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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2021-05-30 08:29

CSP2151 Assignment 2: A mini-programming project

General Information:

This assignment is an extension of the Workshops you have been doing during the semester.

Where appropriate, the standards set out in previous workshops should be followed and the

code must make good use of arrays, structures, and control flows, etc.

Assignment type: individual work (i.e., not a group assignment)

The tasks:

Design and implement (in C) the following tasks to complete and manage the robot combat


Your program should first load the information of up to 10 robots from a file, named “Robot.txt”,

and store the information in an array of (structure of) robots. Use a variable, say robot_count, to

keep track of the number of robots stored in the array of robots.

To create a structure of robot for the robot combat simulation, you may refer to the structure of a robot that

you used in your Workshop 3, with an additional field, Best_score, that stores the highest score the robot has

ever achieved during a series of robot combat simulations. For example, you may define a new robot

structure with at least 6 fields, Robot_number, Robot_name, Year_manufactured, Top_speed, Mass,

Best_score. The Best_score field should be initialised 0.0 for all robots to indicate that no simulation has ever

been done to the individual robot. You may add any extra field/s as needed. The value of Best_score field

might be updated after any robot combat simulation.

The program then displays all available robot information stored in the array of robot (using a

tabular format). It then displays a Menu that allows the user to navigate through and execute

the following options:

1. Simulate a robot against a human opponent

2. Display simulation results

3. Display winners

4. Search a robot by robot_number or by robot_name

5. Input/update robot information

6. Save all results

7. Save robot information

8. Exit


Menu design/implementation requirement:

Create one function for each menu item (i.e., to implement its feature/s). If any of these functions was

not implemented as required in the final submission, use a dummy function that prints the following

statement only:

“<menu item name> feature has not been completed yet.”

For example, if the “Save all results” feature was not completed at submission, the function should

print the following statement only:

“Save all results feature has not been completed yet.”

The “Simulate a robot against human opponents” feature should allow the user to select ONE

robot from the array of robots, and then simulate a robot combat against human opponents.

This feature can also be named “robot test”. The simulation result should be stored in the array

of structure created for the simulation result. The structure of the simulation results and of

robot simulation task are described in Section (1) and (2), see details in the next page).

The “Display simulation results” feature should allow the user to choose a robot by robot name

and display all simulation results of the robot (if any). If the robot has not yet been tested (i.e.,

no simulation was recorded), the program should display an error message, informing the user

that they must test that robot before displaying any results of the robot. If multiple robots have

the same name (e.g., each with a different robot number), all simulation results for robots with

that name should be displayed.

As a special case, if the robot name entered is “all”, the program should display the simulation

results of all robots that have been tested. If none of robots have been tested, an error message

should be displayed.

The “Display winners” feature should display an error message if no robot has been tested.

Otherwise it should display the top one robot in speed (one with highest speed), the top one

robot in strength and the top one robot in combat-effectiveness (i.e., a total of 3 results) of all

robots that have been tested.

The “Search a robot by robot_number or by robot_name” feature should allow the user to choose

to search for information of a robot either by Robot_number or by robot_name, say, by

providing a sub-menu:

1. Search by robot number

2. Search by robot name

In case the user chooses to search robots by robot number, the program searches the robot

from the array of robots based on value of the Robot_number field. If found successfully, the

information stored in the related entry/entries in the robot array will be displayed. Otherwise,

an error message should be displayed. As a special case, if the robot number entered is -1, it

displays information for all robots.

On the other hand, if the user chooses to search robots by robot name, the program does a

similar search, but it searches robot information by Robot_name field instead of Robot_number.

As a special case, if the robot name entered is “all”, it displays information for all robots.

The “Input/update robot information” feature allows the user to input or update information of

ONE robot. It prompts the user input a Robot_number. If the Robot_number entered matches an

existing robot, the information entered is used to update the information of the robot stored in

the array of robots. Otherwise a new entry should be created in the array of robots and

information be stored in the new entry (and the total number of robots should be increased).


The “Save all results” feature should display an error message if no robot has been tested.

Otherwise it creates a file, named “Results.txt”, and save the test results for all robots that have

been tested to that file.

The “Save robot information” feature should extract all robot information stored in the robot

array and save them back to the “Robot.txt” file for possible future tests. For simplicity, only the

first (up to) 10 pieces of information of robots are required to save.

(1) The data structures for robot simulation result

To save the robot simulation result, you should create an array of structure for the simulation

results and use it to save all simulations results. The simulation structure may have the following

fields (you may add extra fields as needed):

• Test ID

• Robot_number // or Robot_name?

• Finish_line_distance //Test conditions starts here

• Finish_line_time;

• Strength

• Test_score //combat_effectiveness -the test results

(2) Robot combat simulation

This task simulates a robot test scenario, completing calculations on various data items,

updating simulation results, and displaying test result.

