1)Given relation R(A,B,C,D,E)with functional dependencies{AB→C,C→D,D→E}.
a.Show how to determine the candidate key
b.What is the reason that R is not BCNF?
c.Show ALL steps needed to decompose R into BCNF relations,if possible.
2)Many of the No-SQL systems that support large-scale parallel execution guarantee
“eventual consistency”rather than the ACID properties.What does this mean? Explain
briefly how this can produce different results compared to a parallel SQL system that
guarantees the ACID properties.
3)Consider the seschedules involving 3 transactions:
For each schedule,draw the precedencegraph and decide if the schedule is
4)Given three simple tables with FDsA→ B,B→ C,C→ D
Create tablet 1(ainteger,binteger);
Create tablet 2(binteger,cinteger);
Create tablet 3(cinteger,dinteger);
data is provided in 3 CSV files for importing,or 3 SQL“insert”files
a.create the tables as defined above and import the data (10Krows)using
LOAD DATA(or equivalent).SQL insert statements are provided as an alternative.
Consider these three different but equivalent queries.
select a fromt 1
where mod(a,5)=0 and bin
(select b fromt 2
where cin(SELECT c FROM t3 where mod(d,5)=0));
select t1.a from t1,t2,t 3where
t1.b=t2.b and t2.c=t3.c and mod(t1.a,5)=0 and mod(t3.d,5)=0;
select t1.a from(t1 join t2 on t1.b=t2.b)join t3 on t2.c=t3.c
where mod(t1.a,5)=0 and mod(t3.d,5)=0;
b.Which one of the above select statements has the best execution
performance? Explain your decision,supported by facts,not just opinion.
5)Consider an internet voting system where a voter must enter a PIN which is checked
to ensure it isvalid and not already used.Two tables are used:PIN(number,if_voted)
and VOTES(can didate,count).Consider anewread-only transaction that outputs the
entire vote tally table.Discuss the issues involved in selecting the appropriate isolation
level to ensure correctly reporting the voting results.
For example:
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