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日期:2023-09-28 07:51

Project 1: Java


This project will introduce you to programming in Java by asking you to develop an

abstract data type for graphs, and then adapt it for a slightly different interface.

A graph (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_(abstract_data_type)) consists of a

set of nodes (or vertices) N and a set of edges E ⊆ N × N. For this project, graphs

are directed, meaning there could be an edge from a to b without there being an

edge from b to a.

We will define graphs as an abstract data type that implements the following


public interface Graph {

boolean addNode(String n);

boolean addEdge(String n1, String n2);

boolean hasNode(String n);

boolean hasEdge(String n1, String n2);

boolean removeNode(String n);

boolean removeEdge(String n1, String n2);

List<String> nodes();

List<String> succ(String n);

List<String> pred(String n);

Graph union(Graph g);

Graph subGraph(Set<String> nodes);

boolean connected(String n1, String n2);


Here, nodes are labeled by strings, and if two strings are equals then they always

refer to the same node. The methods do the following:

boolean addNode(String n) adds the node n to the graph. It returns true if the

node was not previously in the graph (i.e., it was added by the call), and false if

the node was already present.

boolean addEdge(String n1, String n2) adds an edge from the node n1 to the node

n2 . It returns true if the edge was not previously in the graph, and false

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otherwise. This method should throw NoSuchElementException if n1 or n2 were not

previously added as nodes.

boolean hasNode(String n) returns true if the node n was added to the graph

previously (and not removed), and false if not.

boolean hasEdge(String n1, String n2) returns true if the edge from n1 to n2 was

added to the graph previously (and not removed), and false if not.

boolean removeNode(String n) removes node n from the graph and all edges to or

from n . It returns true if n was previously in the graph and false otherwise.

boolean removeEdge(String n1, String n2) removes the edge from n1 to n2 from

the graph, returning true if the edge was previously in the graph and false

otherwise. This method should throw NoSuchElementException if n1 or n2 were not

previously added as nodes.

List<String> nodes() returns a list containing all the nodes in the current graph, in

some unspecified order.

List <String> succ(String n) returns a list of all nodes n2 such that there is an

edge from n to n2 in the graph, i.e., it returns the successors of n . This

method type uses the List


interface. This is in a generic type, meaning you can have lists of strings, lists of

integers, lists of lists of strings, etc. We'll go into detail about how this works

later, but for now, all you need to know is that List<String> is a list of strings, and

in the documentation, anywhere you see the type parameter E you can mentally

substitute String . This method should throw NoSuchElementException if n was not

previously added as a node.

List <String> pred(String n) returns a list (a List<String> ) of all nodes n2 such

that there is an edge from n2 to n in the graph, i.e., it returns the predecessors

of n . This method should throw NoSuchElementException if n was not previously

added as a node.

Graph union(Graph g) returns a new graph that includes all the nodes and edges

of the current graph and all the nodes and edges of g . Nodes identified by the

same string in both graphs are coalesced to be the same node in the returned

graph. Note: You may not assume that g is implemented by an ListGraph , i.e.,

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code that casts g to an ListGraph will receive no credit. This requirement means

this method will be extremely annoying to write, which sometimes happens when

interfaces and APIs are not ideal.

Graph subGraph(Set<String> nodes) returns a new graph containing the nodes of the

current graph that are included in nodes and the current graph's edges among

them. For example, if the current graph has nodes [A,B,C,D] and edges A→B ,

A→C , C→D and the nodes argument to subGraph is [A, B, C, E] , then the resulting

graph would contain edges A→B and A→C , and nodes A , B , and C .

boolean connected(String n1, String n2) returns true if and only if there is a path

from n1 to n2 , meaning there is a sequence of edges from n1 to some na to

some nb etc to n2 . If n1.equals(n2) , this method should return true, i.e., a path

of length 0 counts. To implement this method, you'll probably want to use either

breadth-first search (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search) or

depth-first search (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depth-first_search) (either will

work). For this method to work correctly in the presence of cycles in the graph

(i.e., the case when one node is connected to itself), you might want to use a



. This method should throw NoSuchElementException if n1 or n2 were not

previously added as nodes.

