CSCI 460: Networks and Communications
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Project 1: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client
Software Application
1. To learn how a computer network protocol is documented in a Request for Comments (RFC) by
Internet Engineering Taskforce (IETF) as an Internet Standard.
2. To understand File Transfer Protocol (FTP) from RFC 959.
3. To learn and use Unix Network or Socket programming API.
4. To implement FTP Client software according to Internet Standard outlined in RFC 959.
5. To implement FPT Client software using C++ programming language and Unix Network or Socket
programming API.
You have been using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to get or to store files from or to FTP servers.
You use a FTP Client software in your host computer to communicate with an FTP server. FTP
server runs a FTP Server software application. In this project, you are going to implement your
own FTP Client software application in C++ programming language using Unix Network or Socket
programming API.
FTP is a client-server protocol to transfer files to/from the servers. An FTP client sends FTP
request messagesto an FTP server. FTP server interprets the request message, takes appropriate
action, and sends back response message to the client. RFC 959 describes FTP and its request
and response messages in detail. You need to read and understand RFC 959 to complete this
project. Although, RFC 959 describes many request messages, you need to implement only the
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Your FTP Client software must have a command-line user interface (UI) so that the users can
enter commands through this interface. User commands of your application have different
syntax than that of FTP request messages. User commands are more human readable. A user
command has one or more corresponding FTP request message(s). Your software must accept
and process following user commands.
user <username>
pass <password>
cwd <dirname>
get <filename>
Some of the user commands have an argument. For example, command user has an
argument <username>. A user command and its argument is always space separated.
– Command ‘help’ displays the list of commands supported by this software application, their
syntax, and meaning.
– Command ‘user’ sends username to the FTP server for authentication. You need to support
only one user with user name ‘csci460’ and password ‘460pass’.
– Command ‘pass’ sends the password to the FTP server for authentication.
– Command ‘pwd’ prints the current working directory of the FTP server.
– Command ‘dir’ lists the contents of the current working directory of the FTP server.
– Command ‘cwd’ changes the current working directory to another directory specified in the
argument. If the specified directory is beyond current working directory of FTP server, an
error is reported by the server.
– Command ‘cdup’ changes the current working directory to its parent directory. If the parent
directory is beyond server’s base directory, an error is reported by the server.
– Command ‘get’ fetches the specified file from the current working directory of FTP server. If
the specified file is not available an error is reported by the server.
– Command ‘quit’ informs FTP server that the client application is quitting, so that the server
can close the connection gracefully. It also closes the client connection gracefully and
terminates the software.
Your FTP client software application must interpret above user commands, translate them into
appropriate FTP request messages, send the FTP request messages to FTP server, receive the
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response messages from the server, and present the response to the user in a user-friendly
FTP Client and Server communicate request and response messages over a control connection.
Some requests/responsesinvolve a data transmission. For example, RETR request involves a data
transmission to transfer file content as the part of a successful response. FTP server uses a
separate connection for each data transmission. A data connection is opened on demand and
closed when a data transmission is complete. FTP server can operate either in active or in passive
mode. In active mode, FTP server opens the data connection with the client on demand. If the
client is behind a firewall, FTP active mode fails to open a data connection. In passive mode, when
a data connection is required the server opens a connection listener so that client can send
connection request to the listener and open a data connection. Client instructs the server to enter
into passive mode by sending a PASV request message to the server. The server opens the
connection listener on a port and sends the port number to the client in its PASV response. After
receiving the PASV response, the client retrieves listener port number and sends a connection
request to the listener port in order to open a data connection. In this project, you must
implement passive mode and your FTP client software application, must send a PASV request
before any data request, such as RETR and NLST.
1. You will work on and submit this project using GIT submission system of the
department. A central repository named project1 has already been created for this
2. You are allowed to do this project alone or with another student. Your team has to be
approved by your instructor before you proceed with your team work. If you are doing
the project alone, create your own fork of project1 on the central GIT repository using
following command. You should skip this step if you are doing the project in a team or
ssh csci fork csci460/project1 csci460/$USER/project1
If you are working in a team, a forked repository for your team has already been
created. For example, the central repository for team1 is csci460/team1/project1. In
order to find out which team repository you have access to, type following command:
ssh csci info
3. Create a folder named csci460 in your home folder and go into your csci460 folder.
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4. Create a clone of your forked project1 repository using following command if you are
working alone:
git clone csci:csci460/$USER/project1
Create a clone of your forked team project1 repository using following command if you
are working in a team (assuming you are working in team1, replace team1 with your
own team):
git clone csci:csci460/team1/project1
5. Repository project1 has been organized as follows:
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6. Continue your work in your cloned or local project1 repository and commit and push
your work to your central project1 repository as it progresses. Instructor is expecting
lots of incremental commits in the repository. Few number of commits is a red flag of
academic misconduct. Instructor, will take further steps to verify the integrity of your
work if there is any red flag of academic misconduct.
