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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2021-05-06 10:47

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Computer Systems Architecture 2020/21

Laboratory Exercise – Cache memory simulator

1. Introduction

In this laboratory exercise you will write a C program to simulate the operation of a fully

associative cache memory on an embedded processor. You will use your simulation program to

analyse the performance of the cache when executing cross correlation and bubble sort

algorithms. You will also explore the impact of memory block size on cache performance.

You will work individually on this laboratory exercise; submitting a C program, a results file and an

individual report.

2. Embedded system memory architecture

The embedded processor is interfaced to a 128 Ki x 16-bit external data memory using a 20-bit

address bus and a 16-bit data bus. The embedded processor contains a fully associative

512 x 16-bit cache memory for data accesses, and the cache can be configured in one of the 8

modes listed in Table 1.

The cache memory uses a Least Recently Used (LRU) block replacement policy, and a write-back,

write-allocate policy for cache write misses.

Mode ID Cache block size

(16-bit words)

Number of

cache lines

1 2 256

2 4 128

3 8 64

4 16 32

5 32 16

6 64 8

7 128 4

8 256 2

Table 1. Cache memory configuration modes

3. Memory trace files

You are provided with two memory trace files that have been created by recording the read and

write memory accesses when executing cross correlation and bubble sort algorithms on the

embedded processor.

The source code for the cross correlation algorithm is presented in Appendix A, and was executed

with input signal length of 500 samples. The bubble sort algorithm is presented in Appendix B, and

was executed using an array of 700 random 16-bit values.

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The memory trace files only record array accesses, and all other variables are stored in processor


The memory trace files are ASCII text files. Each line begins with an ‘R’ or ‘W’ character to signify a

memory read or memory write respectively. The ‘R’ or ‘W’ character is followed by a single space,

and the memory address accessed. The address is represented as a hexadecimal number.

Individual memory trace files have been produced for each student, and they can be found in in

the Laboratory Materials/Memory Trace Files content item on Blackboard. They are also available

via the Dropbox link http://tiny.cc/wmvrjz

The ID number of your specific trace files can be found in the CC_Trace_File and BS_Trace_File

columns in Blackboard Gradebook.

A small test trace file, test_trace.trc, has been provided to help you test your trace file read

function. You can always create your own trace files to test your cache simulator.

4. Cache simulator

Write a structured program in C to simulate the operation of the data cache in the embedded

processor. You may wish to first write a program to simulate the configuration where the cache

has 256 lines and a block size of 2 16-bit words. You can then enhance this program to simulate

the other cache configuration modes shown in Table 1.

The cache simulator must be written as a single source file using ANSI standard C. The program

must include a header which includes your name and student ID number. The program must be

clearly commented and use descriptive function and variable names. The bubble sort algorithm

presented in Appendix B is a good example of how to comment a program.

Your program must be suitable to be run from a terminal window, providing its formatted output

to the terminal window. The simulator must output its results in the following comma separated

variable (CSV) format:

trace_file_name, mode_ID, NRA, NWA, NCRH, NCRM, NCWH, NCWM

trace_file_name The name of the trace file being analysed (without the folder path)

mode_ID The ID number of the cache configuration mode (1 … 8)

NRA Total number of read accesses to the external memory

NWA Total number of write accesses to the external memory

NCRH Number of cache read hits

NCRM Number of cache read misses

NCWH Number of cache write hits

NCWM Number of cache write misses

The mode_ID, NRA, NWA, NCRH, NCRM, NCWH and NCWM values should all be formatted as

unsigned integers.

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5. Cache performance simulations

For each of the configuration modes listed in Table 1, you should simulate the performance of the

cache memory for the cross correlation and bubble sort algorithms using your allocated memory

trace files.

6. Assessment

There are 3 elements to the assessment of the laboratory exercise:

• the cache simulation program,

• the results from the cache simulation program,

• a short, written report presenting the cache performance results and their analysis.

6.1. Cache simulation program

The cache simulation program must be submitted to Blackboard as a single ASCII file using the

submission link that can be found in the Laboratory Materials folder. The filename must conform

to the format familyname_studentIDnumber_CSA_Simulator.c

Example: Green_1234567_CSA_Simulator.c

The program will be compiled and run to verify that it executes correctly, and so please ensure

that this is possible from the single source file submitted. The program will be submitted to a

source code plagiarism detection tool.

