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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2021-11-14 10:25

Operating Systems, Assignment 5

This assignment includes two programming problems, one in C and one in CUDA for the ARC system

that you made an account for on assignment 4. As always, be sure your code compiles and runs on the EOS

Linux machines before you submit (or on the arc system for the second program). Also, remember that

your work needs to be done individually and that your programs need to be commented and consistently

indented. You must document your sources and, if you use sources, you must still write at least half your

code yourself from scratch.

1. (40 pts) We’re going to implement a multi-threaded Unix client/server program in C using TCP/IP

sockets for communication. The server will let users manage a calendar of reservations for a week. The

program will display the calendar like the following example. Each day of the week has times from

8:00 am up to (but not including) 5:00 pm. People can reserve blocks of time during any day, as long

as those times have not previously been reserved by someone else. Each reserved time is marked with

the first letter of the name of the person who reserved it. For example, alice reserved a block early in

the day on Monday and cindy reserved a block later in the morning.

8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00

Sunday | | | | | | | | |

Monday | aaaaaa | cccccc| | | | |

Tuesday | | | ccccccaaaaaa| bbbbbbbb | |

Wednesday | | | | | | | | |

Thursday | | | cccccc| | | | |

Friday | bbbbbbbbb| | | | | | aaaaaa

Saturday | | | | | | | | |

I’m providing you a skeleton of the server to help get you started, scheduleServer.c. You’ll complete

the implementation of this server, adding support for multi-threading and synchronization, and building

some representation for maintaining the schedule and supporting user commands. You won’t actually

need to write a client program for this assignment; for the client, we’re going to use a general-purpose

program for network communication, nc.

Once started, your server will run perpetually, accepting connections from clients until the user kills it

with ctrl-C. The program we’re using as a client, nc, will take the server’s hostname and port number

as command-line arguments. The sample execution at the end of this problems shows how to run nc

like this. After connecting to the server, nc will just echo to the screen any text sent by the server and

send any text the user enters to the server.

Schedule Representation

The schedule records time in 10-minute slots. There’s a slot for every 10-minute interval from 8:00 am

up to (but not including) 5:00 pm. For example, the first slot covers 8:00 am up to the end of 8:09.

The next slot covers 8:10 to the end of 8:19, and so on. If any time within one of these slots has been

reserved, it will be marked with the first letter of the name of the person who reserved it. For example,

if bill reserved times from 9:00 9:45, then he will get five slots, the ones from 9:00 - 9:09, 9:10 - 9:19,

9:20 - 9:29, 9:30 - 9:39 and 9:49.

The schedule will have slots for all days from Sunday up to Friday. When the calendar is printed out

by the report command, it will be displayed as shown above. The times for each slot are printed across

the top. The days of the week are printed over on the left, each right aligned in a 9-character field. A

report of the reservations for that day will follow, after a blank space. If a time slot has been reserved,

print the initial of the person who reserved it. Otherwise, print a vertical bar for the start of any hour,

or a blanks space otherwise.


Client / Server Interaction

When a client first connects to the server, it will prompt the user for a username, using the prompt,

“username> ”. After the user enters a name, the server will repeatedly prompt for a command using

the prompt “cmd> ”. In the starter code, the server just echoes each command back to the client, but

you’re going to modify it to support the commands described below.

The username can be any string of 1 to 10 lower-case letters. We’ll assume everyone has a different

lower-case letter at the start of their name, their initial. So, if a user gives the name bob and, later, a

user gives the name betty, then the program will think these are the same user. That’s OK.

The person with a name starting with ’a’ is considered the administrator. They can use the ’clear’

command, but other users can’t.

• reserve day H:MM H:MM

This requests a reservation on the given day, going from the given start time (the first time given),

up to but not including the given end time (the second time given). This attempts to reserve all

the slots that overlap any time from the given start time up to but not including the given end

time. If any of these slots are already reserved by someone else (i.e., a different initial), then the

reserve command is invalid.

It’s OK if the times for a reservation overlap with times of a previous reservation by the same

user. This should just extend the reservation.

