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31263 / 32004 Introduction to Game Development

Assessment 3 and 4

Recreate a Classic Game


Assessment 3 and 4 are two parts of a linked assessment. In these assessments you will recreate a

specified classic Atari-era game by developing nearly all the assets yourself. The game will look and

feel different to the original but will have the same core game design. You will then innovate on the

game to push your self-study skills and explore new game development topics on your own. These

are individual assessments and it is expected that all the work done here is your own.

Primary Design and Development Constraints:

Regardless of the game that is chosen, there are some important constraints that must be adhered


1. You must use the Unity version that is used on in the lab room and specified on Canvas.

2. The game must be made in 2D, using sprites.

3. Your final game (in Assessment 4) will have at least three scenes – one that is for the main

menu, one that is a recreation of a level from the original game, and the last that shows off

you design innovation. You may have more scenes in your project structure if you wish.

4. All visual assets must be entirely your own creation. These must be different in appearance

to the original game.

5. You must have sprite animations in your game. You may also create your own particle system

effects with 2D sprites.

6. Audio must be included for all major interactions in the game but the audio clips do NOT

need to be your own creation. They must be different to the original game but you may

source these from royalty-free audio websites.

7. All scripts in the game must be your own creation. You may use learning resources such as

the Unity manual, forums, Unity Answers, and video tutorials, but you must not use any

downloaded scripts from the Unity Asset Store, GitHub, or similar. Sophisticated plagiarism

checking software will be used to ensure that your code has not been substantially copied

from any single source, whether that is other students or online resources.

8. You may NOT use the Unity Rigidbody physics functionality or the standard Unity

CharacterController component (or similar). Therefore, all motion must be coded by you as

frame-rate independent continuous movement (see Week 5 lecture). If you have a Rigidbody

or Rigidbody2D component on a gameobject for the purposes of collision detection, it must

be set to “Is Kinematic” at all times (or Body Type set to Kinematic if you are using a


Created by: Dr William Raffe



9. You MAY use the Tilemap functionality in Unity, though it is not required. You MAY NOT use

the extra Tilemap Animated Tile functionality as it will cause issues in Assessment 4. For

Assessment 3 Band 75% D, you should place any animated tiles manually, regardless of

whether you used Tilemaps or not.

10. Assessments 4 stacks on Assessment 3 – anything you miss in Assessment 3 will likely affect

your Assessment 4 grade as well.

Assessment 3 – 20%

Pac-man (PacStudent)

Visual Assets, Audio Assets, Level Layout, and Git

Reference Example:

For a reference example of Pac-man, go to Google and type “Pac-man” (

https://www.google.com/search?q=play+pacman+doodle ). On the first page, you will find a

playable Google Doodle version of Pac-man that you can play in your web browser. This is the

reference that these specifications were built upon (other than the Level Generator). Features

found in other versions of Pac-man and Ms Pac-man are not included here. If a specific feature or

design consideration isn’t mentioned, then you can use your own judgment to design it into the

game – only what is listed in “Task and Grade Overview” below will be graded.

Due Dates:

Unity Project Files:

Due via Canvas before 11:59pm Friday 23rd September


Unity Project Files:


This is your entire Unity project folder (including your .git folder and .gitignore file), zipped up (as a

.zip, no other format), with the specified naming convention. Before creating the zip, delete the

“Library” folder.

Created by: Dr William Raffe



Plagiarism Detection Software:

Sophisticated code plagiarism software will be used to check all code submissions in Assessment 3

and 4 with those of other students in the subject, submissions from previous years, and online

sources. While learning from online tutorials and communities is strongly encouraged, there is a

difference between learning code segments and re-implementing the included concepts or specific

Unity API calls, versus plagiarising large chunks of code. A similarity score higher than 25% between

a submitted project and any single other source will be further investigated by the Subject

Coordinator and, where necessary, raised with the university as Student Misconduct. Additionally,

visual and audio assets will be manually checked for originality by marking staff. Finally, you should

not be using any assets, packages, or plugins other than those that come with the Unity Installation

or that you have created yourself (except the audio assets). This includes any add-on packages found

from websites like the Unity Asset Store.

