Algorithms and Abstract Data Types
Programming Assignment 1
Our goal in this project is to build an Integer List ADT in C and use it to alphabetize the lines in a file. This ADT
module will also be used (with some modifications) in future programming assignments, so you should test it
thoroughly, even though not all of its features will be used here. Begin by reading the handouts ADT.pdf and
ADT-More.pdf posted on the class webpage for a thorough explanation of the programming practices and
conventions required in this class for implementing ADTs in C.
Program Operation
The main program for this project will be called Lex.c. Your List ADT module will be contained in files called
List.h and List.c, and will export its services to the client module Lex.c. The required List operations are specified
in detail below. Lex.c will take two command line arguments giving the names of an input file and an output file,
Lex <input file> <output file>
The input can be any text file. The output file will contain the same lines as the input, but arranged in
lexicographic (i.e. alphabetical) order. For example:
Input file: Output file:
one five
two four
three one
four three
five two
Lex.c will follow the sketch given below.
1. Check that there are two command line arguments (other than the program name Lex). Quit with a usage
message to stderr if more than or less than two strings are given on the command line.
2. Count the number of lines n in the input file. Create a string array of length n and read in the lines of the
file as strings, placing them into the array.
3. Create a List whose elements are the indices of the above string array. These indices should be arranged
in an order that indirectly sorts the array. Using the above input file as an example we would have.
Indices: 0 1 2 3 4
Array: one two three four five
List: 4 3 0 2 1
To build the integer List in the correct order, begin with an initially empty List, then insert the indices of
the array one by one into the appropriate positions of the List. Use the Insertion Sort algorithm as a guide
to your thinking on how to accomplish this. (Please read the preceding two sentences several times so
that you understand what is required. You are not being asked to sort the input array using Insertion Sort.)
You may use only the List ADT operations defined below to manipulate the List. Note that the C standard
library string.h provides a function called strcmp() that determines the lexicographic ordering of two
Strings. If s1 and s2 are strings then:
strcmp(s1, s2)<0 is true if and only if s1 comes before s2
strcmp(s1, s2)>0 is true if and only if s1 comes after s2
strcmp(s1, s2)==0 is true if and only if s1 is identical to s2
4. Use the List constructed in (3) to print the array in alphabetical order to the output file. Note that at no
time is the array ever sorted. Instead you are indirectly sorting the array by building a List of indices in a
certain order.
See the example FileIO.c to learn about file input-output operations in C if you are not already familiar with them.
I will place a number of matched pairs of input-output files in the examples section, along with a python script
that creates random input files, along with their matched output files. Use these tools to test your program once
it is up and running.
List ADT Specifications
Your list module for this project will be a bi-directional queue that includes a “cursor” to be used for iteration.
Think of the cursor as highlighting or underscoring a distinguished element in the list. Note that it is a valid state
for this ADT to have no distinguished element, i.e. the cursor may be undefined or “off the list”, which is in fact
its default state. Thus the set of “mathematical structures” for this ADT consists of all finite sequences of integers
in which at most one element is underscored. A list has two ends referred to as “front” and “back” respectively.
The cursor will be used by the client to traverse the list in either direction. Each list element is associated with
an index ranging from 0 (front) to 𝑛 − 1 (back), where 𝑛 is the length of the list. Your List module will export a
List type along with the following operations.
// Constructors-Destructors ---------------------------------------------------
List newList(void); // Creates and returns a new empty List.
void freeList(List* pL); // Frees all heap memory associated with *pL, and sets
// *pL to NULL.
// Access functions -----------------------------------------------------------
int length(List L); // Returns the number of elements in L.
int index(List L); // Returns index of cursor element if defined, -1 otherwise.
int front(List L); // Returns front element of L. Pre: length()>0
int back(List L); // Returns back element of L. Pre: length()>0
int get(List L); // Returns cursor element of L. Pre: length()>0, index()>=0
int equals(List A, List B); // Returns true (1) iff Lists A and B are in same
// state, and returns false (0) otherwise.
// Manipulation procedures ----------------------------------------------------
void clear(List L); // Resets L to its original empty state.
void moveFront(List L); // If L is non-empty, sets cursor under the front element,
// otherwise does nothing.
void moveBack(List L); // If L is non-empty, sets cursor under the back element,
// otherwise does nothing.
void movePrev(List L); // If cursor is defined and not at front, move cursor one
// step toward the front of L; if cursor is defined and at
// front, cursor becomes undefined; if cursor is undefined
// do nothing
void moveNext(List L); // If cursor is defined and not at back, move cursor one
// step toward the back of L; if cursor is defined and at
// back, cursor becomes undefined; if cursor is undefined
// do nothing
void prepend(List L, int data); // Insert new element into L. If L is non-empty,
// insertion takes place before front element.
void append(List L, int data); // Insert new element into L. If L is non-empty,
// insertion takes place after back element.
void insertBefore(List L, int data); // Insert new element before cursor.