The criteria for the assessment of the program, together with indicative percentage marks, are

given below:

• Use of appropriate structured programming techniques 10%

• Readability, including clear comments 10%

6.2. Results from the cache simulation program

The formatted results from the cache simulation program must be submitted to Blackboard as a

single ASCII file using the submission link that can be found in the Laboratory Materials folder. The

filename must conform to the format familyname_studentIDnumber_CSA_Results.csv

Example: Green_1234567_CSA_Results.csv

The results file must be formatted as described in section 4 and will comprise 16 lines. A sample

results file is presented in Appendix C.

The criteria for the assessment of the results, together with indicative percentage marks, are given


• Numerical correctness 30%

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6.3. Cache performance report

You are required to write a short report presenting the performance results from the cache

simulations together with your analysis of these results. The report must be submitted as a PDF

document (via Turnitin) to Blackboard.

The report must present the performance results in both tabular and graphical formats.

The formatting requirements of the PDF document are described below:

• Paper size: A4

• Margins: no smaller than 2cm

• Font: Arial, Calibri or Verdana with the font size no smaller than 11pt

• Line spacing: no less than 1.0

• Length: no more than 4 A4 sides

The report must include your name and your student ID number. There is no requirement for a

title page.

The criteria for the assessment of the report, together with indicative percentage marks, are given


• Clarity of results presentation (tabular and graphical) 10%

• Analysis of performance results 30%

• Overall quality of presentation and adherence to formatting requirements 10%

When analysing the results you will need to refer to the pattern of memory accesses when

executing cross correlation and bubble sort algorithms on the embedded processor.

You should consider the impact of the access times of the main memory and the cache memory.

For the purposes of this analysis you should assume that the main memory has access time of

100 ns, and the cache memory has an access time of 10 ns. State clearly all assumptions that you

make when carrying out this analysis.

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6.4. Submission Deadlines

You have been allocated to one of two laboratory groups. Group A has laboratory sessions

scheduled in weeks 6 and 8, and Group B has laboratory sessions scheduled in weeks 7 and 9.

The submission deadlines for the cache simulation program, the results file and the report are as


Group A: 13:00 on Friday 7th May 2021

Group B: 13:00 on Friday 14th May 2021

Peter R Green

Version 1.0

13th February 2021.

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Appendix A – Source code for Cross Correlation Algorithm


* Filename: CrossCorrelation.c

* Author: Peter Green

* Date: 22 February 2019



void CrossCorrelation (short int *signal1, short int *signal2,

short int *correlation, int signal_length) {

// array index variables for two input signals and the correlation output

int overlap;

int signal1_index, signal2_index

int correlation_index = 0;

// compute the first half of the correlation function

for (overlap = 1; overlap <= signal_length; overlap++) {

correlation[correlation_index] = 0;

signal2_index = signal_length - overlap;

for (signal1_index = 0; signal1_index < overlap; signal1_index++) {

correlation[correlation_index] += signal1[signal1_index] *






// compute the second half of the correlation function

for (overlap = signal_length - 1; overlap > 0; overlap--) {

correlation[correlation_index] = 0;

signal2_index = 0;

for (signal1_index = signal_length - overlap;

signal1_index < signal_length; signal1_index++) {

correlation[correlation_index] += signal1[signal1_index] *







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Appendix B – Source code for Bubble Sort Algorithm


* Filename: BubbleSort.c

* Author: Jack Andrews

* Student ID: 123456789

* Date: 20 February 2019



void BubbleSort(short int *array, int length) {

// Temporary variable used for swapping of elements

short int temp;

// Loop counters

int i, j;

/* Pass over the whole array on the first iteration. On subsequent

* iterations, ignore the already sorted upper elements, achieved by

* decrementing i on each iteration of the outer for() loop.


for (i = length-1; i >= 0; i--) {

/* The inner for() loop iterates over the remaining array elements,

* comparing each and swapping if necessary.


for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {

/* Compare the value at index j in the array with the value at

* index j+1. If array[j] > array[j+1], then swap the elements.


if (array[j] > array[j+1]) {

// Swap the array elements

temp = array[j];

array[j] = array[j+1];

array[j+1] = temp;



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Appendix C – Sample Simulation Results File

















Note: This sample results file uses random values for the NRA, NWA, NCRH, NCRM, NCWH and

NCWM values

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