Computing Science CMPT 361 Fall 2020
Assignment #1 (8 marks)
Written parts are exercises, no submission; solutions posted progressively by Nov. 17.
Programming part due: Tuesday, Nov. 17, 11:45 p.m. via electronic submission.
Programming (8 marks): Tetris!
You are to implement a simplified version of the game Tetris as described below. Any
visual flare that you wish to add to the appearance of your game will be judged by the
grader and may be credited at his discretion. The game window consists of a 20 ´ 10
square grid of appropriate size, e.g., so that the window will fit in the screen comfortably.
There are seven standard Tetris pieces (or tiles), as shown below, with pivot of rotation
indicated by a black dot. You are advised to complete this problem in several steps.
(a) [3 marks] Tile and grid rendering and tile downward movement
Set up the game window with grid lines and randomly select Tetris tiles with
distinguishing colors one at a time and drop them from the top of the game window.
The starting position and orientation of the tile is chosen randomly. You can control
the speed of the tile movement to suit your game playing. Movement of the tiles’
will be aligned with the grids and at uniform speed. For this step, the tiles can drop
straight through the bottom. After one tile disappears, a new tile is dropped.
(b) [1 marks] Tile stack-up
In this step, the tiles will stack up on top of each other and the bottom of the game
window will offer ground support, as in the Tetris game you are familiar with.
(c) [3 marks] Key stroke interaction and tile movements
The four arrow keys will be used to move the tiles. A pressing of the “up” key
rotates a tile counterclockwise about its pivot, 90° at a time. The “left” and “right”
key presses result in lateral movements of a tile, one grid at a time. The “down” key
accelerates the downward movement. At no time should you allow a tile piece to
collide with any existing Tetris pieces or the border of the game window.
(d) [1 marks] Additional game logic
When the bottom row is completely filled, it is removed and the tile stack above it
will be moved one row down. Game terminates when a new tile piece cannot be fit
within the game window. Press ‘q’ to quit and ‘r’ to restart. Pressing any of the
arrow keys should not slow down the downward movement of a tile.
Note that the above steps build on top of each other, in order. You need not submit
individual programs to correspond to these steps. If you can implement all the required
parts, a single, complete program is sufficient. No skeleton code is provided.
Submission: All source codes and a README file that documents any steps not
completed, additional features, and any extra instructions for your TA.
Exercise 1: “Why HD DVD failed?”
The so-called “full HDTV” mode supports a screen resolution of 1920 ´ 1080. Suppose
that the video content is to be displayed at 30 Hz and that we wish to provide 24 bits of
color (8 bits per R, G, B). Then how many seconds of video of this type could fit on a
single-layer HD DVD, which has a storage capacity of 15 Gigabytes? Does your answer
contradict with common-sense? Should the demise of the HD DVD format against its
rival Blue-Ray be attributed to this? Offer an explanation.
Exercise 2: Line drawing
Compare the diamond exit rule and the Bresenham’s algorithm. Specially, given two end
points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) with integer coordinates, will the pixels returned by the two
algorithms, except for the two end pixels, be the same in general? Explain your answer.
Exercise 3: Rigid-body transformations
Let us recall that the general form of a 3D transformation matrix M in homogeneous
coordinates is
Assume that the upper 3 by 3 submatrix R of M is orthonormal, i.e., RT = R -1
1. What is the inverse of M? Note that you should not use brute force or a package
such as Maple or Matlab to answer this question.
2. Prove that the transformation M preserves both lengths and angles in 3D. Note
here that when we talk about the angle between two vectors, the order in which
the two vectors are given would be irrelevant.
Exercise 4: gluLookAt()
The GL utility (GLU) library had a function called gluLookAt which has the following
gluLookAt(ex, ey, ez, rx, ry, rz, ux, uy, uz)
Write out the transformation matrix T which transforms points in the world coordinate
system (WCS) into the view coordinate system (VCS) specified by gluLookAt(). The
VCS has origin at the eye point (ex, ey, ez), and its positive z-axis is aligned with the
vector v = (ex, ey, ez) – (rx, ry, rz) . Also remember that the up vector (ux, uy, uz) is not
necessarily perpendicular to the vector v. You may leave your final answer as a product
of two or more matrices.
Exercise 5: Clipping with convex polygons
Prove that clipping a convex polygon against another convex polygon will yield at most
one convex polygon.
Exercise 6: BSP vs. depth-sort
Show that the back-to-front display order determined by traversing a BSP tree is not
necessarily the same as the back-to-front order determined by depth-sort, even when no
polygons are split. To receive full mark on this problem, the number of polygons you use
for your example must be the smallest possible and you also need to prove that the
number of polygons you used is the smallest possible. Hint: think about an example.
Exercise 7: Silhouettes
Consider a scene consisting of a set of closed convex objects represented by triangle
meshes and a viewpoint, device a simple method which returns the set of all silhouette
edges of the objects with respect to the viewpoint, assuming perspective projection. Prove
that the set of edges returned will be forming a set of closed loops.
Exercise 8: Radiosity
Explain in what ways the radiosity method covered in class is designed to model global
illumination of a scene composed of perfect diffuse reflectors.
Exercise 9: Ray tracing
Explain why the classical ray tracing algorithm, the one covered in class, it best suited to
render “glossy” scenes, i.e., scenes that are composed mostly of highly reflective and
shinny surfaces? Can you propose a simply modification to that algorithm to also render
dull surfaces, i.e., surfaces that are diffuse rather than reflective?
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