The day name can be given with capital or lower-case letters, but the command is considered

invalid if it doesn’t match the name for a day of the week.

A single reservation applies to just one day; you can’t give a range of times that span multiple

days. The given start time must be between 8:00 and 12:59 or between 1:00 and 5:00. The minute

must be between 00 and 59 (inclusive), but it can be given as a single digit (this is just to make

the time easier to parse with fscanf()). For example, 3:1 would be the same as 3:01. The end time

must be after the start time (so, really, the end time could not be 8:00 and the start time could

not be 5:00). For parsing the time, remember that you can include literal characters that fscanf()

should match in the input. So, you can parse a time as an integer, followed by a ’:’, followed by

another integer.

• clear day H:MM H:MM

The clear command can only be run by a person who’s name starts with ’a’. This will erase a

reservation by any user for the given time range on the given day. The validity requirements for

the day and times are the same as with the reserve command.

• report

This command prints out the schedule, in the format shown above.

• quit

This is a request for the server to terminate the connection with this client. This behavior has

already been implemented for you, but see the “NC Hanging” section below; we seem to get

different behavior on different nc clients, depending on the OS and installation.

Invalid Client Input

If the client sends an invalid user name at the start (one that’s too long or contains something other

than capital letters), the server will print a line saying “Invalid username” and terminate the connection

with the client right away. See the note below about the behavior of nc on some systems. Like the

quit command described above, this also causes a problem when the user enters an invalid username.

After successfully entering the username, if the client sends an invalid command, the server will print

out a line saying “Invalid command”, ignore that input line and then prompt for the next command.


So, a bad username terminates the connection right away, but bad commands after that don’t terminate

the connection.

You can assume each user command is given on a single line of input. You don’t have to worry about

dealing with multiple commands given on the same line, or a single command spread over multiple

input lines. We won’t test your program with inputs like that. This should make the user input easier

to parse.

NC Client

For this program, we won’t need to write a separate client program. The server just needs a client that

can open a socket connection, send user input over the socket and write anything it reads from the

socket to the terminal. There are standard programs that do this kind of thing. In fact, the predecessor

to ssh, ’telnet’, did exactly this. It’s no longer installed on the university machines, but we can use a

the program ’nc’ to do some of the same thing.

You can run nc as follows. Here, hostname is the name of the system where you’re running your

server. The port-number is the unique port number your server is using for listening for connections

(see below).

nc hostname port-number.

Client/Server Interaction

Client/server communication is all done in text. In the server, we’re using fdopen() to create a FILE

pointer from the socket file descriptor. This lets us send and receive messages the same way we would

write and read files using the C standard I/O library. Of course, we could just read and write directly

to the socket file descriptor, but using the C I/O functions should make sending and receiving text a

little bit easier.

The partial server implementation just repeatedly prompts the client for commands and terminates

the connection when the client enters “quit”. You will extend the server to handle the commands

described above. There’s a sample execution below to help demonstrate how the server is expected to

respond to these commands.

Multi-Threading and Synchronization

In the starter code, the server uses just the main thread to accept new client connections and to

communicate with the client. It can only interact with one client at a time. You’re going to fix this

by making it a multi-threaded server. Each time a client connects, you will create a new thread to

handle interaction with that client. When it’s done talking to the client, that thread can close the

socket connection to the client and terminate. Use the pthread argument-passing mechanism to give

the new thread the socket associated with that client’s connection.1

With each client having its own thread on the server, there could be race conditions when threads try

to access any state stored in the server (e.g., when they modify the schedule or report it to a user).

You’ll need to add synchronization support to your server to prevent potential race conditions. You

can use POSIX semaphores or POSIX monitors for this. That way, if two clients enter a command

at the same time, the server will make sure their threads can’t access shared server state at the same


1Remember that it’s easy to make a mistake in how you pass an argument to a new thread. Be careful here.


Detaching Threads

Previously, we’ve always had the main thread join with the threads it created. Here, we don’t need to

do that. The main thread can just forget about a thread once it has created it. Each new thread can

communicate with its client and then terminate when it’s done.

