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日期:2022-10-16 04:07

FIT2102 Programming Paradigms 2022

Assignment 2: Lambda Calculus Parser

Building and using the code: The code bundle is packaged the same way as

tutorial code. To compile the code, run: `stack build`. To run the main function, run:

`stack run`


In this assignment, we will use Haskell to develop an interpreter that parses a string

into the data types provided in Builder.hs and Lambda.hs. Using this we can

create Lambda Calculus expressions which we are then able to normalise into a

simplified but equivalent expression (evaluating the expression).

This assignment will be split into multiple parts, of increasing difficulty. While many

lambda expressions for earlier tasks have been provided to you in the course notes

and in this document, you may have to do your own independent research to find

church encodings for more complicated constructs.

You are welcome to use any of the material covered in the previous weeks, including

solutions for tutorial questions, to assist in the development of your parser. Please

reference ideas and code constructs obtained from external sources, as well as

anything else you might find in your independent research, for this assignment.

Goals / Learning Outcomes

The purpose of this assignment is to highlight lambda calculus as a method of

computation and apply the skills you have learned to a practical exercise (parsing).

Use functional programming and parsing effectively

Understand and be able to use key functional programming principles

(HOF, pure functions, immutable data structures, abstractions)

Apply Haskell and lambda calculus to implement non-trivial programs

Scope of assignment

It is important to note that you will not need to implement code to evaluate

lambda calculus expressions. Functions to evaluate lambda calculus expressions

are provided. Rather, you are only required to parse an expression into the data

types provided in Builder.hs and then use the given functions to evaluate the


You will need to have some understanding of lambda calculus, particularly in the

latter parts of the assignment. Revise the notes on Lambda Calculus and come to

consultations early if you have any uncertainty.

Lambda Calculus syntax

Lambda Calculus can be written in an explicit way (long form), using brackets to

show ordering of all operations, or in an implicit way (short form), by removing

unnecessary syntax.

For example, consider the expression for a Church Encoded IF in short form

λbtf.b t f

We introduced this short syntax for lambda expressions as it’s a little easier to read.

However, let’s also consider the long form version. First we need to include all


λb.λt.λf.b t f

Then, we need to include brackets around every expression (note that applying the

function “b” to two parameters “t” and “f” is one expression)

(λb.(λt.(λf.b t f)))

It may be simpler to parse the long-form syntax of lambda calculus compared to the

short form.

Getting started

The first step which we recommend is to play around with the code base, and see

how you can build Lambda Expressions.

Step 1. Try to use the builder and GHCI to construct and normalise the

following expressions:

(λb.(λt.(λf.f t b)))


For extra practice build the lambda expressions in the Week 5

Tutorial Sheet. See which ones successfully build and think

about why!

Step 2. Try to describe the syntax for a verbose Lambda Calculus

using a BNF Grammar.

Step 3. Try to construct parsers for and test each part of this grammar


Step 4. Combine and test your code!

What is provided

Provided to you is an engine which can Beta/Eta reduce Lambda Calculus into

beta-normal form.

This engine is built around the Builder type. This Builder type allows you to

create Lambda Calculus expressions, which can then be normalised.

First, how do you build a lambda expression? Let's consider the expression


Builder representation

build $ lam 'x' (term 'x')

>>> \x.x

We use build to construct the lambda expression

We use lam , similar to the way you use λ in lambda expressions.

The first argument is the function input, in this case x

The second argument is the return value of the function. We use term


identify this is a variable.

Let's look at the types of all these expressions a little more.

lam :: Char -> Builder -> Builder

Takes a char, which represents the input variable

Takes an expression of builder type, which represents the return value

of the Lambda Expression

Returns a value of Builder type.

term :: Char -> Builder

Takes a char, which represents the variable

Returns a value of the Builder type.

build :: Builder -> Lambda

This should be the last step, which takes a builder and constructs the `Lambda`


Takes a Builder type

Returns a Lambda type.

Note: this fails if the expression contains free variables.

ap :: Builder -> Builder -> Builder

Combines two Builder expressions by applying one builder to another

Takes a builder

Takes another builder

Returns a builder, where the second builder will be applied to the first


For example,


let id = lam 'x' (term 'x') -- Builder


build $ id `ap` id

>>> (\x.x)\x.x

A more complex example:

(λb.(λt.(λf.b t f)))

build $ lam 'b' $ lam 't' $ lam 'f' ((term 'b')

`ap` (term 't') `ap` (term 'f'))

>>> \btf.btf

normal :: Lambda -> Lambda:

Normalises a Lambda expression by reducing it to Beta-Normal Form.

