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日期:2023-02-16 11:06

STAT0018: Stochastic Methods in Finance II

Dr Sebastian Maier (Dept of Stat Science) Stochastic Methods in Finance II Week 3 1 / 28

Module outline (Part 1)

Introduction (Chs 1-2)

Mathematical Background (Chs 3-4)

Investment Timing (Ch 5)

Operational Timing (Ch 6)

Entry, Exit, Lay-Up, and Scrapping (Ch 7)

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Lecture outline

Basic model

Solution via dynamic programming

Solution via contingent claims analysis

Characteristics of optimal investment

Alternative stochastic processes

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Basic model: Optimal timing

Suppose project value, V , evolves according to a GBM, i.e.,

dV = αVdt + σVdz , which may be obtained at a sunk cost of I

When is the optimal time to invest?

I A perpetual option, i.e., calendar time is not important

I Ignore temporary suspension or other embedded options

I Use both dynamic programming and contingent claims methods

Problem formulation: maxT E[(VT ? I)e?ρT ]

I Assume δ ≡ ρ? α > 0, otherwise it is always better to wait indefinitely

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Basic model: Deterministic case

Suppose that σ = 0, i.e., V (t) = V0eαt for V0 ≡ V (0)

I F (V ) ≡ maxT e?ρT (VeαT ? I)

I If α < 0, then F (V ) = max{V ? I, 0}

I Otherwise, for 0 < α < ρ, waiting may be better because either (i)

V < I or (ii) V ≥ I, but discounting of future sunk cost is greater that

that in the future project value

I Thus, the FONC is

dF (V )

dT 0? (ρ?α)Ve?(ρ?α)T = ρIe?ρT ? T ? = max

{ 1

α ln{ ρI(ρ?α)V }, 0


I Reason for delaying is that the MC is depreciating over time by more

than the MB

Substitute T ? to determine V ? = ρIρ?α > I

And, F (V ) = αIρ?α [


ρI ]


α if V ≤ V ? (F (V ) = V ? I otherwise)

Figure 5.1 indicates that greater α increases V ?

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Basic model: Figure 5.1

Figure 5.1. Value of Investment Opportunity, F (V ), for σ = 0 and ρ = 0.1 (Source: Dixit and Pindyck (1994))

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Dynamic programming solution

Bellman equation for continuation is ρFdt = E[dF ]

Expand the RHS via It?’s lemma: dF = F ′(V )dV + 12F ′′(V )(dV )2 ?

E[dF ] = F ′(V )αVdt + 12F ′′(V )σ2V 2dt

Substitution into the Bellman equation yields the ODE


2F ′′(V )σ2V 2 + F ′(V )αV ? ρF (V ) = 0

I Equivalently, 12F ′′(V )σ2V 2 + F ′(V )(ρ? δ)V ? ρF (V ) = 0I Three boundary conditions: (i) F (0) = 0, (ii) F (V ?) = V ? ? I, and (iii)

F ′(V ?) = 1

I General solution to the ODE is F (V ) = A1V β1 + A2V β2

I Taking derivatives, we have F ′(V ) = A1β1V β1?1 + A2β2V β2?1 and

F ′′(V ) = A1β1(β1 ? 1)V β1?2 + A2β2(β2 ? 1)V β2?2

I Substitution into the ODE yields A1V β1

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Dynamic programming solution

The characteristic quadratic, Q(β) = 12σ2β(β ? 1) + (ρ? δ)β ? ρ, has

two roots such that β1 > 1 and β2 < 0

I Q(β) has a positive coefficient for β2, i.e., it is an upward-pointing


I Note that Q(1) = ?δ < 0, which means that β1 > 1

I Q(0) = ?ρ, which means that β2 < 0 (Figure 5.2)

