CMPSC121: Intro to Programming Techniques (Fall 2018)
Project 3 (100 points)
Due Friday, December 7 at 11:59pm
After this project, students should be able to:
Implement user-defined classes using given specifications, including
o Member variables
o Member functions
o Constructors
Use file input and output to save results
While working to improve the LionPath website, you discovered a way to generate formatted text files that
contains information about students' schedules for the upcoming semester. Consider the example below:
FNAME: Andrew
ID: 912345678
USER: auy77
- M 9 05 AM 50 Lecture
- W 9 05 AM 50 Lecture
- T 10 05 AM 110 Lab
- M 12 25 PM 50 Lecture
- T 12 25 PM 50 Lecture
- W 12 25 PM 50 Lecture
- R 12 25 PM 50 Lecture
- W 06 00 PM 50 Lecture
- M 11 15 AM 50 Lecture
- W 11 15 AM 50 Lecture
- F 11 15 AM 50 Lecture
- T 3 35 PM 90 Lecture
- R 3 35 PM 90 Lecture
- F 12 00 PM 110 Lab
Each line that begins with "-" refers to one of the meeting times of the course above. For example:
- M 9 05 AM 50 Lecture Monday, 9:05AM, 50 minute lecture
Because LionPath can generate many of these files, you have decided to write a C++ program that can
automatically process them. You will use object-oriented programming to keep track of the students, the
courses, and the lecture times.
Implement the classes described below:
The Student class contains basic identifying information about one student:
First name
Middle initial
Last name
9-digit PSU ID Number
PSU Username
In addition, it contains a list of courses that the student is scheduled to take. Certain actions related to the
student can be taken:
Add a course
Remove a course
Print information about all courses (to console window and/or file)
Check whether the student will be available (not in class) at a certain time and day of the week
Check whether the student is available right now
The Course class contains minimal information:
Name of the course
It also contains a list of meeting times (labs and lectures). There is only one action related to the course:
Print information about all meeting times (to console window and/or file)
The Lecture class contains all the information about one meeting time (lab or lecture) for a course, of which
there may be many:
Day of the week
Starting time
Whether it is a lab or lecture session
There is only one action related to the course:
Print information about the meeting time (to console window and/or file)
You are required to implement but are NOT limited to the member variables and functions described above.
You may find it beneficial to implement additional classes, member functions, and member variables that suit
your needs.
Main Function
In the main function, provide the user with 6 options:
1. Select student by ID
The user is prompted to enter a PSU ID Number
o If a corresponding file (e.g. "912345678.txt") exists, then open it
Create a new student object containing all the provided information
If there are pre-existing scheduling conflicts, then remove one of the courses
o If not, then allow the user to create a new student object with that number
Prompt the user for the student's name and username
Options 2-5 should not be available until the user selects a student
2. Modify schedule
Delete an existing course (provide a list of course names to choose from)
Add a new course
o Use user input to populate the course name and meeting times
o If there is a scheduling conflict with an existing course:
Display the course and meeting time with which it conflicts
Do not add the new course
3. Check student availability
Determine whether the student should be in class right now
o Use functions defined in the <ctime> library to get the current time
Determine whether the student will be in class at a certain time and day of the week
If the student is/will be in class, then display the course and meeting time
4. Display Schedule
Generate and print all the information in the same format as the given text file
5. Write to file
Generate and save all the information in the same format as the given text file
Overwrite the existing file (if it exists)
6. Quit
If the student's schedule has been modified but not written to file, give the user a warning
o The user may quit anyways, losing any unsaved changes
o The user may return to the menu
Sample Output
Welcome to the scheduling program!
Choose an option:
1. Select student
2. Modify schedule
3. Check student availability
4. Display schedule
5. Save to file
6. Quit
Enter the student's 9-digit PSU ID: 912340000
"912340000.txt" does not exist. Would you like to create a new student (Y/N)? n
Choose an option:
1. Select student
2. Modify schedule
3. Check student availability
4. Display schedule
5. Save to file
6. Quit
No student has been selected!
Choose an option:
1. Select student
2. Modify schedule
3. Check student availability
4. Display schedule
5. Save to file
6. Quit
Enter the student's 9-digit PSU ID: 912345678
- F 11 15 AM 50 Lecture
- F 12 00 PM 110 Lab
Choose an option:
1. Select student
2. Modify schedule
3. Check student availability
4. Display schedule
5. Save to file
6. Quit
FNAME: Andrew
ID: 912345678
USER: auy77
- M 9 05 AM 50 Lecture
- W 9 05 AM 50 Lecture
- T 10 05 AM 110 Lab
- M 12 25 PM 50 Lecture
- T 12 25 PM 50 Lecture
- W 12 25 PM 50 Lecture
- R 12 25 PM 50 Lecture
- W 18 00 PM 50 Lecture
- M 11 15 AM 50 Lecture
- W 11 15 AM 50 Lecture
- F 11 15 AM 50 Lecture
Choose an option:
1. Select student
2. Modify schedule
3. Check student availability
4. Display schedule
5. Save to file
6. Quit
Add a new course or delete existing (A/D)? D
Select a course to remove:
1. CMPSC121-002-003L
2. MATH140-001
3. PSU007-001
4. ENGL101-004
Choose an option:
1. Select student
2. Modify schedule
3. Check student availability
4. Display schedule
5. Save to file
6. Quit
- M 9 05 AM 50 Lecture
- W 9 05 AM 50 Lecture
- T 10 05 AM 110 Lab
- M 12 25 PM 50 Lecture
- T 12 25 PM 50 Lecture
- W 12 25 PM 50 Lecture
- R 12 25 PM 50 Lecture
- W 18 00 PM 50 Lecture
Choose an option:
1. Select student
2. Modify schedule
3. Check student availability
4. Display schedule
5. Save to file
6. Quit
You have unsaved changes. Quit anyways (Y/N)? N
Choose an option:
1. Select student
2. Modify schedule
3. Check student availability
4. Display schedule
5. Save to file
6. Quit
Check current day and time (Y/N)? Y
Student is available at: Monday 6:41 AM
Choose an option:
1. Select student
2. Modify schedule
3. Check student availability
4. Display schedule
5. Save to file
6. Quit
Check current day and time (Y/N)? N
Enter day of the week(U, M, T, W, R, F, S): M
Enter hour: 9
Enter minute: 30
Enter AM or PM: am
- M 9 05 AM 50 Lecture
Choose an option:
1. Select student
2. Modify schedule
3. Check student availability
4. Display schedule
5. Save to file
6. Quit
Changes written to "912345678.txt"
Choose an option:
1. Select student
2. Modify schedule
3. Check student availability
4. Display schedule
5. Save to file
6. Quit
Thanks for using the scheduling program!
Submit the following file(s) to Canvas before the deadline:
1. scheduler.cpp
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