For this to work properly, after creating a thread, the server needs to detach it using pthread detach().

This tells pthreads to free memory for the given thread as soon as it terminates, rather than keeping

it around for the benefit of another thread that’s expected to join with it.

Buffer Overflow

In its current state, the server is vulnerable to buffer overflow where it reads commands and the

username from the client. If the user types in a long username, they can crash the server (try it and

see). You’ll need to fix this vulnerability in the existing code and make sure you don’t have potential

buffer overflows in any new code you add.2 Your server only needs to be able to handle the commands

listed above. If the user tries to type in a really long username, a really long command or a really long

day name, you should detect this, ignore it and print the “Invalid command” message.

Input Flushing

Because of the way we’re creating our file pointer, it looks like buffered input is discarded when the

server starts writing output to the socket. This ends up being fairly convenient, but its something to

keep in mind as you’re writing the code to parse and respond to user commands. For example, you’ll

need to read all parts of the user’s command before you start printing a response to it (otherwise,

you’ll lose the parts you haven’t read yet). Likewise, imagine the the user types in a really long day

name in a reserve command. Once you’ve detected that the day name is too long, you can print out

the “Invalid command” message and the rest of their command will be discarded. You wont’ have to

write code to read and discard the rest of the command.

Port Numbers

Since we may be developing on multi-user systems, we need to make sure we all use different port

numbers our servers can listen on. That way, a client written by one student won’t accidentally try to

connect to a server being written by another student. To help prevent this, I’ve assigned each student

their own port number. Visit the following URL to find out what port number your server is supposed

to use.


NC Hanging

I haven’t really seen nc hang, but I’ve seen what might look like nc hanging. If the server terminates

the socket connection to the nc client, I’ve seen nc continue to run. This is what happens if you type in

a bad username at the start of a client connection, or if you type in the quit command. The server will

close the client’s socket connection and let the client’s thread terminate, but the nc client won’t exit.

When this happens, you can press ctrl-C to terminate the nc client. This works, but it’s inconvenient

to have to take this extra step to end the nc client. There are other client programs that automatically

exit when the socket connection is closed (putty for example), but it’s not clear that there are better

alternatives installed on the NC State machines.

2As you know, a buffer overflow is really bad in a server. It could permit an attacker anywhere in the world to gain access

to the system the server is running on.


The nc program seems to work fine on my MacBook, but, on the university machines it exhibits this

behavior. if you’re running nc on a university machine, be prepared to type ctrl-C to get nc to exit,

even after the server closed the socket connection.

Sad Truths about Sockets on EOS Linux Hosts

Since we’re using TCP/IP for communication, we can finally run our client and server programs on

different hosts. You should be able to run your server on one host and then start nc on any other

Internet-connected system in the world, giving it the server’s hostname and your port number on the

command line. However, if you try this on a typical university Linux machine, you’ll probably be

disappointed. These systems have a software firewall that blocks most IP traffic. As a result, if you

want to develop on a university system, you will still need to run the client and server on the same

host. If you have your own Linux machine, you should be able to run your server on it and connect

from anywhere (depending on how your network is set up).

If you’d like to use a machine in the Virtual Computing Lab (VCL), you should be able to run commands

as the administrator, so you can disable the software firewall. I had success with a reservation for a

CentOS 7 Base (64 bit VM) system. After logging in, uploading and building my server, I ran the

following command to permit TCP connections via my port. Then, if I ran a server on the virtual

machine, I was able to connect to it, even from off campus.

sudo /sbin/iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport my-port-number -j ACCEPT

Also, if your server crashes, you may temporarily be unable to bind to your assigned port number,

with an error message “Can’t bind socket.” Just wait a minute or two and you should be able to run

the server again.


