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日期:2019-03-08 10:10

Project Phase III: Design and Web Interface 1

E. Al-Masri

Important Dates: Due Date: Friday Mar 15, 2019 (11:59PM)

A. Phase I due Jan 25

B. Phase II due Feb 18

C. Phase III

o Presentations: Mar 13 and 15

o Complete Project Documentation due Mar 15

o Individual Document (10 marks, see Canvas Project) due Mar 15

Overview (200 points)

In Phase II, you have created the schema and state for your database that is part of your application. In Phase III,

you will work on creating the conceptual model of your database and develop a functional front end of your

database application to demonstrate the major functionalities. The main purpose of this project is to enable you

to gain experience and apply concepts and technologies presented in this course to real-world applications. The

design and implementation of the application utilizes several of the concepts presented in class. You may use any

database environment you like (i.e. MySQL, Microsoft SQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, etc…) or development tool to build

your application. The following elements are the required deliverables for Phase III.

Part A: E-R diagram: (25 points)

Design and create an Entity Relational (ER) model for your project database.

For each entity you create, ask yourself:

What are its attributes?

What attributes can make up its key?

Is the entity weak?

Is the entity a subclass of another entity?

What relations does it have with other entities?

Are any attributes multivalued?

For each relation you create, ask yourself:

What is its cardinality ratio?

What are the participation constraints?

Is it an identifying relationship?

Come up with at least one derived attribute and include it in your ER model.

Part B: Normalization (20 points)

Your database must be normalized to BCNF. Demonstrate/Proof that the database is in BCNF.

Winter 2019 TCSS445: Database Systems Design

Project Phase III: Design and Web Interface 2

E. Al-Masri

Part C: Revised Relational Schema (20 points)

Now that you have optimized your database to BCNF based on Parts A and B, this may require changes to your

initial database schema that was created in Phase II. Therefore, revise your relational schema from Phase II to

accommodate and/or reflect the changes that may have been introduced as a result of Parts A and B. Your ER

design model from Part A must map correctly to your revised relational schema.

Create a SQL Script file (with .sql extension) that contains all SQL statements including:

- an illustrative diagram of the relational database schema (see Figure 3.7 from the textbook).

- the required SQL DDL statements for creating the database schema (see Figure 4.1 from the textbook)

Your schema should clearly specify all necessary integrity constraints (e.g. PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEYS,

NOT NULL, etc.) for constructing your database relations. A partial requirement for this database schema

is to also include at least:

o four CHECK constraints,

o four attributes with initial default values, and

o all proper ON DELETE and ON UPDATE clauses associated with all of the defined foreign keys.

- SQL statements for creating sample data that reflects a real-world database application. Each relation

should contain at least 10 tuples. Make sure that the populated data is suitable for the types of queries in

Part C. Provide all the necessary INSERT INTO statements for all sample data in this section (group them

by each table and provide necessary documentation

- Ten non-trivial SQL Queries. Ensure that proper documentation is provided for each query including a

query (a) number, (b) purpose and (c) summary of the expected result.

You may use the queries developed in Phase II Parts A, B and C. However, since you have revised your relational

schema, this may require changes to the SQL queries developed in Phase II. Provide the necessary

documentation throughout the entire SQL script. The SQL script must specify the working database platform that

is used to run the SQL statement and must run without any errors on the specified platform.

Part D: Front End Interface (25 points)

You are asked to use your imagination in designing and developing an application that serves as the frontend of

your database application. That is, the overall functionality of the system is delivered using multiple Web pages.

The project should be relevant to the course content. In particular, it should have some connection with the

Databases, World Wide Web, Scripting technologies, and Markup Languages. You may use any Web

programming language or scripting technology to develop this front end (i.e. PHP, ASP.NET, JSP, CFM).

The front end or the interface of your system should demonstrate the major functionalities of your system. In

particular, your system should at least demonstrate a working functionality of the following


Two or more Web pages that you implement (e.g. homepage of the project, overview)

Web pages will execute 4 of the SQL Queries from Phase II (Part C) and displaying the results in the

proper tabular HTML format. These web pages should demonstrate or exhibit the usefulness of your

database application and overall features.

