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UNSW Business School/ Banking and Finance
CRICOS Code 00098G
Capstone - Portfolio Management Process
Oral Presentation
UNSW Business School
School of Banking & Finance
This assessment is prepared by Henry Yip for students enrolled in FINS5568 at UNSW, Sydney. 2
Purpose: We use this task to present an authentic scenario for students to practise the course learning
outcome (CLO) below which is aligned with two program learning outcomes, PLO2 Problem solving and PLO3
Business communication.
Produce a video to convince a
panel of State government
officials that your organisation
is worthy of receiving SIB
funding to pay for the delivery
of a proposed intervention to
improve the wellbeing of
vulnerable people.
PLO 2: Problem solving
Students will define and address business problems, and propose
effective evidence-based solutions, through the application of rigorous
analysis and critical thinking.
PLO 3: Business communication
Students will harness, manage, and communicate business information
effectively using multiple forms of communication across different
The scenario1: On 4 February 2015, the NSW Government (the government) disseminated a Social Impact
Investment Policy (the policy) to proclaim its commitment to ten actions that will deliver more social impact
investment transactions and grow the social impact investment market beyond Australia’s first two social
benefit bonds (SBB) it pioneered in 2013.
To help interested parties prepare for a formal Request for Proposals (RFP) process later in 2015, the NSW
Office of Social Impact Investment (OSII) went on to do the following.
1. Released a Statement of Opportunities (SO) at the same time as the policy to outline four priority
areas in which the government believes there are strong opportunities to achieve better outcomes for
individuals and communities through social impact investment.
2. Held market sounding sessions in February and March 2015 for each of the priority areas to connect
with potential investors, service providers and financial intermediaries, and seek their feedback on the
government’s next step.
3. Followed up the sounding sessions with the release of another document in June 2015 to inform the
stakeholders of the five principles for social impact investment proposals to the government that they
can adapt to suit any social impact investment transaction.
Following further market sounding sessions held in October 2015 by the Ministry of Heath, one on managing
chronic health condition and one on managing chronic health conditions, the NSW OSII were convinced that
there are indeed opportunities to use social impact investment to deliver better services and results in the
focus policy areas. In December 2015, it released a Request for Proposals calling for innovative social
impact investment proposals targeting the areas of chronic health conditions and mental health
Flourish Australia (Flourish) and Social Venture Australia (SVA) partnered to develop and submit a proposal
to the government in the area of mental health in February 2016. The government subsequently announced
that it would proceed to negotiate with Flourish and SVA to develop Australia’s first SBB targeting the
complex issue of mental health. On 1 May 2017, the Resolve SBB information memorandum was launched
to promote the issue of the Resolve SBB.
Your role: Imagine that you were the General Manager for Fund Raising at Flourish at the time. In that
capacity, you led a team to the sounding sessions and worked closely with SVA to formulate the proposal.
Soon after submitting the proposal on 12 February 2016, you received a letter from the NSW OSII
1. Indicating that your proposal with SVA has been shortlisted for funding consideration.
2. Asking your organisation and SVA to deliver a presentation to a selection panel that is established to
select the best candidate for engagement with the government to develop a SBB targeting the complex
issue of mental health.
You were excited about the news and decided to deliver the presentation alongside the representative of SVA.
This presentation would be your last opportunity to demonstrate to the selection panel that Flourish meets the
evaluation criteria to the highest standard and is the go-to service provider to improve the lives of people
suffering mental health issues.
1 The scenario is based on information collated from the Resolve Social Benefit Bond Information Memorandum and publications of the
NSW Government and the NSW Office of Social Impact Investment.
This assessment is prepared by Henry Yip for students enrolled in FINS5568 at UNSW, Sydney. 3
Interim and final video: We encourage students to submit a (pre-recorded) interim video (of the presentation)
for formative assessment before the final video for summative assessment. Both videos, interim and final,
must not exceed 2 minutes from the first to the last spoken word. However, a video may lack content if it lasts
for less than one minute and 45 seconds.
The interim video carries no assessment weight. It is optional and intended to ease students into the task and
help them build confidence in oral presentation through practice. If you choose not to submit the interim video,
it is perfectly fine and will not affect our grading of your final video.
Though no marks and grades will be awarded to the interim videos, staff will watch the videos with students in
Week 8 classes and give the respective presenters immediate verbal feedback.
Staff will grade the final videos out-of-class and release the marks in about three weeks after the due date.
Guidance: To prepare for this assessment, consider the sequential steps below.
1. Learn (or refresh what you know already) effective presentation skills – Complete Modules 1 and 2 of a
sandpit course Structured learning of oral communication at your own pace. Information on how to access this
sandpit course is provided in the course Moodle page.
2. Know the grading criteria – Collect a videolised rubric from the course Moodle page, learn the different
performance standards for each grading criterion by illustrated examples. Be mindful of the grading criteria when
you record the presentation and produce the video.
3. Know the scenario, your role and what the audience wants – Read the assignment question carefully.
4. Develop a script that is fit for purpose and within the time allowed for the presentation – Collect a reading
pack from the course Moodle page to find relevant information from the readings to address the audience.
5. Record the presentation, then prepare pertinent visual aids and use a post-production app to merge the
video with the visual aids together – Collect video production tips from the course Moodle page. Follow the tips
6. Submit the video – Collect a Student Video Submission Guide to learn how to create a link to a file in SharePoint
for submission to the course Moodle page.
Remember, you and SVA have already submitted the proposal in writing. Use the 2-minute presentation time
wisely to focus on what you are good at, i.e., use evidence-based information to convince the panel that your
organisation has a unique/innovative and proven approach to increase the likelihood of success in improving
the lives of people suffering mental health issues.
Submission, due date and penalty:
Final video
Submit a link to your final video to a submission box for “FINAL” video in the course Moodle page.
The final video is due at 9 am Friday, 28 July (AEST), Week 9. Late submission will incur a penalty of 5%
per day or part thereof (including weekends) from the due date and time. An assessment will not be
accepted after 5 days (120 hours) of the original deadline unless special consideration has been approved.
An assignment is considered late if the requested format, such as hard copy or electronic copy, has not
been submitted on time or where the ‘wrong’ assignment has been submitted.
Interim video (Optional, non-award and on a 1st come 1st serve basis)
Like the final video, submit a link to the interim video to a separate submission box for “INTERIM” video in
the course Moodle page.
The interim video is due at 9 am Friday, 14 July (AEST), Week 7. Staff will release a presentation schedule
on the following Monday to inform students of the approximate time and teaching week when we watch
their interim videos and provide feedback. Further to the due date, an upper limit of twenty-two interim
videos per (3-hour) class will apply to give us sufficient attention to each presentation.
If the demand for formative feedback exceeds supply, staff will close the due date early. If the opposite is
true, staff will accommodate and fill the vacant spots with late submissions.
If you are not able to submit the interim video for any reason, rest assured that there is no penalty and no
impact on our grading of your final video. You are welcome to attend a class and learn from your classmates
and our feedback to the presentations.
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