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日期:2024-09-27 06:14

Homework 1

ECON 4811 – Section B03

Introduction to Econometrics

Fall 2024

Please read the instructions very carefully.

1. ??To complete this Homework, you will have to use the dataset “data_hw1.dta”

2. ??You must use?Stata.

3. ??You need to generate log files. Hint : log?using?filename.smcl,?replace?starts?the?log.?This?should be the first command on your do file after you?change your?directory?with?the?cd?command.

log close?ends and closes the log?file. This?should be?the?last?command?on?your?do?file. Your?log?file?should be in ?.smcl?format (which is the default format of?log?files).

4. ??Your code must be collected in a do?file. Each?code?on?the?file?should be preceded by?a?comment?explaining???which question is answered by that code. Do not give?instructions to?Stata manually?using?the?interface. Your?work must be done in codes.

5. ??You must write your answers neatly by hand on the second page of?this paper.?Just write your?answers. No?explanations are needed.

6. ??Submission of?answers: You must submit the following documents:

i. ??A good quality scan/photograph of?your handwritten answers. The format of?this?file?must be pdf.

ii. ??Your log file. The?format must be?.smcl.?iii. ??Your do file.?The?format must be?.do.

7. ??Filename?format: Every?file?you?submit?must?be?named?in?the?following?way:

lastname_firstname_studentID_hw1. For example, if?I were to submit answers for this homework, my?log file would be named, chatterjee_bibaswan_?123456_hw1.smcl; assuming that my ID is?123456.

8. ??All three files must be uploaded to Canvas, for the assignment.

9. ??The deadline for submitting files?is?5 PM?on?September?29,?2024.

10. I will not accept printed copies of?the three documents, irrespective?of?when you?try?to?submit?them.

11. Note: Failure to submit all documents?will invite penalties. Failure to?extensively?and clearly?comment?on?your do file or to properly document your work on your log?file will?invite penalties. Failure to?follow?file?format, file naming conventions might invite penalties. Illegible writing will invite a?score?of?zero.

12. Make sure you sign your name on the second page?of?this?file?(by hand).

13. Round all numeric answers to three decimal points.

14. I do not need robust standard errors. Please do not?use?the?option?robust?in?your?computation?methods.

15. Hints: (i) Lookup the code,?count, in?Stata. (ii) ?Not?equal?is written?as?!=?in?Stata?codes.

16. This homework assignment is worth 80 points.

1. ??This data is an example of data?(select?from?cross-section/time?series/pooled/panel) [5 points]

2. ??The number of?counties is . [5 points]

3. ??The average number of?murders in?1986 is . [5 points]

4. ??The maximum number of?murders in?1986?is . [5 points]

5. ??The average number of?executions in?1986 is . [5 points]

6. ??The maximum number of?executions in?1986 is . [5 points]

7. ??In?1986, how many counties had zero murders? . [5 points]

8. ??In?1986, what percentage of?counties had any executions? %?[5 points]

9. ??Suppose that aresearcher wants to find the effect?of?executions?on murder?in?1986. The researcher uses

Ordinary Least?Squares. [5 x 6 = 30 points]

a.??The marginal effect of?one more execution on murder?is .

b. ?If?there are 20 executions, the?researcher?can predict?that?there will?be murders.

c. True/False: The prediction in Question 9(b) makes sense.

d. ?If?there are 0 executions,?the researcher?can predict?that?there will be murders.

e. True/False: The prediction in Question 9(d) makes sense.

f. ??Using the method used in Question 9, the?correlation?coefficient between murder?and predicted murder is .

10. If?executions go up by?1% in?1986, murders change by %. [5 points]

11. True/False: The marginal effect of?arrests (in?1985) on murder?(in?1986)?is?more?than?that?of?the?marginal effect of?executions (in?1985) on murder (in?1986). [5 points]

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