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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2020-02-09 10:28

Final Project - Battleship

For your final project, you will be writing your own code to simulate the game battleship. More

details will be forthcoming, but for today, you will have to write the function definition of the

displayBoards function, which shows your board and your enemy's board, in the following style:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


A | | | | | | | | | | |


B | | | | | | | | | | |


C | | | | | | | | | | |


D | | | | | | | | | | |


E | | | | | | | | | | |


F | | | | | | | | | | |


G | | | | | | | | | | |


H | | | | | | | | | | |


I | | | | | | | | | | |


J | | | | | | | | | | |


The two boards should appear side by side.

void displayBoards(char [][10], char [][10]);

Note:When you display the board, you are also displaying the contents of the 2D arrays,

even though initially they will be empty.

For your final project, you will be writing your own code to simulate the game battleship. This

project will require you to use most of the concepts we have learned in the course.

Your program should have the following:

● Global constants storing the size of each of the 5 ships

● Global constant storing the size of the fleet

● A struct named Point, storing two ints that will have the row and column index of a

particular cell in the grid

● A struct named Ship, that will store at least 4 variables.

○ The name of the ship

○ The size of the ship

○ The current hitcount of the ship

○ A vector of Point structs that will store the indices of each of the cells in the grid

the ship occupies.

● A struct named PlayerBoard that

○ Stores the 10 x 10 board (char) for that particular player

○ Stores an array of Ship structs of size FLEET_SIZE

● A setShip function that takes in a PlayerBoard object by reference and an int variable

that stores the index of the ship that is currently being placed, and places the ship onto

the board. The setShip function calls the getValidShipInfo function to determine which

spots on the board the ship will occupy.

● A getValidShipInfo function that takes in four parameters by reference, two ints holding

the row and the column of the starting coordinates of the ship, a char that will hold the

orientation of the ship (horizontal or vertical), and the PlayerBoard. The function will also

take a fifth argument by value which is the index of the ship being placed. The function

will prompt the user for the starting row and column coordinates of the ship which the

user will enter as: letter number. These will then need to be converted to the proper row

and column index of the array. The function will also prompt the user for the horizontal

or vertical orientation of the ship. The function will be responsible for performing the

error checking so that a valid ship placement is received from the user. The function will

also call the function spaceOccupied to determine if any of the spaces the ship would

take up if placed on the board are currently occupied.

● A spaceOccupied function that takes in the PlayerBoard object, an int for the row and col

placement of the ship, a character for the orientation, and the ship size. This function

returns true if the placement of the ship would overlap an already existing ship

placement or false if the space is not occupied.

● An initBoard function that takes in two PlayerBoard objects by reference, and calls the

setShip function for each ship in the fleet. After each ship is placed on the board the

boards should be displayed.

● An initFleet function that takes in a PlayerBoard object as a parameter and initializes all

the ships in the fleet with the appropriate information. For example, the name and size

of the ship should be initialized within the function.

● Your program should have the option to play against another player or against the

computer. The computer should make intelligent moves. This means that once the

computer gets a hit, in subsequent turns it should try to attack the surrounding positions

until it sinks the ship. Below is a link that describes different strategies with increasing

levels of sophistication.


The rest of your implementation is up to you. Notice in the sample file you will have to do some

input validation.

# Class of ship Size

1 Carrier 5

2 Battleship 4

3 Cruiser 3

4 Submarine 3

5 Destroyer 2


You should have 3 files for this project:

● header.h

● main.cpp

● functions.cpp

You will demo this assignment to the instructor on July 29, 2019

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