Programming Assignment
OS Scheduling
What Will We Do?
• In this project we will test several scheduling
output file
(integer )
./scheduling inp1.txt 0
Your Source Code
• scheduling.c
• compile with:
gcc –Wall –o scheduling –std=c99 scheduling.c
Input File
• The first line in the file is the total number of
• Each process will be represented by 4 integers:
A B C D:
– A: process ID
– B: CPU time
– C: I/O time
– Arrival time
0.5 CPU time I/O time 0.5 CPU time
How time is distributed for a process
Note: We will use integers, not floating point.
In case (0.5 * CPU Time) is float, round to following
Note: cycle (e.g. if cpu time is 7 then 7/2 = 3.5 -> 4). If more than one process
arrives at the same time, give
preference to the one with
lower ID. All times are in cycles
Scheduling Algorithms
• 0: First-Come-First-Served (nonpreemptive)
– Queue of ready processes
– Newly arriving processes are added to the end of
the queue.
– When a process is blocked, due to I/O, and then
becomes ready, it is added to the end of the
– If two processes happen to be ready at the same
time, give preference to the one with lower ID.
Scheduling Algorithms
• 1: Round-Robin with quantum 2
– Another process scheduled if one of the following
• Current running process terminates
• Current running process is blocked on I/O
• Current running process ran for 2 cycles
– You can think of RR as a queue of ready processes.
When a process goes from running to ready, it moves
to the back of the queue.
– If two processes become Ready at the same time, give
preference to the one with smaller ID
Scheduling Algorithms
• 2: Shortest remaining job first (preemptive)
– At each cycle, you calculate the remaining CPU
time for all ready/running processes and run the
one with shortest reaming time
– If several processes have the same remaining CPU
time, give preference to the process with lower ID.
• You output a file with name: s-inputfilename.txt
– inputfilename is the name of the input file without
the extension
– s is the scheduling algorithm:0, 1, or 2
– Example: if input file is inp1.txt, your output file for
FCFS shall be: 0-inp1.txt
• Your output file has two parts
– Timing snapshot (starting from cycle 0)
– Statistics
• Timing snapshot: at every line show:
– Cycle number
– State of each process (running, ready, or blocked)
• example: 1:blocked (i.e. process 1 is in blocked state)
• Print processes, in the same line, ordered by their process ID
– Be careful: do not show processes that have not yet arrived, or
those that have terminated.
• Statistics:
– Finishing time (i.e. last cycle)
– CPU utilization ( #cycles CPU was doing work / total number of
• When there is a cycle where none of the processes is running, then
the CPU is considered idle.
– For each process:
• Turnaround time (i.e. cycle this process finished – cycle it started + 1)
Process ID
CPU Time I/O Time
Arrival Time
0 2 2 0
1 2 1 5
2 2 1 3
input file
# processes
0 0:running
1 0:blocked
2 0:blocked
3 0:running 2:ready
4 2:running
5 1:running 2:blocked
6 1:blocked 2:running
7 1:running
(empty line)
Finishing time: 7
CPU utilization: 0.75
Turnaround process 0: 4
Turnaround process 1: 3
Turnaround process 2: 4
Clock cycle
State of
each process
0 2 2 0
1 2 1 5
2 2 1 3
input file
What To Submit
Your source code: single file with the name
Avoid The Following Mistakes
(Penalty applied for each)
• Code does not run on CIMS machines (-5)
• Late submission (-20% for each day)
• Output with different format (-5)
• The work is not your own (zero!)
Excuses not Accepted
• I submitted the wrong file.
• I submitted one minute after the deadline.
– We highly suggest that you upload a version, even
if not yet complete, each time you implement
something and do not wait till you finish the
whole program.
One last thing
• To help you start, we are proving you with a C
file (skeleton-lab1.c) that:
– Reads arguments from command line
– Checks that the arguments are correct
– Forms the name of the output file
• You can use this file, part of it, or none at all. It
is up to you as long as your submitted
program works correctly.
To test your code
• You are provided with two zip files and
– Each one contains an input file (2processes.txt and
3processes.txt) and the output for each of the
three different scheduling algorithms
• You can also use these example files to
formulate other test cases, solve them on a
piece of paper first, then check the output.
All the Best!
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