Task and Grade Overview:

In Assessment 3, you will be assessed on the first half of the semester worth of lecture and lab

content by preparing visual and audio assets for your game, setting up and beginning to use your

Git repository, and planning for your future development. In this way, you will demonstrate not only

foundational knowledge and skills in development, but also your ability to analyse an existing game,

decompose it into a set of required assets and coded systems, and identifying your own knowledge

gaps for future development plans.

You should start from the top and work your way downwards. These tasks are stacked in terms of

difficulty as well as completing requisite functionality before moving on to later functionality that

utilizes this.

You must complete each grade band before moving onto the next. If there are major issues with an

earlier section, we will not mark the later ones. E.g. If you don’t have any animation (you skipped

that section), but you did make the level layout, we will not mark the level layout section. This is to

encourage students to do good, consistent work throughout each section before moving onto the

next and stopping student’s from thinking they can get easier grades by skipping steps.

Doing more than what is specified below will not get you additional points for this assessment.

Created by: Dr William Raffe



Max Grade


after completing

section and

assuming no

points lost in

earlier sections



(10% Z)

Git Repo

You must setup a Git repository, with a remote host on Bitbucket, GitHub, or

GitLab. This git repository must:

Have the “.git” folder at the root level of your Unity project folder you

should see “.git” next to “Assets”, “Logs”, “Project Settings” etc. in the

file structure.

Have the .gitignore file from

https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Unity.gitignore . This

should also be at the root level of your project, along with the .git file

You must commit to your git repository often - e.g. after a few hours of

working on the project or every time you reach a minor milestone.

By the time you reach 100% HD, your Git repository must have at least six


Master - this should be the branch that is active before the submission

.zip file is created)

Development – this branch is where the below feature branches are

created from and are merged into

Feature-Audio – this branch should be committed to when adding the

audio assets to the project and putting them in the scene.

Feature-Visual – this branch should be committed to when adding the

majority of the visual assets and animations into Unity and the main

scene as well as the doing the manual level layout.

Feature-Movement: This branch should be committed to when you are

implementing PacStudent’s movement.

Feature-LevelGenerator – this branch should be committed to during

the creation of the LevelGenerator.cs script.

For more on this style of branching structure, see the Git Workflow

branching strategy. You may have more branches if you wish.

As you reach later section, you will be graded on this section in the following

way (all of which is extracted from your .git folder):

Having the git repository setup

The consistency of commits throughout the project life-cycle.

The use of the above branching structure

Created by: Dr William Raffe




(20% Z)

Project Structure

The Project Window in Unity should have a logical and organised layout of

folders and sub-folders. Folders and assets should be appropriately named

such that other potential team members (e.g. your tutors) could easily

navigate that project and find the asset they are looking for.

The Hierarchy Window of the Recreated Level scene should also be well

organized, with use of parenting to form groups of gameobjects and each

gameobject with an appropriate (short but clear) name.

Inappropriate or messy Project and Hierarchy Window organisation will

receive zero or partial marks for this section.

(35% Z)

Audio Assets

You must source all audio that you will need for your game. Like the visual

assets, the audio clips used must be different from the original game so as to

give your game its own audio style.

You do not need to create the audio yourself. You should only use “Royalty

Free” or completely free audio from the internet and not copyright protected

audio. If you want to make your own audio, we recommend the use of

https://www.bfxr.net/ as an easy online tool to randomize and mix sound


Again, you will not be marked for the quality of your audio, but rather the

completeness of your audio assets (per the list below) and whether they make

sense – e.g. an explosion sound for PacStudent’s movement doesn’t make


The audio assets that you will need to include are:

Background music for the game intro (when the level first starts)

Background music for when ghosts are in their normal state

Background music for when the ghosts are in their scared state

Background music for when at least one ghost is in its dead state

Sound effect for when PacStudent is moving but not eating a pellet

Sound effect for when a pellet is eaten

Sound effects for when PacStudent collides with a wall

Sound effect for PacStudent death

These audio clips must be imported into Unity and in the Project Window, in a

folder named “Audio Clips” and with an appropriate name for each clip.

