1305ENG (Programming Laboratory 3) Page 1 of 6
1305ENG: Engineering Programming
Programming Laboratory 3: Loops
This lab will introduce one of most important tools available to programmers - loops. The three
different types of loops in C will be introduced and explained in this lab, along with more practice
of the things you have learned in previous weeks.
Homework Questions (for presentation):
These questions should be completed prior to the lab session. You may be called to present one of
these questions in front of the class during the first half hour of the session, and this presentation
will count for 5% of your final grade for the course. You will be called to do two such presentations
during the trimester, at random times. Note that you will need to write and explain your solution on
a whiteboard, not on a computer, so if you need to refer to code it should be on paper. Each
question should take only a few minutes to complete, and you may be asked a few simple questions
while presenting. If you are not present in the laboratory when you are due to present, you will
receive 0 for this assessment item.
1. Write C code which prints out the numbers 1 to 10 to the screen, 1 per line, using a
WHILE loop.
2. Do the same as question 1 but using a DO..WHILE loop instead.
3. Do the same as question 1 but using a FOR loop.
4. Write a C program which adds up all the numbers between 1 and 50. Use any type of
5. Write a C program that prompts the user to enter a number, and then prints out the
line “Hello” to the screen that many times.
6. Write a C program that continues asking the user to enter a number (integer) until
they enter the number 7. Once that happens, the program should print “Goodbye” to
the screen and terminate.
Loops are one of the most useful of programming constructs, allowing programs to repeat a
sequence of statements many times. C has three loop constructs and although they are all similar in
nature, they have a few differences which make them more useful in particular situations.
In general, there are two reasons loops are used. The first is when you would like to repeat an
operation a fixed number of times. For example, if you wanted to find the largest number from a
list of 10 numbers. To do this, we need to compare each number in the list to the current largest
number, and if it is larger, replace it. So, the same operation is repeated 10 times. For these type of
tasks, the for loop is generally the most appropriate.
The second type of loop is when you aren’t sure exactly how many times you need the statements
run, but rather they should run until some condition is met. A very simple example of this would be
a program which continues to add up numbers until a particular value is entered by the user (zero,
negative, or some non-numerical value perhaps). In this case we don’t know exactly how many
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times it will run, but we know the condition for it to terminate. In such cases, the while loop or
do..while loops are generally the appropriate choice.
While Loops
The simplest of the C loop constructs is the while loop. This loop has a very simple syntax, but can
still be used to do quite powerful operations. In fact, any loop can be rewritten as a while loop.
The syntax of the while loop is:
while ( condition ){ // loop guard
statement1 ;
statement2 ; // loop body
As you saw with if statements last week, you can also omit the braces from a while loop. However
if this is done, only a single statement will be part of the loop. For this reason it is recommended
that you always use the braces, even if there is only a single statement in the loop body.
The operation of the while loop is also quite straightforward. The condition is checked at the
beginning of each iteration and evaluated as either TRUE or FALSE. If it is true, the loop body is
executed, then the loop repeats from the start again, and the condition is checked again. If the
condition is not true, the loop finishes and the program continues to the next statement. Note that
because the condition is checked prior to the loop running, it is possible that the loop body does not
run even once.
For example, the following program reads integer values from the user until zero is entered:
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( void ){
int number = 1 ; // note this must be set to a non-zero
// value to ensure the loop runs once
while ( number != 0 ){ // loop continues until number == 0
scanf ( “%d”, &number ) ;
return ( 0 ) ;
1. Enter the program above and check that it runs correctly.
2. Modify the loop so that the user can enter any negative number to stop the program,
rather than 0.
One important thing to note about this loop is that the controlling variable, number, is modified
during the loop body. If this does not happen, then it is not possible for the loop to terminate. This is
something that should be true for all loops (except ‘infinite’ loops), in order to terminate then it
must be possible for the controlling variable(s) to be modified during the loop body. The loop must
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also be written in such a way that the variable is moving closer towards the termination condition,
rather than away from it.
Do..while Loops
The second type of loop in C is very similar to the while loop. In fact the only difference is that in a
do..while loop the loop guard (condition) is checked at the end of each loop body iteration, rather
than the beginning. This has the important result that the loop body must be executed at least once.
In the example above, for instance, using a do..while loop would mean that the number variable
would not need to be assigned a non-zero value at the beginning, because the loop would always
run once, and thus read a value from the user.
The syntax of the do..while loop is as follows:
do {
statement1 ;
statement2 ;
} while ( condition );
The do..while loop is the most appropriate choice where your loop must always run at least once,
regardless of the starting value of the controlling variable(s). For instance, consider a program that
reads a non-negative integer from the user, then continually divides the number by two until it
reaches zero, displaying each result to the screen. If the user enters zero, and a while loop is used,
the loop would instantly terminate and nothing would display. Using a do..while loop ensures that
the loop executes at least once, displaying zero to the screen before terminating. The code would be:
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( void ){
int x ;
printf ( “Enter a non-negative number: “ ) ;
scanf ( “%d”, &x ) ;
x = x / 2 ; // divide number by 2
printf ( “%d\n”, x ) ; // print to the screen
} while ( x > 0 ) ;
3. Enter and run the program above, ensuring that is works properly for all non-negative
inputs including zero.
4. Modify the program to use a while loop instead, and note the different behaviour when
zero is entered.
