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日期:2018-06-04 03:39

COMP 1040 Programming Fundamentals

“I think it’s wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly.”

- Steven Wright.


1 The Problem

The supplied code, when run, simulates a game of Javopoly™. However the game is very boring:

all of the squares on the Javopoly board are empty so nothing happens when a player lands on

any of them. Your task is to make the simulation a little bit more interesting by implementing

the following:

1. Implement a class hierarchy for all the types of squares on the board.

2. Implement a class hierarchy for the various types of LuckyCards which are used when a player

lands on a PotLuck square.

3. Fill in the methods of the OutputPlayers, which write information about Players in the game

to a text file.

4. Create an Exception class and modify the GameBoard class to throw this Exception when

too many squares of any type are added to the board.

2 Description of Classes

2.1 game.JavopolyGame

JavopolyGame is the main class; the main method sets up and runs the simulation. The Javopoly

game has a GameBoard, a pile of LuckyCards (known as a CardStock), and an array of Players. Once

all the components are set up the game cycles through each Player in turn, rolling the dice, moving

the Player, and handling what happens when the Player lands on each BoardSquare. Players can

go into debt (have a negative cash balance). In this case a Player is prevented from moving until

his/her balance returns to positive (e.g. through collecting rent). Each time a Player completes a

circuit of the board they are awarded $200 from the bank. Prior to each dice roll the user is given

the option to roll (continue the game), dump (save Player data to text file) or quit.

The following methods are all visible and may be used by your own classes:

• int getNumPlayers()

• Player getPlayer(int)

• GameBoard getBoard()

• int rollTheDice()

• int getLastDiceRoll()

• LuckyCard getLuckyCard()

• boolean movePlayer(Player, int)

The JavopolyGame supplied to you has been limited in order to run as-is without any extra

classes. When you have written and added your own classes you will want to make some changes:

1. in method setupCards comment out the first line and uncomment the second line, once you

have implemented all of the LuckyCard types. Also edit the CardStock constructor to enable

method 2.

2. in constructor JavopolyGame comment the testInitialisation line then uncomment one

of the other lines (or add a call to your own initialisation routine) to set up a more interesting

game. Also edit GameBoard to uncomment/enable the other initialisation routines.


2.2 game.Player

This class provides functionality for a single player in the game. Each Player has a cash balance,

a position on a GameBoard, and a portfolio of Propertys. At most Player.MAX_NUM_PROPERTIES

can be owned by a single Player.

You should not need to make changes to this class, but you will use its publically visible

methods in your own classes:

• double getCash()

• void addToCash(double)

• void decreaseCash(double)

• int getSquareIndex()

• int advancePosition(int)

• int addToPortfolio(Property)

• getNumProperties()

• getNumPropertiesOfSameType(Property)

See header comments / JavaDoc to learn how to use these methods. In addition to the above

there are several methods which return information about the Player as a String: playerID(),

playerPosition(), listOfProperties() and of course toString().

Be aware that each Player receives a unique colour. Once these are exhausted it will not be

possible to create new Players. If you require more Players then edit the class and add more colours

to enum COLOUR.

2.3 game.GameBoard

The GameBoard maintains an array of all the squares on a Javopoly board and provides functionality

to set up the board. Use the method getSquare(int) to obtain any BoardSquare by its

index. The method setSquare(int, BoardSquare) is used to affix a BoardSquare to a particular

index on the board.

The supplied GameBoard class will allow you to set any number of squares of a given type.

However, the defined constants MAX_NUM_BUSINESS, MAX_NUM_BUSSTATION and MAX_NUM_GAOL are

all supplied. Your fourth task will involve modifying or overloading setSquare so that it throws

an Exception if a user tries to set a square to a Business, BusStation or Gaol when the respective

limit of that square type has already been reached.

The supplied GameBoard will only create a board full of default squares (which do nothing).

Once you have implemented all required classes then uncomment the mawsonLakesInitialisation

method and also the case blocks in testInitialisation so you can create a board with more

interesting square types. You can also add your own initialisation code here (and call it from the

JavopolyGame constructor) to set up boards with whatever squares you require.

2.4 game.CardStock

This class is used by the GameBoard to serve LuckyCards when required. As supplied it creates a

stock of DoNothingCards. When you have written classes for all of the LuckyCard types, uncomment

case 2 in the constructor, and make the change to JavopolyGame.setupCards. You can also write

and use your own case to set up a stock of LuckyCards as you desire.


2.5 squares.BoardSquare

This class represents a square on the Javopoly board. It has a name which is supplied as a String

upon construction. It has a reference to the JavopolyGame object to which it belongs, also supplied

upon construction. BoardSquare methods may call all of the JavopolyGame’s visible methods via

this reference. BoardSquare has the following methods:

• boolean isBuyable()

return true if this square can be bought by a Player.