NOTE: This will cause an infinite loop if you try to normalise a divergent expression.

let k = lam 'x' $ lam 'y' (term 'x')

let i = lam 'x' (term 'x')

normal $ build $ k `ap` i

>>> \yx.x

While you are not required to evaluate your lambda calculus expressions, we also

provide you with some evaluator functions to aid in testing:

lamToBool :: Lambda -> Maybe Bool:

Normalises a Lambda expression and then returns its Boolean evaluation (if it has


lamToInt :: Lambda -> Maybe Int:

Normalises a Lambda expression and then returns its numeric evaluation (if it has


Additional functions and types

Feel free to have a look at the 'Builder.hs' file, which will provide some tests

showing more usage of this type. Note that it is not important that you understand

how these functions work, just that you understand how to use them.

There are many other well-documented functions that you can look at and use. Remember

that it is not necessary to understand the implementation, only their usage (think of it like a

library that you use).


These exercises provide a structured approach for creating an interpreter.

Part 1: parsing lambda expressions

Part 2: simple arithmetic and boolean operations

Part 3: extending the interpreter to handle more programmatic


IMPORTANT: In each of the exercises, there will be

Deliverables: Functions/parsers that you must implement or

documentation you have to complete to successfully complete the


The functions/parsers must be named and have the same type

signature as specified in the exercise otherwise they will break

our tests

These functions must be implemented in

submission/LambdaParser.hs as per the code bundle

otherwise they will break out tests

Recommended steps: How to get started on the exercise. These are

suggestions and you may wish to use a different approach

Basic tests will be provided, however it is important to construct your own unit

tests and add to the existing tests for each task to aid in your development.

Similarly, the tests provided will not be a proof of correctness as they may not be

exhaustive, so it’s important you ensure that your code is provably correct.

Marks for the tasks will come from

Correct implementations (i.e. passes the tests provided and our own


Effective usage of course content (HOF, Functor, Applicative,

Monad, etc.)

Good code quality (functional/declarative style, readability, structure,

documentation etc.).

Please refer to the Marking rubric section for more information.

Part 1 (10 marks)

By the end of this section, we will have a parser for lambda calculus expressions.

Exercise 1 (2 marks): Construct a BNF Grammar for lambda calculus



At the end of this exercise, we should have the following:

A BNF grammar to demonstrate the structure of the lambda expression

parser, representing both short and long form in one grammar (as your

parser should also handle both short and long form).

Recommended steps

Construct parsers for lambda calculus expression components (“λ”, “.”,

“(“, “)”, “x”, “y”, “z”, etc.)

Use the component parsers to create parsers for simple combinators to

get familiar with parsing lambda expressions and their structure

Construct a BNF grammar for short form and long form lambda


Exercise 2 (4 marks): Construct a parser for long form lambda

calculus expressions


At the end of this exercise, we should have at least the following parser:

longLambdaP :: Parser Lambda

Parses a long form lambda calculus expression

Your BNF grammar must match your parsers. It is highly recommended to use

the same name for your parsers and non-terminals (i.e. a non-terminal like

<lambdaChar> should correspond to a lambdaChar parser) so your marker can

easily validate the grammar.

Recommended steps

Build a general purpose lambda calculus parser combinator which:

Parses general multi variable lambda expressions/function


Note default associativity, e.g. λxy.xxy = λxy.(xx)y

Parses general multi variable lambda expressions/function

bodies with brackets

E.g λxy.x(xy)

Parses any valid lambda calculus expression using long-form


E.g. (λb.(λt.(λf.b t f)))

Exercise 3 (4 marks): Construct a parser for short form lambda

calculus expressions


At the end of this exercise, we should have at least the following parsers:

shortLambdaP :: Parser Lambda

Parses a short form lambda calculus expression

lambdaP :: Parser Lambda

Parses both long form and short form lambda calculus


Similar to Exercise 2, your parser must match your BNF grammar.

Recommended steps

Build a general purpose lambda calculus parser combinator which:

Parses any valid lambda expression using short-form syntax

E.g. λbtf.b t f

Part 2 (8 marks)

By the end of this section, we should be able to parse arithmetic and logical expressions into

their equivalent lambda calculus expressions.