You will complete your server by extending the file, scheduleServer.c from the starter. You’ll need

to compile as follows:

gcc -Wall -g -std=gnu99 scheduleServer.c -o scheduleServer -lpthread

Sample Execution

You should be able to run your server with any number of concurrent clients, each handled by its own

thread in the server. Below, we’re looking at three terminal sessions, with the server running in the

left-hand column and clients running in the other two columns (be sure to use our own port number,

instead of 28123). I’ve interleaved the input/output to illustrate the order of interaction with each

client, and I’ve added some comments to explain what’s going on. If you try this out on your own

server, don’t enter the comments, since the server doesn’t know what to do with them.

$ ./scheduleServer

# Run one client and reserve a few times

$ nc localhost 28123

username> alice

cmd> reserve Monday 8:00 12:00

cmd> reserve Tuesday 8:00 12:30


# Run another client and make

# a couple of reservations.

$ nc localhost 28123

cmd> reserve tuesday 12:00 1:30

cmd> reserve wednesday 12:00 1:30

# Ask for a time alice already has

cmd> reserve tuesday 12:00 1:30

Invalid command

# See what happened

cmd> report

8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00

Sunday | | | | | | | | |

Monday aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbb | | |

Tuesday aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | | | |

Wednesday | | | | bbbbbbbbb | | |

Thursday | | | | | | | | |

Friday | | | | | | | | |

Saturday | | | | | | | | |

# Try to make a conflicting reservation

cmd> reserve Wednesday 8:00 12:30

Invalid command

# We’re the admin. We can erase other reservations.

cmd> clear Wednesday 12:00 12:30

cmd> report

8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00

Sunday | | | | | | | | |

Monday aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbb | | |

Tuesday aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | | | |

Wednesday | | | | | bbbbbb | | |

Thursday | | | | | | | | |

Friday | | | | | | | | |

Saturday | | | | | | | | |

# Now, we can make our reservation (but this is probably

# an abuse of administrator rights)

cmd> reserve Wednesday 8:00 12:30

cmd> report

8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00

Sunday | | | | | | | | |

Monday aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbb | | |

Tuesday aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | | | |

Wednesday aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbb | | |

Thursday | | | | | | | | |

Friday | | | | | | | | |

Saturday | | | | | | | | |

# We can overwrite our own reservation


cmd> reserve Monday 1:00 2:30

cmd> report

8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00

Sunday | | | | | | | | |

Monday aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbb | |

Tuesday aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | | | |

Wednesday aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbb | | |

Thursday | | | | | | | | |

Friday | | | | | | | | |

Saturday | | | | | | | | |

# Try some invalid commands, then exit.

cmd> fsdklfjks

Invalid command

cmd> reserve Friday 7:30 8:30

Invalid command

cmd> reserve Friday 8:99 9:45

Invalid command

cmd> clear Monday 1:00 2:00

Invalid command

cmd> reserve lunes 3:00 4:59

Invalid command

cmd> quit

cmd> quit

Submitting your Work

When you’re done, submit your scheduleServer.c source file using the Homework 5 link in Moodle.

2. (40 points) For this problem, you’re going to implement the distancing program from assignments 1,

2 and 3 on a GPU, with lots and lots of threads. We’re going to use the CUDA framework on the

arc cluster at NC State. You know about arc; you should have activated your arc account as part of

assignment 4. Arc has a collection of about 100 hosts running Linux, each with a general-purpose CPU

and a GPU serving as a highly parallel co-processor.

Arc Filesystem

Arc doesn’t share user accounts or filesystems with other university machines. To connect to it, you’ll

need to ssh in from another university system (e.g., remote.eos.ncsu.edu), just like you did when you

activated your arc account for assignment 4. To successfully connect, you’ll need to use the same

machine where you made the your key pair on assignment 4, or some machine that has access to AFS

if you made your key pair on a machine with AFS.

Due Date Distribution

The arc system has a lot of nodes, but it doesn’t have enough for all of us to have one at the same

time. To make sure you get a chance to complete this problem, I’m implementing a soft due date for

this assignment. You can earn up to 8 points of extra credit by completing this problem early. Or,

if you submit your solution late, the late penalty will be applied gradually rather than all at once. I’m

hoping this will help to make sure we aren’t all trying to use the arc system on the same evening. Arc


has a lot of compute nodes, but if we’re all trying to use it at the same time, some users are going to

be disappointed.