For Loops
The last type of loop in C, and the most complex, is the for loop. This loop has a somewhat more
complicated syntax, as follows:
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for ( init ; condition ; increment ){
statement1 ;
statement2 ;
The first thing you’ll notice that’s different about this loop is that there are three parts within the
brackets, separated by semicolons. You can leave any or all of these three sections empty, however
the semicolons must always be present.
The operation of the for loop is very similar to a while loop, with a few differences. The middle part
of the statement, condition, is in fact identical to the condition of a while loop, and in the same way
determines when the loop will terminate (when it becomes false). This condition is also tested at the
beginning of each loop body iteration, just like the while loop. If the first and third parts of the for
loop are omitted, the loop is in fact identical to a while loop.
The other two terms are what makes the for loop different. The first, the initialisation statement,
runs once and once only, at the beginning of the first iteration, but before the loop guard is checked
for the first time. This is typically used to setup a variable associated with the loop, but can be
anything. The most common usage is to set a counting variable to 0 or other starting value.
The last statement in the for loop is known as the increment statement, because it is usually used to
increment or decrement a variable. However it can be used for many other purposes as desired. The
increment statement is run once per loop iteration, after the loop body.
The typical use of a for loop is to execute the loop a fixed number of times. In this case, the
initialisation statement will set the counter to zero, the loop guard will check that it hasn’t reached
the desired number of iterations yet, and the increment term will increase the value of the counter
by one. For example, to print out “Hello world” ten times, the following code would be used:
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ;i < 10 ; i++ ){
printf ( “Hello world” ) ;
Variables called i, j, and k are traditionally used as loop counter variables, although it is better
programming practice to use more meaningful names.
5. Complete the missing lines of the following program, which reads ten floating point
numbers from the user and calculates their average.
#include <stdio.h>
int main ( void ){
int i ;
float number, total = 0, average ;
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printf ( “The average of the ten numbers is %f”, ) ;
As well as being used as a counter, the loop variable in a for loop can also be used in calculations,
printed to the screen, etc. A very simple example of this would be to add up all the numbers
between 1 and 100, while would be done by:
int i, total = 0 ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= 100 ; i++ ){
total += i ; // add the value of i to the total
printf ( “The sum of 1 to 100 is %d\n”, total ) ;
The maximum value of the loop does not have to be a fixed number, it can be a variable entered by
the user or obtained from elsewhere.
6. Modify the code above so that the program adds up the numbers from 1 to x, where x
is entered by the user (prior to the loop beginning).
Break and Continue
Within the body of a loop, the break statement may be used to terminate the loop instantly. This
does not check the loop guard condition, it instantly stops the loop and execution of the program
continues as normal. Whilst this can be useful, it is not considered good programming practice and
should be used only when other methods of stopping the loop aren’t practical.
The continue statement is similar, but rather than stopping the loop it only finishes the current
iteration. The loop guard will then be checked to determine if the loop continues or not, and the
loop proceeds as normal. Like break, this statement should be used sparingly as it is not considered
good practice, but it can be useful in some situations.
Infinite Loops
Sometimes it desirable to have a loop that runs forever, for example on a microcontroller system
that will never be turned off but should repeat a certain task forever. This is most easily
accomplished with a while loop, where the loop guard is simply ‘1’. Since this will always be true,
the loop will never terminate, except if the break statement is used within it. If your program has an
infinite loop, either deliberately or accidentally, you can press CTRL-C to stop it.
Assessable questions:
1. Write a C program which continually prompts the user to enter an integer, only
stopping when the number 0 is entered. Your program should then display the total of
all numbers entered.
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2. Write a C program which prompts the user to enter an integer, and then displays all
the factors of that integer. To do this, you will need to check every number from 1 up
to the number entered and see if it is evenly divisible (remainder is zero). HINT: Use
an if statement within the loop to check if the original number is divisible by the
current loop counter, and if it is then display that number as a factor.
3. Write a C program which simulates a simple guessing game. The program should
choose a random number between 1 and 100 as the ‘secret’ number before the game
begins. The user should then be continually prompted to enter their guess. After each
guess is entered, your program should inform the user whether the secret number is
higher or lower, or if they guessed correctly. This should continue until they finally get
the number right.
HINT: To create the random number, use the following code at the beginning of your
main function. You will also need to #include <stdlib.h> and #include <time.h> at the
top of the program.
srand ( time ( NULL )) ;
int secret_num = rand() % 100 + 1 ;
(2 marks)
Extra practice questions (complete in your own time):
1. Write a C program which prompts the user to enter a line of text, then counts the
number of digits (0-9), upper case letters, and lower case letters that the user enters.
Hint: continue to read individual characters from the keyboard until the newline is
read, and process each separately.
2. At the beginning of this lab, you copied a program which continually divided a number
by two until it reached zero. Modify this program so that instead of printing out the
new value of the number at each step, it instead prints out the remainder of that
division by 2. The number should still be divided by 2 at each step, only the value that
is printed should be changed. If you do this correctly, you will notice that the numbers
printed represent the binary form of this number, in reverse order.
3. Using a similar approach as question 2, write a C program which adds up all the digits
of a number entered by the user. For example, if the user enters 5296, the result should
be 22. You will use an almost identical loop to that used in Q2.
4. Write a C program which calculates the factorial (!) of a number entered by the user.
A factorial is defined as the product of all numbers from 1 up to and including the
number itself. For example, 5! = 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 = 120. Note that factorials above
about 13 are too large to compute, so you may get errors.
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