BUSML 3150 Foundations of Marketing AU22 Page 1 of 6
Foundations of Marketing
BUSML 3150 Section 5160
Course Description: The Foundations of Marketing is an exploration of marketing focused on consumer-centric business strategies. The
goal of this course is to help students understand that through market research and discovering consumer insights companies are able
to fulfill consumers’ unmet needs with a variety of products and services. Topics for this course include market research, segmentation,
targeting, positioning, consumer behavior, branding, and the 4Ps (product, price, place and promotion).
Course Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, students will be able to:
Identify and explain key marketing concepts and terminology
Understand the role of marketing within society and within an economic system
Identify the various decision areas within marketing
Explain the tools and methods used by marketing managers for making decisions
Describe how a marketing perspective is important in their own personal and professional development
Pre-Requirements: ECON 2001.01 and 2002.01 (or similar economics courses)
Course Format: Online
Required Texts/Materials: The textbook for this course is titled Marketing: An Introduction 15th edition by Philip Kotler and Gary
Armstrong (ISBN13:978-0-13-747645-9 published by Pearson). Please follow these steps to register for a Pearson MyLab account which
provides access to the textbook and assignments.
Step 1: Login to Carmen and select the BUSML 3150 course (if using an iPad go through Safari, not the iPad Carmen Canvas app)
Sign into Carmen Canvas and enter your Carmen Canvas course.
o Do one of the following: (1) Select any Pearson link from any module or (2) Select the MyLab & Mastering in the Course Navigation, and
then select any course link on the Pearson page.
Step 2: Get Access to Your Pearson Course Content:
Enter your Pearson account username and password to Link Accounts. You have an account if you have ever used a Pearson MyLab &
Mastering product (MyLab Math, Mastering Chemistry, etc.). If you don’t have a Pearson account, select Create and follow the instructions.
When prompted to enter an access code, ENTER THIS CODE: MYMARK-WHIFF-WOVEN-SPITE-RERUN-TOUSE
From the “You’re Done” page, select Go to My Courses.
Important Note: ALWAYS enter your MyLab & Modified Mastering course through Carmen Canvas not the Pearson site.
Step 3: Get Your Computer Ready
For the best experience, CLICK HERE to check the system requirements. Need help? CLICK HERE
Evaluation Criteria:
Academic Conduct: If a student is suspected of, or reported to have committed, academic misconduct in this course, the instructor is obligated by University Rules to report
suspicions to COAM. If students have questions about the above policy or what constitutes academic misconduct in this course, please contact the instructor. See OSU
Prohibited Conduct – Section 3335-23-04(A).
University Policies, Services and
Resources (go.osu.edu/UPolicies)
Fisher Undergraduate Handbook
and QuickLinks
Fisher Navigator
Resource Portal
University Health & Safety Guidelines can be found at safeandhealthy.osu.edu/. For disability services, go to slds.osu.edu or contact slds@osu.edu.
Graded Components % of Total Type
Exam #1 25% N ?
Exam #2 25% N ?
Exam #3 10% N ?
Quizzes1 20% N ?
Pearson MyLab Assignments 15% O ?
Required Research Studies 3% N ?
Extra Credit Max 2% N ?
Sign Syllabus & Submit on Carmen 1% N ?
Course Feedback Surveys 1% N ?
Requirements for each form of graded component.
Failing to follow these will represent academic misconduct. See
Independent Work [N?]: Strictly non-collaborative, original individual
work. You may discuss this assignment with your instructor only.
Discussions with other individuals, either in person or electronically, are
strictly prohibited.
Collaboration Required [C ?]]: An explicit expectation for
collaboration among students either in class or outside of class (i.e.
group work).
Collaboration Optional [O?]: Students are permitted, but not
required, to discuss the assignment or ideas with each other. However,
all submitted work must be one’s original and individual creation.
(See remaining pages for Details/Due dates) 1Two of the lowest grade(s) dropped 2 Exams must average >50% to pass the class, regardless of other assignments. 3 Up to 2% extra credit available, see pages 3 for details.
