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日期:2021-05-07 11:11

FIT9131 Semester 1 2021 Assignment 2

25 April 2021 1

Used Car Warehouse Database System

Due Date: 10:00pm on Friday in Week 12 (28 May 2021)


This assignment is worth 25% of the marks for your final assessment in this unit. Heavy penalties will

apply for late submission. This is an individual assignment and must be entirely your own work. You must

attribute the source of any part of your code which you have not written yourself. Please read the section on

plagiarism in this document. Your program will be checked with a code similarity detector. Please note the

section on plagiarism in this document.

The assignment must be done using the BlueJ environment. All user input to the system, and system

output to the user, must be done at the BlueJ terminal window. No other graphical interfaces are to be

used (nor assessed) in your program.

The Java source code for this assignment must be implemented according to the FIT9131 Java Coding


Any points needing clarification should be discussed with your tutor in your lab classes. You should not

make any assumptions about the program without consulting your tutor.

Learning outcomes

1) Design, construct, test and document small computer programs using Java.

2) Interpret and demonstrate software engineering principles of maintainability, readability, and


3) Explain and apply the concepts of the "object-oriented" style of programming.


For this assignment you are required to write a program that implements a simple Used Car Warehouse

Database System. This section specifies the required functionality of the program. Only a simple text

interface (using the BlueJ Terminal Window) is required for this program; however, more marks will be

gained for a program that is easy to follow with clear information/error messages to the user.

Even though this program is functionally very different from the program you wrote in Assignment 1, you

should be able to re-use much of your previous code here - if you have designed the classes/logic in your

previous program properly. This is one of the major benefits of an object-oriented program - the ability to

re-use classes.

FIT9131 Semester 1 2021 Assignment 2

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The aim of the Used Car Warehouse Database System is for a virtual warehouse to keep a database of the

used cars in the warehouse, and to perform operations such as searching for cars, adding/deleting/editing

cars, displaying the details of cars, etc.

The Used Car Warehouse Database System should provide the following features:

• maintains a list (using a Java Collection class) of Car objects

o each Car object represents a single “car”

o cars can be searched/added/deleted/edited from the list

• maintains a list (using a Java Collection class) of CarMaker objects

o each CarMaker object represents a car "manufacturer" (maker)

• produces a report of cars based on some criteria

• loads a list of cars from a text file; saves the list of current cars to a text file

• loads a list of car makers from a text file

You are to demonstrate the following programming techniques in your program:

• reading/writing data from/to text files

• using appropriate Java Collection classes to store data (including embedded objects)

• manipulating the data in the collection(s)

• performing simple searches, filtered by some given criteria

• using program constructs such as repetitions & selections

• using appropriate classes to represent objects in the program

There will be a description of the Car and CarMaker classes (and the collection classes which store them)

later in this document.

You are also required to produce a partial Test Strategy for your program.

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Program Logic

When the Used Car Warehouse Database System starts, it should automatically load 2 text files:

• "usedcars.txt" which contains details of all used cars currently kept by the warehouse

• "carmakers.txt" which contains details of all available car makers known to the warehouse

The actual formats of these text files are described later in this document. The data loaded should be stored

in some appropriate data structures (the "databases" – stored in memory). No other reading from (or writing

to) file is required while the program is in operation, until the user chooses to exit, at which point the

program saves all the in-memory cars' data back to the same text file (usedcars.txt) – the

carmakers data does not need to be saved as it is not modified by this program.

In other words, all the file I/O operations are performed automatically by the program, once at the start and

once at the end, and require no interactions with the user.

When the program is running, it should repeatedly display a main menu with these options:

(1) Search Cars

(2) Add Car

(3) Delete Car

(4) Edit Car

(5) Exit System

Option (1) of the main menu allows the user to search for cars in the database. The user should be asked

what criteria(s) he/she wants to use to search for cars. The following sub-menu and options should be

displayed when this option is selected:

Car Searching Options:

(1) By Registration Number

(2) By Car Make and Car Model

(3) By Car Age

(4) By Price (range)

(5) Back to Main Menu

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Sub-menu operations:

• Option (1): the program should ask the user to input a registration number. A valid registration

number should only contain a maximum 6-character combination of English alphabet or

digit (that is, “A”-“Z”, “a”-“z” or “0-9”). If the input contains any invalid character (e.g. empty

space, “#”, “&”, “\” etc.) or more than 6 characters, an error message should be displayed and

the user is prompted for another valid input. If it is a valid input, the database will be searched

for the car matching the specified car registration number. If found, all information for this car

should be displayed; otherwise, some sensible error message (e.g. “No such car with this

Registration Number”) should be displayed.

• Option (2): the program should ask the user to input a Car Make and Model (eg. "Toyota" and

"Corolla"). Important requirement - when entering the make and model, the user must be able

to select from a list of available values (values are read from the "carmakers" input file when

the program starts) – instead of manually typing in the values. When entering the model, the user

can also input a special value of “ANY”, to display all car models from this Car Maker from the

database. As in sub-menu Option (1), the program should display the appropriate search results.

