Math 140
Calculus I
Fall 2022
Course Description: Math 140 (GQ) Calculus I (4). Functions, limits, analytic geometry; derivatives, diferentials, applications from engineering; integrals. Students may take only one course for credit from MATH 110, 140, 140A,140B, and 140E.
Prerequisites: MATH 022, MATH 026; or MATH 040 or MATH 041, or satisfactory perfor- mance on mathematics placement examination.
Required Materials:
1. Textbook: Calculus: Early Trancendentals by Jon Rogawski, Colin Adams, and Robert
Franzosat. 4th ed. 2019. MacMillan.
2. Online: An activated Achieve account.
Options for Purchasing the Required Materials: The required materials are available in three diferent forms (you need to purchase only one):
. Electronic Package: isbn 9781319371883. This option provides access to the ebook version of the course materials through a single Achieve account.
. Print Package: isbn 9781319371869 This option includes a hardback edition of the textbook and access to the ebook. Note: The print option includes an activation code for the ebook as well, so anyone who purchases the print option will also have access to the ebook version through their Achieve account.
. Loose-Leaf Package: isbn 9781319371845. This option includes a printed loose-leaf edition of the textbook and access to the ebook. Note: As with the Print option he loose-leaf option includes an activation code for the ebook as well, so anyone who purchases the loose-leaf
option will also have access to the ebook version through their Achieve account. Where to Purchase the Required Materials:
. Electronic: Directly through Achieve — this is simplest and following the link on your Canvas page will allow you to purchase access.
. Print & Loose-Leaf:
(i) Directly through Achieve.
(ii) The Penn State University Bookstore.
Important Notes:
. Please do not purchase or rent any edition of the textbook through any source not listed above. Currently, only the publisher and the University Bookstore ofers the edition of the textbook used in this class. Please check with your instructor before buying or renting through another source.
. Regardless of how you purchase access, you will need to click the link on your Canvas page to enroll in your Achieve section.
Learning Objectives: This course satisies the General Education learning objectives Key Literacies and Critical and Analytical Thinking. Upon successful completion of Math 140, the student should be able to:
. Determine properties about functions described using sentences, tables, graphs, and formu- las, and translate between diferent types of these descriptions.
. Use transformations, compositions, and inverse functions to deine and analyze new functions from old.
. Translate between practical interpretation expressions/sentences and mathematical expres- sions/equations.
. Recognize verbal descriptions of linear functions in order to set up and analyze models of the form y = mx + b.
. Solve problems involving applied linear models.
. Recognize verbal descriptions of sinusoidal functions in order to set up and analyze models of the form. y = M Acos(Bx) or y = M Asin(Bx).
. Know the domain, range, and properties of arcsin x, arctan x, arccos x, and use them to solve problems involving applied sinusoidal models.
. Recognize verbal descriptions of exponential functions in order to setup models of the form y = Abx or y = Aekx.
. Use logarithms to solve problems involving applied exponential models.
. Use average velocities/secant slopes to approximate instantaneous velocities/tangent slopes.
. Recognize instantaneous velocities/tangent slopes as limits of average velocities/secant slopes.
. Use numerical, graphical, and algebraic techniques to solve basic problems involving limits.
. Use basic limit laws to solve more complicated problems involving limits.
. When these basic limit laws do not apply, determine whether the limit form can still be evaluated, or if more information is needed.
. Understand and apply the concept of continuity.
. Find and classify the discontinuities of given functions.
. Evaluate limits using continuity properties.
. Identify and analyze indeterminate limits of the form , , 1 · 0, or 1 — 1 using algebraic techniques.
. Use the Squeeze Theorem to evaluate certain limits that the basic limit laws cannot address.
. Understand and apply the above limit concepts to situations where the function inputs approach 干1.
. Analyze and interpret limits at ininity as long term behavior of applied models.
. Deine and evaluate the derivative f、(a) as the limit of diference quotients. . Find the equation of the tangent line to y = f (x) at the point (a, f (a),.
. Recognize certain situations (corners and vertical tangents) where the derivative does not exist.
. Use diference quotient approximations to answer applied questions involving the concept of derivative, and determine the units of the derivative in terms of the input and output units.
. Deine and evaluate the derivative function f、(x) as the limit of diference quotients.
. Calculate derivatives involving sums, diferences, and constant factors of power functions xn and the natural exponential function ex.
. Determine properties off when given properties off、.
. Diferentiate products and quotients of functions whose derivatives have been discussed pre- viously.
. Use the previously discussed diferentiation formulas and rules to answer applied questions involving derivatives.
