DGUT-Cnam Courses: Computer System Design & Analysis – Java Programming
Computer System Design & Analysis
Java Programming
This project is common to both courses Computer System Design & Analysis and Java Programming.
It has to be realized by the same groups of two students than for project 1. This document describes
the expected work, the deadline, and the conditions to hand in your work.
The project is due on July, 5th.
The aim of the project is to write a simulator of a MIPS processor. You will have to reuse the bits
vector structure of your Project 1 as well as conversion functions.
This project is divided in 5 parts:
1. Register emulation
2. Register banks emulation
3. Multiplexer emulation
4. ALU emulation
5. Processor emulation
Part 1 Registers
A 16 bits register allow to store a binary word of 16 bits. It is composed of 16 registers of 1 bit. The 1
bit register is the elementary memory unit.
(b) a 16 bit register
Figure 1: Registers representation
A 1 bit register has three inputs:
– a 1 bit data input Din
– a 1 bit write enable signal WE
– a 1 bit clock signal CK
and a 1 bit data output.
The data output Dout displays the value stored in the register’s memory.
– When WE = 1, on CK raising edge, the register store the value of Din in it’s memory and update
it’s output accordingly
– In any other conditions (WE = 0 or not CK raising edge instant), the register ignores Din values and
displays the value which is memorized
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DGUT-Cnam Courses: Computer System Design & Analysis – Java Programming
Question 1: Create a Java class which correspond to a 1 bit register specification.
Question 2: Create a Java class which implement a 16 bits registers using the 1 bit register class.
Question 3: propose a UML class diagram of the classes you created.
Remark: A 16 bits register is 16 1 bit registers which have the WE and CK in common (figure 1b).
Therefore, you may also create somes classes to represent the clock signal CK and the WE signal, so that
all the 16 1 bit registers share the same object CK and the same object WE
Remark 2: The clock does not appear in the remaining of this document, but it is an implicit input
of all registers.
Part 2 Register Bank
Figure 2: a register bank
A register bank is a collection of n registers. Each register in the register
bank is designated by its rank number (form 0 to n ? 1).
The register bank supports two operations: writing in a register,
reading from two registers.
The register bank takes as input two register numbers outA and
outB for reading, a register number, in, that designates the register
that is written, a writing enable flag W E and the value of Rin. The
output are the values of registers RA and RB.
Question 1: Implement a register bank of sixteen 16bits registers
using register implementation from part Part 1. If your solution
involves more than one Java class, give the corresponding UML class diagram.
Part 3 Multiplexer
Figure 3: a 16 entries multiplexer
A multiplexer select a value between its multiple inputs: A n inputs
multiplexer has n + 1 inputs:
– n input values i0 to in?1
– a selector s which select one value out of the n inputs and display
it on its output o
Each input values are on 16 bits.
Question 1: implement a n inputs multiplexer. Each input are on
16 bits. Give the corresponding UML class diagram.
Part 4 ALU Emulation
An Arithmetic and Logical Unit compute arithmetic and logical operations
on its inputs.
The ALU posses 3 inputs:
– 2 operands A and B on 16 bits
– a command cmd on 3 bits (could be extended if needed)
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DGUT-Cnam Courses: Computer System Design & Analysis – Java Programming
Figure 4: an ALU
And 4 outputs:
– O: result of the operation
– Z: zero flag, which is 1 when the result if zero, and 0 otherwise
– OV F: overflow flag, which is 1 on overflow, 0 otherwise
– C: carryout flag, which is 1 on carry on the most significant bits,
0 otherwise
The ALU should provide, at least, the following operations:
– Unsigned addition
– Signed addition
– Logical Shift to the right
– Logical Shift to the left
Question 1: give an encoding of each operation for the cmd input.
Question 2: Implement the ALU.
Remark : You are asked to use inheritance to implement the ALU. For instance you may create a class
representing an operation and extend it by creating subclasses for each concrete operation (additions
and shifts).
Part 5 Processor Emulation
Question 1: By using components made in previous part, implement a processor corresponding to the
following architecture. All values should be stored using the bit vector representation of the project 1.
Give the corresponding UML class diagram.
SelA SelB cmd
Figure 5: Processor Architecture
The processor has 9 inputs:
– Rs, Rt and Rd: specify the source register, the transfer register and the destination register
– Imm: the immediate value
– W E: write enable, enable writing in destination register
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DGUT-Cnam Courses: Computer System Design & Analysis – Java Programming
– Seli
: select the input value of the bank register
– SelA and SelB: select the inputs value of the ALU
– cmd: specify the operation computed by the ALU
and 2 outputs: the result of the ALU and status which is the set of flags of the ALU.
Question 2: Write a small program (a Main class) which allows to test this processor
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