At the start, the function/program prompts the user to choose ONE robot from the available

robots. It then prompts user to enter a variety of test conditions (including the

finish_line_distance, finish_line_time, and strength, of the robot ) for the robot



A simulation of a robot combat simulation can be much more complicated in the real-world scenario,

as there would be many more variables to consider when designing such a system. We will only

design and implement a simplified version of such a system in this assignment.

Robot combat simulation can be done automatically (i.e., under random conditions: test data and

conditions are randomly generated within a reasonable value range), or manually (i.e., by entering a

set of test data or condition), or in a hybrid case (i.e., in a weighted combination of the above two

cases). - Due to time and workload constraints, we only perform a simulation manually in this

assignment (that is, simulation data and/or conditions are entered manually).

The test conditions are set as follows and must comply with the listed restrictions:

The test conditions are set as follows and must comply with the listed restrictions:

• finish_line_distance

o Measured in meters

o Must be in float data type, with value greater than or equal to 0.0


• finish_line_time

o Measured in second

o Must be in float data type, with value greater than 0.0

• strength

o Is the number of objects the robot can lift

o Must be in int data type, with value in the range from 0 to 100

If the user enters an invalid value for any test condition, the program should print an error

message, together with the data entered, and continue to prompt user again until a valid value is


Based on the information entered, the simulation calculates various data items, including speed

and combat_effectiveness of the robot participating the simulation. The simulation is done the

same way as that described in Workshop 2, plus the following additional task/s: Once completed

the simulation calculation, it then compares the current combat_effectiveness value with the

value stored in the Best_score field in the related entry of the robot array. If the current

combat_effectiveness value is greater than that entry value, it offers an opportunity for the user

to accept (thus to replace the Best_score of relevant robot/s) or discard the result.

Finally, it displays simulation result (together with test conditions) in a properly designed table.

An example table may look like:

Robot Test Result

Test ID (optional): (?)

Robot information:













Test conditions:

finish_line_distance ?

finish_line_time ?

strength ?

Simulation result:

combat_effectiveness ?

where a question mark (“?”) is the value calculated (entered or taken from relevant array/s).

The program then offers the option of saving this output to the results array before starting

a new simulation or quitting.

(3) Some technical requirement for file I/O

File I/O should only be used when necessary. For example, file I/O should only be used in

the code part of implementing menu items 6 (i.e., Save all results) and 7 (i.e., Save robot

information), and at the very beginning when the program loads robot information into the

robot array. All other simulation operations should be done using value/s of variables,

arrays and/or structures in memory.


Bonus Mark (up to 4 marks):

Additional work and effort to improve the program and make it more useful can be worth bonus

marks. Bonus marks are not required and will not improve your grade above 100%. – Please do not

attempt tasks for bonus mark before you’ve attempted all required tasks of the assignment.

Examples of features that may be worth bonus marks:

• Advanced search features (search for all simulation/test results above a threshold value,

e.g., an input value)

• Use multiple files effectively with appropriate use of header files and good separation of


• Graphical user interfaces, animations, or colours.

• Ask your tutor if you have any other ideas of improvement to the program!

(Note: To obtain the Bonus mark, a new version of C code should be submitted. That is: you need to submit

two versions of codes: one version only completed the required Assessable tasks without any work for Bonus

mark, and the other version serves as an advanced version that includes the work for the required Assessable

tasks together with the work for the bonus mark. For example, you may name your codes “Assignment2.c”

and “Assignment2_bonus.c”, respectively.)

NOTE: The Workshops have been working up to this point to provide you with a base program of

your own work that should give you the best possible opportunity for completing this assignment.

You should look to how these Workshops have developed your work for a guide on how to structure

your final assessment.

Design and coding requirements:

• The design: For this assignment, you can use either pseudocode or flowchart (but not mixed

using both) to complete the design. Your design file should contain separate designs for each

of your functions.

Please ensure that you include the information such as unit code, Assignment and number,

year and semester, and your name and student number, etc. in the header/footer area (or

somewhere else in the first page) of the Design file.

• The code: Your C code must be consistent with your design.

All printing for robot/s (and searching results etc.) on screen should use tabular format (e.g.,

the top line as a heading line, and lines following the heading line containing data items


This is the major assignment of the unit, assessing your ability to solve problems and your

knowledge/skills in designing and implementing a medium-sized program based on a given

application scenario. You should use correct control structures (sequence, decisions, and

loops, functions, etc.) and appropriate or required data structures (arrays, strings, pointers,

files, etc.) to implement the program. The only Libraries to be used in this assignment are

<stdio.h>, <stdlib.h>, <time.h>, <math.h>, <string.h>, <errno.h>, and <IO.h>, together with

the only head files you created as a part of this assignment work, if any. Other non-standard

or any third-party libraries/packages should not be included/used in the code/s!