. Use the previously discussed diferentiation formulas and rules to calculate second, third, ... derivatives.
. Solve problems using the calculus connections between position, velocity, and acceleration.
. Determine properties off when given properties off、and/or f、、.
. Evaluate and use the derivatives of the functions sin x, cos x, and tan x.
. Diferentiate compositions of functions whose derivatives have been discussed previously.
. Use units in applied problems involving derivatives of compositions to help you answer various questions about these applied models.
. Distinguish between scenarios where “regular”/explicit derivative ideas should be used and when implicit diferentiation is needed.
. Given f (x, y) = k, use the chain rule to calculate dx(dy) .
. Evaluate and use the derivatives of the functions bx , arcsin x, arctan x, and ln x.
. Use geometry to write down equations involving multiple quantities that are changing in time.
. Use the chain rule to determine the relationship between the rates these quantities are changing in time.
. Determine and use the linearization of a function to approximate nearby function values.
. Determine and use the quadraticization of a function to approximate nearby function values.
. Estimate the maximum possible error involved in approximating a function with its lin- earization.
. Find all critical points of a given function.
. Use the Extreme Value Theorem to determine the absolute maximum and minimum values of continuous functions on closed intervals.
. Understand the intuitive idea of the Mean Value Theorem.
. Use sign analysis on f、to determine the increasing/decreasing behavior off.
. Use the First Derivative Test to classify critical points of a given function.
. Use sign analysis on f、、to determine the concavity off.
. Use the Second Derivative Test to classify the critical points of a given function.
. Identify and analyze indeterminate limits of the form ; ; 1 · 0; or 1 — 1 using calculus techniques (L’Hospital’s Rule).
. Use the idea of relative growth rates to quickly evaluate certain indeterminate limits.
. Identify and setup an objective function and constraint(s) when given a applied optimization problem.
. Use calculus to ind the absolute minimum and/or maximum of the objective function.
. Interpret this result in the context of this applied optimization problem.
. Use left sums or right sums to approximate the distance traveled given an object’s velocity function.
. Use the fact that the exact distance traveled is the area under the velocity curve to answer distance questions in situations where areas are known from geometry.
. Interpret and use sigma (summation) notation to calculate Riemann sums that approximate deinite integrals.
. Understand and use basic properties of deinite integrals to solve problems.
. Distinguish between the concepts of net, signed area versus total area.
. Recognize that every derivative statement from earlier in the course can be written as an analogous antiderivative/indeinite integral.
. Use this fact to evaluate antiderivatives/indeinite integrals of sums, diferences, and constant factors of certain functions.
. Use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Part I to evaluate deinite integrals.
. Use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Part II to deine antiderivative(s) of any contin- uous function.
. Use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Part II to diferentiate functions deined as dei- nite integrals.
. Given the units off (x) and x, determine the units of lab f (x) dx and use this to help solve applied problems involving net change.
. Use the technique of substitution to evaluate certain antiderivatives involving compositions.
. Calculate the area between two curves in the xy-plane.
. Understand how the idea of slicing can be used to set up these and other area calculations.
. Use the idea of slicing to calculate volumes of certain solids.
. Use the idea of slicing to calculate the work of moving objects against gravity in cases where the simple W = Fd formula cannot be used for the entire object/process.
A Few Important Class Resources:
. Instructor O田ce Hours: To be announced during the frst week of class.
. Tutoring: Free mathematics tutoring is available from Penn State Learning. Visit their website ( for details.
. Guided Study Group Leader: Penn State Learning employs a tutor to help with the Math 140 subject material exclusively. The tutor, called a Guided Study Group (GSG) leader will be available every week at regular times. The GSG Leader for the Fall 2022 Semester is
To Be Announced
. Tutoring Hours: To be Announced
. Zoom room: To be Announced.
Examinations: Three 75-minute evening examinations will be given during the semester and a comprehensive inal examination will be given during the inal examination period. Absolutely no books, notes, or calculators may be used during the examinations. You must bring your University ID card to all exams.
Midterm I |
Wednesday, September 14 |
6:15-7:30 pm |
Midterm II |
Monday, October 17 |
6:15-7:30 pm |
Midterm III |
Wednesday, November 9 |
6:15-7:30 pm |
Rooms for examinations will be announced by your instructor at a later date and may also be found on the courses website when they are available. It is not permissible to take the exam in a diferent instructor’s assigned room.
Conflict & Makeup Exam Policies In addition to the three regularly scheduled midterm examinations, the math department provides two options for students who are unable to attend at the scheduled time: a conlict exam and a makeup exam. Please be sure you know the diference.
