FIT5227 Introduction to 3D Modelling and Virtual Reality S2 2022
Assignment 2: Scene Creation and Virtual Reality
Interactions [40%]
In Assignment 2, your challenge is to research, design and create an interactive Virtual Reality
experience. Your tutor will supply you with a basic but flexible architectural shell, consisting of three
interconnected rooms. Your task is to model the contents of these rooms (furniture, objects, lights,
windows, doors etc), import these objects into Unity, and design a series of virtual reality interactions
that prompt the user to navigate and explore the interior space.
Ambient and spatial sounds will be used to further enhance the experience and can only be sourced
from the Freesound Project ( as long as you reference the creator and sound file
in your documentation. UI elements may only be sourced from Material Design Icons
( and fonts from Google Fonts (
Please note: any 3D models and materials downloaded from the internet will be considered as
evidence of plagiarism.
The architectural shell your tutors will provide you with can be resized – you can make any of the
rooms bigger, smaller, longer or taller to suit your design, but you are limited to three rooms overall.
How you populate the spaces inside these rooms is a more important consideration; there should be
some kind of consistent theme that links all the rooms together. Is your VR scene set in a modern
interior with white walls and sunlight streaming through the windows, or is it set in a dark underground
vault full of treasures? Perhaps your rooms are all made of metal and plastic, and set deep within the
hull of an interstellar spaceship.
Some rooms might be crowded with models; a library filled with bookstacks and bookcases, for
example, and some might be empty and open. You should be careful not to spend too much time
detailing these models, most are just for atmosphere. However, a few models might warrant a little
more attention as they will be critical to your VR interactions. Your VR experience will feature at least
three interactive features. These features are not random but designed with cause and effect; i.e.
the first interaction enables the second interaction, which in turn enables the third. Further interactive
features are welcome.
Submissions for this assignment should contain the following (four items):
(a) A Unity Project folder
This is the folder Unity generates for you when creating a new project. It includes your
materials, sounds, and FBX meshes imported from Maya.
(b) A Unity3D Windows Build
Importing your scene into Unity and exporting your scene as an interactive build.
(c) Documentation as a PDF document
Your documentation should contain research, design, references, screenshots, analysis, and
descriptions of your technical decision-making process with the aim of illustrating your
process for this assignment.
(d) Video demonstration of your VR scene
Create a screen recording of your VR scene in the Unity build, demonstrating the features
and interactions you have developed.
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FIT5227 Introduction to 3D Modelling and Virtual Reality S2 2022
Submission is via Moodle. ALL submitted items must be named in a clear and logical way and
compressed into a single .zip file, which should be named with the assessment number, and your
name. The maximum total file-size for this submission is 500MB.
Your submission will be graded on the following criteria:
Quality of scene’s 3D modelling & geometry [10 Marks]
● Modelling of props to fill the scene (4 marks)
● Clean and Efficient Geometry (3 marks)
● Use of modelling tools & techniques (3 marks)
Presentation of your scene and VR interactions [16 Marks]
● Appropriate use and consideration of 3D materials (2 marks)
● Application of lighting and post-processing effects (4 marks)
● Implementation of interactive features in VR (6 marks)
● Inclusion of ambient and spatial sound (4 marks)
Written and Visual documentation [12 Marks]
● Discussion of inspiration, research, design, and planning (3 marks)
● Coverage of 3D process and VR scene creation (3 marks)
● Use of images/screenshots and other visual resources to illustrate workflow (3 marks)
● Explanation and reflection of decision-making process (3 marks)
Video demonstration [2 Marks]
● Complete demonstration of all interactive features and environment (2 marks)
Any submission received after the due date without a prior arranged extension will receive a 10%
reduction to their available mark per day late, for a maximum of seven days. Submissions received
more than 7 days after the due date without a prior arranged extension will receive a mark of 0 and no
feedback will be provided.
DUE DATE 4:30PM, Friday Week 12
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