7. You will use supplied Makefile and Unix make utility to build, run, and test your
application. You don’t need to and should not modify this Makefile.
8. A README template file has been supplied. You will need to complete README file to
guide your user about your application. Complete your README file once you have
completed your project.
9. Following header (hpp) files have been supplied in include folder in the repository.
a. ftp_client_command.hpp
b. ftp_client_connection.hpp
c. ftp_client_session.hpp
d. ftp_client_ui.hpp
e. ftp_server_response.hpp
You will need to implement the functions specified in the header files in corresponding
source code files. For example, all functions in header file ‘ftp_client_command.hpp’
should be implemented in ‘ftp_client_command.cpp’ file. You are not allowed to
change any header file. If you modify any header file, your project will be evaluated to
10. All of your source code (cpp) files should be in src folder of the project. The source code
of ftp_client.cpp file has been supplied, you don’t need to and should not change this
code. Implement following cpp files in your src folder.
a. ftp_client_command.cpp
b. ftp_client_connection.cpp
c. ftp_client_session.cpp
d. ftp_client_ui.cpp
11. The lists of internal dependencies of the cpp files in this project are as follows.
i. ftp_client.cpp: ftp_client_session.hpp, ftp_client_ui.hpp,
ii. ftp_client_ui.cpp: ftp_client_ui.hpp
iii. ftp_client_connection.cpp: ftp_client_connection.hpp
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iv. ftp_client_sesion.cpp: ftp_client_session.hpp, ftp_client_connection.hpp,
ftp_client_command.hpp, ftp_client_ui.hpp, ftp_server_response.hpp
v. ftp_client_command.cpp: ftp_client_command.hpp, ftp_client_ui.hpp,
ftp_client_connection.hpp, ftp_client_session.hpp,
12. As mentioned earlier, you will build your FTP Client software application using build tool
make. Build tool make will compile your source codes from src folder and save all object
files in build folder. Build tool (make) will link all object files into a single executable and
save the binary file (‘ftpclient’) of the application in bin folder. Build tool will also link
necessary object files from test/build and build folders to create a test binary
(ftpclienttest) in test/bin folder.
13. An example FTP Client Application binary (ftpclient) and an example FTP Server
Application binary file (ftpserver) have been given in example/bin folder. An example
FTP Client Test binary (ftpclienttest) has been given in test/example/bin folder. Make
clean command will not delete these example binary files and don’t delete them
yourself either.
14. Test code file named ftp_client_test.cpp has been placed in test/src folder. Your
instructor has implemented all the functions prototyped in all the header files in
test/include folder in the corresponding source code files in test/src folder and these
source files are not exposed to you for technical reasons. You will not need to write
these test codes either. Compiled object file (ftp_client_test.o and
ftp_client_test_net_util.o) from your instructor’s test code have been supplied in
test/build folder and build tool make will use this object file and other object files from
your source code to create your test binary (ftpclienttest) in test/bin folder. Make clean
command will not delete this test object file and don’t delete them yourself either.
15. To see how the example ftpclienttest works for deliverable1 enter following from your
project root folder and observe console outputs.
>make test-example-deliverable1
These outputs will give you the idea about how many test cases your own code has to
pass. Your instructor recommends you to give close attention to these test cases. Your
project evaluation will suffer if your code does not pass all the test cases.
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16. To see how the example ftpclienttest works for deliverable2 enter following from your
project root folder and observe console outputs.
make test-example-deliverable2
17. To see how the example ftpclienttest works for deliverable1 and deliverable2 together
enter following from your project root folder and observe console outputs.
make test-example
18. In order to see how the example ftpclient works, you need to run both example
ftpserver and example ftpclient in separate shell terminals. You need to run the
example ftpserver first in one terminal and then the example ftpclient in another
a. Open two terminals and go into your project root directory in both terminals.
b. In order to run example ftpserver, type following command in one terminal.
make run-example-server
c. In order to run example ftpclient, type following command in the other terminal.
make run-example-client
d. Example ftpclient will be connected to example ftpserver automatically and will
be ready to accept user commands and send the appropriate FTP requests to the
example server.
e. Play with all the commands that the FTP client has to support. If you play enough
with the example ftplclient and example ftpserver, it will give you good idea
what is expected from you to develop in this project.
Note that all the supplied binaries were built and tested only in Linux Debian machines
of the lab. Run them in other machines at your own risks.
19. Type make clean command from the project root folder to clean up the artefacts (binary
and object files) of the project and start with your own. Remember, not to delete any
artefact yourself using other means, always use make clean to clean up old artefacts.
20. Once your code is ready, build your own binaries ftpclient and ftpclienttest typing make
from the project root folder.
