2019 Spring, CSCI 3150 – Assignment 2
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Permissible Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Grading 4
2.1 Correctness (100%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Bonus (25%) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Your assignment 5
3.1 The assignment package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 To begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2.1 Run our grader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2.2 Run our demo (in case you want to try the bonus) . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Your job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4 Change Log 10
5 Questions 10
6 Academic Honesty 11
7 General Notes 11
1 Introduction
In this assignment, you have to implement a part of a “permissible” scheduler that returns
a set of “permissible” jobs from a large batch of jobs submitted to an operating system. A
permissible scheduler aims to execute only jobs that are meaningful to the system (because
of limited resources). You must use PThread/OpenMP to leverage multiple cores to return
the answer as quick as possible.
1.1 Permissible Point
A task/job/process is modeled as a data point. Given a multi-dimension dataset, a set of
points are regarded as the permissible points if they are not prevailed by any other points.
Under the assumption that smaller values are better, a point p prevails another point q if
(i) all dimensions of p are smaller than or equal to their corresponding dimensions of q and
(ii) there exists at least one dimension of p that is strictly smaller than its corresponding
dimension of q. Thus, the set of permissible points consists of those points that are
no worse than any other points when all dimensions are considered together. For
example, given the following 3-dimension (excluding ID) dataset:
ID dimension 1 dimension 2 dimension 3
1 0.1536 0.5631 0.7853
2 0.2534 0.5315 0.4735
3 0.1235 0.3436 0.9813
4 0.5343 0.5674 0.8753
5 0.6437 0.7832 0.1235
6 0.4536 0.3134 0.3342
7 0.6582 0.3253 0.9231
8 0.4536 0.3134 0.4353
9 0.1536 0.5631 0.7853
Point 1 prevails point 4 because all dimensions of point 1 are smaller than their
corresponding dimensions of point 4.
Point 6 prevails point 8 as dimension 3 of point 6 is smaller than corresponding
dimension of point 8, although their other two dimensions have the same values.
Point 1 and point 2 cannot prevail each other, because dimension 1 of point 1 is
smaller than corresponding dimension of point 2, but dimension 2 and dimension 3
of point 1 are greater than corresponding dimensions of point 2 and vice versa. Point 1
and point 9 cannot prevail each other either, as all dimensions of them are equaivalent.
From the above dataset, we can retrieve points 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9 as its permissible points.
In real life, a job/task/process might have dimensions like estimated CPU time required,
estimated I/O required, etc.
2 Grading
2.1 Correctness (100%)
There is a toy test case for you, the number of points is very small, you could use that
to do simple testing and debugging.
There are 10 test cases to check whether your program have correctly computed the
Different test cases will generate data different in sizes, dimensions, and data distribution,
and will invoke your program with the generated dataset.
Each test case worths 10 marks, and the toy test case worths 0 marks.
2.2 Bonus (25%)
There are 2 extra bonus test cases for those having good performance. If your program’s
in maximum speed (i.e., using all 4 cores) finishes faster than:
(5%) our demo using 3 threads (cores), you get 5 marks extra bonus. [bonus test case
1For multi-threading program, we shall not use user-time + sys-time because the threads are overlapping.
(20%) our demo using 4 threads (cores), you get another 20 marks extra bonus. [bonus
test case 2]
To eliminate any rounding error, if your program’s running time is within our demo
running time ±5%, we will run both programs 10 times and compare the average. The TA
will not launch any other unnecessary processes while grading.
2.3 Note
The TA will grade the latest version in your repo as of 25 April 2019, 11:00AM. That
is the latest date. No late submission after that.
For this assignment, you shall and we will set our course VM to have: (1) Base memory
sets to 1G; (2) The number of processors sets to 4.
Especially, our test has a data generator that is hardware dependent. As the expected
outputs in our tester are hard-coded based on the given course VM, you may not pass
the test (even your code is correct) if you are running on another platform. So, run
on our VM.
You must parallelize the workload to all processors/cores in a reasonable manner.
For example, an implementation that locks the whole program and let each thread
execute one by one is not acceptable.
