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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2019-12-16 11:25

ENGG1110 — Problem Solving by Programming

2019–2020 Term 1

Project Specification — A Vending Machine Simulator

1. Introduction

Vending machines are automated machines that provide different products to consumers after

payment is accepted. For simplicity, we will be focusing on vending machines that take coins

(available in Hong Kong) and provide beverages. A functional vending machine should also

allow service personnel to collect revenue and refill inventory.

In this project, your task is to use C language to write a vending machine simulator that

mimics its real counterpart.

2. Functionalities

Similar to a real vending machine, the simulator should provide the following functions.

For normal consumers:

(a) Display product names and prices

(b) Indicate if a product is out-of-stock

(c) Take inserted coins

(d) Indicate if inserted coin is sufficient for a product

(e) Dispense product

(f) Return inserted coins and change

For service personnel:

(g) Allow withdrawal of all inserted coins

(h) Allow a product to be refilled

(i) Allow a different product to be displayed

(v1.5) p. 2

3. Menu Map Top Menu

1. Read product


Display product


2. Insert coin

1. Insert $1

2. Insert $2

3. Insert $5

4. Insert $10

0. Go back

3. Press product


1. Press A

2. Press B

3. Press C

4. Press D

5. Press E

0. Go back

4. Press return


Return deposited


9. Open service

menu Enter access code

1. Inspect machine


Show machine


2. Withdraw all

money Give all money

3. Refill product

1. Refill A

2. Refill B

3. Refill C

4. Refill D

5. Refill E

0. Go back

4. Change product

1. Change A Enter new product


2. Change B Enter new product


3. Change C Enter new product


4. Change D Enter new product


5. Change E Enter new product


0. Go back

0. Go back

0. Quit

(v1.5) p. 3

4. Detailed Program Flow

When the program starts, it should print the following front of the vending machine. Then a

main menu with available options should be shown.

Whenever an invalid choice is entered for any menu, the program should report and keep

looping. For example (input is underlined):


| Vending Machine |


| A B C D E |

| $10 $ 6 $ 5 $ 8 $ 7 |

| [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] |


| [$ 0] |

| |

| [===] |


What would you like to do?

1. Read product information

2. Insert coin

3. Press product button

4. Press return button

9. Open service menu (code required)

0. Quit

Your choice:

What would you like to do?

1. Read product information

2. Insert coin

3. Press product button

4. Press return button

9. Open service menu (code required)

0. Quit

Your choice: 8

Invalid choice!

What would you like to do?

1. Read product information

2. Insert coin

3. Press product button

4. Press return button

9. Open service menu (code required)

0. Quit

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 4

(1) Read product information

If option 1 is chosen, the product names and the corresponding price will be displayed. Then

the main menu is displayed again.

What would you like to do?

1. Read product information

2. Insert coin

3. Press product button

4. Press return button

9. Open service menu (code required)

0. Quit

Your choice: 1

(1) The displayed products are:

A. Juice ($10)

B. Cola ($6)

C. Tea ($5)

D. Water ($8)

E. Coffee ($7)

What would you like to do?

1. Read product information

2. Insert coin

3. Press product button

4. Press return button

9. Open service menu (code required)

0. Quit

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 5

(2) Insert coin

If option 2 is chosen, a sub-menu with available coin options should be shown. After a coin is

inserted, the front of vending machine with correct value of deposited coins should be shown

(maximum: $99), then the sub-menu is shown again.

(Assume the machine has $0 deposited at the beginning.)

(2) Which coin would you like to insert?

1. $1

2. $2

3. $5

4. $10

0. Go back

Your choice: 2

You have inserted $2.


| Vending Machine |


| A B C D E |

| $10 $ 6 $ 5 $ 8 $ 7 |

| [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] |


| [$ 2] |

| |

| [===] |


(2) Which coin would you like to insert?

1. $1

2. $2

3. $5

4. $10

0. Go back

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 6

If the deposited money is sufficient to purchase a product, indicate it by “turning on the light”

using a capital “O”.

(Continuing from previous step.)

(2) Which coin would you like to insert?

1. $1

2. $2

3. $5

4. $10

0. Go back

Your choice: 3

You have inserted $5.


| Vending Machine |


| A B C D E |

| $10 $ 6 $ 5 $ 8 $ 7 |

| [ ] [O] [O] [ ] [O] |


| [$ 7] |

| |

| [===] |


(2) Which coin would you like to insert?

1. $1

2. $2

3. $5

4. $10

0. Go back

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 7

Selecting option 0 (Go back) will show the vending machine, and then return to the main


(Continuing from previous step.)

(2) Which coin would you like to insert?

1. $1

2. $2

3. $5

4. $10

0. Go back

Your choice: 0

Going back!


| Vending Machine |


| A B C D E |

| $10 $ 6 $ 5 $ 8 $ 7 |

| [ ] [O] [O] [ ] [O] |


| [$ 7] |

| |

| [===] |


What would you like to do?