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Course Format and How this Course Works:
Mode of Delivery: This course will be held online weekly on Tuesdays from 9:10am-10:30am on Zoom (please see the Carmen Course
page for the Zoom link). The lectures will be recorded and posted to the Carmen course page where students will have access to the
recordings thru the end of the semester. While attendance is not a requirement for grading purposes, students are encouraged to attend
and participate in lectures to maximize their learning experience. In addition to the weekly lectures, the course will also require two to
three hours of other online content (e.g. mini-simulations, application exercise videos and quizzes).
Pace of online activities: This course is divided into weekly modules that are released on Tuesdays at 9:10am each week. Students
are expected to keep pace with weekly deadlines but may schedule their efforts freely at their own pace within that time frame established
in the course calendar.
Credit hours and work expectations: This is a 3-credit-hour course. According to Ohio State policy, students should expect 3 hours
per week of time spent on direct instruction (e.g., instructor content, Carmen activities, mini-simulations, quizzes, etc.) in addition to 6
hours of homework (reading and assignment preparation, for example) to receive a grade of (C) average.
Attendance, Participation and Testing Policies: Attendance is not a graded component of the course. Below is a summary of
expectations for participation:
Participating during the live online lecture: While attendance is not a requirement for grading purposes, students are
encouraged to attend and participate in lectures to maximize their learning experience. Students should be prepared to be called
on in class and are encouraged to ask questions in class.
Assignments and online activity: Students are expected to login to the course in Carmen every week. (During most weeks
students will probably log in many times.) Assignments will be posted on the Carmen course page on Tuesdays at 9:10am and
students will have a full week to complete the assignments. ALL assignments are due at the start of class on Tuesdays at
Late Policy for ALL Assignments and Quizzes: Students are expected to complete the assignments by the due dates and
times listed in Carmen. If a student turns in the assignment late, but within 24 hours of the due date and time then 20% will be
deducted from their grade. After the 24 hours expires, students will receive a zero for assignments not turned in. Extensions for
assignments are permitted for extenuating circumstances (hospitalization, medical emergencies, funerals, car accidents etc.),
however students must notify the instructor either before or within 24 hours of the assignment due date and time. Please note
all assignments close 24hrs after the due date in Carmen.
Testing Policy: There are no make-ups for quizzes. Students have a 24hr grace period after the quiz due dates that will allow
them to complete the quiz with a 20% penalty to their grade. After the 24hr grace period ends incomplete quizzes are marked
as “0”. Students’ lowest quiz score is dropped automatically in Carmen. Missed exams can only be made-up in extreme cases
(e.g., illness, death of a friend/family member, personal hospitalization, etc.) with proper documentation (e.g., a physician’s note,
ER paperwork, obituary, etc.) and approval from the instructor. Each decision of potentially allowing a make-up exam is made
by the instructor on a case-by-case basis. A make-up exam time will be scheduled for students who have an emergency situation
or a course conflict. The instructor and TA must be notified as soon as possible if it is an emergency situation or within the first
two weeks of class if it is a course conflict. Students must have approval from the instructor and TA to take the exam during the
make-up time. Alternative methods (e.g., oral exam, essay) of testing may be used for make-up exams.
Office Hours: Office hours are optional. Office hours for the instructor and the TA are listed on the first page of the syllabus.
The instructor asks that students use this link to sign-up for office hours each week: Sign-up for Office Hours with Claire
Adams. Please see the Carmen course page for additional office hour information.
Dis-enrolled: Any student who fails to complete an online assignment for the course, without giving prior notification to the
instructor, will be dis-enrolled after the third instructional day of the term, the first Friday of the term, or the second class meeting
of the course, whichever occurs first.
SLDS Accommodations: Students who have approved SLDS accommodations must notify the instructor and TA in the first
week of class (or as soon as the accommodations are approved). Students are responsible for reviewing the course syllabus
and emailing the instructor and TA a detailed list of their requested accommodations. For exams and quizzes the instructor and
TA need to be notified at least one week ahead of time in order to make the accommodations available to the student.
Graded Component Details
1. Exams (60% of total grade): Three exams will be given throughout the semester. Exams # 1 and #2 are worth 25% and Exam #3
and each exam is worth 10% of students’ total grade. Exams will consist of multiple-choice, true/false and open-ended questions.
Exams are not cumulative. The exams will cover all material assigned but are focused on the lectures. Exams will be administered
online during class on the scheduled date in the course calendar (see page 6 of the syllabus). Expect to be challenged. Exams take
what students have learned and then one step further. Exams are less about memorization, and more about applying what has been
discussed in lecture. Second-language students may use a translation dictionary (provided) during the exam. See “Testing Policy”
on page 2 for exam make-up policy.
