ANUC1110 Semester 2 -- 2018 Assignment 1
ANUC1110-Introduction to Software Systems
Assignment 1- Semester 2 – 2018
Due date: 7:00pm, 19 September 2018
This assignment will count for 10% of the final grade. Below you will find the
• This assignment must be done in groups of two or three.
• Your report must include Assignment Cover Sheet providing the details
of this assignment including student IDs. The report submission
includes an electronic copy uploaded to Wattle and a hard copy handed
in to the teacher during the lecture time in week 8 (19 / 09 / 2018).
• For the program, you are required to commit and push your works to
your created GitLab repo for each task completion. Details of the tasks
are in the Mark distributions sections.
• Late submission of assessment tasks without an extension are
penalised at the rate of 10% of the possible marks available per
working day or part thereof. Late submission of assessment tasks is not
accepted after 10 working days after the due date, or on or after the
date specified in the course outline for the return of the assessment
• Plagiarism will attract academic penalties in accordance with the ANU
Good luck and enjoy the time you will spend on this assignment
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Assignment general specifications:
An effective online hotel booking system for querying and recommendation is
expected for this assignment. Three json files named day1.json, day2.json and
day3.json contain the booking information. Each file corresponds to one day,
documenting the booking records on that day. In a json file, each line is a booking
record on that day, specifying the traveler id and the choice of hotel. You can
open one of the three json files to see the structure of booking records.
The function of query module in your system is to retrieve booking record given
traveler id. Before that, we need to specify which day user wants to refer to, that is,
which json file user wants to retrieve. User can choose to retrieve the booking
information from the json files by entering number 1 to 4, where the details are as
Entry from a user Data retrieved from json files
1 Day 1 booking information
2 Day 2 booking information
3 Day 3 booking information
4 Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 booking information
After the specifying which json file we need to refer to, we can read in the booking
records (recognised by traveler id, hotel name) from json file and convert them
into a collection of java objects. Starting code has been provided using Jackson to
show how to get data from json file. You should complete the code to read
attributes of each booking record and construct proper objects to save the
information. (Hint: arraylist may be an efficient data structure for you)
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After saving the given information, input a traveler id in console. Then output the
hotel name which the user has reserved on that day. If 4 is specified, output his /
her possible booking records for these three days.
An example is given here. If user enters 1, 2 or 3 to specify the day, then enters
the traveler id (1 - 20), the console should print out the possible booking
information as shown below. Your program does not need to print “[out]” and “[in]”,
they are used here to tell you whether the line is input that user types in or output
that your program should print out.
If no bookings have been found, the console should print out the following:
If user enters 4 to specify the day, then enter the traveler id (1 - 20), the console
should print out all the possible booking information as shown below:
[out]Please enter a number (1-4) to specify a day:
[out]Please enter a traveler id:
[out]Hotel name: Pacific; traveling time: Day 1
[out]Please enter a number (1-4) to specify a day:
[out]Please enter a traveler id:
[out]Hotel name: No record has been found
[out]Please enter a number (1-4) to specify a day:
[out]Please enter a traveler id:
[out]Hotel name: Pacific; traveling time: Day 1
[out]Hotel name: Pacific; Traveling time: Day 2
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In the next stage, you are required to output an overview of the booking
distribution over different hotels on that day or three days. For example, if user
enters 1 at the first stage, your system should output the booking distribution on
day1, that is, every hotel has 20 percent of travelers on that day.
Your console should look like this at this stage:
Recommendation function is required in the next stage. Given the booking
records, the system should provide useful information for potential consumers.
Your program should output the hotel name with most empty rooms for
recommendation. The capacity of each hotel (total number of rooms) is given in
the json file named hotels.json, and the number of empty rooms is capacity minus
the number of rooms which have been occupied. In this part, your program could
only handle the situation when only one date is specified in the first stage.
[out]Please enter a number (1-4) to specify a day:
[out]Please enter a traveler id:
[out]Hotel name: Pacific; traveling time: Day 1
[out]The overview of booking is:
[out]Hotel name: Pacific; Proportion 20%
[out]Hotel name: Novotel; Proportion 20%
[out]Hotel name: Crown; Proportion 20%
[out]Hotel name: ibis; Proportion 20%
[out]Hotel name: Meriton; Proportion 20%
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Your console should look like this at this stage:
You are required to:
1) Log in GitLab, fork the assignment repository from the course GitLab repository
in the following link: (1 mark)
2) Change the membership of your forked project by adding the teacher and tutor,
Ray Lau (u4561496) and Yujia (u6075459), as Reporter. (1 mark)
3) Open eclipse, import the project from your forked project. (1 mark)
4) Fix the program as following:
a) Print appropriate instructions for user’s input, that is, tell the user to type in
appropriate number to specify which day he/she wants to refer to. Then
according to the input from user, read specified json file(s) (day1 to day3) and
save the information in proper objects. You need record class to save booking
information from json. You may also need other classes to solve the problem.
(2 marks)
[out]Please enter a number (1-4) to specify a day:
[out]Please enter a traveler id:
[out]Hotel name: Pacific; traveling time: Day 1
[out]The overview of booking is:
[out]Hotel name: Pacific; Proportion 20%
[out]Hotel name: Novotel; Proportion 20%
[out]Hotel name: Crown; Proportion 20%
[out]Hotel name: ibis; Proportion 20%
[out]Hotel name: Meriton; Proportion 20%
[out]The recommended hotel is : Pacific
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b) Print appropriate instructions for user’s input to specify which traveler
he/she wants to retrieve. Search traveler information according to traveler id,
input from console. And output the hotel name which he/her has reserved on
that day or three days with the format given in previous figures. If there is no
record for that traveler on that day, your system should print prompt message
as shown in previous figure. You will get part of marks if your system can only
handle the situation when only one day is specified in the first stage but
cannot deal with three days’ records. (3 marks)
c) Print booking overview for specified date(s). Every hotel with booking
record should be printed like above. You will get part of marks for this part if
your program can print the overview of each single day but does not work for
three days’ records. But hard code is not accepted, such as specifying hotel
names in your program instead of reading them from json file directly. (3
d) Print the recommended hotel based on the number of empty rooms in each
hotel. You need to construct appropriate container for hotel names and read
them from json file directly, hard code is not permitted. You can use the
intermediate result from c) for the number of occupied rooms of each hotel.
Together with the capacity of each hotel read from json file, calculate the
number of empty rooms in each hotel. Use reasonable method to find the
hotel with most empty rooms and print it out. (2 marks)
5) For part c) in question 4, design a JUnit test to check whether the distribution
for Day 1 is correct. You can use the given distribution information of day 1 (each
hotel occupies 20% of the market on that day). (1 mark)
6) For each solved problem, make sure it runs properly as required, then commit
and push the changes to your forked GitLab repository with relevant comments.
(2 marks)
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7) Contribute to your team works. (1 mark)
8) Report quality (3 marks)
Assignment submissions:
Your submission needs to include the program via GitLab and a report that
1) Assignment Cover Sheet (available on the courses Wattle site).
2) The report that details your project including:
a) Structure of your project and its classes.
b) Report of how each part of your project has been done. For
example, how do you search passenger’s information, how to
determine whether there is a driver can take this passenger etc.
c) Screen shots of the running program for each major function fix.
The report is required to be submitted on Wattle by the due date (7:00pm, 19
September 2018) and a hard copy of it needs to be handed in to the teacher
on the due date in the classroom. One report per group.
Note: Failed to submit the report (either the electronic or hard copy) will apply
5 mark deduction out of your possible assignment result.
3) If you have used external resources for your assignment, you must cite the
source in both GUI and your report.
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