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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2021-04-25 05:20

Key Mappings


You’ll be completing the infrastructure needed to run a game of snake that allows the player to switch

the controls of the game between various predefined key mappings.

Starter Code

Download the starter project, HW4_KeyMappings_Starter.zip.

See this video for a view of the final game.

Getting Started

First, take a little time to read through all the provided code. Draw yourself a class diagram about how

things fit together. Take notes on where the compiler errors and TODO comments are.


Do not modify these except where marked with TODO comments!

- Game1: All of the fields and methods you’ll need are defined for you. You’ll be completing a bit of

setup and adding implementations for Update() and Draw()

- ControlsManager: Loads control schemes and manages them in two data structures which you’ll

define. Also draws buttons for each scheme and detects scheme changes. Much of this is done for

you already. You’ll be filling in the gaps. (Similar to how you might be asked to complete code

started for you on co-op. ;) )

Do not modify these at all!

- Snake: Runs a game of Snake using the control mapping given to it.

- ShapeBatch: A static class to support the drawing of geometric shapes.

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Do not modify these at all and do not add new content!

- font: Use this for the button text

- titleFont: For instructions

- ControlSchemes.txt: Contains the control scheme information that will be loaded when the game

starts. The file is opened and parsed for you in the ControlsManager. Your job will be to save the

data to the appropriate data structure.

- Each line is formatted as: Scheme name, Direction, Key

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Fixing the compiler errors

As provided, the ControlsManager class won’t compile. That’s okay. You’re going to fix it!

Let’s walk through it in order...

Direction enum

Nothing to worry about here.

This defines the four possible directions that can be mapped to keys in a control scheme. The

ControlsManager doesn’t actually care how each direction key is handled, just which key indicates

which direction for each scheme.


In order to notify observers that the player has selected a different controls scheme, the

ControlsManager needs to define the signature it expects methods to have.

For this assignment, there’s only one observer: an instance of the Snake class.

Define a public delegate, ControlsUpdateDelegate, that will match the signature of Snake’s

SetControls method.

ControlsManager Class

Most of the structure of the ControlsManager class is already defined for you. However, as this is an

assignment focused on dictionaries, I want you to define the two fields needed to store control scheme


Yes, two fields. We want to be able to lookup scheme information in two ways:

1. schemes

○ Given a scheme name (a string), get the Dictionary that maps Directions → Keys for that


○ Yes, this is a Dictionary that maps strings to other Dictionary objects! You’ve done things

like this before with Lists of Lists, etc. Take your time and think through it carefully!

2. buttons

○ Given a button (a Rectangle), get the scheme name tied to that button.

The provided code won’t compile unless you define these fields using the exact names given and with

the appropriate types! Do not modify code elsewhere in order to make your fields compile!

Once you add the ControlsUpdateDelegate + the schemes and buttons fields, everything should

compile. It won’t do much, but you’re a whole lot closer now!

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Loading the control schemes

Next, complete the ControlsManager constructor so that:

1. The fields are initialized properly with empty Dictionary objects that match their types.

2. For each line read in from the file:

a. If this is a new scheme, add new entry into the schemes dictionary

b. For all lines, add a mapping from key type -> dir for the scheme for this line

For example, for the line: WASD,Up,W

1. Add a new empty dictionary tied to the scheme string “WASD” into schemes (because this

happens to be the first line for the WASD scheme)

2. Add an entry into the WASD dictionary mapping Keys.W → Direction.Up

a. Local variables for the three elements in the line have already been created for you!

Once the schemes data structure is populated correctly, the remaining code in the constructor will fill

the buttons structure for you.

Make sure everything compiles and set a breakpoint in the constructor. You should be able to use the

debugger to verify that all of the data structures are not populated correctly!

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ControlManager Methods

public void Update()

If the left mouse button was clicked, check each rectangle key in the buttons dictionary to see if it was

the one clicked by seeing if the current mouse position is in that rectangle.

If the button was clicked:

- Use buttons to look up the associated scheme name

- Update CurrentScheme

- Trigger the OnControlsUpdate event (if it has methods subscribed to it!) and pass in a

reference to the correct controls dictionary by looking it up using the schemes field.

private string SchemeInfo(string scheme)

For DrawButtonText to correctly overlay text onto the buttons, it calls SchemeInfo. Your job here is to

look up the controls dictionary and return a string built using each of the key mappings.

For example:

Make sure these compile and try adding temporary calls to them in Game1’s Update() method. You

won’t be able to see much, but if you use the debugger, you should be able to verify that everything

works correctly before moving on!

Comment out any temporary code once you are done testing!!!

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Finish Game1

Fields & Content

All of the fields that you will need have already been defined and all content is already being loaded.

Review the code to see what is available to you, but do not add, remove, or modify anything!


Initialize is largely done. The window size is configured and the Snake and ControlsManager objects are

created for you.

Now that you have a working delegate type for the control manager’s OnControlsUpdate event,

subscribe the snake object’s SetControls method to it.


You won’t be implementing a full FSM for this assignment, but the behavior in Update() does vary

depending on the state of the program.

By default, and any time the player loses, the snake’s IsAlive property will be false.

If the snake is alive (i.e. the game is running), tell the object to update itself.

If the snake is not alive AND if Space was pressed AND is the current control scheme isn’t null, start

playing by calling Reset() on the snake.

Otherwise, tell the controls manager to check for updates.


Like Update(), what needs to be drawn depends on if the game is actively running.

1. Always draw the snake in the background

2. If the snake isn't alive, draw the controls selection buttons (and then their text) & instructions

○ You do NOT have to draw the buttons yourself. Call the appropriate methods on the

controls manager to do it for you!

○ Remember that you'll need to use ShapeBatch.Begin/End or _spriteBatch.Begin/End

appropriately around different types of drawing methods!

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Your grade for this homework assignment will be out of 100 points based on the rubric below.


schemes field defined correctly 6

buttons field defined correctly 6


Initializes schemes and buttons correctly 6

If the line has a new scheme, adds a new entry to the schemes dictionary 6

For all lines, adds a mapping from key type -> dir for the scheme for this line 6


Checks each button rectangle for mouse clicks 6

On a click in a button, updates the current scheme 6

Looks up the associated control dictionary correctly 6

Uses the OnControlsUpdate event correctly 6


Looks up the associated control dictionary correctly 6

Build a string representing the given controls scheme 6


Initialize() Subscribes the snake to the controls manager event 4


If the snake is alive, it's told to update 5

If the snake is not alive, determines correctly if the snake should be reset. 5

Otherwise, tells the controls manager to check for updates. 5


Always draws the snake in the background 5

If the snake isn't alive, tells the controls manager to draw the buttons and their text. 5

If the snake isn't alive, draws instruction text. 5

Possible Deductions

Compilation or Run-time error -10

Naming conventions not followed -10

Noticeable lack of comments -10

Inconsistent or inappropriate use of whitespace & alignment -10

GitHub issues (e.g. no release made, link not submitted to myCourses, etc.) -10

Late submission (based on the time the release is made in GitHub) -10/day

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