• Option (3): the program should ask the user to input a non-negative integer (e.g. 0, 1, 5, 12 etc.)

to indicate the maximum age of cars they want to search. The entered value should again be

validated. As in sub-menu Option (1), the program should display the appropriate search results.

For example, if the user inputs 0, all cars made in 2021 (current year) should be displayed. If the

user inputs 3, all cars made in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 should be displayed.

• Option (4): the program should ask the user to input a minimum price and a maximum price of

cars they want to search. Both inputs should be positive integers and the maximum price should

be greater than the minimum price. As in sub-menu Option (1), the program should display the

appropriate search results. For example, if the user inputs minimum price = 1000 and maximum

price = 3000, all cars priced from $1000 to $3000 (both inclusive) should be displayed.

• Option (5): the program should go back to the main menu.

Option (2) of the main menu allows the user to add a new car to the database (appropriate input validity

checking should be applied). No duplicate cars are allowed. When entering the make and model, the user

must again be able to select from a list of available values (initialized from the "carmakers" input file).

Option (3) of the main menu allows the user to delete an existing car from the database. The user should be

asked to search the car by Registration Number (appropriate input validity checking should be applied).

Option (4) of the main menu allows the user to edit an existing car from the database. The user should be

asked to search the car by Registration Number (appropriate input validity checking should be applied).

The only 2 fields which can be edited are the Colour and Price.

Option (5) of the main menu exits the program. All the cars currently stored in the in-memory database are

automatically saved back to "usedcars.txt".

Additional Notes:

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Both the main menu and the sub-menu must be displayed repeatedly after each menu operation, until the

user chooses the appropriate exit option. All invalid inputs (including non-numeric or other speical

characters) should be rejected, and an error message printed.

If the user chooses Options (2) in the main menu, the Car Make and Model MUST be selected from a list

which came from the data read (at the start of the program) from carmakers.txt.

Your program must deal in a sensible way with any invalid values entered by the user.

For all the user interactions, the inputs/outputs can be formatted in many different ways. Discuss with your

tutor regarding how you should implement these in your program.

Your user interface need not be exactly as shown in the examples shown above. However, you should

discuss with your tutor about what to include in your user interface. Keep it simple.

Important: see the Program Design section below for a description of what classes you need to

implement in your program. Failure to implement those required classes will cause loss of marks.

There will be some hints in the forum on Moodle later regarding how you should develop the program for

this assignment. Make sure you check them out when they are available.

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Important Requirements

You must satisfy the following requirements when implementing your program:

• a Car object remembers the following data:

o registration number: String

▪ must not be blank, must be numeric/alphabetic (e.g. 8RT2WT)

▪ maximum 6 characters

▪ must be unique (no duplicates)

o year made: int

▪ between 1950-2021 (inclusive)

o colour: Strings

▪ a car can have up to 3 colours (e.g. White + Blue)

o car make: String

▪ any valid car maker (e.g. Toyota)

o car model: String

▪ any valid model (e.g. Corolla)

o price: int

▪ between 500-30000 (inclusive)

• a CarMaker object remembers the following data:

o name: String

▪ a non-empty String, must not contain commas

o available models: Strings

▪ a list of car models available from the car maker, must not contain commas

• you must use appropriate Java data structures to store the Car and CarMaker objects in your

program – see the Program Design section for more details.

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• you may assume that the input data files are always in the correct formats (see below) - ie. there is

no need to validate the actual data when reading them in.

• all operations must be applied to the in-memory data structures - there must not be constant

reading/writing to/from the data file, except once at the start (when the program loads all data from

the files) and once at the end (when the program saves all data back to the file, when it exits)

• the program must not crash when accepting user inputs, regardless of what the user enters.

• all Car Registration Numbers are unique - if a car with the given Car Registration Number is

already in the database, it cannot be added again, and an error message should be displayed.

• there is no limit to how many cars can be stored.

• there is no limit to how many car makers can be stored.

o there is no limit to how many models are available from a particular car maker.

• when performing searches, all search strings are not case-sensitive (e.g. there is no difference

between “178XYZ”, “178xyz” or “178XyZ” for car registration number).

Input File Formats

The first input data file (usedcars.txt) has the following format for each line (note that there is no

empty space in between a word and a comma). If a car has less than 3 colours, the corresponding fields are



• CarRego is a String.

• YearMade is a positive integer.

• Colour1/Colour2/Colour3 are Strings.

• CarMake is a String with no empty space inside.

• CarModel is a String.

• Price is a positive integer.

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Here is an example of a usedcars.txt file:



MARY21,2017,Dark Grey,Blue,Red,BMW,X5,55132

90210,2012,Blue,Light Green,,Honda,Civic,2000

The second input data file (carmakers.txt) has the following format for each line (note that there is no

empty space in between a word and a comma). A car maker can have as many models as there are data in

the file.


• Make is a String representing a Car Maker.

• Model1/Model2/… are Strings representing the models available for that Car Maker.

Here is an example of a carmakers.txt file:






You may assume:

• the strings which represent the various fields (colours/make/etc) do not contains commas.

• this program does not provide the functionality to edit the carmakers list (i.e. use a text editor to

edit "carmakers.txt" if you wish to modify the list).

