EGE0044: Engineering Data Analysis
Coursework 1 – Numerical Data Handling
Due: See Moodle for deadline
Submission method: Moodle
Late submissions will be penalised according to standard UCL regulations
For this coursework, you will be required to handle data provided to you in an Excel spreadsheet.
You will be required to select data analysis techniques that are appropriate for the given problem.
You will be expected to justify your approach and demonstrate an awareness of the limitations of
your chosen approach. You are expected to present your work clearly using appropriate selection
of statistics, clearly drawn figures and in a format that is easy to follow.
You are responsible for determining the horizontal coordinates of a survey marker. You choose to
use a high-precision, survey grade GNSS receiver for this task. You place the GNSS receiver over
the survey marker and turn it on. The GNSS receiver collects measurements for 240 seconds and
estimates a position twice every second. This collection of GNSS-based position estimates forms
the dataset for this assignment, which you will find on Moodle by following the Coursework 1
Data link.
Instructions for generating your personal dataset:
After downloading the data file (EDA_CW1_Data_2022.xlsx), enter your name in the cells
indicated, but apart from this do not edit any of the existing cells. You will see a set of horizontal
coordinates (expressed in Eastings and Northings). Copy the data and paste it into a new
spreadsheet that will form the basis of your submission. You should do this using “paste special”
and select “values”. This will freeze the data and avoid later complications.
IMPORTANT: you MUST enter your first and last names in the two cells marked ENTER &
ENTER before you copy the data into a new spreadsheet. This will generate your own personal set
of data. No marks will be awarded if you analyse the data belonging to someone called Enter
Enter. All students should clearly mark on their submissions the names that they have used to
generate the dataset. Note that two-character names will not work, and so students should repeat
characters to get at least three in each name (e.g., use “Xii” instead of “Xi”).
When examining your dataset, you will notice that the positions determined are subject to noise,
and that this is noticeable as random errors. Occasionally, however, something goes seriously
wrong (possibly due to someone walking past the receiver and blocking the satellite signal) causing
a gross error in the position.
For this coursework, you are required to:
A. Find the mean position, the standard deviation in both Eastings and Northings, and the
standard deviation of the sample mean in both Easting and Northings.
B. Edit your dataset to remove any gross errors. For this, you may assume that the Eastings and
Northings are independent, with separate normal distributions. Establish the z-score for each
point in each direction and reject any that fall outside the 99% distribution limits in either
direction. Remember, the statistics you have computed in part A will change if/when you
gross errors.
You will be expected to submit the following:
- A report (in PDF format) containing information on all relevant statistical tests, summaries
of data, diagrams, etc. Marks will be awarded for presentation, as well as for getting the
correct answer and following the correct procedures. This report is limited to one side of A4.
The file should be named: EDA_CW1_Yyyy_Xxxx where Yyyy is your surname and Xxxx
is your given name.
- The spreadsheet that you used to derive all the information in your report. We shall use this
to check how the computations were carried out in case of errors and so on, but the PDF report
should stand on its own without needing to refer to the spreadsheet.
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