• boolean handlePlayerLeaving(Player)

Process an attempt by a Player to leave this square. Return true if successful, false if the

Player did not leave the square.

• void handlePlayerEntry(Player)

Process what happens when a Player enters this square.

2.5.1 Kinds of BoardSquare

In addition to a generic BoardSquare are the following types.

PotLuck: When landed upon, a LuckyCard is drawn from the CardStock and applied to the


Gaol: A Player on a Gaol square is permitted to leave the square only on a dice roll of 2,3,11

or 12. Gaol is entered only by landing on it; there is no “Go to Gaol” square.

Property: A square which can be bought and used to collect rent from other Players. See

next section (§ 2.5.2).

2.5.2 squares.Property

NOTE: A Property class has been supplied only so that the other supplied code will compile and

run. You must replace this with your own Property class which behaves as follows.

A Property is a BoardSquare which can be bought by a Player. It has a price and a name

(supplied at construction), and may eventually have an owner. When a Player enters a Property


• if (s)he owns it, a message to this effect is displayed.

• if another Player owns it, rent is paid to him/her.

• if

– it is unowned, and

– the Player can afford it (i.e. (s)he has enough positive cash balance), and

– the Player does not already own Player.MAX_NUM_PROPERTIES Propertys,

then it is bought by the Player: his/her balance is decremented by the purchase price and it

is added to his/her portfolio.

There are three kinds of Property and each has a different way of computing rent amounts:

Street: rent is the purchase price divided by 10. There are no houses or hotels in Javopoly!

BusStation: rent is equal to $50 multiplied by the total number of BusStations in the owner’s


Business: rent is computed as $10 multiplied by the last dice roll, multiplied by the total

number of Businesses in the owner’s portfolio.


2.6 cards.LuckyCard

This is the base class for all kinds of LuckyCard in the game. All potluck card types must be

derived from this, directly or indirectly. Be aware of the following methods:

• LuckyCard(String) The base constructor takes a message which is displayed when the card

is enacted. Note that subclass constructors may require extra information, e.g. monetary


• showMessage() prints the card’s message, as supplied in the constructor

• abstract boolean enactCard(Player, JavopolyGame Execute the actions of the card

upon the supplied Player, in the supplied JavopolyGame. When you override this method in

your subclasses you will exploit methods of Player and JavopolyGame.

• String toString() This is used to print out the required text when the card is executed.

It will be overridden by your subclasses.

2.6.1 kinds of LuckyCard

cards.DoNothingCard is supplied for you; when enacted, a DoNothingCard displays “Nothing to

do”, and does nothing else. Other kinds, which you must implement, are

AdvanceToken: This has a number of steps, which is specified on construction. When enacted

on a Player, that player is moved ahead by that number of squares.

PayAllPlayers: A money amount is supplied on construction. When enacted on a Player, that

player must pay the specified amount to each other Player in the game.

PayToBank: A money amount is supplied on construction. When enacted on a Player, that

player has his/her balance decreased by the specified amount.

ReceiveAllPlayers: A money amount is supplied on construction. When enacted on a Player,

that player receives the specified amount from each other Player in the game.

ReceiveFromBank: A money amount is supplied on construction. When enacted on a Player,

that player has his/her balance increased by the specified amount.

RollAgain: The dice are rolled again and the Player is moved accordingly.

2.6.2 useful methods of other classes

You may find the following methods of other classes useful when you write the enact method for

each card type. LuckyCards:

• JavopolyGame.movePlayer()

• JavopolyGame.getNumPlayers()

• Player.decreaseCash()

• Player.addToCash()

• JavopolyGame.getPlayer()

• JavopolyGame.rollTheDice()

2.7 game.OutputPlayers

This class is used to write information about all Players to a text file. Two writePlayersToFile

methods are supplied. Your third task is to replace the code within these methods in order to

open a text file and write Player information to it.


2.8 utility.DiceRoller

This class provides functionality to roll a number of dice having a given number of sides. In

Javopoly two six sided dice are used; this is hardwired into the game as a named constant.

When debugging and testing your code you may want to “load the dice” to return predetermined

values. The method DiceRoller.setSeed allows you to load the dice with a specific

sequence of numbers, or even allow the user to input the result of every dice roll. If desired, then

edit JavopolyGame.main to set the DiceRoller behaviour before the playTheGame method is called.

3 Tasks

3.1 Squares of the Board

Design and implement a class hierarchy for all types of squares on the board as described in

§ 2.5, with BoardSquare as the root class. Implement all such classes in the squares package.