1. Read product information

2. Insert coin

3. Press product button

4. Press return button

9. Open service menu (code required)

0. Quit

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 8

(3) Press product button

If option 3 is chosen, a sub-menu with available product options should be shown. If the

deposited money is sufficient to purchase the product chosen, the product will be dispensed.

The front of vending machine with correct product dispensed, button lights and deposited

value should be shown, then the main menu is shown.

(Assume that the machine has $7 deposited, and product B, C and E are affordable and

available. And there is only one product B left.)

Note that product B has just been sold out. There is an “X” on its button now. Also note that

the remaining deposited amount will not be returned automatically. The product dispensed is

assumed to be taken when available, so that future display will not show this dispensed

product again.

(3) Which product button would you like to press?

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. E

0. Go back

Your choice: 2

You have pressed button B.


| Vending Machine |


| A B C D E |

| $10 $ 6 $ 5 $ 8 $ 7 |

| [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] |


| [$ 1] |

| |

| [=B=] |


What would you like to do?

1. Read product information

2. Insert coin

3. Press product button

4. Press return button

9. Open service menu (code required)

0. Quit

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 9

If a button for an out-of-stock product or an unaffordable product is pressed, nothing will


(Continuing from the setup of the previous step, but starting from the Press Product Button


Selecting option 0 (Go back) will show the vending machine, and then return to the main

menu (same as before; not shown).

(3) Which product button would you like to press?

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. E

0. Go back

Your choice: 1

You have pressed button A.


| Vending Machine |


| A B C D E |

| $10 $ 6 $ 5 $ 8 $ 7 |

| [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] |


| [$ 1] |

| |

| [===] |


What would you like to do?

1. Read product information

2. Insert coin

3. Press product button

4. Press return button

9. Open service menu (code required)

0. Quit

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 10

(4) Press return button

If option 4 is chosen, all the deposited money will be returned. The front of vending machine

with correct information should be shown, then the main menu is shown again.

(Continuing from previous step.)

(4) Return button is pressed.

$1 has been returned.


| Vending Machine |


| A B C D E |

| $10 $ 6 $ 5 $ 8 $ 7 |

| [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] |


| [$ 0] |

| |

| [===] |


What would you like to do?

1. Read product information

2. Insert coin

3. Press product button

4. Press return button

9. Open service menu (code required)

0. Quit

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 11

(9) Service menu

If option 9 is chosen, the user is required to enter an access code (default: 1110). Incorrect

code will cause the simulator to return to the front display and the main menu after showing

an error message.

Correct access code will allow the service menu to be shown.

(9) Opening service menu. Access code is required.

Enter access code: 1234

Incorrect code!


| Vending Machine |


| A B C D E |

| $10 $ 6 $ 5 $ 8 $ 7 |

| [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] |


| [$ 0] |

| |

| [===] |


What would you like to do?

1. Read product information

2. Insert coin

3. Press product button

4. Press return button

9. Open service menu (code required)

0. Quit

Your choice:

(9) Opening service menu. Access code is required.

Enter access code: 1110

Correct code!

(9) What would you like to do?

1. Inspect machine status

2. Withdraw all money

3. Refill product

4. Change product

0. Go back

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 12

(9-1) Inspect machine status

If option 1 is chosen in the service menu, the information about the revenue (money comes

from sales), inserted coins (money inserted but not used) and the products will be displayed.

Then the service menu is shown again.

(9) What would you like to do?

1. Inspect machine status

2. Withdraw all money

3. Refill product

4. Change product

0. Go back

Your choice: 1

(9-1) Machine status

Amount of revenue: $6

Amount of inserted coins: $0

Product information:

A. Juice ($10) (5 left)

B. Cola ($6) (sold out)

C. Tea ($5) (2 left)

D. Water ($8) (1 left)

E. Coffee ($7) (9 left)

(9) What would you like to do?

1. Inspect machine status

2. Withdraw all money

3. Refill product

4. Change product

0. Go back

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 13

(9-2) Withdraw all money

If option 2 is chosen in the service menu, all money in the machine (including coins that are

inserted but not used) will be withdrawn. Then the service menu is shown again.

(Continuing from previous step.)

(9) What would you like to do?

1. Inspect machine status

2. Withdraw all money

3. Refill product

4. Change product

0. Go back

Your choice: 2

(9-2) All money is being withdrawn.

$6 is withdrawn.

(9) What would you like to do?

1. Inspect machine status

2. Withdraw all money

3. Refill product

4. Change product

0. Go back

Your choice: 2

(9-2) All money is being withdrawn.

$0 is withdrawn.

(9) What would you like to do?