21. Type make test-deliverable1 to test the deliverable 1 using your own code.
22. Type make test-deliverable2 to test the deliverable 2 using your own code.
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23. Type make test to test both deliverable 1 and deliverable 2 together using your own
24. In order to see how your own ftpclient performs, you will need to run it as well as the
example ftpserver in two separate terminals.
a) Open two terminals and go into your project root directory in both terminals.
b) In order to run the example ftpserver, type following command in one terminal.
make run-example-server.
c) In order to run your ftpclient, type following command in the other terminal.
make run-client.
d) Type user commands in your FTP Client application to see how the example server
responds against your commands.
25. Organize your code nicely and add adequate comments on your code. Type your name,
student number, and section number at the beginning of each cpp file that you have
contributed to. You can follow coding style shown in ‘ftp_client.cpp’. Make sure you have
deleted all debugging print codes that you were using to debug your code during your
development time but not necessary in the final code. Also, make sure you have deleted
all commented out codes from your final submission. The code with poor organization
and comments will also get poor evaluation.
26. Complete the README file. You need to give the general description of the application,
technologies that are used in the application, how a user can build (compile and link) and
install the application, how a user can run the application after the installation. Mention
instructor’s name and your name in the list of contributors. Give GPL license to the users
to use the application. You can google to find README examples if you are not sure how
to write one.
27. Commit and push your final code before the deadlines.
28. Commit and push the filled up contribution form if you have done your project in a
partnership with another student.
29. Your submission will be evaluated to zero if it does not compile and run.
30. Your submission will be tested by running automated test as well as by running as an
independent application for evaluation.
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You are allowed to complete this project with another student. In that case, your
contributions must be marked in your source code. If you are the only contributor of a
function, you should mark yourself as the sole author of that function before the function
header. If you are the only contributor of all the functions in a file, you should mark yourself
as the sole author of the file at the beginning of the file. If both you and your partner have
contributed to write a function or all the functions of a file, both of you should mark
yourselves as the authors at appropriate place in the code. You and your partner must
complete, sign, and submit contribution form.
Deadlines and Submissions
This project has 2 incremental deliverables. The deadlines for the deliverables are as follows:
Project 1 S21N02 S21N01
Demonstration Code Submission Demonstration Code Submission
Deliverable 1 In the lab on
October 06,
11:00 PM on
October 06, 2021
In the lab on
October 07,
11:00 PM on
October 07, 2021
Deliverable 2 In the lab on
October 20,
11:00 PM on
October 20, 2021
In the lab on
October 21`,
11:00 PM on
October 21, 2021
Late completion/submission of any deliverable will be evaluated as zero.
Commit and push your work from your local repository to your remote repository regularly.
Use following git commands to commit and push your work from your local repository to your
remote repository from your project’s root folder:
git add --all
git commit –am”Commit message”
git push origin master
Remember ‘git add --all’ has double dashes before ‘all’. You can also use ‘git add .’ dot option
instead of ‘all’ option. Both options do the same, add all the new and the modified files into the
commit index. If you want to add only a specific file into the commit index, you can specify the
relative path of the file instead of dot or ‘all’ option. For example, if you want to add only prog.cpp
file of the src folder into the commit index, you can use ‘git add src/prog.cpp’ command. You can
also include multiple files or paths separated by space in the same ‘git add’ command instead of
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using multiple ‘git add’ commands. Command ‘git add’ is necessary before each ‘git commit’
command. If you skip ‘git add’ command before a ‘git commit’ command, it does not perform the
actual commit of the new and modified files into the repository. Always type a meaningful
message in your ‘git commit’ command’s ‘-m’ option. For example, if you are committing after
adding all the necessary comments into your ‘Makefile’, use ‘git commit –m“Added Makefile
comments”’. Remember there is a single dash before m in ‘git commit’ command. It is not
recommended to make a huge commit instead of a number of small commits. It is also
recommended to avoid unnecessary commits. Commits should reflect the check points of your
software development milestones. Command ‘git push’ is necessary to push the local commit to
the remote repository. If you skip ‘git push’ after a ‘git commit’, your local and remote repository
will become unsynchronized. You must keep your local and remote repositories synchronized
with each other using ‘git push’ after each ‘git commit’.
You will find most useful git commands in this git cheat sheet from GitLab. You will be allowed
to commit and push until the deadline is over. Incremental and frequent commits and pushes
are highly expected and recommended in this assignment.
Project1 Test Cases Commands Marks
Deliverable 1 ftp_client_ui 2.5
ftp_client_connection 20
ftp_client_session 5
ftp_client_command interpret 2.5
help 2.5
simple 5
user 2.5
pass 2.5
quit 2.5
Deliverable 2 ftp_client_command pwd 2.5
cwd 2.5
cdup 2.5
dir 15
get 15
Code Quality and
12.5 55
Total 100
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