Part 1: Graphs with Adjacency Lists

A key algorithmic design choice in implementing graphs is how to represent edges

in the graph. For the first part of the project, you will implement the Graph interface

using adjacency lists. More specifically, write an implementation of Graph in the file

ListGraph.java in which the nodes and edges of the graph are represented using

the following field:

private HashMap<String, LinkedList<String>> nodes;

Here, the graph is represented as a mapping from nodes to lists of their successors

in the graph. The map itself is a hash table (a HashMap


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), and the lists are LinkedList


s, which are just like linked lists in C.

For example, here is some code that creates a few nodes and edges in the graph

and does some tests to see what the graph contains.

nodes.put("a", new LinkedList<String>()); // add node "a" to the graph

nodes.put("b", new LinkedList<String>()); // add node "b"

nodes.put("c", new LinkedList<String>()); // add node "c"

nodes.containsKey("a"); // returns true, "a" is a graph node

nodes.containsKey("d"); // returns false, "d" is not a graph node

nodes.get("a").add("b"); // add edge from "a" to "b"

nodes.get("c").add("a"); // add edge from "c" to "a"

nodes.containsKey("c") &&

nodes.get("c").contains("a") &&

nodes.containsKey("a") &&

nodes.get("a").contains("b") // returns true, there's a path from "c" to "b"

Hint: If you want to iterate through a LinkedList in Java, you can use a while loop,

or you can use the following syntactic sugar; we'll explain why this works later.

for (String n : nodes.get("a")) { // iterate through elements of nodes.get("a")

// code that uses n


If you want to iterate over a HashMap , you can do the following:

for (String n : nodes.keySet()) { // iterate over key of HashMap

LinkedList<String> s = nodes.get(n); // get corresponding successor lists


It is also possible to avoid the call to get by iterating over the entrySet of the

HashMap . If you're interested, you can find out how to use that approach by

searching online.

Part 2: A Different Graph API

The Graph interface we gave you above is just one possible interface for graphs.

For example, here is a class that implements an immutable representation of graph


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public class Edge {

private String src, dst; // source, destination

Edge(String src, String dst) {

this.src = src; this.dst = dst;


String getSrc() { return src; }

String getDst() { return dst; }


We can then use this class to define a different interface for graphs:

public interface EdgeGraph {

boolean addEdge(Edge e);

boolean hasNode(String n);

boolean hasEdge(Edge e);

boolean removeEdge(Edge e);

List<Edge> outEdges(String n);

List<Edge> inEdges(String n);

List<Edge> edges();

EdgeGraph union(EdgeGraph g);

boolean hasPath(List<Edge> l);


with the following methods:

boolean addEdge(Edge e) adds an edge to the graph, returning true if the edge

was not already in the graph or false if not. Note that, in this API, nodes are not

added separately from edges. Node n is automatically added to the graph if an

edge containing n is added.

boolean hasNode(String n) returns true if and only if some edge has been added to

the graph (and not removed) with n as either the source or destination fo the


boolean hasEdge(Edge e) returns true if edge e has been added to the graph (and

not removed).

boolean removeEdge(Edge e) removes edge e from the graph, returning true if it

was previously in the graph and false otherwise. If this method removes the last

edge to or from a given node in the graph, that node should also be removed.

Note: This method does not throw an exception even if one or the other end of

the Edge is not in the graph.

List<Edge> outEdges(String n) returns a list of all edges that start at node n .

List<Edge> inEdges(String n) returns a list of all edges that end at node n .

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List<Edge> edges() returns a list of all the edges in this graph, in some

unspecified order.