2. Quizzes (20% of total grade): There are five quizzes each worth 4% of students’ total grade. Not every student will get the same
questions in the same order. Questions are randomly chosen in random order with randomized answers. Students’ lowest quiz score
is dropped automatically in Carmen.
3. Pearson MyLab Assignments (15% of total grade): Each Assignment is worth 10 points and equally weighted to equate to the
15% of the total grade. The instructor will automatically drop the students’ two lowest grades from the Pearson MyLab Assignments
at the end of the semester in Carmen. Below are the various types of assignments students will see in the Carmen Course Modules
each week.
Dynamic Study Module: Students will be assigned a Dynamic Study Module for each chapter which is a great way to test
your knowledge after reading the chapters or reviewing before the quizzes. These assignments continuously assess students’
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performance and provide additional practice in the areas where they struggle the most. The modules promote fast learning
and long-term retention of the course concepts.
Video Assignments: The Video Assignments will require students to watch a video about a key concept from that chapter
and answer a series of questions.
Mini Simulations: The Mini Simulations will guide each student through an application of a relevant concept within that
chapter. The Mini Simulations will clearly outline the learning objectives for the activity and students will make decisions and
answer questions about the given scenario.
Marketing by the Numbers: Marketing by Numbers gives students the opportunity to apply their analytical skills to relevant
marketing scenarios and concepts. Students are assisted with the calculations through guided instructions.
4. Marketing Research Experience Program (MREP) (3% of total grade): In order to increase student exposure to marketing
research, the Fisher College of Business requires the students taking introductory courses in Marketing (BUSML 3250 or BUSML
3150), to complete SIX research credits over the course of the semester by participating in the Marketing Research Experience
Program. Your six credits of MREP participation will be worth 3% of your class grade.
Understanding and participating in research is a valuable way for you to receive first-hand experience with the type of research firms
use to develop customer insights. In addition, your involvement in research will help faculty and graduate students at Fisher continue
to develop state-of-the-art marketing thought, which is ultimately brought back into the classroom.
You can earn your six (6) required MREP credits by participating in six half hour research studies. You can also earn EXTRA
CREDIT by completing additional research studies!
REGISTER HERE: http://fisher-osu.Sona-systems.com (or scan the QR code to the right)
Questions? Please CONTACT JULIE RYAN (Fisher Behavioral Fisher Lab Manager) ryan.1010@osu.edu
How it Works
Register online. The Marketing Department uses a web-based system (Sona) to schedule and credit research study
participation for the MREP program. Go here to access it: http://fisher-osu.Sona-systems.com
Login. Click on the “OSU ID login” link on the left side of the page. Proceed with OSU log in information.
Choose Your BUSML 3150 course and correct section to request an account. Make sure to choose the correct section!
Sign-up. Click on “Study sign-up.” Studies start posting 1-2 weeks into semester, and email reminders will be sent too (emails
will come from fisher-osu-admin@Sona-systems.net so check junk/spam filters). Students can participate in any study, but only
once per study. For many studies, you must be 18 years of age or older in order to participate, unless parental permission is
included in the protocol applications approved by the OSU IRB. Therefore, if you are under 18, you should consult with the
Fisher Behavioral Lab Manager to determine your availability for studies and to discuss whether you should choose the paper
option (described later in this document).
Participate. Some studies may require you to sign up for a specific timeslot while others will allow you to take the study at a point
before a clearly stated deadline. If you sign up for a specific timeslot, note the date, time, location, and length of time for the
study. Follow instructions provided on the website.
Tips and Reminders
Be Early. Be 5 minutes early to the session. Sessions begin on time, and late arrivals cannot be admitted.
Don’t wait. Sign up early! If you wait until the last month to do all six credits, then there won’t be enough studies for you.
Studies fill up quickly. After registering online, students should check their email regularly for new studies.
Participate! In fairness to other students, please make every possible effort to attend the studies if you have a specified timeslot.
You can cancel sign-ups using the same website where you signed up if you find you are unable to attend.
