Assessment 1 – Part 1: Requirements Analysis
Due date: Sunday September 22, 2024, by 11:59 PM
Weight: 15 out of total Assessment 1 weight 70
Project: Case-study requirements analysis and software design
Collaboration: Groups of 3-4. Group assessed.
1- Project Brief
A local university wants to develop a new interactive system to allow students to self-enrol in subjects. The students need to register before they can access the system. A student can enrol in a maximum of 4 subjects. Enrolment is limited to one semester; therefore, multiple semester enrolment is out of the scope of this application.
Students must register using a valid email and password by entering their name, email, and password. Student emails and passwords should be validated against pre-defined patterns. For example, emails should end with the domain “”, hence is a valid email, while firstname.lastname@university is not. A password is considered valid if it meets the following criteria: (i) It starts with an upper-case character, (ii) It contains at least five (5) letters, (iii) It is followed by three (3) or more digits.
Upon registration, a unique student ID ranging from 1 to 999,999 will be automatically generated for each student. If the generated ID is less than six digits, it should be prefixed with zeros to make it a six-digit number (e.g., 002340 is a valid ID, whereas 2345 is not).
Registered students can then log into the application and perform. the following operations: (i) Enrol in a subject, (ii) Remove a subject from their enrolment list, (iii) View their current enrolment list, (iv) Change their password. Students do not need to select a specific subject when enrolling as a new subject will be added automatically to their enrolment list upon selecting the enrol command. The system tracks the number of subjects in each student's enrolment list and notifies the student if the total exceeds four (4). A subject is identified by a unique 3-digits auto- generated ID (1 <= ID <= 999). Upon enrolment, a random subject mark between 25 and 100 will be autogenerated and assigned. The subject grade will then be automatically calculated based on the mark. According to the UTS grading system: mark < 50 → Z; 50 <= mark < 65 → P; 65 <= mark < 75 → C; 75 <= mark < 85 → D; mark >= 85 → HD.
Data of registered students including their enrolment details should be saved to a file called “” . This file should also be available for Admins to perform. student management operations.
Admins, who are existing university staff and do not require registration, have a dedicated subsystem within the application for student management. Admins can view all registered students, organize and view students by grade, and categorize students into PASS/FAIL based on their marks (mark < 50 → FAIL; mark >= 50 → PASS). Additionally, admins can remove individual students or clear the entire file.
The university requires a CLI application - the “CLIUniApp” - for the above student and admin operations. CLIUniApp should provide two interactive subsystems, one for students and one for admins. The application will store student data in All CRUD operations in CLIUniApp should use this file.
The university also requires a GUI component - “GUIUniApp” - at a smaller scale. GUIUniApp is a challenge task of Assessment 1 - Part 2 and is designed only for registered students. The “login window” is the main window of GUIUniApp. A registered student should be able to log into GUIUniApp and access the “enrolment window” to enrol in a maximum of four (4) subjects. Each time a student is enrolled in a subject, the subject is added to their enrolment list. GUIUniApp should handle possible exceptions for empty login fields and for attempts to enrol in more than four (4) subjects.
You team is expected to develop the application in two phases: Part 1 and Part2, then demonstrate the result to the stakeholders in Part 3.
In Part 1, you will complete and deliver a comprehensive software requirements analysis report that includes the following: (i) Transforming the requirements into user stories and mapping the user stories to a requirements table (backlog); (ii) Creating a UML use case diagram to illustrate the actors, use cases and their relationships; (iii) Creating a UML class diagram and explaining in detail the classes, their properties and their relationships.
In Part 2, you will develop the university application with respect to the specifications and the Part 1 design. The university application is composed of CLIUniApp and GUIUniApp (challenge task). The code and supplementary materials should be submitted by the due date.
Part 3 is the formal showcase. Each team will present their Part 2 working application. All team members should participate equally and collaborate in all assessment parts.
2- User-Story Backlog
You should read the customer (university) requirements thoroughly and transform. the requirements into user stories. The user story should be simple so that each story is later translated into a function (or action). Each story will have a unique 3-digit ID. Stories related to the same feature will share the same hundreds digit. For example:
The following stories are all related to the same Login feature. Hence their IDs should start with the same hundreds digit.
Story: match username and password with the ones on file →101
Story: verify username and password against patterns →105
Story: show an error message if credentials do not match →106
Story: take a student to the student subsystem if credentials are correct →100
The refined user stories should be mapped into a requirements table (backlog) formatted as follows:
ID |
User |
Action |
Result |
Function |
A unique 3-digit user story ID. |
The entity action |
person or taking the |
The action taken by the user |
The result or outcome of the action |
The action name |
3- UML Use Case Diagram
Your team will develop a comprehensive UML use case diagram by identifying the actors, goals, use cases, and their relationships. Provide explanation for each actor, goal, use case and relationship and ensure your diagram is consistent and aligned with the explanations.
4- UML Class Diagram
Your team will develop a comprehensive UML class diagram by identifying the classes, fields, methods, visibility, multiplicity, and their relationships. Provide explanation for each of these and ensure your diagram is consistent and aligned with the explanations.
5- Marking Scheme
Total Assessment 1 - Part 1 mark is 15/70. All team members should contribute equally.
a. User story backlog (5 Marks)
Entity |
Criteria |
Mark |
User stories are specific |
User stories are decomposed into simple stories |
2 |
User stories are consistent |
User stories align with the project requirements |
2 |
Backlog correctness |
User stories are correctly mapped into the backlog |
1 |
b. Use case diagram (5 Marks)
Entity |
Criteria |
Mark |
Entities identification |
Goals, use cases, actors, relationships correctly identified |
1 |
Entities description |
Entities are correctly explained |
1 |
Actors action |
Actors initiate accurate use cases |
1 |
Relationships |
Accurate and consistent relationship between actors and use cases and between use cases |
1 |
Labelling |
Use of correct relationship labelling |
1 |
c. Class diagram (5 Marks)
Entity |
Criteria |
Mark |
Class |
Properly identified and explained |
1 |
Fields |
Properly identified with accurate choice of visibility |
1 |
Methods |
Correctly name the methods and identify theie types and visibility |
1 |
Relationships |
Consistent class relationships |
1 |
Multiplicity |
Accurate relationship multiplicities |
1 |
6- Deliverables and Contribution
This assessment requires collaboration and equal contribution from all group members. The individual contributions or parts will be collated into a group submission for assessment. For Assessment 1 - Part 1, each submission will receive a group mark, and you will be asked to rate the contributions of your group members in Sparkplus. The group mark multiplied by the Sparkplus score will be the individual mark.
7- Assessment Submission
Submit Assessment 1 - Part 1 as a single submission per group in either .docx or .pdf format. File naming convention: group<group-number>-Cmp<lab-number>.<format>
Upload your assessment file to Canvas under Task 1: Case Study/Part 1: Analysis and Design by Sunday, September 22, 2024, at 11:59 PM.
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