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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2022-04-11 11:21

ICS-53 Assignment-1

Spring 2022

Problem - 1

Write a program which prompts the user to enter a string and returns the count of all the

characters in the string in increasing order of occurrence and lastly, prints the string with the

characters sorted in ascending order. The program should first print a “>” symbol as a prompt to

the user. The user then enters the string and the program prints the count results. Punctuations,

whitespaces and non-printable characters are ignored while processing the input string. Assume

that the length of the string is no longer than 256 characters including the null terminating

character. (‘\0’). The frequency of characters having the same frequency can be printed in any

order. You can assume that the entered string will not have uppercase characters but it still can

have punctuations, whitespaces.

The following shows an example where the user enters the string “hello world”.

> hello world


Problem - 2

You will need to present your software development process for the solution to Problem

1 by submitting a sequence of screenshots showing each step. You will need to perform the

following steps.

● Write a program on your machine

○ You may use any tool on your machine to write the program. I use Notepad++ on

a Windows machine, but the tool you use is up to you.

○ Take a screenshot of the window in which you wrote your code.

○ Save the screenshot image with the name “p2_1.XXX”. The XXX will depend on

the image format that you use.

● Transfer the program from your machine to openlab

○ You may do this using any secure ftp program that you want to. I use WinSCP on

a Windows machine, and sftp (from the terminal) on a Mac.

○ Take a screenshot of the window showing the tool that you are using to transfer

your program to openlab.

○ Save the screenshot image with the name “p2_2.XXX”. The XXX will depend on

the image format that you use.

● Check the compiler version on openlab (ssh UCNetID@openlab.ics.uci.edu)

○ Do this by typing “gcc -v” at the prompt on openlab.

○ If your version is not 4.8.5 then you will need to fix that.

○ Take a screenshot of the output produced by “gcc -v”

○ Save the screenshot image with the name “p2_3.XXX”. The XXX will depend on

the image format that you use.

● Compile your program on openlab

○ Do this by typing “gcc p1.c -o p1”.

○ Take a screenshot of the output produced by “gcc p1.c -o p1”.

○ Save the screenshot image with the name “p2_4.XXX”. The XXX will depend on

the image format that you use.

● Execute your compiled program on openlab

○ Do this by typing “./p1”.

○ Take a screenshot of the output produced by “./p1”.

○ Save the screenshot image with the name “p2_5.XXX”. The XXX will depend on

the image format that you use.

You should submit a total of 5 screenshot files, one for each step of the process. Each

screenshot image can be saved in either .png format, .jpg format, or .gif format. There are

many ways to take screenshots of a window and you can use any which you are comfortable

with. I use the Snipping Tool on a Windows machine.

Problem - 3

Write a program that prompts the user to enter a string and two integers, index and

length and prints out a substring based on the 2 integer parameters. The program should first

print a “>” symbol as a prompt to the user. All three arguments should be separated by commas.

The index argument indicates the index at which the substring starts and the length dictates the

length of the substring. If the length of the substring starting from the index exceeds the end of

the string, then the string is printed until the end of the string. Assume that the length of the

string is no longer than 256 characters including the null terminating character. (‘\0’).

The following example shows the behavior for the string “I love C Programming” with

index = 10 and length = 11.

> I love C Programming, 10, 11


Problem - 4

Write a program that records the trips made by a taxi for a taxi company. Your program

should allow the user to enter a series of commands which can add taxis, indicated by a unique

ID, record trips for a particular taxi in terms of miles driven, reset the mile counter for a taxi as

well as print the mileage of all taxis in the database. The prompt for the program should print the

character ‘>’ At the prompt, the user will type a command followed by the set of arguments

associated with the command. The interactive program should exit when the user enters the

string “quit”. For implementing the database and keeping track of cars/trips, we suggest you use

a structure that keeps track of the car ID and miles driven associated with the car. You can

assume that at any given time, there will be no more than 10 cars in the system.

Your program should accept the following commands:

● AddCar : The AddCar command adds a taxi with the unique ID specified by

the user. The CAR ID is a unique, non-negative integer. Only one car with a specific

CAR ID should exist in the database at a given time.

● AddTrip : The AddTrip command records a trip made by a

particular taxi. The CAR ID is a non negative unique integer and MILES DRIVEN is a

non negative float. This command adds the number of miles specified to its total miles

driven. Users can enter multiple trips for a particular car. If so, the mileage is added to

the total mileage of the car.

● Reset : The Reset command resets the miles driven counter for a particular

taxi specified by the ID.

● Display: The Display command prints out all the taxis in the database alongside the total


● quit: This command quits the program.

The following is an example of execution of the program:

> AddCar 7

> AddCar 10

> AddCar 8

> AddCar 10

Error! Car with ID 10 already exists in the database.

> AddTrip 7 14.7

> AddTrip 8 21.9

> AddTrip 1 1.8

Error! Car with ID 1 doesn’t exist in the database.

> AddTrip 7 5.2

> Display

7 19.9

10 0.0

8 21.9

> Reset 8

> Display

7 19.9

10 0.0

8 0.0

> quit


Problem - 5

Use the gcov utility to determine the line coverage produced by executing the program that you

wrote for Problem 4. Execute the program and supply it with a single input, “AddCar 1”. Use

gcov to compute the statement coverage and to produce the “p4.c.gcov” file. Submit the

“p4.c.gcov” file.

Submission Instructions

You will upload your solutions to Gradescope. Upload the necessary files described in each

problem. Name the files p1.c (Problem 1), p2_1.XXX, p2_2.XXX, ... p2_5.XXX (Problem 2),

p3.c (Problem 3), p4.c (Problem 4) and p4.c.gcov (Problem 5). Remember that the “XXX” in the

filenames for Problem 2 will actually be replaced by either “.png”, “.jpg”, or “.gif”, depending on

which file format you use.

Remember that each C program must compile and execute properly on openlab.ics.uci.edu

when it is compiled using the gcc compiler version 4.8.5. The only compiler switches which can

be used are - fprofile-arcs, -ftest-coverage (to allow the use of gcov), -std=c99, and -o (to

change the name of the executable).

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