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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2023-06-16 09:06

Assignment 1 CMPT 125

This assignment consists of two problems.

For the first problem you will submit a file with the name Sier.c, for the second problem you will

submit a file Mastermind.c.

80% of each problems mark will be based on running tests (see next paragraph for details) and

the remaining 20% will be for specific specifications of the code in the problem that are not

testable by running the code. For example, did you correctly allocate and deallocate dynamic

memory rather than using automatic arrays, or did you properly clean up before each place the

code is terminated.

Each problem will be graded by comparing the output produced by your program to the

reference solution. The given error messages should be used, and the outputs in the test plan

should be matched character by character by your output to receive all points. Parts of the

outputs of the tests will be chosen for grading. Points will be allocated only for those chosen

parts. Each part of the output chosen will represent a requirement stated in the description of

the problem. Some of the tests provided to you in the test plan will be modified by changing

input values and used for grading. Not all functionalities of the program are tested in the

provided test plan. Some additional functionalities not tested in the provided test plan will be

graded using additional tests.

PROBLEM 1 (40 points): You will generate a pattern called a Sierpinski gasket on a board of

M by N squares (M<80 and N<40). The board will be represented by a 2-D array. You should use

the exact prompts and error messages specified in the test plan below in your code. Outputs of

your code will be checked for character-by-character correspondence to the sample outputs.

You may assume that the data entered by the user using the keyboard is of the correct type

(integer, double …), but you must check that the values are in the correct ranges. You must also

check if the data in the input file is of the correct type and in the correct range.

1) Include and use a function for setting all elements in a 2-D array of size M rows by N columns

to 0. This function should have the prototype

void FillZero( int ** my2DArray, int M, int N);

2) Include and use a function to do a deep copy of the elements in 2-D array myNextGenArray

of size M rows by N columns into 2-D array my2Darray of the same dimensions. This function

will have the prototype

void CopyArray(int ** my2DArray, int**myNextGenArray, int M, int N);

This function must be implemented using pointer arithmetic.

3) Include and use a function for Calculating the next generation array. This function should have

the prototype below. In that prototype board is the 2- D (M by N) array holding the game

board. The requirements of this function are discussed later.

void NextGen(int ** board, int M, int N);

4) Include the following steps in the main program.

a. Prompt the user for the name of an output file using the prompt:

Enter the name of the output file:

b. Open the output file and check that it has been opened correctly. If the output file has

not been opened correctly print the error message below, clean up as necessary and

terminate the program.

ERROR: Input file not opened correctly.

c. Open the input file and check that it has been opened correctly. If it has not been opened

ERROR: Output file not opened correctly.

d. Prompt the user for the number of rows in the game board using the prompt:

Enter the number of rows in the board (0<number<40)

e. Try to read numRows.

i. If the value of numRows is not an integer print the error message below, clean up,

then terminate the program.

ERROR: The value of numRows is not an integer

ii. If the value of the number of rows read in is out of range, print the error message

below, then repeat step e

ERROR: Read an illegal number of rows for board

TRY AGAIN, 0 < number of rows < 40

f. Prompt the user for the number of columns in the game board using the prompt:

Enter the number of columns in the board (0<number<80)

g. Try to read numCols.

i. If the value of numCols is not an integer print the error message below, clean up,

then terminate the program.

ERROR: The value of numCols is not an integer

ii. If the value of the numCols read in is out of range, print the error message and

prompt below, then repeat step g.

ERROR: Read an illegal number of columns for board

TRY AGAIN, 0 < number of columns < 80

h. Read the number of generations from the input file.

i. If no value has been read into the variable holding the number of generations print

the error message below, clean up as necessary and terminate the program. (This

happens when you are end of file)

ERROR: Could not read the number of generations

ii. If the value of the number of generations in the file is not an integer print the error

message below, clean up, then terminate the program.

ERROR: number of generations is not an integer

iii. If the value of the number of generations read in is out of range your program will

print the error message, clean up, then terminate the program.

