AA2 - Minimal RPG
Program a minimal RPG game that runs in the windows
console using CMain Objective
Create a minimal RPG that places the player in a dungeon filled with enemies and riches
The assignment consists of 6 parts. Each part has a set of items that must be implemented
to reach the maximum grade.
Player and enemies (1 point) 2
Main Manager (2 points) 4
Dungeon (2 points) 6
Combat (3 points) 8
Chests & Gear (1.5 points) 12
Victory / Defeat (0.5 points) 14
1Player and enemies (1 point)
The Player must have the following information and stats
The position of the player must be stored as an X and Y coordinates.
It is recommended to create a struct called MapPosition to store this kind of information
since it is also used with enemies and chests.
Used for the final score, gold represents the wealth of the character. Whenever a chest
is opened or a weapon is looted we earn gold.
Main resource of the character, if it reaches 0 the player loses the game. It does not
regenerate between fights.
When creating the character, the health value must be initialized randomly between 90 and
Used in fights. It does not regenerate between fights.
Stamina is initialized randomly between 90 and 110.
Determines how many moves a player can do before all the enemies move.
All players start with 3 points of agility, translating into 3 moves before the enemies
The player can hold a maximum of 3 potions. Using a potion will restore 40% of the
maximum health of the player.
Example: If I use a potion and I have 20 health out of 100, I will restore 40 health, setting my
current health to 60.
The Enemy must have the following information and stats
The position of the enemy must be stored as X and Y coordinates.
It is recommended to create a struct called MapPosition to store this kind of information
since it is also used with enemies and chests.
Flag to store if the enemy is dead or alive. An enemy will always be spawned alive.
Main resource of the character, if it reaches 0 the enemy dies.
When creating an enemy, the health value must be initialized between 60 and 90.
Stamina is used in fights.
Stamina is initialized between 60 and 90.
3Dungeon (2 points)
The dungeon is a 5 x 5 maze where the player can:
● See where the player, enemies and chests are located.
● Move around
● Use potions
The dungeon must render in the console something resembling this layout:
4As we can see the layout has the following elements:
1. Scene name
2. Legend of the map
3. Player stats
4. Map
5. Player actions
The player must be able to move when entering any of the WASD keys. Moving
consumes 1 move. Remember that the max moves are determined by the player's agility.
● If a player wants to move left and already is on the left-most tiles of the map, the
command will be invalid. The same goes for top, left and right commands.
● If a player moves into an enemy, the player will start fighting that enemy.
● If a player moves into a chest, the player will loot the chest.
● Looting a chest or fighting does not reset the player’s moves.
The player can use one move to consume a potion, healing the character for 40% of
the max health value.
● If the player tries to use a potion without potions, it will count as an invalid move.
Any command entered other than W, A, S, D and P will be considered an invalid
command and will ask the player to enter a new command without consuming agility.
Enemy Movement
When the player's agility reach 0, the enemies will move randomly.
● Enemies cannot move on top of non-looted chests.
● Enemies cannot move on top of the player.
● Enemies cannot move on top of each other if both are alive.
5Main Manager (2 points)
The Main Manager is the element that coordinates the game behavior. It tracks the current
game state (Fighting, in the dungeon, looting a chest…).
Extended flowchart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15zO1wCf7bnpao8uNmVuHC1V6OcCQMlvT/view?usp=sharing
As we can see, there are 4 main scenes that are connected. The Main Manager must track
the current scene and store any variables needed between the scenes themselves.
The Main Manager is also responsible for the spawn of the player, enemies and chests.
● The player will also spawn in the lower center of the dungeon.
● Only 1 player spawns
● Between 5 and 7 enemies spawn
● Only 2 chests spawn
The player, enemies and chests cannot spawn on top of each other
7Combat (3 points)
The combat is based on 3 actions:
● Attack (Consumes stamina for a set amount of damage)
● Defend (Regenerates 25% stamina and mitigates 75% of the incoming damage)
● Rest (Regenerates 100% stamina but leaves you vulnerable to attacks)
● Potion (Same conditions as previous descriptions)
If both characters attack, the one with the highest value will strike the other one and
stamina is consumed.