Your MREP credits will not show up in your Carmen class until the end of the semester. The instructor does not have access
to students’ credits until the end of the semester. However, students can check their Sona account to see the credits they have
earned through research studies at any time during the semester; credit for individual studies are posted on the Sona website
shortly after the conclusion of the study. If students have questions about their MREP credits, email the Fisher Lab Manager directly
(ryan.1010@osu.edu). The Lab Manager will send your instructor the total number of MREP credits you earned at the end of the
Location. Studies can be both online and in-person, but most are in-person in the Fisher Behavioral Lab on the third floor of Mason
Hall. Please arrive early and have a seat outside on the long bench. When the session is ready to begin, the researcher will open
the door and take attendance.
See the FAQ document and additional information on the Carmen page for this course.
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5. Course Feedback Surveys (1% of total grade): Students will be assigned two anonymous surveys this semester inquiring about
their experiences in the class. One is assigned mid-semester and the other at the final portion of the semester. All students must
complete the surveys by the specified due dates listed on the Course Calendar on page 6 (it’s also listed on the Carmen course
page). Each survey is worth 0.5% of students’ total grade.
6. Signed Syllabus (1% of total grade): Read the syllabus, sign it, scan it (or take a picture), upload to the Carmen course page by
the deadline listed in the course calendar. By signing the syllabus students acknowledge that they have read the syllabus and agree
to the rules and policies of the course. If a student does not, then the student may register for another course.
Please read the table below carefully. It establishes key guidelines, rules and details for each assignment.
ALL Pearson MyLab Assignments Online Quizzes Online Exams
Open Book
Assigned Textbook Yes No No
Open Web, Text or Chat
(Google, GroupMe, Quizlet etc.) Yes No No
Time Limit Unlimited 30 min 80min
# of Attempts 2 Only 1 Only 1
Collaboration with Others Yes No No
NOTE: If you have any questions about these procedures, please ask the instructor.
Grading Scale
Below is the minimum required percentage to earn each grade. The instructor does NOT round up or down. Grades are based on %, not
the letter grade assigned by Canvas (Canvas makes assumptions that the instructor does not). Note: To earn an A or A-: Students
must complete all the graded components in the course AND earn the minimum required %. For example, if a student earned 92%,
but did not complete all the quizzes, then the student will earn a B+. It is NOT required that students complete everything on time. Each
assignment has a final deadline 24hrs after the assignment is due. If that is missed then the student is not eligible for the “A or A-”.
Letter A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D E
(Points) (4.0) (3.7) (3.3) (3.0) (2.7) (2.3) (2.0) (1.7) (1.3) (1.0) (0.0)
Range 100% - 93% - 90% - 87% - 83% - 80% - 77% - 73% - 70% - 67% - 60% - 0%
? The instructor DOES NOT change grades (except for clerical/math errors). Students may appeal, but their grade may go up or
go down based on a re-evaluation. Appeals must be made in writing via email within 7 days of students receiving the grade.
Students must explain the appeal as best as possible. Appeals will not be considered if it is a verbal complaint. The instructor does
not promise to change the grade, but will consider the appeal carefully and fairly.
? Once the final course grading scale is set, it is set. Even if a student misses the next letter grade by one point, the grade stands.
? IMPORTANT: The BSBA program recommends a GPA of 2.5-3.0 in all business core classes. The actual grade assigned will be
based on what students earn. All sections of Principles of Marketing follow the same grading policy.
Additional Policies
Course Technology: If these options do not meet the needs of your situation, please contact the IT Service Desk at 614-688-4357
(HELP) and IT support staff will work out a solution with you. For IT help contact the Ohio State IT Service Desk ocio.osu.edu/help
1. Baseline technical skills for online courses.
Basic computer and web-browsing skills
Navigating Carmen: for questions about specific functionality, see the Carmen Canvas Student Guide.
2. Required Technology Skills: CarmenZoom virtual meetings
3. Required Equipment
Computer: current Mac (OS X) or PC (Windows 7+) with high-speed internet connection
Webcam: built-in or external webcam, fully installed and tested
Microphone: built-in laptop or tablet mic or external microphone
Mobile device (smartphone or tablet) or landline to use for BuckeyePass multi-factor authentication. It is recommended that you
register multiple devices in case something happens to your primary device.
4. Required Software. Microsoft Office 365: All Ohio State students are now eligible for free Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus through
Microsoft’s Student Advantage program.