Consequently, the first boundary condition implies that A2 = 0, i.e.,

F (V ) = A1V β1

I Using the VM and SP conditions, we obtain V ? = β1β1?1 I and

A1 = V


(V ?)β1 =




1 Iβ1?1I Since β1 > 1, we also have V ? > I

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Dynamic programming solution: Figure 5.2

Figure 5.2. The Fundamental Quadratic (Source: Dixit and Pindyck (1994))

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Dynamic programming solution: Comparative statics

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Dyn. progr. solution: Comparison to neoclassical theory

Marshallian analysis is to compare

V0 ≡ Epi0

Tobin’s q is the ratio of the value of the existing capital goods to the

their current reproduction cost

I Rule is to invest when q ≥ 1

I If we interpret q as being VI , then the real options threshold is

q = β1β11 > 1I Hence, the real options definition of q adds option value to the PV of

assets in place

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Contingent claims solutions: Background

Instead of using an arbitrary discount rate, ρ, we now try to ground it

more firmly using market principles

I Assume that x is the price of an asset that is perfectly correlated with

V , i.e., ρxm = ρVM

I If x pays no dividends, then dx = μxdt + σxdz

I From CAPM, μ = r + φρxmσ > α, where α is the expected percentage

rate of change of V

I Let δ = μ? α be the dividend rate, and if it were equal to zero, then it

would imply that the option would always be held to maturity

I In other words, there would be no opportunity cost to delaying exercise

of the option since the entire return comes from the price movement,

i.e., one would never invest

I Thus, we assume δ > 0, and if δ →∞, then invest either now or never,

i.e. opportunity cost of waiting is high and option value goes to zero

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Contingent claims solutions:

Find F (V ) by constructing a risk-free portfolio, Φ, which consists of

one unit of F (V ) and n = F ′(V ) units short of the underlying project

(or correlated assets)

I Recall that n = bFxBX in order for the synthetic portfolio to be risk freeI Φ = F ? F ′(V )V , which means that n must change over time even if it

is kept constant for the next dt time units

I Short position requires dividend payment of δVF ′(V )

I Thus, the total portfolio return is

dΦ? δF ′(V )Vdt = dF ? F ′(V )dV ? δF ′(V )Vdt

I From It?’s lemma, we have dF = F ′(V )dV + 12F ′′(V )(dV )2I Substitution yields the total portfolio return is


2F ′′(V )(dV )2 ? δF ′(V )Vdt = 12F ′′(V )V 2σ2dt ? δF ′(V )VdtI The no-arbitrage condition implies 12F ′′(V )V 2σ2dt ? δF ′(V )Vdt =

r [F ? F ′(V )V ]dt ? 12F ′′(V )V 2σ2 + (r ? δ)F ′(V )V ? rF = 0

I Hence, F (V ) = A1V β1 , where β1 = 12 ? r?δσ2 +

√[ r?δ

σ2 ? 12

]2 + 2rσ2

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Characteristics of the optimal investment rule

Use numerical examples to illustrate how investment values and

thresholds change using I = 1, r = 0.04, δ = 0.04, and σ = 0.20

I This implies that β1 = 2, V ? = 2I = 2, and A1 = 14 , i.e., real options

says to invest when project value is twice as high as the investment cost

I Furthermore, F (V ) = 14V 2 for V ≤ 2 and F (V ) = V ? 1 otherwise

(Figure 5.3)

I Note that F (V ) and V ? increase with σ: greater uncertainty increases

value of waiting and, thus, the opportunity cost of investing (Figure 5.4)

I Greater δ increases the opportunity cost of delaying the investment and,

thus, reduces the option value and the investment threshold (Figures 5.5

and 5.6)

I Caveat: σ and δ are related via δ = μ? α = r + φσρxm ? α, but we

treat them as being independent for sake of exposition

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Characteristics of the optimal investment rule: Figure 5.3

Figure 5.3. Value of Investment Opportunity, F (V ), for σ = 0, 0.2, and 0.3 (Source: Dixit and Pindyck (1994))