3 Your assignment
You are given the following files:
Name Description
/asgn2-pthread.c Code skeleton for you (Work on it).
/Makefile Makefile (Don’t touch)
/pthreaddemo Executable demo. Beating it can get the bonus.
/testcase (Don’t touch) testsuite.txt lists the test cases
and the other files contain the expected output of
each test case.
/runtest.c (Don’t touch) Our grader. It will use CUnit to run
the test. It will invoke the asgn2 pthread function
in your asgn2-pthread.c.
/util.h (Don’t touch) Contains some utility data structure.
/util.c (Don’t touch) Contains some utility functions including
the point dataset generator.
Note: The above assumes the course’s 32-bit (4 virtual CPU enabled) VM is used.
3.1 The assignment package
Follow the steps in section 2.1 of assignment 0 to report your Github account (if you have
not done so yet), and go here https://classroom.github.com/a/aOFOFMh1 to clone the
starter package to your Github account. After this, in your terminal use the command “git
clone {Your Repo URL}” and your username/password to get a local copy of the repo to
your desired directory in the same way as described in assignment 0. The new repo should
contain the starter package for this assignment.
Warning: DON’T change the file names, otherwise you get 0 marks
3.2 To begin
3.2.1 Run our grader
You will see:
Type ’0’ to run the toy test case.
Type ’1’ - ’12’ to select a test case to run.
Type ’13’ to run all 13 test cases.
Before you work on your homework and type ’13’ to run all 13 test cases, you shall see
something like below, because no test cases can pass yet.
After doing the assignment, if your solution is correct and you type these two commands
one by one:
you shall see something like this:
Warning: The elapsed time within the red rectangle in above picture is not correct (CUnit has not supported threading well
yet), so just ignore it. The time cost per individual test case is accurate.
3.2.2 Run our demo (in case you want to try the bonus)
We give you our implementation of the assignment, pthreaddemo. You can run it in a
standalone mode. If you type these two commands one by one:
chmod a+x ./pthreaddemo
./pthreaddemo help
You will see its usage.
It will either compute the results for bonus test case 1 or bonus test case 2 and it tells you
our demo’s running time on your machine. You may refer to that running time as your
target to get the bonus score.
3.3 Your job
Your job is to start from the given asgn2-pthread.c and pass as many test cases as possible.
Don’t change the function signature asgn2 pthread. We explain some items in that file:
Point is a C structure including an integer, ID, and a float pointer, values, which is
defined in util.h. That is the data structure we use to represent a (generated) data
thread number: control how many threads used to run your code. The main thread
doesn’t count. So, you shall use PThread to create thread number extra threads to
speed up your job.
Your program should store all the permissible points in a Point array2
, and set the
variable permissiblePoints the pointer to that array. The Point array should be in
2The order of permissible points does not matter. The CUnit test program will sort the permissible points
based on ID when grading. The sorting won’t count towards the running time.
heap. Your code should also set the variable permissiblePointNum as the number of
permissible points found.
In the comment, there is a for-loop. You may uncomment it to print the content of
first 20 points. That may get you a quick feeling about how the point dataset is stored
in the memory.
[Minor] For your information, /testcase/testsuite.txt contains 13 lines. Each line
specifies the parameter values of one test case.
The 1st value is the number of data points to be generated
The 2nd value is the number of dimensions to be generated.
The 3rd value is the data characteristic for the data to be generated.
The 4th value is the random seed that we use to generate random data.
The 5th value is the number of threads (excluding the main thread) to use.
The last value is the path to the expected result of the generated data.
[Minor] For your information, /testcase/* result.txt contains the expected result of
each test case. It lists the number of permissible points in the first line. Each subsequent
line lists the ID of the permissible points in ascending order. The CUnit test program will
read this file to check the output produced by your code at runtime.
4 Change Log
1.0 this document
5 Questions
If you have doubts about the assignment, you are encouraged to ask questions on Piazza
using the corresponding tag. Please focus on knowledge. Unhealthy questions/comments
that focus on scores and grades are not encouraged.