The following table shows the extra credit or late penalty based on how early or late you turn in your


Bonus / Penalty Submission Time

+8 At least 96 hours early

+6 At least 72 hours early

+4 At least 48 hours early

+2 At least 24 hours early

-2 At most 24 hours late

-4 At most 48 hours late

-6 At most 72 hours late

Work Partitioning

For this assignment, we’re going to divide work statically among the threads. You can divide up the

work however you want, and, unlike on homework 3, you will have access to the whole list of locations

before any of your worker threads start running. Each thread has a unique index, i. It computes this

index based on the grid and block dimensions right after the thread starts up. You could have thread

number i compare the i

th location on the list with other locations, counting (and optionally reporting)

all the pairs that are too close. Then, when a worker is done, it will copy the count of pairs it finds to

element i of an array allocated in CUDA global memory. After all the threads are finished, code from

main will copy all the counts to host memory and add up the results to get an overall total.

For previous assignments, we made each process or thread responsible for several locations on the list.

We didn’t want to create too many workers. This won’t be a problem on a GPU. It can handle lots

of threads at once, and the CUDA software will take care of sharing the processing elements among

threads if we ask for more threads than the GPU can execute at once.

I’m providing you with a skeleton, distancing.cu, to get you started. This program reads the list of

locations into an array on the host, pList.


You’ll need to add code to allocate two arrays on the device, one array for holding a copy of the host’s

list of people and another array of integers for holding the counts computed by each thread.

Then you’ll need code to copy the list of people from the host over to the device, so threads on the

GPU can access it.

Now that the device is ready, you’ll need to complete the implementation of the checkDistance() kernel.

Each thread will be responsible for checking for some pairs of locations. When it’s done, it will store

its total count in the i

th index of the results array in device memory.

When you run this kernel from the host, it will start a thread for each location and wait for them to

finish computing their counts.


Then, the host will need to allocate host memory (malloc) and copy the results into it.

Then, the main thread on the host can quickly add up the counts from all the threads and print out a

total count in the format:

Count: 39

Thread Implementation

You get to write most of the checkDistance() function, the code that actually runs on the GPU. I’ve

written some starter code for this function. Right now, each thread just computes a unique index and


makes sure it has a value to work on3 and then returns. You’ll need to add parameters to the kernel

function for passing in pointers to the input and output arrays, testing pairs of locations and counting

the ones that are too close.

Working on Arc

To access arc, you’ll have to log in from another university machine, where you’ve stored the key pair

that you used to activate your arc account (probably remote.csc.ncsu.edu). Use your ssh client (e.g.,

putty or mobaXterm or ssh) to connect to remote.csc.ncsu.edu, then you can get to arc from there.

Uploading your Files

The nodes on the arc cluster share a filesystem, but they don’t use the university AFS. To get files

onto the machine, you’ll need to upload them from another university machine. You can just upload

your files to one of the university Linux machines and then transfer them from there using the sftp

program. From one of the remote Linux machines (not from ARC), commands like the following should

let you upload files. Starting from a directory containing your distancing.cu and the input files:

sftp arc.csc.ncsu.edu

sftp> put distancing.cu

Uploading distancing.cu ...

sftp> put input-1.txt

Uploading input-1.txt

sftp> put input-2.txt

Uploading input-2.txt

<you get the idea>

sftp> bye

Logging in on Arc

After logging in to one of the machines at remote.eos.ncsu.edu, you should be able to enter the following

to log in to the head node on arc:

ssh arc.csc.ncsu.edu

Editing, Compiling and Running

When you log in to arc, you connect to a head node that doesn’t even have a GPU. From the head

node, you’ll need to connect to one of the compute nodes. Arc uses batch processing software to assign

jobs to the compute nodes. The following commands let you connect from the head node to one of

the compute nodes. Each time you want to work on arc, you should just need to run one of these

commands. It will give you an interactive prompt on one of the compute nodes as soon as one is

available. The comments below tell you what kind of GPU you’ll get on each node. Depending on how

busy the system is, you may have to wait a little while to get a prompt. Also be sure you run this

from an a shell prompt (not from inside sftp command described above):


If the block size doesn’t evenly divide the number of people, there may be some threads in the last block that don’t actually

have anything to do.