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Program Design

Your program must demonstrate your understanding of the object-oriented concepts and general

programming constructs presented in FIT9131. Consider carefully your choice of classes, how they interact

and the fields and methods of each class.

You must use appropriate data structures to store the various objects (list of cars, list of car makers, list of

models, etc) in the program. If you do not understand what this means, ask your tutor now.

You must be able to justify the choice of the data structures during your interview. You must document any

additional assumptions you made.

Appropriate validations of values for fields and local variables should also be implemented. You should not

allow an object of a class to be initialized/set to an invalid state (ie. put some simple validations in your

mutator methods).

Discuss with your tutor what classes are appropriate, and how they interact with each other. The main

requirements are:

(1) the cars must be implemented as objects, and they must be stored in some appropriate Java

collections (e.g. an ArrayList of Car)

(2) the car makers must also be implemented as objects, and they must be stored in some appropriate

Java collections (e.g. an ArrayList of CarMaker)

Your program must deal with invalid values entered by the user in a sensible manner. For instance, if a user

enters "abc" when a number is expected, your program should not crash.

Exception handling should be used where appropriate.

All on-screen input/output should be formatted in a user-friendly manner. Sensible error messages should be

displayed whenever appropriate (e.g. entering a duplicate car to add, entering a price outside the allowable

valid range, etc).

Note: The description of the program’s logic/design is purposely left vague, to give you some room to

exercise your own design and creativity. Discuss with your tutor about what/how to implement.

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Test Strategy

For this assignment, you are required to produce a partial Test Strategy for the program.

There is no need to produce Test Strategy for any other classes you have used in your program.

You must provide a Test Plan, plus detailed sets of Test Data, Expected Results and Actual Results for the

Car class.

Your Test Strategy will be only for one class - the Car class.

Your program must consist of at least these classes:

• CarWarehouse – main class, which contains the program's main logic

• Car – represents a single car

• CarMaker – represents a single car maker

• CarDatabase – represents a list of cars

• CarMakerDatabase – represents a list of car makers

any other appropriate classes (e.g. a Menu class) are to be discussed with your own tutor

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Assessment for this assignment will be done via an interview with your tutor. The marks will be allocated as


• 10% - Test Strategy for the Car class.

• 35% - Java Code & Object-Oriented design quality. This will be assessed on appropriate

implementation of classes, fields, constructors, methods, and validations of the objects' states.

• 55% - Program Functionality in accordance with the requirements.

You must submit your work by the submission deadline on the due date (a late penalty of 10% per day,

inclusive of weekends, of the possible marks will apply - up to a maximum of 100%). There will be no

extensions - so start working on it early.

Marks will be deducted for incomplete/untidy submissions, and non-conformances to the FIT9131 Java

Coding Standards.

All submitted source code must compile. Any submission that does not compile, as submitted, will receive a

grade of ‘N’.


You will be asked to demonstrate your program at an "interview" following the submission date. At the

interview you can also expect to be asked to explain your code/design, modify your code, and discuss your

design decisions and alternatives. Marks will not be awarded for any section of code or functionality that a

student cannot explain satisfactorily (the marker may also delete excessive in-code comments before you are

asked to explain that code).

In other words, you will be assessed on your understanding of the code, and not on the actual code itself.

The interviews will be arranged during week 12 and will take place online via Zoom or other video facility

after that week. You must have audio and video available and operating during the interview. It is your

responsibility to make yourself available for an interview time and ensure that you have the audio and video

capabilities. Any student who does not attend an interview will receive a mark of 0 for the assignment.

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Submission Requirements

The assignment must be uploaded to Moodle on or before the due date. The link to upload the assignment

will be made available in the Assignments section of the unit’s Moodle site before the submission deadline.

The submission requirements are as follows:

A ZIP file uploaded to Moodle containing the following components:

• the BlueJ project you created to implement your assignment. The ZIP file should be named with your

Student ID Number. For example, if your id is 12345678, then the file should be named

12345678_A2.zip. Do not name your file any other way.

• it is your responsibility to check that your ZIP file contains all the correct files, and is not corrupted,

before you submit it. If you tutor cannot open your zip file, or if it does not contain the correct files,

you will not be assessed.

• an MS Word document containing your Test Strategy for the Car class. (Note: The JUnit facility in BlueJ

is NOT to be used for this assignment)

• there is no need to submit a physical Assignment Cover Sheet – you will be asked to accept an online

submission statement when you submit the assignment.

Marks will be deducted for failure to comply with any of these requirements.

Warning: there will be no extensions to the due date. Any late submission will incur the 10% per day

penalty. It is strongly suggested that you submit the assignment well before the deadline, in case there

are some unexpected complications on the day (e.g. interruptions to your home internet connection).


Cheating and plagiarism are viewed as serious offences. In cases where cheating has been confirmed,

students have been severely penalised, from losing all marks for an assignment, to facing disciplinary action

at the Faculty level. Monash has several policies in relation to these offences and it is your responsibility to

acquaint yourself with these.

Monash Plagiarism Policy: (https://www.monash.edu/students/admin/policies/academic-integrity).

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