// Pre: length()>0, index()>=0
void insertAfter(List L, int data); // Insert new element before cursor.
// Pre: length()>0, index()>=0
void deleteFront(List L); // Delete the front element. Pre: length()>0
void deleteBack(List L); // Delete the back element. Pre: length()>0
void delete(List L); // Delete cursor element, making cursor undefined.
// Pre: length()>0, index()>=0
// Other operations -----------------------------------------------------------
void printList(FILE* out, List L); // Prints to the file pointed to by out, a
// string representation of L consisting
// of a space separated sequence of integers,
// with front on left.
List copyList(List L); // Returns a new List representing the same integer
// sequence as L. The cursor in the new list is undefined,
// regardless of the state of the cursor in L. The state
// of L is unchanged.
The above operations are required for full credit, though it is not expected that all will be used by the client module
in this project. The following operation is optional, and may come in handy in some future assignment:
List concatList(List A, List B); // Returns a new List which is the concatenation of
// A and B. The cursor in the new List is undefined,
// regardless of the states of the cursors in A and B.
// The states of A and B are unchanged.
Notice that the above operations offer a standard method for the client to iterate in either direction over the
elements in a List. A typical loop in the client might appear as follows.
while( index(L)>=0 ){
x = get(L);
// do something with x
To iterate from back to front, replace moveFront() by moveBack() and moveNext() by movePrev(). One
could just as well set this up as a for loop. Observe that in the special case where L is empty, the cursor is
necessarily undefined, so that index(L) returns -1, making the loop repetition condition initially false.
Therefore the loop executes zero times, as it should on an empty List. It is required that function index() be
implemented efficiently, which means that it should not itself contain a loop.
The underlying data structure for the List ADT will be a doubly linked list. The file List.c should therefore contain
a private (non-exported) struct called NodeObj and a pointer to that struct called Node. The struct NodeObj
should contain fields for an int (the data), and two Node references (the previous and next Nodes, respectively.)
You should also include a constructor and destructor for the private Node type. The private (non-exported) struct
ListObj should contain fields of type Node referring to the front, back and cursor elements, respectively. ListObj
should also contain int fields for the length of a List, and the index of the cursor element. When the cursor is
undefined, an appropriate value for the index field is -1, since that is what is returned by function index() in
such a case. Study the examples Queue.c and Stack.c on the course webpage if any of the above is unclear.
Create a separate file called ListTest.c to serve as a test client for your List ADT. Do not submit this file, just use
it for your own tests. Another test client will be placed on the webpage called ListClient.c. Place this file in the
directory containing your completed List.c and List.h, then compile, link and run it. The correct output is included
in ListClient.c as a comment. You will submit this file unchanged with your project.
You are required to submit a Makefile that creates an executable binary file called Lex, which is the main program
for this project. Include a clean target in your Makefile that removes Lex and any associated .o files to aid the
grader in cleaning the submit directory. One possible Makefile will be included on the course webpage under
Examples/pa1. You may alter this Makefile as you see fit to perform other tasks such as submit. See lab
assignment 1 from my CMPS 12B website to learn
basic information about Makefiles.
Note that the compile operations mentioned in the above Makefile call the gcc compiler with the flag -std=c99.
It is a requirement of this and all other assignments that your program compile without warnings or errors under
gcc (with the c99 flag), and run properly in the Linux computing environment on the UNIX Timeshare provided by ITS. Your C programs must also run without memory leaks. Test them using
valgrind on by doing
valgrind program_name argument_list.
You must also submit a README file for this (and every) assignment. README will list each file submitted,
together with a brief description of its role in the project, along with any special notes to myself and the grader.
README is essentially a table of contents for the project, and nothing more. You will therefore submit six files
in all:
List.h written by you
List.c written by you
ListClient.c provided on webpage, do not alter
Lex.c written by you
Makefile provided on webpage, alter as you see fit
README written by you
Points will be deducted if you misspell these file names, or if you submit .o files, executable binary files, inputoutput
files, or any other files not specified above. Each source file you submit must begin with a comment block
containing your name, CruzID, and the assignment name (pa1 in this case).
The examples Queue.c and Stack.c on the website are good starting points for the List ADT module in this project.
You are welcome to simply start with one of those files, rename things, then add functionality until the
specifications for the List ADT are met. You should first design and build your List ADT, test it thoroughly, and
only then start coding Lex.c. Start early and ask questions if anything is unclear. Information on how to turn in
your project is posted on the class webpage.
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