1. Inspect machine status

2. Withdraw all money

3. Refill product

4. Change product

0. Go back

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 14

(9-3) Refill product

If option 3 is chosen in the service menu, a sub-menu will be shown for the user to select the

product to refill to the full quantity (fixed at 10 items). Then the service menu will be shown


(9) What would you like to do?

1. Inspect machine status

2. Withdraw all money

3. Refill product

4. Change product

0. Go back

Your choice: 3

(9-3) Which product would you like to refill?

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. E

0. Go back

Your choice: 2

You have refilled product B to full.

(9) What would you like to do?

1. Inspect machine status

2. Withdraw all money

3. Refill product

4. Change product

0. Go back

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 15

(9-4) Change product

If option 4 is chosen in the service menu, a sub-menu will be shown for the user to select the

product to change.

(9-4-1) Changing product

After the product has been selected, the user is prompted to enter a new product name

(maximum 20 characters with no space) and new product price ($1–$99 with one dollar

increments). The quantity will be filled to full. Then the service menu is shown again.

(9) What would you like to do?

1. Inspect machine status

2. Withdraw all money

3. Refill product

4. Change product

0. Go back

Your choice: 4

(9-4) Which product would you like to change?

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. E

0. Go back

Your choice: 5

You are changing product E.

Enter new product name: Milk

Enter new product price: 4

The new product E has been filled to full.

(9) What would you like to do?

1. Inspect machine status

2. Withdraw all money

3. Refill product

4. Change product

0. Go back

Your choice:

(v1.5) p. 16

(0) Quit

If option 0 is chosen in the top menu, the program will terminate. No message is given.


| Vending Machine |


| A B C D E |

| $10 $ 6 $ 5 $ 8 $ 4 |

| [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] |


| [$ 0] |

| |

| [===] |


What would you like to do?

1. Read product information

2. Insert coin

3. Press product button

4. Press return button

9. Open service menu (code required)

0. Quit

Your choice: 0


(v1.5) p. 17

5. Academic Honesty and Declaration Statement

Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to

the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and

regulations. Details may be found at https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty/.

Please put the following declaration statement as the comment in the beginning of your

source code and fill in your information.


* ENGG1110 Problem Solving by Programming


* Course Project


* I declare that the project here submitted is original

* except for source material explicitly acknowledged,

* and that the same or closely related material has not been

* previously submitted for another course.

* I also acknowledge that I am aware of University policy and

* regulations on honesty in academic work, and of the disciplinary

* guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such

* policy and regulations, as contained in the website.


* University Guideline on Academic Honesty:

* https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/policy/academichonesty/


* Student Name : <your name>

* Student ID : <your student ID>

* Class/Section : <your class/section>

* Date : <date>


6. Testing Platform

Your code will be tested on Repl.it platform. Modular testing will be provided to let you

confirm the correctness of certain parts of your program.

7. Code and Report Submission

Your code will be submitted on both Repl.it and Blackboard. The submission links will be

available at a later date, and you will be notified when they are opened.

You are also required to submit a flow chart describing the flow of your program.

• Flow charts are expected to be as detail as in the lecture notes (see p. 17–19 of

10. Logic Flow).

• The submitted flow chart should be in JPG, PDF, DOC/DOCX, or PPT/PPTX

formats. The submission links will be available at a later date, and you will be notified

when they are opened.

(v1.5) p. 18

8. Schedule

Submission (code and flowchart) by 23:59, Sunday, December 15, 2019 on Blackboard

9. Assumptions and Initial Conditions

You can safely assume the following conditions during program execution.

(1) All menu inputs from user are integers.

(2) All product names have maximum 20 characters and no spaces in between.

(3) All product prices are between $1 and $99. When single-digit money is displayed on

the machine (prices and inserted coins), it is shown as “$ 0”. When double-digit

money is displayed on the machine, it is shown as “$10”. When displayed in

messages, there is no space after “$” in both cases.

(4) Maximum amount of inserted coins is $99. Behavior is not defined if more than $99

are inserted.

(5) Access code for service menu (option 9) will be entered as integer, and will be treated

as integer. So both entered codes 1110 and 001110 will grant access.

(6) When changing product (action 9-4-1), newly entered product name and price will

obey the above assumptions (2) and (3).

(7) The newly entered product name and price will be shown in Product Information (in

Main menu) and Inspect Machine Status (in Service menu), until the program


(8) No need preserve machine status (i.e., revenue, inserted coins, product names and

prices) between program executions. Every time the program starts, it should be reset

to the initial conditions (as described below).

Your vending machine should have the following initial conditions every time the program


• Amount of revenue: $0

• Amount of inserted coins: $0

• Product information:

A. Juice ($10) (5 left)

B. Cola ($6) (1 left)

C. Tea ($5) (2 left)

D. Water ($8) (1 left)

E. Coffee ($7) (9 left)

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