5. Carmen Access. You will need to use BuckeyePass multi-factor authentication to access your courses in Carmen. To ensure that
you are able to connect to Carmen at all times, it is recommended that you take the following steps:
Register multiple devices in case something happens to your primary device. Visit the Duo Mobile application help article for
step-by-step instructions.
Request passcodes to keep as a backup authentication option. When you see the Duo login screen on your computer, click
Enter a Passcode and then click the Text me new codes button that appears. This will text you ten passcodes good for 365 days
that can each be used once.
Download the Duo Mobile application to all of your registered devices for the ability to generate one-time codes in the event that
you lose cell, data, or Wi-Fi service.
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Safety and health requirements: Please stay up-to-date on the required compliance for students, faculty and staff by visiting the “Safe
and Healthy Buckeyes website: https://safeandhealthy.osu.edu/. Requirements may change based on the unfolding situation of the
COVID-19 pandemic. All faculty, staff and students are required to comply with and stay up to date on all University safety and health
guidance, which may change throughout the semester. Non-compliance with the university policy will be warned first and disciplinary
actions may be taken for repeated offenses.
The university strives to make all learning experiences as accessible as possible. In light of the current pandemic, students seeking to
request COVID-related accommodations must do so through the university’s request process, managed by Student Life Disability
Services. If you anticipate or experience academic barriers based on your disability (including mental health, chronic, or temporary
medical conditions), please let me know immediately so that we can privately discuss options. To establish reasonable accommodations,
please register with Student Life Disability Services. After registration, make arrangements with me as soon as possible to discuss your
accommodations so that they may be implemented in a timely fashion. SLDS contact information: slds@osu.edu; 614-292-3307;
slds.osu.edu; 098 Baker Hall, 113 W. 12th Avenue.
Course-specific Copyright Policy: Material provided by the instructor may not be re-posted anywhere without the explicit permission
of instructors. See University Copyright Policy. The instructor reserves all rights to adjust the course syllabus throughout the semester.
Students are responsible for ensuring they are following the most up-to-date version on Carmen.
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Course Calendar
Assignments, Mini Simulations and Marketing Numbers will be due for each chapter. You will not be assigned all three of these for each chapter so please
pay close attention to the Carmen Course Module/Assignments page to ensure you know which assignments need to be completed for the week.
Week Month Day Lecture Topics ALL Reading, Assignments & Quizzes are DUE on TUESDAYS at 9:10am
Section 1: Defining Marketing and Understanding the Marketplace
1 Aug 23 Course Introduction READ the Course Syllabus PURCHASE Access to Pearson e-text
2 Aug 30 Marketing: Creating Customer Value & Engagement (CH 1)
COMPLETE (1) Get Started w/ MyLab Marketing & (2) How Dynamic Study Modules
SUBMIT Syllabus and Code of Conduct Contract to Carmen
READ CH 1 & COMPLETE CH 1 MyLab Dynamic Study Module
REVIEW MREP Research Study Assignment & Sign-up
3 Sep 6 Company & Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Engagement, Value & Relationships (CH 2)
COMPLETE CH 1 Pearson MyLab Assignments Listed on Carmen
READ CH 2 & COMPLETE CH 2 MyLab Dynamic Study Module
4 Sep 13 Analyzing the Marketing Environment (CH 3) COMPLETE CH 2 Pearson MyLab Assignments Listed on Carmen READ CH 3 & COMPLETE CH 3 MyLab Dynamic Study Module
5 Sep 20 Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights (CH 4)
COMPLETE CH 3 Pearson MyLab Assignments Listed on Carmen
TAKE Knowledge Check Quiz #1 (CH 1-3)
READ CH 4 & COMPLETE CH 4 MyLab Dynamic Study Module
6 Sep 27 Understanding Consumer & Business Behavior (CH 5) COMPLETE CH 4 Pearson MyLab Assignments Listed on Carmen READ CH 5 & COMPLETE CH 5 MyLab Dynamic Study Module
7 Oct 4 Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning (CH 6)
COMPLETE CH 5 Pearson MyLab Assignments Listed on Carmen
