!!This document is a DRAFT and Will be Updated Soon!!
2020 Semester 2 ITA LAC Task 4 "Practice Website" Due Friday 16/October/2020 (11:55PM)
Create a very simple webpage about YOUR assigned ITA company:
* This webpage MUST contain 5 (FIVE) files – 2 in the main folder and 3 in the sub-folder named images:
1. index.html in the main folder (create it using a text editor, such as Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on Mac OS)
- specifies the title - your ITA company name,
- links to the CSS file main.css,
- contains the biggest heading that reads "Welcome to " followed by your ITA company name,
- contains a text paragraph describing briefly (in about 100 words) what your ITA company does (its business description or mission statement) – you can copy this from LAC Task 1,
- includes your company logo image (size 200px X 200px, file format PNG),
- includes your feature image (size 800px X 500px, file format PNG),
- includes your product montage image (size 800px X 500px, file format PNG),
- contains another text paragraph with the text "© " followed by your student number, full legal name and your chosen English name, and then the text ", a student at Taylors College Sydney" where "Taylors College Sydney" is a hyperlink to https://www.taylorssydney.edu.au/. For example, "© 2345678 XU Jiawei Jacky, a student at Taylors College Sydney" but with the hyperlink.
2. main.css in the main folder (create it using a text editor, such as Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on Mac OS)
- Using the colour scheme that you have previously chosen for your company, specify 1 of these 4 colours as the webpage background and the other 3 colours for the heading and each of the 2 text paragraphs (different colour for each different text element).
- Specify 2 different font typefaces – one font typeface for the heading and a different font typeface for the 2 text paragraphs.
- Specify 2 different font sizes for the 2 text paragraphs – the copyright notice should have smaller size than the description of what your company does.
3. Your company logo image (size 200px X 200px, file format PNG) in the sub-folder named: images.
4. Your feature image (size 800px X 500px, file format PNG) in the sub-folder named: images.
5. Your product montage image (size 800px X 500px, file format PNG) in the sub-folder named: images.
* The above 5 files MUST be compressed together in a ZIP file. The name of this ZIP file MUST be: your English name that is used for roll call, followed by your student number, followed by "lac4.zip". Ensure that in this file name there are NO CAPITAL LETTERS AND NO SPACES. For example, "john2345678lac4.zip".
* Before the deadline (specified at the top of this document), submit this ZIP file to ITA Study Smart -> Language in Information Technology -> "LAC Task 4 Practice Website: Due 16/10/20 Submit HERE" (DRAFT: The submission space is not yet open. It will be opened soon!).
* Continue working on you main ITA Websites project.
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