ERROR: Read an illegal number of generations

i. Read the increment between successive generations from the input file.

i. If no value has been read into the variable holding the generation increment, print

the error message below, clean up as necessary and terminate the program. (This

happens when you are end of file)

ERROR: Could not read the generation increment

ii. If the value of the number of generations in the file is not an integer print the error

message below, clean up, then terminate the program.

ERROR: generation increment is not an integer

iii. If the value of the number of rows read in is out of range your program will print

the error message, clean up, then terminate the program.

ERROR: Read an illegal generation increment

j. Dynamically allocate one 2-D integer array with identifier board and with dimensions

number of rows by number of columns. Initialize all elements the board to 0. This will be

the array that represents the gameboard in the main program.

k. Initialize board[1][3]=1

l. For each generation requested your main program should: complete the following steps.

i. Call function NextGen to calculate the game board for the next generation.

ii. If this is the first generation calculated print the title line, then the game array,

then a blank line to your output file

iii. If this is the first generation calculated print the title line, then the game array,

then a blank line to your screen

iv. If this is the (P*genIncrem+1) the generation calculated print the title line, then

the game array, then a blank line to your output file

v. If this is the (P*genIncrem+1) the generation calculated print the title line, then

the game array, then a blank line to your screen

vi. If this is the last generation calculated print the title line, then the game array,

then a blank line to your output file

vii. If this is the last generation calculated print the title line, then the game array,

then a blank line to your screen

5) Include the following steps in your NextGen function.

a. Dynamically allocate one 2-D integer array with identifier nextGenBoard and with

dimensions M by N. Initialize all elements the board to 0. This will be the array that

represents the gameboard in the main program. Remember to free nextGenBoard before

leaving the function NextGen.

b. Every square on the top edge and the left-hand edge of the board must be 0 and remain

0 for every generation. Every other square in the board (not on the top or the left-hand

edge) contains a 1 or a 0.

c. To calculate what each element in nextGenBoard should be use the following relations:

If k=0 or j=0 or k=j=0 nextGenBoard[k][j] = 0;

Otherwise nextGenBoard[k][j] = ( board[k][j] + board[k-1][j] + board[k][j-1] ) % 2

d. The array holding the game board for the present generation is board. The array holding

the game board for the next generation is nextGenBoard.

e. After nextGenBoard has been completely determined deep copy the values in

nextGenBoard into array board


For each of the tests below the items shown in red are the information typed in by the user.

1) Specified input file is missing.


Enter the name of the output file: out1.txt

Enter the name of the input file: in1.txt

ERROR: Input file not opened correctly.

2) Specified input file is empty.


Enter the name of the output file: out2.txt

Enter the name of the input file: in2.txt

Enter the number of rows in the board (0<number<40) -5

ERROR: Read an illegal number of rows for board

TRY AGAIN, 0 < number of rows < 40 99

ERROR: Read an illegal number of rows for board

TRY AGAIN, 0 < number of rows < 40 9

Enter the number of columns in the board (0<number<80) -23

ERROR: Read an illegal number of columns for board

TRY AGAIN, 0 < number of columns < 80 122

ERROR: Read an illegal number of columns for board

TRY AGAIN, 0 < number of columns < 80 12

ERROR: Could not read the number of generations


3) Specified input file contains one integer, 7.


Enter the name of the output file: out3.txt

Enter the name of the input file: in3.txt

Enter the number of rows in the board (0<number<40) 12

Enter the number of columns in the board (0<number<80) 9

ERROR: Could not read the generation increment


4) Specified input file contains one integer,7 and one space

followed by the character a.


Enter the name of the output file: out4.txt

Enter the name of the input file: in4.txt

Enter the number of rows in the board (0<number<40) 12

Enter the number of columns in the board (0<number<80) 9

ERROR: generation increment is not an integer


5) Specified input file contains one integer -12.


Enter the name of the output file: out5.txt

Enter the name of the input file: in5.txt

Enter the number of rows in the board (0<number<40) 12

Enter the number of columns in the board (0<number<80) 9

ERROR: Read an illegal number of generations


6) Specified input file contains two integers, 9 and 44.