. A conflict exam for each of the midterms is ofered on the same night as the regularly scheduled exam at a diferent time (your professor will announce the speciic time). Students who attend the conlict exam will not be permitted to leave the exam room before the end of the time period.
. A makeup exam is scheduled on an evening diferent from that of the regularly scheduled exam.
In order to qualify for either the conlictor makeup exam, you must have a valid conlictor makeup reason. If you think you will not be able to take the regularly scheduled exam, and would like to take either the conlict or makeup exam, you must
1. Contact your instructor to determine if you are eligible to take a conlict or makeup makeup exam
2. Provide all necessary documentation where relevant or necessary,
3. Receive conirmation from your instructor that your are eligible for a conlict or makeup exam, and
4. Sign up for the conlict or makeup exam using the online signup form (linked below) no later than the speciied deadline.
The online signup forms for both the conlict exam and the makeup exam are available here: It is the stu- dent’s responsibility to sign up before the deadline and to note the time and location of the makeup or conlict exam.
Note: Students who miss an exam – including conlict or makeup exams – without a valid reason and the approval of their instructor will receive a zero.
Who May Take The Conflict Exam? If you have a valid conlict with the regular examina- tion time, such as a class or another o伍cial university activity, you may sign up for the conlict exam. If a student has not signed up for the conlict exam, he or she will not be permitted to take the exam.
Instructions on Conflict Exam Night. The student is responsible for knowing the room and time of the conlict examination. Each student must bring his or her University ID to the conlict examination. The ID will be checked by the proctor. Although the conlict examination will end at 6:05pm, no student will be permitted to leave the examination room before 6:10pm. Any student who leaves before 6:10pm will receive a grade of zero on the examination and will not be allowed to retake it.
Who May Take the Makeup Exam? Students who have a valid documented reason, such as a class conlict or illness, during both the conlict and regular examination times are permitted to schedule a makeup examination with no penalty. You must be prepared to verify the reason for taking the makeup. Personal business, such as travel, employment, weddings, graduations, or attendance at public events such as concerts, sporting events, and Greek Rush events, is not a valid excuse. Forgetting the date, time or room of an examination is not a valid excuse. Students who have taken either the regularly scheduled examination or conlict examination are not permitted to take the makeup examination. The makeup examinations are given on the evenings and times listed below:
Makeup Exam I |
Tuesday, September 20 |
6:15-7:30 pm |
Makeup Exam II |
Thursday, October 20 |
6:15-7:30 pm |
Makeup Exam III |
Tuesday, November 15 |
6:15-7:30 pm |
How and When to Sign up for the Makeup Exam: A students who is ill on exam night must contact his or her instructor within 24 hours of the exam. Students must sign up for the Makeup Exam at the provided signuplink, as soon as possible following the regular exam date. The online signup forms for both the conlict exam and the makeup exam are available here: https:// The student is respon- sible for knowing the room and time of the makeup examination. If a student has not signed up with his or her instructor, the student will not be allowed to take the makeup exam.
Instructions on Makeup Exam Night: The student is responsible for knowing the room and time of the makeup examination. Each student must bring his or her PSU ID to the makeup examination. The ID will be checked by the proctor.
What If A Student Misses Both The Regularly Scheduled Exam and The Makeup Exam? If a student misses both the regularly scheduled examination and the scheduled makeup due to a valid, veriiable reason, it may be possible to take a makeup examination by appoint- ment. All such makeup examinations must be scheduled through the classroom instructor with the approval of the course coordinator and must be completed no later than one week after the scheduled makeup examination. Personal matters such as travel, employment, weddings, gradu- ations, or attendance at public events such as concerts, sporting events, and Greek Rush events, are not valid reasons. Forgetting the date, or time of examination is not a valid reason.
What if A Student Misses More Than One Week of Class at a Time? Students who are unable to attend class or complete graded assignments for more than one week at a time will be required to present documentation to verify their signiicant, prolonged illness. From UHS Policies & Patient Resources:
“For routine illness-related absences, students should correspond directly with the faculty as soon as possible regarding their situation, ideally, before they miss a class, exam, or other evaluative activity.
University Health Services may provide veriication of illness forms for signiicant prolonged ill- nesses or injuries lasting at least a week resulting in absence from classes.
When appropriate, students may request the veriication during their clinician visit or send a se- cure message to their clinician or the Advice Nurse through myUHS at https://studentaffairs. If a student wants a veriication of illness from University Health Ser- vices and has received care from an outside provider for a signiicant, prolonged illness, he/she must provide appropriate documentation to the University Health Services director, 502A Student Health Center, 814-865-6555.”
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