EdgeGraph union(EdgeGraph g) returns a new graph that includes all the nodes and

edges of the current graph and all the nodes and edges of g . Nodes identified

by the same string in both graphs are coalesced to be the same node in the

returned graph. Note: You may not assume that g is implemented by an

EdgeGraphAdapter , i.e., code that casts g to an EdgeGraphAdapter will receive no


boolean hasPath(List<Edge> l) returns true if the path l (a List<Edge> ) is in the

graph. Suppose l = e1, e2, ..., en . The method first checks if all edges ei are

in the graph; if any are not, the method should return false . The method then

checks if the argument is a path, i.e., if ei.getDst() == e(i+1).getSrc() for every

edge in the middle of the list. If this is not the case, this code should raise the

exception BadPath , which is defined in file BadPath.java . Note that every graph

includes the empty path (since if a graph contains a path, it should contain every


Your task for the second part of the project is to implement an EdgeGraph . But, like

any good software engineer, you don't want to start from scratch. You already have

perfectly good Graph implementation. So, for this part of the project, you will write

an adapter (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adapter_pattern) that, given a Graph , will

adapt it to be an EdgeGraph . More specifically, implement EdgeGraphAdapter , which

looks like the following:

public class EdgeGraphAdapter implements EdgeGraph {

private Graph g;

EdgeGraphAdapter(Graph g) { this.g = g; }

// methods of EdgeGraph


So, to implement the methods of EdgeGraphAdapter , you will write code that

delegates graph operations to g . You can assume that when this constructor is

called, the argument g will be an empty graph. You'll notice that for some methods

of EdgeGraph , you can call corresponding methods of g with no change. With other

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methods, you'll need to change the arguments a bit. And with still other methods,

you'll need to implement new functionality that's not part of Graph .

Notice also that your code will work with any implementation of Graph , not just

ListGraph . Cool!

Part 3: Write and Share a Test Case

To help you test your code, we've created a simple method main in class Main so

you can run some test cases. The body of main looks like this:

public static void main(String[] args) {




It just calls a couple of simple tests we wrote. Though it won't count in the grading

of your project, you should right a bunch more tests ( test3 , test4 , etc., or call

them whatever you want since we won't evaluate these methods) and add calls to

them in main .

Here is the definition of test1 :

public static void test1() {

Graph g = new ListGraph();

assert g.addNode("a");

assert g.hasNode("a");


There are a bunch of ways to write and design tests, which we'll talk about later in

the semester, but this method just creates a new graph, adds a node to it, and

checks that the node is in the graph. To check that methods are returning the

correct values, it uses Java's assert statement, which takes a boolean argument

and raises an exception if the argument doesn't evaluate to true .

Important: To run the code with assertions enabled, you need to invoke java -ea

Main , i.e., you need to pass the -ea (or -enableassertions ) argument to the JVM.

Otherwise, by default, the JVM will ignore the assertion statements completely and

not run them.

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Although you can't generally share code for this class, we will make one exception

for this project: You must write one test case, in the style of test1 above, and post

it publicly to Piazza to share with the class. Your test case must be for Part 1

only. You may not share test cases for Part 2. Your test case can test any

functionality of Part 1, as much or as little as you like. It need not be substantively

different than others' test cases, but you must come up with it on your own. In fact,

you should come up with a test case (or many test cases) right now, before you've

even started implementing the project. This is called Test-driven development

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development) , which is a popular software

engineering approach.

What to turn in

Put all your code in the code skeleton we have supplied, and upload your solution

using Gradescope. Important: Be sure all of your .java files are at the top level in

your submission. If you submit them inside of a directory, the autograder won't find

your code and compilation will fail. For this and all future projects, you may not

change any public API we specify, including changing the list of exceptions that

may be thrown by a method. Also for this and all future projects, unless otherwise

specified, your code may only use standard Java libraries; it may not use any

libraries that require changing the CLASSPATH or compilation options.

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