessments folder on LMS and run it in Workbench.
This script creates the database tables and populates them with data.
The script is designed to run against your account on the Engineering IT server
( If you want to install the schema on your own MySQL Server
installation, uncomment the BYOD section at the beginning of the script.
INFO20003 A2 S1 2019 3
The SQL Tasks
In this section are listed 10 questions for you to answer. Write one (single) SQL statement per
question. Subqueries and nesting are allowed within a single SQL statement – however, you will be
penalized for writing overly complicated SQL statements. DO NOT USE VIEWS to answer questions.
1. Count the number of players by the first letter of their surname. List the results in
alphabetical order. (1 mark)
Hint: The function LEFT(str, n) returns the first n characters of the string value str.
2. List the game ID, year, and participating team names for every cancelled
game. (1 mark)
3. List the first and last names of players who have played more than 20 games in total
across all competitions. (1 mark)
4. For all current members of the Melbourne City club who have played fewer than 12
games across all competitions, list their first and last names and the number of games
they have played. Place the players who have played the most games first. (2 marks)
5. List the names of men who play in the Bingham Trophy but not the Dewar Shield
competition. (2 marks)
6. List the full name (in one column) and current club of players who did not play a game
in any competition in the 2017 season. (2 marks)
7. Which club currently has the fewest female players? Print the club name and the
number of female players in it. (2 marks)
8. A team has a “winless season” when it does not win any of the games it plays in that
season. Find the teams that have had exactly one winless season. List the team name
and the year in which their winless season occurred. (3 marks)
9. Find the first and last names of players who have played against all their former clubs.
(3 marks)
10. How many points did the ‘Melbourne City Women’ team score in the Williams Plate in 2017? (3 marks)
INFO20003 A2 S1 2019 4
Submission Instructions
Submit a single PDF showing your answers to all questions to the Assessment page on LMS by 6pm
on the due date of Friday 3 May. Name your file 987654.pdf, where 987654 corresponds to YOUR
student id. Other formatting requirements are listed below.
For each question, present an answer in the following format:
Show the question number and question in black text.
Show your answer (the SQL statement) in blue text (not a screenshot).
Show a screenshot from Workbench containing the output of the query.
o If the query returns more than 10 rows, take a screenshot of only the first 10 rows.
Show how many rows were actually returned in red text.
Show each query on a separate page.
QXX. List the names of clubs competing in the Melbourne Touch Rugby Competition.
SELECT clubname
FROM club;
8 rows returned
Requesting a Submission Deadline Extension
If you need an extension due to a valid (medical) reason, you will need to provide evidence to support
your request by 9pm, Thursday 2 May. Medical certificates need to be at least two days in length.
To request an extension:
1. Email the head tutor, Alan Thomas ( from your university email
address, supplying your student ID, the extension request and supporting evidence.
2. If your submission deadline extension is granted, you will receive an email reply granting the
new submission date. Replies may take up to 12 hours, so please be patient.
Reminder: INFO20003 Hurdle Requirements
To pass INFO20003 you must pass two hurdles:
Hurdle 1: Obtain at least 50% (15/30) or higher for the three assignments (each worth 10%)
Hurdle 2: Obtain a grade of 50% (35/70) or higher for the End of Semester Exam
Therefore, it is our recommendation to students that you attempt every assignment and every
question in the exam.
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