CSC2066 Practical Assignment
CSC2066 Practical Assignment
1. Assignment Description
This assignment is designed to enable the student to demonstrate the learning objectives of CSC2066 as outlined in the module description (see Section 4 of this document).
Based on the material introduced in the module, your assignment is to demonstrate client-server communication in Mininet based on an SDN with a POX Controller, evaluate network latency and throughput in the same network, and briefly discuss network security and resource usage with respect to the SDN switch behaviour.
There are several requirements of the assignment, as follows:
1. You will be given a network topology for this assignment. You must create your Mininet network with the topology that you are given.
2. You will be given a specific html file to use for this assignment. You must demonstrate the client-server communication using the html file that you are given.
The network topologies and html files will be assigned when the assignment is released in Week 7.
Assignment Tasks:
1. Within Mininet, set up a simple http server on one of your hosts. From another host, demonstrate the download of a copy of your specified html file. You should use Wireshark to support your demonstration and explanation.
2. Measure the latency and throughput between two pairs of hosts (e.g., h1-h4 and h2-h5) on your network and demonstrate how latency and throughput are impacted by link characteristics.
Hint: To demonstrate how latency and throughput are impacted by link characteristics, you should change the characteristics of one or more links in your network and repeat the latency and throughput measurements.
3. Explore the switch flow tables in your network and explain the impact of the flow rules with respect to network security and network resource usage.
Hint: You should look at the switch flow tables and explain the flow rules that are in the table. To explain the impact of the flow rules with respect to network security and network resource usage, you might also change the SDN Controller application, look at the switch flow tables and explain the flow rules that are in the table.
This is an individual project assignment and constitutes 50% of the module assessment. There are two assessed elements that contribute to the mark for the practical assignment, as follows:
Individual assignment discussion In-Person 16 March 2023 10% during CSC2066 practical session
Submission Method
Submission Deadline
Video Presentation/Demo Canvas
20 March 2023 @ 4pm 40% Total: 50%
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CSC2066 Practical Assignment 2023 S. Scott-Hayward
This assignment is released in Week 7 and the submission deadline is in Week 11. You will be provided with a virtual machine with the relevant software you require to complete the assignment. Each of the required applications/tools will be introduced during the CSC2066 practicals. It is expected that you will work on your assignment during the practical sessions in Weeks 8-10 during which demonstrator support will be available.
2. Assignment Details
This section describes the requirements and submission details for each of the assignment elements.
2.1. Individual assignment discussion
The purpose of the individual assignment discussion is to demonstrate that you understand the requirements of the assignment (including the network topology and html file that you must use) and that you have familiarised yourself with the emulated network environment to be used in the assignment.
You should sign up for one of the discussion timeslots during the practical sessions. You can do this within Canvas – within CSC2066 -> View Course Calendar -> Find Appointment -> Select appointment on 02 or 09 March 2023.
You must have completed this assessment element by 16 March 2023.
2.2 Video presentation/demo
You should prepare a 10-minute (maximum – if you submit more than 10 minutes, only the first 10 minutes of the video are marked) video to demonstrate and present your Mininet network topology and your assignment tasks listed in Section 1.
You should include a voiceover to explain how your solution works and what it does. Your video should cover the following:
Brief introduction and outline of the presentation
Explanation of your network topology including the roles of specific hosts in your
Demonstration and discussion of the client-server communication (Assignment Task 1)
Demonstration and discussion of the latency and throughput measurements and the results
(Assignment Task 2)
Discussion of network security and resource usage with respect to the SDN switch behaviour
in your network (Assignment Task 3)
There is no specific tool required to produce your video. You can use your tool of choice. If you would like a recommendation, some students prefer OBS Studio ( Please make sure that your video works in VLC before you upload it.
You should not worry about the production standard. The most important element is how clearly your solution is explained and demonstrated. Remember that the learning objective is to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding.
Your video should be saved in MP4 format and uploaded to Canvas by Friday, 20 March 2023 at 4pm.
CSC2066 Practical Assignment 2023 S. Scott-Hayward
3. Assignment Marking
3.1. Individual assignment discussion
The individual assignment discussion will be marked out of 100 and is worth 10%. This element is
linked to learning objectives 1 and 2 listed in Section 4. The marks will be assigned
Demonstration of Mininet
Demonstration of Wireshark
Demonstration of POX
Explanation of Latency/Throughput measurement techniques Approach to the assignment
3.2 Video presentation/demo
as follows:
20 20 20 20 20
The video presentation/demo will be marked out of 100 and is worth 40%. This element is linked to learning objectives 1, 2 and 3 listed in Section 4. The marks will be assigned as follows:
Introduction and outline of the presentation 10 Explanation of network topology including host roles 10 Demonstration/Discussion of client-server communication 30 Demonstration/Discussion of latency and throughput measurements 30 Discussion of network security and resource usage 20
4. CSC2066 Learning Objectives related to Practical Assignment
1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of common Internet application protocols as well as client-server network architectures.