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Characteristics of the optimal investment rule: Figure 5.4

Figure 5.4. Critical Value V? as a Function of σ (Source: Dixit and Pindyck (1994))

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Characteristics of the optimal investment rule: Figure 5.5

Figure 5.5. Value of Investment Opportunity, F (V ), for δ = 0.04 and 0.08 (Source: Dixit and Pindyck (1994))

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Characteristics of the optimal investment rule: Figure 5.6

Figure 5.6. Critical Value V? as a Function of δ (Source: Dixit and Pindyck (1994))

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Characteristics of the optimal investment rule

Use numerical examples to illustrate how investment values and

thresholds change using I = 1, r = 0.04, δ = 0.04, and σ = 0.20

I Increasing r increases F (V ) and V ? because the PV of expenditure at

future time T , Ie?rT , is reduced while the PV of revenue, Ve?δT , is

unaffected (Figure 5.7)

I Thus, it is worthwhile to wait more even if the value of the option


I Cast results in terms of Tobin’s q = V ?I =


β1?1 , i.e., use definition

without option value

I Plot contours of constant q? for combinations of 2rσ2 and

σ2 (Figure 5.8)I Find that q? is large when either δ is small or r is large: intuitively,

higher dividend rate reduces value of waiting, while higher interest rate

does the opposite

I Finally, note that all estimated parameters, such as α and σ, may be

changing over time

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Characteristics of the optimal investment rule: Figure 5.7

Figure 5.7. Critical Value V? as a Function of r (Source: Dixit and Pindyck (1994))

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Characteristics of the optimal investment rule: Figure 5.8

Figure 5.8. Curves of Constant q? = β1

β1?1 (Source: Dixit and Pindyck (1994))

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Alternative stochastic processes: GMR process

Suppose V follows a GMR process: dV = η(Vˉ ? V )Vdt + σVdz

I Expected percentage change of V is 1dtE[


V ] = η(Vˉ ? V )

I Thus, expected absolute rate of change is 1dtE[dV ] = ηV Vˉ ? ηV 2,

which is a parabola that is zero at V = 0 and V = Vˉ with a maximum

at Vˉ2I Let μ be the risk-adjusted rate of return for the project and define the

dividend rate to be δ(V ) = μ? 1dtE[ dVV ] = μ? η(Vˉ ? V )I End up with same ODE as before using contigent claims, but adjust for

δ(V ) : 12σ2V 2F ′′(V ) + [r ? μ+ η(Vˉ ? V )]VF ′(V )? rF = 0I Must satisfy the same three boundary conditions as before

I Typically, a closed-form solution is difficult to find

I Express the solution as F (V ) = AV θh(V ) and substitute it back into

the ODE

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Alternative stochastic processes: GMR process

I Use substitution x = 2ηVσ2 to transform into Kummer’s equation,

xg ′′(x) + (b ? x)g ′(x)? θg(x), which has the solution

H(x ; θ, b) = 1 + θb x +


b(b+1)2! +


b(b+1)(b+2)3! + . . .

I Hence, F (V ) = AV θH( 2ησ2V ; θ, b)

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Alternative stochastic processes: Investment characteristics

Use numerical example with same parameters as before pluss μ = 0.08

and varying η and V

I As Vˉ increases, so does the value of waiting and, thus, both F (V ) and

V increase (Figure 5.11)

I Variation with η: if Vˉ > I, then F (V ) increases in η (but decreases

otherwise) as V is likely to rise above I and remain there (Figures 5.12

and 5.13)

I Shape of F (V ) becomes concave for small V because the absolute rate

of mean reversion rises rapidly

I V  increases with η as long as Vˉ is large (Figure 3.14)

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Characteristics of the optimal investment rule: Figure 5.11

Figure 5.11. Mean Reversion – F (V ) for η = 0.05 and Vˉ = 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 (Source: Dixit and Pindyck (1994))

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