Enter the name of the output file: out6.txt

Enter the name of the input file: in6.txt

Enter the number of rows in the board (0<number<40) 12

Enter the number of columns in the board (0<number<80) 9

ERROR: Read an illegal generation increment


7) Case with no errors: test which generations are printed

Please refer to provided files for case 7. Too much to print


8) Case 8, 2nd case without errors see next page for outputs.

Sierpinski gameboard: generation 1 Input file in8.txt

File output file out8.txt

11 screen input and output


Sierpinski gameboard: generation 2

1 1


Sierpinski gameboard: generation 3


1 1



Sierpinski gameboard: generation 4

1 1


Sierpinski gameboard: generation 5

11 11

1 1



Sierpinski gameboard: generation 6

1 1 1 1

1 1

1 1


Sierpinski gameboard: generation 7


1 1 1 1

11 11

1 1


1 1


An additional example will be added by Wednesday May 31

Enter the name of the output file: out8.txt

Enter the name of the input file: in8.txt

Enter the number of rows in the board (0<number<80) 8

Enter the number of columns in the board (0<number<80) 20

Sierpinski gameboard: generation 1



Sierpinski gameboard: generation 7


1 1 1 1

11 11

1 1


1 1


7 1

PROBLEM 2 (60 POINTS): You will build a variant on the game MASTERMIND using C. This

variant will use the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The computer (your program) will create

an ordered group of 6 of these digits. Each of the 6 digits will be randomly selected. Each digit

can appear in the group of digits any number of times (from 0 to 6). Your program will use up to

four arrays each with six locations. Three of the arrays will hold integers. The first array, the

solution array, holds the 6 digits the player is trying to guess. The second array, the guess array

holds the 6 digits of the guess made by the player. The third array, the index array holds integers

that keep track of which integers in the guess array match or partially match the values in the

solution array.

The user will try and guess the group of digits. The user must guess the correct digits in the correct

order to win. Both the value of each digit and the position of each digit in the ordered group of

digits must be correct for the user to win. To help the user discover the correct group of digits

you give the user some information about which digits in his guess are correct. You will tell the

user how many digits are correct (the correct digit in the correct place), and how many digits are

partially correct, the correct digit is present but in the wrong place. For example, if the sequence

chosen by the computer was

1 2 4 3 2 2

and the user guessed

2 3 4 5 6 7

You would tell the user he had 1 digit correct (the 4) and 2 digits partially correct (the 2 and the

3). You do not tell the user which digits are correct or partially correct, just how many.

If the user made a second guess

2 3 2 0 1 9

You would tell the user he had 0 digits correct and 4 digits partially correct (2, 3, 2, 1)

If the users next guess was

1 2 3 4 9 9

You would tell the user he had 2 digits correct (1, 2) and 2 digit partially correct (3,4)

If the users next guess was

2 2 2 7 4 4 4

You would tell the user he had 1 digit correct (2nd 2) and 3 digits partially correct (1st 2, 3rd 2, 4)

Your game should

1. Use the pseudo random number generator ( functions rand() and srand() ) to create a

random sequence of 6 digits between 0 and 9 inclusive. Place these digits, in the order

they are generated, into your answer array.

2. Read the characters the user entered as his guess.

a. The guess will be one line of characters terminated by moving to a new line.

b. The guess may contain any characters.

c. Any space or tab characters in the guess will be ignored.

d. After reading six digits from the guess, the remaining characters in the guess will

be ignored.

e. If any characters in the guess, that are not digits, spaces, or tabs, are encountered

before 6 digits have been read the guess will be invalid.

f. Any guess that does not contain enough digits to complete the guess, and does

not contain any characters other than digits, spaces, or tabs, will cause the user

to be prompted to enter the remaining digits. (See prompt in tests below)

g. The values in each guess will be stored in an array of length six.

h. Any guess that is found to be invalid will cause an error message to be printed,

followed by a request to enter a new guess. Before requesting the new guess any

remaining characters in the stream should be cleared.

i. NOTE: you can read one character using scanf with %c, or by using getc().

