Resit Project
1ARC– Explorer Version 1.0
Use: Students/Staff
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SUPINFO Academic Dept.
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SUPINFO International University –
1ARC – Explorer
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SUPINFO International University – EDUCINVEST - Rue Ducale, 29 - 1000 Brussels Belgium .
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SUPINFO International University –
1ARC – Explorer
1 PROJECT OVERVIEW....................................................................................... 4
2 FUNCTIONAL EXPRESSION.............................................................................. 4
2.1 OPERATION...................................................................................................... 4
2.2 CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................... 6
3 DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................ 6
4 GRADED ITEMS............................................................................................... 6
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SUPINFO International University –
1ARC – Explorer
RetroGame is creator of the educative assembler games. They want to launch a new game named
MathGame to learn basic mathematic operations.
With an explorer in a game zone, the architecture purpose is to choose 3 values and 2 operators to
construct the calculation with the result.
You must use x86 ASM for your project.
At the beginning MathGame must show this indications:
Photo 1 : The start Game
And after, there is a construction of the game zone:
Photo 2 : The game zone
A symbol suite describes your explorer (for example: *****). The direction of the explorer is made by
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SUPINFO International University –
1ARC – Explorer
the user. The user choose the direction to catch numbers and operators to realize the calculation.
The MathGame purpose is to select numbers and operators to make an operation. With an after
example, you win if you make 1+2=3.
Photo 3 : The game
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SUPINFO International University –
1ARC – Explorer
The elements in the MathGame are fixed. In the screen, there is a zone to move the Explorer. At the
beginning, there is an explorer, numbers and operators in the fixe position. Only explorer can move.
The user with keyboard keys move the Explorer. When the Explorer touch the numbers or operators
there is a verification to do. The verification determine the sequence that the Explorer must do. If
you look the pictures (photo 3), the sum is 1 + 2 = 3. So the sequence to respect is: 1 + 2 = 3. If there is
an error during the exploration, the game stop and indicate there is an error. If there is no error so
the score is added by 1 point. During the game, if the number or operator touched is correct, so it
You must use x86 ASM for your project.
Students should include the following elements in their final delivery:
A zip archive with the project source code. The source code must also come with the build system
used, if any.
Project documentation, based on the template.
o Technical documentation explaining your choices and/or implementation choices/details
on the following items.
o User manual (configuration how to)
The first document is an academic document. Address the reader as a teacher, not a client. The last
one (game manual) should address the reader as a user. These documents can be in French or in
English, at your option.
The project will be graded as follows, on a 30 scale:
Documentation (6 points)
User documentation (3 points)
Technical documentation (3 points)
Operation (14 points)
Initial page (3 points)
Game zone (3 points)
Score zone (3 points)
Explorer, numbers and operators (5 points)
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SUPINFO International University –
1ARC – Explorer
Configuration (10 points)
The explorer moves (2 points)
The explorer detects the numbers or operators (2 points)
The numbers and operators disappears (2 points)
The sequence is respected or not, with the assignment of the score points (4 points)
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