Winter 2019 TCSS445: Database Systems Design

? Project ? Phase III: Design and Web Interface 3

E. Al-Masri

Part E: Project Documentation and Final Report (40 points)

The final report should reflect the purpose, design and technical implementation of your database application.

This report should be 3 - 5 pages (~2500 words), Times 11 font and single column. The report must include an

abstract, introduction, objective and scope of the project, relation to other existing work that closely relate to

your database application, the main body of work, an overview of the architecture, conclusions with contribution,

design diagrams, thoughts about any future work and references. The report should also reflect the overall goals

of the project, its relationship to the course, design and implementation, results and analysis. Your report should

also include proofs of a working or functional SQL queries used throughout this phase (i.e. screenshot of all

queries used). In addition, the final report should include screenshots of the interface and/or front end of your


Part F: Implementation/Coding/Performance Evaluation (20 points)

The grading for this section depends on the project itself. That is, if you implement a system then how well the

system is implemented, what is the level of complexity of the functionality, the level of creativity in implementing

the system, the level of documentation of the coding, performance analysis of the system when compared to

similar existing systems that closely resemble your project idea, and the overall usability.

Part G: Presentation and Demo/Prototype (30 points)

Each group will demonstrate and defend their project work. You must prepare PowerPoint slides for a 7 minutes

presentation. Each presentation will be followed by 3 minutes for questions. You are required to submit the

PowerPoint slides of the presentation.

Part H: Short Video (20 points)

Develop a 3-5 minute video that shows a real-time demo of your project/prototype (file named video.mp4). The

short video should exhibit your overall TCSS445 project, interface design, running SQL queries, ER design, among

other features.

Winter 2019 TCSS445: Database Systems Design

Project Phase III: Design and Web Interface 4

E. Al-Masri

Deliverable (submit electronically via CANVAS: drop box Phase III):

Each group is required to submit a compressed file ( “zip” extension) with the filename being the group’s number

(i.e. group_number.zip where number represents your group number) containing the answers/requirements

outlined in Parts A-G. Below is an outline of the recommended format for your final submission:

i. PDF document (.pdf file named FinalReport.pdf) containing

o Cover Page (with group name, members’ names and logo)

o Part E: Final Report

o Part A: Appendix A: ER Diagram (one single page)

o Part B: Appendix B: Normalization Proof to BCNF (maximum of two pages)

o Part C: Appendix C: Relational Schema Diagram (one single page)

o Part E (cont’d): Appendix D: Screenshots of functional SQL Queries (with proper documentation)

o Part D (cont’d): Appendix E: Screenshots of functional Web Interface (with proper documentation)

ii. SQL Script (.sql file named queries.sql)

o Part C: An SQL script file with “sql” extension (with proper documentation)

iii. Implementation/Coding (.zip file named code.zip)

o Part F: Complete database application files that including source code files, web pages, images, etc.

You a required to also include a readme.txt file that describes how to run your project, what

development platform was used, location and structure of your files/folders, etc.

iv. Presentation (pptx file named presentation.pptx)

o Part G: The PowerPoint presentation slides used for the demo/presentation.

v. Short Video (mp4 file named video.mp4)

o Part H: The short video demonstrating your TCSS445 database application.

This is a general description of the assignment; the details are left up to your imagination.

Some Importation Evaluation Considerations:

The following factors will be amongst those considered in evaluating the project: choice and justification of architecture, technology, platform, etc.

bugs found and fixed; possible future enhancements

appropriateness of solution to the stated problem

interface design and usability

standard of writing, including grammar and spelling

organization of reports, including clarity of introduction, logic of structure and navigability

quality of code, including coding style: comments, modularity, etc.

use of technology or concepts addressed in the rest of the course

delineation of creative activity, i.e. what you have produced that is new

extent of research done, including history of problem domain

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