Created by: Dr William Raffe



You must also have at least one Audio Source in the scene that, when the Play

button is pressed, plays the intro background music and then when that

finished plays the background music for the normal state ghosts.

10 (50% P) Visual Assets - Sprites

You must create all of your visual assets yourself. You may use any tool you

feel comfortable with. If you do not have much visual design background, it is

recommended that you use https://www.piskelapp.com/ .

You must not to recreate the assets exactly as they appear in the original

game. Instead, you should create your own visual style for the game. These

also do not need to be works of art, we are NOT grading you on the quality of

your visual assets (we are not an arts faculty). Instead, you will be graded on

the completeness of them – you must have a different visual asset and

animation for each of the items listed below. The assets should also make

sense and be of an appropriate size in your scene such that it is easy for the

player to understand what is going on in the scene.

The following is a list of visual assets that you will need to create your own

version for:


Four Ghosts in normal state

Ghosts in scared state (dark blue in original game)

Ghosts in dead state (just eyes in original game)

Normal pellet

Power pellet

Bonus score cherry

PacStudent life indicator (bottom left in original game)

Wall segments for each wall type (see Manual Level Layout section


All visual assets must be imported into Unity and all visual assets must be

placed in the scene view.


(65% C)

Visual Assets – Animations and Animators

You will also need to create an equivalent Animator Controller (and associated

animation clips) for the following animations found in the original game:

A single Animator Controller for PacStudent, including the following

states and animations:

Created by: Dr William Raffe



o Four Walking states, one for each cardinal direction (up, down,

left, right). These should each have an appropriately rotated

PacStudent movement animation (mouth opening and closing in

the original game).

o A Dead state and associated animation for when PacStudent


Flashing power pellets

One or more Animator Controllers with the prefix “GhostAnimator_”

that do the following:

o A Walking state for moving in each cardinal direction (up, down,

left, right) and an associated sprite or animation clip for each

(eyes look in direction of movement in original game).

o A Scared state

o A Recovering state for when the ghosts are transitioning from

their scared state back into their normal walking state (flashing

between white and blue in original game)

o A Dead state

Animations and Animator Controllers must be established so that they can be

previewed in the Game View when the Play button is pressed. E.g.

PacStudent’s movement animation should play, a preview of PacStudent’s

dead state animation somewhere in the scene, power pellets should flash in

the level, and the ghost animator controller should cycle through states on

“Has exit time” for 3 seconds per state or for the whole animation clip (in the

case of the Recovering state).


(75% D)

Manual Level Layout

You should aim to manually recreate the original Pac-man Level 01 layout.

When properly constructed, this should look similar to the below image, which

is the top-left quadrant of the original Pac-man layout for Level 01.

Created by: Dr William Raffe



To recreate this accurately, you should use the map below (represented as a

2D array).

int[,] levelMap =


















The legend for the above map is shown below. Each of these pieces will

require their own sprite image and, as with the other visual assets, should be

in your own visual style.

0 – Empty (do not put anything here, no sprite needed)

1 - Outside corner (double lined corner piece in original game)

2 - Outside wall (double line in original game)

3 - Inside corner (single lined corner piece in original game)

4 - Inside wall (single line in original game)

5 – An empty space with a Standard pellet (see Visual Assets above)

6 – An empty space with a Power pellet (see Visual Assets above)

7 - A t junction piece for connecting with adjoining regions

You should have no more than 7 sprites in your Project Window. In order to

achieve the Level 01 image above, you should place and rotate copies of each

sprite to align with other adjacent sprites properly. Some recommendations:

Decide a standard size for all sprites (e.g. 16x16 pixels, or 32x32 pixels).