READ CH 6 & COMPLETE CH 6 MyLab Dynamic Study Module
TAKE Knowledge Check Quiz #2 (CH 4-6)
8 Oct 11 Exam #1 (Exam given on Carmen during class) PREPARE for Exam #1 (CH1-6)
Section 2: Designing a Customer Value Driven Strategy & Mix
9 Oct 18
Products (CH 7-8)
Building Customer Value & Managing the Product
READ CH 7-8 & COMPLETE CH 7-8 MyLab Dynamic Study Modules
SUBMIT Course Feedback Survey #1
10 Oct 25 Pricing (CH 9) Understanding & Capturing Customer Value
COMPLETE CH 7-8 Pearson MyLab Assignments Listed on Carmen
READ CH 9 & COMPLETE CH9 MyLab Dynamic Study Module
TAKE Knowledge Check Quiz #3 (CH 7-8)
11 Nov 1 Place (CH 10-11) Marketing Channels, Retailing & Wholesaling
COMPLETE CH 9 Pearson MyLab Assignments Listed on Carmen
READ CH 10-11 & COMPLETE CH10-11 MyLab Dynamic Study Modules
12 Nov 8 Promotion CH (12-14) Advertising & the Promotional Mix
COMPLETE CH 10-11 Pearson MyLab Assignments Listed on Carmen
READ CH 12-14 & COMPLETE CH 12-14 MyLab Dynamic Study Modules
TAKE Knowledge Check Quiz #4 (CH 9-14)
13 Nov 15 Exam #2: Chapters 7-14 (Exam given on Carmen during class) PREPARE for Exam #2 (CH7-14)
Section 3: Extending Marketing
14 Nov 22 The Global Marketplace (CH 15) READ CH 15 & COMPLETE CH 15 MyLab Dynamic Study Module
15 Nov 29 Sustainable Marketing & Social Responsibility (CH 16) COMPLETE CH 15 Pearson MyLab Assignments Listed on Carmen READ CH 16 & COMPLETE CH16 MyLab Dynamic Study Module
16 Dec 6 Marketing Careers: Guest Speaker Roundtable
COMPLETE CH 16 Pearson MyLab Assignments Listed on Carmen
TAKE Knowledge Check Quiz #5 (CH 15-16)
SUBMIT Course Feedback Survey #2
READ Speaker Bios Before Class
17 Dec 13 Exam #3: CH 15-16 & Guest Speaker Content (Exam given on Carmen during exam week)
Friday, December 9, 2022, 8:00am-9:20am EST on Carmen)
Note: The make-up exam for students with exam/course conflict or emergency ONLY is
scheduled Friday, December 9, 2022, 12:00pm-1:20pm EST- please email the TA to
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The Ohio State University’s Code of Student Conduct (Section 3335-23-04) defines academic misconduct as:
“Any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the University, or subvert the
educational process.” Examples of academic misconduct include (but are not limited to) plagiarism, collusion
(unauthorized collaboration), copying the work of another student, and possession of unauthorized
materials during an examination. Ignorance of the University’s Code of Student Conduct is never an “excuse”
for academic misconduct. I recommend that you review the Code of Student Conduct, specifically, the sections
dealing with academic misconduct.
Academic integrity is essential to maintaining the reputation and brand Ohio State. Thus, OSU and the
Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) assume that all students have read and understand the Code of
Student Conduct and that all students will complete all academic and scholarly assignments with fairness and
honesty. Failure to follow the rules and guidelines established in the University’s Code of Student Conduct and
this syllabus constitute “Academic Misconduct.”
If I suspect that a student has committed academic misconduct in this course, I am obligated by University Rules
to report my suspicions to the Committee on Academic Misconduct. If COAM determines that you have violated
the University’s Code of Student Conduct (i.e., committed academic misconduct), the sanctions for the
misconduct could include a failing grade in this course and suspension or dismissal from the University.
If you witness academic misconduct, you are obligated to report it. If you suspect academic misconduct is
occurring, you may report it to me and I will keep your identity strictly confidential. If you feel uncomfortable
reporting to me, you may also report it to another instructor, the associate dean, or COAM. Not reporting
academic misconduct is also a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and can lead to academic sanctions.
Please contact me if you have any questions about this policy or about what constitutes academic misconduct.
More information and resources can be found here:
SIGNATURE I hereby affirm that I have read the syllabus for this course and understand the policies
outlined in the syllabus. I pledge to abide by the Code of Student Conduct. I agree that I will not engage
in academic dishonesty and will report any academic dishonesty that I witness.
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