Exercise 1 (2 marks): Construct a parser for logical statements


At the end of this exercise, you should have the following parsers:

logicP :: Parser Lambda

Parse simple to complex logical clauses

Recommended steps

Construct a parser for logical literals (“true”, “false”) and operators

(“and”, “or”, “not”, “if”) into their church encoding

Use the logical component parsers to build a general logical parser

combinator into the equivalent church encoding, which:

Correctly negates a given expression

E.g. not not True

Parses complex clauses with nested expressions

E.g. not True and False or True

Parses expressions with the correct order of operations (“()” ->

“not” -> “and” -> “or”)

Exercise 2 (4 marks): Construct a parser for arithmetic expressions


At the end of this exercise, you should have the following parsers:

basicArithmeticP :: Parser Lambda

Parses simple arithmetic expressions (+, -)

arithmeticP :: Parser Lambda

Parses complex arithmetic expressions (+, -, *, **, ()) with

correct order of operations

Recommended steps

Construct a parser for natural numbers into their church encoding (“1”,

“2”, …)

Construct a parser for simple arithmetic operators with natural

numbers into equivalent lambda expressions. (“+”, “-”)

See the Parser combinators section of the notes for some


Construct a parser for complex mathematical expressions with natural

numbers into their equivalent lambda expressions. (“*”, “**”, “()”)

It may be useful to write a BNF for this

Using the component parsers built previously to build a parser

combinator for complex arithmetic expressions.

Note: the correct order of operations, e.g. 5 + 2 * 3 - 1 = 5 + (2 *

3) - 1

Exercise 3 (2 marks): Construct a parser for comparison expressions


At the end of this exercise, you should have the following parsers:

complexCalcP :: Parser Lambda

Parses expressions with logical connectives, arithmetic and

in/equality operations

Recommended steps

Construct a parser for complex conditional expressions into their

equivalent church encoding (>, <, <=, >=, ==, !=)

Using the parsers from the previous exercises, create a parser which

parses arithmetic expressions separated by logical connectives and

in/equality operations

E.g. (1 + 3 < 5 * 3) == (7 * 2 != 4) and (3 - 1 == 5 - 3)

Part 3 (7 marks)

This section of the assignment will include a sequence of exercises that may build to

parse basic Haskell functionality, which can be used to build more complex Haskell

expressions or structures.

Exercise 1 (3 marks): Construct a parser for basic Haskell



At the end of this exercise, you should have the following parsers:

listP :: Parser Lambda

Parses a haskell list of arbitrary length into its equivalent church


listOpP :: Parser Lambda

Parse simple list operations into their church encoding

Recommended steps

Construct a parser for Haskell lists (empty lists, lists of n elements,

arbitrary sized lists)

Construct parsers for simple list operations (null, isNull, head,

tail, cons)

Hint: Haskell uses cons lists to represent lists

Exercise 2 (4 marks): Construct a parser for more advanced



At the end of this exercise you should have parsers that:

Parse some complex language features (of your choice) that bring you

closer to defining your own language.

Recommended steps

You may choose a number of the below examples, or you can come up with your

own (but check with the teaching team if they are considered complex enough).

Implementing each of the following may earn you up to 2 marks (depending on the

quality of the solution). Choose two or more to achieve up to 4 marks total.

Some suggestions include parsers for:

Recursive list functions (e.g. map, filter, foldr, etc.)

These will involve implementing some form of recursion

Note the discussion of recursive lambda calculus functions in

the notes, there are many ways to implement recursive

functions, including but not limited to fixed point combinators

(e.g. Y or Z combinator). Try to notice the downside of each


Other functions such as:



Euclidean algorithm

Euler’s problem



Parsers with error handling

See week 11 tutorial for how to handle errors that come up in


Known algorithms

Binary search

Quick/Insertion/Selection sort

Negative numbers/Decimal numbers

Create your own language!

Report (5 marks)

You are required to provide a report in PDF format of max. 1200 words (markers will

not mark beyond this word limit), description of extensions can use up to 600 words

per extension feature. You should summarise the intention of the code, and highlight

the interesting parts and difficulties you encountered.

In particular, describe how your strategy (and thus your code) evolved. You should

focus on the "why" not the "how".

Additionally, just posting screenshots of code is heavily discouraged, unless it

contains something of particular importance. Remember, markers will be looking at

your code alongside your report, so we do not need to see your code twice.

Importantly, this report must include a BNF grammar and a description about

why and how parser combinator helped you complete the parsing.