With the above, when imported into Unity, you should be able to level

the scale of all sprite instances as (1,1,1) and they should be

appropriately sized.

From here, you only need to deal in 90 degree rotation intervals. E.g. a

horizontal wall is turned into a vertical wall by rotating it 90 degrees.

Created by: Dr William Raffe



Or, a top-left corner piece rotated by 90 degrees becomes a top-right

corner, or by 180 degrees it becomes a bottom-right corner piece.

To produce the whole level, once you have made the top-left quadrant as per

the image above, you will then need to duplicate and mirror it horizontally to

the right (to create the top-right quadrant), and then both of these are

mirrored vertically (to get the bottom-left and bottom-right quadrants).

Note that there should be tunnels to the left and the right of the level, one

PacStudent in width (to let PacStudent through) but with no pellets in it.

This level layout should be manually created and present in the Scene View

before the Play button is pressed. You may use Unity Rule Tiles if you wish (still

using only the 7 sprites specified before), but you can also lay the tiles out

individually using each sprites Transform in the Inspector panel.


(85% HD)

PacStudent Movement

Use frame-rate independent motion and programmatic tweening from Weeks

6 and 7 to move PacStudent.

Move PacStudent clockwise in a cycle around the top-left inner block of

the level (as seen in the previous image).

PacStudent must play their movement animation and their moving

audio (for when they are not colliding with a pellet) as they moves.

For Assessment 3, you do NOT need to:

o Respond to user input

o Detect collisions with walls

o Detect collisions with pellets.

o Move the ghosts at all


(100% HD)

Procedural Level Generator

Create a new script called LevelGenerator.cs and copy the levelMap 2D array

from earlier into it.

When the Play button is pressed, the Start() method of this script should

delete the existing Level 01 from the scene. From here, LevelGenerator.cs will

programmatically procedurally generate the level. To do this, you should take

the levelMap 2D array from the “Manual Level Layout” section and the sprites

you created for that section and procedurally generate the level layout by

stepping through the array and calling Instantiate(…) (and other methods) to

create, move, and rotate the sprites.

Note that in order to accomplish the full level you will need to:

Created by: Dr William Raffe



Determine the position of each piece

Determine a way for your code to decide which rotation angle each of

the wall and corner pieces should be at to align with each other. Hint:

have you code look at the pieces around it to determine how it should

be rotated to connect to them (in the case of walls)

Mirror the above 2D array or instantiated pieces three times

(horizontally, vertically, and horizontally-and-vertically) to get the other

three quadrants of the level to make the full level.

o For the vertical mirroring, you will need to ignore or delete the

bottom row of the 2D array so that there is only a single row of

empty spots.

How this will be graded:

When marking this section, your tutors will substitute the levelMap 2D array

with a custom one, of any size, using the same legend and a similar style, but a

different layout. Your code must adapt to this custom levelMap 2D array to

produce a logical level, with marks being removed based on the number of

pieces in error (e.g. in the wrong place or with the wrong rotation).

Some other notes:

This must be done through your own code and you should not use Rule

Tiles or any other in-built Unity systems for procedurally generating


The top-left corner of the level (i.e. levelMap[0,0]) will always be an

outside corner piece with a default rotation (i.e. it will look the exact

same as the manually built level).

The walls will always have a smooth connection. I.e. a vertical wall will

never be adjacent to a horizontal wall, there needs to be a corner piece

or T piece joining them.

The PacStudent Movement from the 90% band does not need to be

updated. Leave PacStudent moving clockwise around the area where

the manually create map was.

There will not be a tutorial on this or resources provided. Procedural

content generation is all about working through logic problems, with an

eye on the visual design quality of the output. So, this is a test of your

logical thinking skills – get out a pen and paper (or drawing software)

and start planning it out before you start programming. If you ever

want to do anything interesting in your IT career (especially making

games), these logical thinking skills are a must as you encounter new

problems. This is also for the 100% HD, which at UTS is often reserved

for students that “exceed expectations” and go well above the average

skill set. So challenge yourself and give it a go!

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