# there are 13 nodes with an nVidia RTX 2060

srun -p rtx2060 --pty /bin/bash

# there are 17 nodes with an nVidia rtx2070.

# Once, when I tried to use one of the rtx2070 systems, it failed

# on my first call to a cuda function. Later, when I logged back

# in to another rtx2070 system, it worked fine. This makes me think

# there may have been one of these nodes that had a bad GPU or maybe

# it wasn’t configured correctly. If you have this problem, you may

# want to try another system.

srun -p rtx2070 --pty /bin/bash

# there are 2 nodes with an nVidia RTX 2080

srun -p rtx2080 --pty /bin/bash

# there are 21 nodes with an nVidia RTX 2060 Super

srun -p rtx2060super --pty /bin/bash

# there are 2 nodes with an nVidia RTX 2080 Super

srun -p rtx2080super --pty /bin/bash

# there are still some systems with the older, nVideo gtx480 graphics

# card. If you can’t connect to one of the newer systems above, you

# could try one of these older systems instead.

srun -p gtx480 --pty /bin/bash

Once you have a prompt on a compute node, you should still be able to see the files you uploaded. Arc

used to require you to enter the following command before you could do any work with CUDA, but it

seems like this is no longer required. If you try to run the nvcc compiler and you get a complaint that

your shell can’t find a program with that name, you could try running this command to see if that

fixes it.

module load cuda

For editing your program, you can make edits in AFS and just use sftp to copy the modified file to

arc every time you make a change. If you’re comfortable editing directly on Linux machine, it may be

easier for you to edit your source file directly on the arc machine. Editors vim and emacs are there,

but it doesn’t look like the really simple editors like pico or nano are installed (vim and emacs are

better editors anyway, but it takes a little space in your brain to be ready to use them).

Once you’re ready to build your program, you can compile as follows:

nvcc -I/usr/local/cuda/include -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 distancing.cu -o distancing

When you’re ready to run, be sure you’re on a compute node. You can run your program just like you

would an ordinary program. This version of the program will still have the optional report flag, but it

won’t need to be told how many threads to use. It just makes a thread for every person on the list.

As usual, if report is enabled, then your threads will report pairs of nearby people as they find them,

so they may get printed in any order.


$ ./distancing report < input-2.txt

9 13 5.297

5 6 5.561

6 10 5.906

13 14 5.616

3 7 5.215

3 4 5.462

Count: 6

The time command is available when you want to measure the execution time for your program

(especially on the larger inputs).

$ time ./distancing < input-4.txt

Count: 1260629

real ?m?.???s

user ?m?.???s

sys ?m?.???s

Recording Execution Time

At the top of the prime.cu file, I’ve put comments for recording running times for this program on the

inpput-4.txt file. Once your program is working, time its execution on this input file and enter the

(real) execution time you got in this comment. Also, report what type of compute node you were using

(i.e., what type of GPU it has). Don’t use the report flag when you’re measuring execution time; that

would just slow it down. You’ll probably notice that start-up time seems to be significant, so pushing

work out to the GPU pays off most with the largest input files. The different compute nodes on arc

may have different capabilities (at least, that’s been the case in the past), so don’t worry if you get

different execution times from some of your classmates. Either way, I hope you’ll find these runtimes

to be faster than what you got on a general-purpose CPU.

Logging Out

When you’re ready to log out, you’ll have several levels to log out from. From a compute node, you

can type exit to fall back to the head node of the arc cluster. Typing exit from there will drop you

back to whatever machine you connected from (probably remote.eos.ncsu.edu). One more exit should

get you out.

Submitting your Work

When you’re done, submit a copy of your working program, distancing.cu, with the runtime filled

in at the top. Use the Homework 5 link in Moodle.



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