COM6471 Assignment 2: Herding Cats!
Dr Ramsay G Taylor
October 28, 2018
1 Outline
This assignment requires you to use Java to implement a simple game. The
game is played on a 3 x 3 grid where the squares are numbered from 1 to 9
in the pattern of a standard computer keypad. This numbering is shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: The grid numbering
The game involves 10 Cats and one Dog. The Cats and Dog are each located
in one particular square on each turn of the game. The player controls the Dog,
and the Cats move (mostly) in response to the Dog’s position.
The game starts with the 10 Cats randomly distributed across the grid. On
each turn the player enters a number and the Dog is moved to that square. The
Cats should then move 1 square, according to the following rules:
Each Cat picks a number between 1 and 6
If the number is 1-3, then the cat moves away from the dog. This should
be to the square directly away from the dog, unless this would take the
Cat off the edge of the grid, in which case it should stay still.
If the number is 4 or 5, the Cat should move beside the Dog — i.e. it
should move to a square adjacent to its start square and adjacent to the
Dog. For example, in the position shown in Figure 2, a Cat on square 5
who rolled a 4 or 5 could move to either square 8 or square 6.
If the number is a 6 then the Cat should move to the same square as the
If the Dog is on the same square as the Cat at the start of the turn, then
the cat can move randomly to any adjacent square.
One position in the game is shown in Figure 2, with Cats represented by
the letter C and the Dog represented by the letter D. The player has chosen to
move the Dog to square 9 in this example.
Figure 2: An example of the board
The object of the game is to herd the Cats into a single square. It doesn’t
matter which square, once all the Cats are in one square the player wins the
game. (Note: this game is based on an English idom about the impossibility of
herding cats — its not intended to actually be likely that you can win!!)
The game could be expanded to include other rules, e.g.: the Dog could only
be allowed to move to squares adjacent to its current square, or the board could
be made larger.
2 Task
Your assignment is to implement this game in Java.
You must create a Cat class that models the individual Cats. It must
contain an instance variable that tracks which square the Cat is on, and
a void move(int dog) method that takes the Dog’s current square as an
argument and updates the Cat’s square appropriately.
You should create other classes and methods as you choose to form a
structured, Object-Oriented system.
You must create a graphical display of the grid and the Cats and Dog.
Just using letters, as in Figure 2 is perfectly fine, but you can create
some more imaginative symbols if you want to. You are encouraged to
use the EasyGraphics class from the sheffield package, but you may use
standard Swing classes if you prefer. If you use esoteric packages from
weird libraries then you may not receive marks for either code clarity, or
for its function if its operation is not obvious, and the markers will not go
and download stuff from the internet just to make your code run!
The game should randomly place the 10 Cats and then prompt the user for
a square number to place the Dog (you can use EasyReader for this and
have the user enter the number in the terminal). The Cats should each
have their move(dogsquare) method called to update their position. The
grid should then be re-drawn and the user prompted for another square.
The game should end if either all the Cats are in the same square, or the
user enters a number greater than 9. It should print a message to say
“You’ve won!” or “Exiting” to show which event cause it to end.
If you import java.util.Random you can create an new Random object
and use its nextInt(6) method to produce a number from 0 to 5 (i.e.
from 0 to less than 6)
3 Submission and Marking
You should submit your .java files through MOLE. The MOLE submission page
will be configured to accept multiple files and you should ensure that all the files
you have written are included.
The marking scheme will be as follows:
70 — 100% Classes, methods, and instance variables used extensively
and appropriately. Clear code layout. Useful, descriptive
comments. All of the described game functionality implemented,
and some additional functionality or interface improvements
60 — 70 Classes, methods, and instance variables used appropriately.
Clear code. Some meaningful comments. All of the
described game functionality implemented.
50 — 60 Classes, methods, and instance variables used. Readable
code, if not perfectly organised or presented. Most of the
game functionality is present.
40 — 50 Some use of Classes, methods, and instance variables. Confusing
but basically functional code. A recognisable proportion
of game functionality present.
0 — 40 Limited or no OO features. Virtually no recognisable components
of the required game present. Meaningless code
You are reminded that the University of Sheffield takes the use
of unfair means very seriously. The code you present for this assignment
must be entirely your own work. Code that is plagiarised — that is, copied
from somewhere else — is not acceptable and you will receive zero for this
assignment and be called to a departmental unfair means panel where it will be
investigated further. If you are found to have knowingly allowed your work
to be plagiarised you will also receive zero and be further investigated.
Since the purpose of these assignments is to test your knowledge of Object
Oriented design and Java, you must also avoid collusion — that is, discussing
your design or implementation with your classmates to such a degree that you
end up submitting similar work. Even if you have produced the code independently,
part of the object of the assignment is to evaluate your Object Oriented
design approach, so you must develop your solution independently.
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