Example: I attack with 50 stamina and the enemy attacks with 67 stamina.
● I receive 67 damage
● I lose 50 stamina used for the attack
● The enemy loses 67 stamina used for the attack.
The combat should display
● Enemy stats (visual bars are required for maximum score)
● Player Stats (visual bars are required for maximum score)
● Player Actions
8When the player enters an action, a combat log will appear at the bottom.
Once the fight has been simulated, the player should be asked for an input to refresh the
9Combat logic
Extended flowchart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q2y-RpqoCdRGLj0Dlr-G5sBXlfqhPJew/view?usp=sharing
10If the player loses all the HP, the game will end. If an enemy loses all of its HP, the
following things happen:
● If there are no more enemies or chests left, the game ends
● If there are still enemies alive or non-looted chests, the player goes back to the
Enemy logic
The enemy will decide its combat action following this flowchart.
When attacking, the enemy will use between 20% of the max stamina and the current
stamina level.
For example, an enemy with 100 stamina should never attack with less than 20 stamina.
11Chests & Gear (1.5 points)
Gear are unique items that the player can find inside chests. Gear will modify the health,
stamina and agility attributes of the player as well as having a gold value. This value
counts towards the final score. Notice that gear can also reduce the player attributes!
Gear example:
Richard’s Hatred | 200g value | +20 HP +40 Stamina +1 Agility
Swift boots | 10g value | -10 HP -5 Stamina +1 Agility
White Powder | 150g value | -20 HP +20 Stamina +1 Agility
Radev’s Mug | -300g value | -20 HP -40 Stamina -1 Agility
Raven feather | 50g value | -10 HP +2 Agility
Red Mushroom | 170g value | +30 HP
Ugly Facemask | 10g value | +5 HP
Broken Shield | 25g value | +10 HP
Green mushroom | -50g value | -10 Stamina
Naughty book | 69g value | +7 Stamina
Chests contain gold, gear and sometimes a potion. They have the following attributes.
Position of the chest in the dungeon.
It is recommended to create a struct called MapPosition to store this kind of information
since it is also used with enemies and chests.
Amount of gold that the chest contains. Randomized between 50 and 200 gold.
Flag that indicates if a chest has been looted by the player. All chests are not looted
when spawned.
Attributes of the gear that the chest contains.
Flag that indicates if the chest contains a potion. 25% of the chests contain a potion.
If a chest contains a potion the player will take it if there is enough room for it. If not,
the player cannot take or use the potion inside the chest.
Render of a chest that does not contain a potion
Render of a chest that contains a potion
The render parts are
1. Amount of gold
2. Gear data
3. Potion data
13Victory / Defeat (0.5 points)
This last part is an end screen that is displayed when the character dies or clears the
dungeon successfully.
Example of a defeat screen:
Example of a victory screen:
Remember that the score displayed is equal to the gold that the player has collected
plus the value of the gear.
14Requirements, delivery and sancions
● Delivery is due on January 17 at 23:55
● The work is done in pairs. These must be announced on 11/15/2024 in class. If a
student does not have a partner, one will be randomly assigned to him/her.
● The name of the project must be:
- AA3_“Name1Surename1”_“Name2Surename2”_PROJECT.
● The name of the solution:
- AA3_”Name1Surename1“_”Name2Surename2”_SOL.
● The delivery must be done through Moodle by both members. Delivering the
project with the solution and, optionally, a .txt with the nomenclature “README” if the
student wants to clarify any detail of his work.
● Both the project and the .txt file must be compressed in a .zip file with the
following nomenclature: AA3_”Name1Surename1”_”Name2Surename2”.zip
● The use of ChatGPT or similar is allowed for consultations on the subject, as
long as the content is reviewed and never copied textually. If the teacher interprets
that the code could have been generated with AI, he/she will interview the student
to validate that the content is his/her own. Otherwise it will be counted as a copy
and therefore a 0.
● The project must compile, otherwise it is automatically a 4.
● If the project has a fatal error during execution, -2 for each of them.
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