In summary, your report should include the following sections:

(0.5 mark) Design of the code (including data-structures)

High level description of approach

High level structure of code

Code architecture choices

(1.5 marks) Parsing

BNF grammar, but the BNF grammar marks are given in the

earlier section

Usage of parser combinators

Choices made in creating parsers and parser combinators

How parsers and parser combinators were constructed using

the Functor, Applicative, and Monad typeclasses

(1 marks) Functional Programming (focusing on the why)

Small modular functions

Composing small functions together

Declarative style (including point free style)

(2 mark) Haskell Language Features Used (focusing on the why)

Typeclasses and Custom Types

fmap, apply, bind

Higher order functions

Function composition

Leveraging built in functions

Description of Extensions (if applicable)

What you intended to implement

What you did implement

What is cool/interesting/complex about it

Marking breakdown

There are two main evaluation criteria for your assignment. For each exercise there

will be 1 mark designated for the quality of the provided solution, and the

remaining marks will be allocated to correctness.


You will be provided with a handful of tests for each exercise (excluding Part 3 -

Exercise 2). On top of these tests, tutors will run an additional test suite to measure

the robustness of your code. Marks will be awarded proportionally for passing the

tests for each exercise. It is highly recommended that you create your own tests as

you go, on top of those provided, and that you consider possible edge cases.

Correctness also relates to the correctness of your approach. That is, how well

you’ve applied concepts covered from the unit content.

You must apply concepts from the course. The important thing here is that you need

to use what we have taught you effectively. For example, defining a new type and its

Monad instance, but then never actually needing to use it will not give you marks.

(Note: using bind (>>=) for the sake of using the Monad when it is not needed will

not count as "effective usage.")

Most importantly, code that does not utilise Haskell's language features, and that

attempts to code in a more imperative style will not be awarded high marks.

Code quality

Code quality will relate more to how understandable your code is. You must have

readable and functional code, commented when necessary. Readable code means

that you keep your lines at a reasonable length (< 80 characters), that you provide

comments above non-trivial functions, and that you comment sections of your code

whose function may not be clear.

Additional information

Common Mistakes

- Haskell is a functional language. Do not write very large do blocks which

handle all of your logic. Think carefully about your context and only use do

notation when applicable.

- Please do not write unnecessary functions reproducing functions from the prelude.

, e.g., the following is just map.

applyToList f (x:xs) = f x : applyToList f xs

applyToList f [] = []

- Try to use appropriate Prelude functions when you can. For examples of this,

please see the 'Exercises' files that have been included since Week 6

- Eta-reduce when easy. The add2List function should be eta-reduced to remove

the l.

add2ToList l = map (+2) l

add2ToList = map (+2)

- Do not write excessively point-free code like this (please):

find' = (. ((find .) . (.) . (==))) . (.) . (.) . maybe -1

Remember, the point of documentation is desecribe how a function is used (i.e. a

manual) rather than describing the implementation details. In the case of a function,

you would explain how to use it rather than obvious parameters, return types, etc.

The point of section/block comments are to describe blocks of code at a high

level to aid in readability and support the overall logical flow of your code.

The point of inline comments are to justify the usage of particular constructs

(e.g. using a `foldr` instead of `foldl`) or to explain how a particularly

non-obvious part of the code works (e.g. describing what a complex maths

expression does; note that excessive inline comments may indicate overly complex

or poorly designed code).

Writing reports

The focus of the report should not be describing the code as that’s what documentation

(function headers, comments, etc.) are for. The purpose of the report is to demonstrate that

you understand the code you have written and help your marker appreciate the work you've


The parts about Functional Programming and Haskell Language Features would be about

the choices you have made in your code. It should also justify why those choices were made

and how they were useful. Some examples here that reference parts of your code is okay,

but the focus shouldn't be on the particular code.

The examples below reference assignment 1 as it will not conflict with the topics you will

discuss in your report.


"the Model-View-Controller architecture helps separate pure components like

data and data transformation from impure svg updates, so errors in the code

can be quickly identified"

"I limit side effects and maintain purity as much as possible because ..."

"I use/do X to Y because Z"

Can include an example: "I use small module functions (e.g. range) ..."

Y is identifying the FRP principle or highlighting a particular piece of


Z is the justification of why that is relevant to your code (e.g. more

understandable, easier to read, extensible, testable, etc.)

Not so good

"In this screenshot, I use X on line 100, which does Y and then Z which then

returns ...."

"... because we have to use pure code"

"... because we can't use let"

"... because the unit said so"

Revision History

28/09/2022: First published with notice of potential (likely) updates and clarifications

08/10/2022: Fixed allocation of marks.

Part 2 is worth 8 marks (up from 7)

Report is worth 5 marks (down from 6)

Design decisions section is worth 0.5 marks (down from 1)

Parsing section is worth 1.5 marks (down from 2)


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