If you find any (possible) bugs, send private questions on Piazza to us instead
— otherwise that may cause unnecessary panic among the class if that is not a real bug.
6 Academic Honesty
We follow the University guide on academic honesty against any plagiarism.
7 General Notes
This specification and our grading platform are both based our given course VM. You
should compile, debug and run the assignment program on that VM. So, if you insist
to develop on another platform other than our VM and got any question, test it on
our VM before you ask.
The TA reserves the right to adjust your scores for any request that requires their extra
manual effort.
Unless specified, you should work and fill your code in designated areas. There are
cases that the modification outside the designated area leads to misbehavior of the auto
grader. Proceed with caution and look back the changes if your output is different from
what is shown in the grader.
While we have already tried our best to prepare this assignment, we reserve all the
rights to update the specification and the grading scheme. If there are any mistakes/bugs
which are on ours, the TA will step in and do manual grading to ensure
you get what you deserve. Please respect each other. Any irresponsible, unfair, biased
sentiment would regard as a disciplinary case.
If this is a programming assignment, only C is allowed, not even C++. If this is a
scripting assignment, only bash shell script is allowed, not even Python. Furthermore,
for C programming assignments, use the “exit” function parsimoniously because it
might influence the grader as well. Therefore, use “return” instead of “exit” whenever
? Although this is not an algorithm class, you still shouldn’t implement your assignment
with very poor complexity. While the TAs will try their best to run your program as
long as they could, they reserve the right to terminate a test case and regard that as a
failed test case when a program takes unreasonably long time to finish (try to compare
your running time with the given demo). or until when the TAs themselves need to
submit your final scores to the department.
When grading, the TAs will execute the grader program to run the whole test suite
(which consists of all test cases). The TAs won’t grade each individual test case
(Frequently Asked) [Output format] If the assignment package includes a demo,
then our grader defines test cases based on the given demo. In that case, your output
shall exactly follow that demo. For example, hypothetically, if our demo outputs a
message like:
command not found
with two spaces between “not” and “found”. Your output shall also match that in
order to pass the test. The good news is that, if our given demo has not implemented
something (e.g., missed certain error checking), you also don’t need to do so. No
test cases would be defined based on something that our demo has not
(Frequently Asked) [Scope of error handling] The scope of error checking and
handling shall refer to both our given demo (if given) and our given test cases.
First, the corresponding output message shall exactly follow our demo. Second, you
are informed that our demo may have implemented more error checking that what our
grader will test. In that case, it is fine that you implement only the error checking that
is tested by our grader. So, one top tip is:
(Frequently Asked) [No hidden test case] We are not intended to run any secret/extra
test cases that deliberately break your assignment. That is, WYSIWYG — your
final score shall be generally indicated by what the grader reports when it runs on
the course VM. However, we do reserve the right to run some additional test cases to
avoid any mis-conduct (e.g., hard-coding the results), and/or invite you to explain the
source code to the teaching assistants and adjust the scores accordingly.
We welcome discussions among classmates. But don’t share your assignment with the
others in any means. For example, don’t put your source code in any public venue (e.g,
public repo, your homepage, Facebook). We handle plagiarism strictly. On submitting
this assignment, you are agreed that your code’s copyright belongs to the Chinese
University of Hong Kong. Unless with our written approval, you must not release
your source code and this specification now and forever. If you share your code with
anyone without our written consent, that would regard as a disciplinary case as long
as you are still a CUHK student (i.e., even after this course). If you share your code
with anyone without our written consent after your graduation, that would regard as
a breach of copyright and we reserve all the rights to take the corresponding legal
Google is your friend. We encourage you use Google for help to do the assignment.
However, if you happen to find any source codes related to this assignment, you still
cannot copy it but use your own way to implement it. You need to put down your list
of source code references as comments in the top of your source code.
(Frequently Asked) [Late Policy] TAs will only grade the latest version submitted
before the deadline. Since you are given way more enough time (especially for early
assignments), no late submission is allowed. It is your responsibility to make sure you
added, committed, and pushed the find version before the deadline. You are required
to check whether your final version is really in Github Classroom.
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