Use inheritance where appropriate, use abstract where appropriate, implement methods at an

appropriate level in the inheritance tree.

Your classes must work with the supplied code, e.g. GameBoard.mawsonLakesInitialisation.

Examine this code and make sure your class names and constructors agree with these calls.

3.2 Lucky Cards

Design and implement a class hierarchy for all PotLuck cards as described in § 2.6, with LuckyCard

as the root class. Implement all such classes in the cards package. Use inheritance where appropriate,

use abstract where appropriate, implement methods at an appropriate level in the inheritance


Your classes must work with the supplied code, e.g. CardStock() called with initialise

parameter equal to 2. Examine this code and make sure your class names and constructors agree

with this.

3.3 Player output

When “dump” is entered into the simulation prompt, details of each Player should be written to

a text file. Edit the OutputPlayers class and implement the two writePlayersToFile() methods.

These should open the specified text file, write information about each Player in the specified

JavopolyGame, and close the file. An error message should be written to the console in case of


HINT: use JavopolyGame.toString().

3.4 Limit number of square types

A Javopoly Board should only allow a limited number of squares to be Businesses, BusStations

or Gaols. The maximum number of each type is specified in GameBoard.MAX_NUMBER_BUSINESS,


Write a new Exception class called TooManyException. Modify the GameBoard class to throw

a TooManyException if an attempt is made to set a square of the board to one of the limited types,

when the maximum allowable squares of that type has already been reached. When throwing the

Exception ensure that the message mentions which limit has been violated.

HINT: modify or overload GameBoard.setSquare().

3.5 Testing

game.TestRoutines contains a couple of methods for testing aspects of the game: one for testing

the AdvanceToken lucky card, the other for testing the purchase of Streets. Each method returns

true if the test passes. The main() method runs each test method.


Devise more test methods for at least four other aspects of the game. You can choose what

to test. Implement your tests in this class. Add calls to them from the TestRoutines.main()


Comment the headers of your methods to describe what you are testing, how you are doing it,

and what you expect the output to be if the test is successful. Even if you don’t write the actual

methods, write the comments describing the tests and you’ll be awarded half marks.

Note: to use assert in your test routines you will need to enable assertions in eclipse. See

header comments in TestRoutines.

4 Marks breakdown

• 30 design and implementation of class hierarchies (tasks 1 and 2)

• 5 class hierarchy diagram (tasks 1 and 2)

• 15 implementation and correct use of of TooManyException (task 3)

• 10 file output (task 4)

• 10 implementation of testing methods.

Half marks for comments/plan only.

• 10 reasonable output produced when run with Mawson Lakes board.

• 10 commenting. This must include JavaDoc for each method.

• 10 other style: indentation, meaningful identifiers, etc.

5 Advice

I suggest this plan of attack:

• Tasks 1 and 2:

– Sketch out a class diagram for the BoardSquare and LuckyCard class hierarchies. Try

to identify commonalities among the various squares and cards and reflect this with

intermediate level classes.

– Implement all the classes as stubs, i.e. classes with empty method bodies (except

maybe for super() calls in constructors). For example write all the card classes like

DoNothingCards. Ensure that your classes will compile with the supplied code, i.e. they

have the same names and the same constructor signatures as used in the GameBoard

and CardStock initialisation routines.

– Make the following edits to enable the full game:

∗ edit the JavapolyGame constructor, comment out the testInitialisation line

and uncomment one of the other initialisation lines.

∗ edit setupCards method, comment the first line and uncomment the second.

∗ edit CardStock and uncomment case 2 in the constructor

∗ edit GameBoard and uncomment the mawsonLakesInitialisation.

Run the program. This will confirm that you have all the required classes with the

correct method signatures.

– Implement each class in turn. Fill in the methods, test the methods, run the program.

When you’re satisfied then move to the next class. Consider writing methods in

TestRoutines as you go.


• Task 3: Implement methods in OutputPlayers class.

• Task 4: Implement TooManyException and employ it in GameBoard. Initially work with only

one of the limits, e.g. MAX_NUM_GAOL. When you get this working extend your code for the

other two limits.

• Testing: add tests (or at least test plans in comments) in TestRoutines, if you have not

already done so while developing your classes.

• Export your project as a ZIP file (ensuring class hierarchy diagram is a file in the top level

of your project, NOT as a separate entry in the ZIP). Submit this.

• Kick back and relax! ,

General advice:

• Pay attention to the course discussion board. Any announcements or corrections will be

made here.

• Seek help if you need it! Ask fellow students on the discussion board, come to consulting

sessions with the lecturer, etc.


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