2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of software-defined networks.
3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of security issues in networking and Internet
5. Reference Marking Scheme
The undergraduate conceptual equivalents scale applies to the assessed components of CSC2066. This can be found at this link: essment/MarkSchemesandClassifications/
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CSC7078 Project Assignment 2021 S. Scott-Hayward
Individual Assignment Discussion:
0-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-89 90-100
Demonstration Elements (Mininet/Wireshark/POX) [60%]
Unable to demonstrate the required tool.
Basic but limited demonstration of the required tool. Minimal understanding of basic commands.
Good demonstration of the required tool. Solid understanding of basic commands.
Very good demonstration of the required tool. Evidence of detailed understanding of commands.
Excellent demonstration of the required tool. Evidence of wide use of learning resources.
Very thorough demonstration of the required tool. Significant evidence of wide use of learning resources.
Explanation Element [20%]
No understanding of the latency/throughput evaluation tools/techniques.
Identification of the latency/throughput evaluation tools, but vague description of measurement approach.
Identification of the latency/throughput evaluation tools, and good description of measurement approach.
Identification of the latency/throughput evaluation tools, and very good description of measurement approach.
Identification of the latency/throughput evaluation tools, and excellent description of measurement approach.
Identification of the latency/throughput evaluation tools, and very thorough description of measurement approach.
Approach [20%]
No plan for completing the assignment. Unable to identify the assigned network topology and html file.
Assignment generally understood.
Able to identify the assigned network topology and html file.
Assignment clearly understood.
Good plan prepared to complete the assignment.
Able to identify the assigned network topology and html file.
Assignment very clearly understood. Very good plan prepared to complete the assignment.
Able to identify the assigned network topology and html file.
Assignment thoroughly understood. Excellent plan prepared to complete the assignment.
Able to identify the assigned network topology and html file.
Assignment thoroughly understood.
Very thorough plan prepared to complete the assignment.
Able to identify the assigned network topology and html file.
CSC7078 Project Assignment 2021 S. Scott-Hayward
Video Demo/presentation:
0-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-89 90-100
Introduction/Outline [10%]
No introduction or outline.
Basic introduction/outline. Incoherent or missing elements.
Good introduction and clear outline of the demonstration and discussion.
Very good introduction and very clear outline of the demonstration and discussion.
Excellent introduction with summary insights from the demonstration and discussion.
Excellent and engaging introduction with summary insights from the demonstration and discussion.
Network Topology [10%]
No explanation of the network topology. Host roles not identified.
Vague explanation of the network topology. Some host roles identified.
Good explanation of the network topology. Relevant host roles identified.
Very good explanation of the network topology. All host and relevant switch roles identified.
Excellent explanation of the network topology. All network node roles described.
Insightful explanation of the network topology. All network node roles described.
Client-Server Communication [30%]
No demonstration of client-server communication.
No explanation of network communication.
Evidence of partial client-server communication. Some explanation of network communication.
Generally complete demonstration of client-server communication. Good explanation of network communication.
Very good demonstration of client-server communication.
Very good explanation of network communication.
Excellent demonstration of client-server communication with insightful explanation of network communication.
Demonstration of client-server communication and explanation of network communication well beyond that which could be reasonably expected.
Latency/Throughput Measurements [30%]
No measurements undertaken.
Some measurements undertaken. No adjustment to link characteristics. No or limited analysis of the results.
Measurements undertaken including with adjustment to link characteristics. Basic analysis of the results.
Detailed measurements undertaken including with adjustment to link characteristics. Very good analysis of the results.
Detailed measurements undertaken including with adjustment to link characteristics. Thorough and insightful analysis of the results.
Detailed measurements undertaken including with adjustment to link characteristics. Exceptional analysis of the results.
Network Security/Resource Usage [20%]
Missing or incoherent discussion.
Sometimes unclear discussion; interpretation mostly missing.
Clear discussion with some attempt at interpretation.
Very good discussion with accurate interpretation.
Excellent discussion, added-value material throughout. Evidence of wide use of learning resources.
Exceptional discussion with exceptional added value. Significant evidence of wide use of learning resources.
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