Each time the user inputs a complete and correct 6-digit guess, respond to his guess by doing

each of the following:

1. Keep track of which elements in the answer and which elements in the guess have been


a. An element in the answer array can be paired with an element in the guess array if

the two elements hold the same value.

b. An element in the answer array can be paired with only one element in the guess

array. An element in the guess array can be paired with only one element in the

answer array. An element in either array need not be paired.

c. An element K in the answer array can be paired with an element H in the guess array.

i. When K = H the elements form a matched pair

ii. When K ≠ H then the elements form a partially matched pair.

d. An element in either array may not be paired.

2. Determine the index of each of the matched pairs of elements for the present guess.

3. Determine the number of matched pairs of elements for the present guess. This number is

the number printed before the word “matches” in the last line of output in the block for each

guess except the last one (the correct one).

4. If every digit in the users guess has the same value as the digit with the same index in the

answer, then tell the user he has guessed the sequence of digits and exit the program.

5. Consider only the elements of the solution that are NOT part of matched pairs of elements.

a. For each unpaired element H in the guess array

i. Consider the value of H to be represented by Q.

ii. Try to find the first unpaired element, K , of the answer array with value Q.

iii. If a matching element is found elements H and K will be paired as a partially

matched pair

b. Count the number of elements that are paired in a, this is the number of partial

matches. (Partially matched pairs)

6. Print the response to the users guess.

7. Reinitialize all the elements of your guess array to 0.

8. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for the next guess.

To make it easier to debug your program you may wish to by always using the same value of the

seed so that you have the same solution each time you run the program.

All output must exactly match the formats and messages illustrated below in the test plan. Copies

of the files will be posted on Canvas so you can be sure of the spacing. Many browsers change

the spacing shown below.

GAME 1 (windows visual studio)

Enter the integer value of the seed for the game: 45678

For each turn enter 6 digits 0 <= digit <= 9

Spaces or tabs in your response will be ignored.

Enter your guess, 6 digits

0 12 345

Your guess was

0 1 2 3 4 5

My response was

0 matches 2 partial matches

Enter your guess, 6 digits

0 1 0 1 0 1

Your guess was

0 1 0 1 0 1

My response was

0 matches 2 partial matches

Enter your guess, 6 digits


Your guess was

1 2 1 2 1 2

My response was

4 matches 0 partial matches

Enter your guess, 6 digits

126 6 125 84

Your guess was

1 2 6 6 1 2

My response was

5 matches 0 partial matches

Enter your guess, 6 digits

1 2 6 7 1 2



Enter the integer value of the seed for the game: 144ae4

For each turn enter 6 digits 0 <= digit <= 9

Spaces or tabs in your response will be ignored

Enter your guess, 6 digits

3 57

You need to enter 3 more digits to complete your guess

6 a 4 6

ERROR: A character in your guess was not a digit or a white space

Enter your guess, 6 digits

7 8 9 7 8 9 9 9

Your guess was

7 8 9 7 8 9

My response was

0 matches 2 partial matches

Enter your guess, 6 integers separated by spaces


ERROR: A character in your guess was not a digit or a white space

Enter your guess, 6 digits

5 5 5 8 9 5

Your guess was

5 5 5 8 9 5

My response was

0 matches 1 partial matches

Enter your guess, 6 digits

4 1 8 454 5 3 a

Your guess was

4 1 8 4 5 4

My response was

1 matches 3 partial matches

Enter your guess, 6 integers separated by spaces

1 2 4 xxx1 2 4

ERROR: could not read your input

Enter your guess, 6 digits

5 5 4 4 3 3

Your guess was

5 5 4 4 3 3

My response was

1 matches 1 partial matches

Enter your guess, 6 digits

8 4 7 4 4

You need to enter 1 more digits to complete your guess



CASE 2: Game 3

Enter the integer value of the seed for the game: a2435wt23

Try again you made an error

Enter the integer value of the seed for the game: 333333

For each turn enter 6 digits 0 <= digit <= 9

Spaces or tabs in your response will be ignored

Enter your guess, 6 digits

3 5 7 6 4 2

Your guess was

3 5 7 6 4 2

My response was

0 matches 2 partial matches

Enter your guess, 6 digits

3 5 8 8 9 9

Your guess was

3 5 8 8 9 9

My response was

1 matches 1 partial matches

Enter your guess, 6 digits

9 1 2 2 9 6



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