Academic Integrity and Misconduct

• This assignment is an individual work (not a teamwork). Your entire assignment must be your

own work (unless quoted otherwise) and produced for the current instance of the unit. Any

use of uncited content that was not created by you yourself constitutes plagiarism and is

regarded as Academic Misconduct. All assignments will be submitted to plagiarism checking

software, which compares your submission version with previous copies of the assignment,

and the work submitted by all other students in the unit (in the current semester or previous


• Never give any part of your assignment to someone else, even after the due date or the

results are released. Do not work on individual assignment with other students. – You can

help someone by explaining concepts, demonstrating skills, or directing them to the relevant

resources. But doing any part of the assignment for them or with them or showing them your

work is inappropriate. An unacceptable level of cooperation between students on an

assignment is collusion and is deemed an act of Academic Misconduct. If you are not sure

about plagiarism, collusion or referencing, simply contact your lecturer or unit coordinator.

• You may be asked to explain and demonstrate your understanding of the work you have

submitted. Your submission should accurately reflect your understanding and ability to apply

the unit content and the skills learnt from this unit.

• Before submitting your assignment 2, make sure you have checked all items in the Academic

Integrity tick-before-submit checklist below and watch the video by clicking the link next to

the checklist image:

Watch this video before submitting your assignment


Indicative Marking Guide:

Criteria Available




Design (flow controls, function design, etc.) /5

System menu and related functions (except for simulation part) /6

Simulation & calculation, etc. /3

File I/O /3

Code Legibility (formatting/indenting, comments, readability, etc.) /1

Data structures (array of structs, variables, etc.) /1

Program logic (flow controls, functions, data storage, efficiency) /5

Compiling /1

Executable and outputs /2

Overall (e.g., submission following Submission requirement, functionality

of the code/s, etc.)


Bonus /5

Mark cut (e.g., global variables, breaking scope, use goto statement, etc.) (/-5)

Total: /30

Assignment Submission Requirements:

• You are required to submit through BB a .zip file containing at least four files:

(i) a design document (in Word or PDF format);

(ii) a C source code/s (in *.c format);

(iii) an executable code (in *.exe format); and

(iv) the text file, Robot.txt, that stores your pre-set robot information.

Your code should load information from this file when it starts running;

An additional C code (e.g., Assignment2_bonus.c), together with its corresponding executable

code, may also be included in the .zip file if you have attempted the work for bonus marks.

Again, unless specifically instructed, email or paper submission is not allowed.

• Please rename your .zip file as

CSP2151_Assignment3_<Your Student ID>_< Your full name>.zip.

and submit the single .zip file only.


• Double check all documents/codes constianed in your submission/zip file and make sure they are the

correct version/s before submitting – It is recommended that you complie and run your code/s again

before submission, to avoid submitting incorrect file versions for marking.

• If you encounter any difficulties when submitting assignment solution through Blackboard, please

contact your tutor (Jitian, via j.xiao@ecu.edu.au or Kan, via k.yu@ecu.edu.au) and briefly explain the

difficulties you experienced (e.g., BB was down, BB doesn’t accept specific type of files, etc.).

• Please keep the copy of the assignment verion you submitted (in case your submission to BB was

corrupted and you may be requested to provide the same copy again).



Not proficient Low Proficiency Developing




High Proficiency Marks


Design 0

Design not present or

does not meet



Design has logical flaws or

does not meet all



Design meets some requirements

but not all or has significant

formatting issues


Design meets most

requirements but has

some issues


Design meets all requirements


Menu items &

related functions


Menu/functions not



Two or less Menu

/functions present and are

poorly implemented


Up to four Menu/functions

implemented and work properly


Up to six Menu/functions

implemented and work



All Menu/functions fully

implemented and work 6





calculation not



Few calculations are

present, but do not work


Simulation calculation

are all present but

contain small errors.


Simulation calculation are

present and work as intended 3

File I/O 0

File I/O not present


File I/O not present but not



File I/O present but has

some errors


Functions are present and

work as intended


Code Legibility 0

Code is very difficult

to read


Code is well written and

highly readable 1

Data structures 0

Struct, and array of

structs not used


Structs, array of structs fit to



Program logic 0

Functions and/or

arrays not present or

program is very

poorly structured


Few functions and/or

arrays are presented, or

program is very poorly



Functions and/or arrays are

presented but program is poorly



Functions and arrays are

present but with some

small issues of program



Program is well structured


Compiling 0

Code does not



Code compiles with no

errors/warnings 1

Executable and



Output is incorrectly

formatted, and no

executable code seen


Output is correct but could be

formatted better, executable code is

seen, with running issue


Executable is OK, Output is

correct and formatted


Overall 0

Requirement not



All requirement not followed, and

code functions well


All requirement followed, and

code well functioned


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