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日期:2022-05-27 12:27

SWEN30006 Software Modelling and Design

Project 2: Oh Heaven

School of Computing and Information Systems

University of Melbourne

Semester 1, 2022


Off the back of their overwhelming success with Snakes and Ladders on a Plane (sales went into double digits!),

NERDI are back to work on their new game. While NERDI have learnt some lessons (sadly, none related to object

oriented design), they still need the help of you and your team to assist them in getting their Oh Heaven card game

market ready.

Figure 1: Advanced Oh Heaven CGI

NERDI have a fully running version of the game, but the design is not very extendible or maintainable, it is limited

in terms of configurability, and needs more NPC (Non-Playable Cardplayer) options.

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The Oh Heaven game play is briefly described below. Note that some of the elements listed below as specific

values are configurable. The current program developed by NERDI already supports this behaviour.

1. Oh Heaven is played with a standard fifty-two card deck with four suits and thirteen ranks in each suit.

2. The game involves four players who play independently, i.e. there are no teams. You can assume exactly

four players. The aim is to get the highest score.

3. The game is made up of three rounds. Each round is made up of the following sequence:

a. A hand of thirteen cards being dealt to each player, a trump suit is randomly selected (displayed

in the upper left of Figure 1) for the round, and a player being randomly selected to bid first and

then start or lead.

b. Each player then makes a bid as to how many tricks they think they can win. They will get 10

extra points if they make exactly this many tricks. The total bid cannot equal the thirteen, that is,

the last player must bid such that it is not possible for every player to achieve their bid.

c. The game play then proceeds as follows:

i. The player taking the lead can play any card they wish from their hand to the centre;

this card provides the basis for a trick.

ii. Play proceeds clockwise from the lead with each player playing one card in turn to

follow the lead.

iii. Following players must play a card of the same suit as that lead if they have one. If

not, they may play any card they wish.

iv. Once every player has played one card, the winner is the player who has played the

highest card of the trump suit if any, or the highest card of the lead suit if not.

v. The winner will receive one point for winning the trick; if any cards remain, they go

back to step i by leading a card to start a new trick.

b. At the end of the round, any player who made exactly the number of tricks that they bid will

receive an additional 10 points.

4. At the end of all rounds, the player (or players) with the highest score wins.

The Oh Heaven program currently supports two types of players: human interactive players who select the card to

play through a double-left-mouse-click, and one type of NPC, random players who select a card to play from their

hand randomly without regard for the rules. However, it always has one human and three random players.


Your job is to improve the design of Oh Heaven, and to change it to support the following program and design


1. Additional NPC types are required immediately. Others might be added in the future. Note that here

“legal” means consistent with the rules.

a. Legal: plays a random selection from all cards that can legally be played.

b. Smart: a player that records all relevant information and makes a reasonable, legal choice based

on that information. A Smart player must produce smarter play than a legal player and have the

necessary information available in a suitable form so that an extremely good NPC player could be

developed based on the Smart player. A Smart player should assume that other players are

playing legally.

2. Parameters: currently all elements of Oh Heaven are set in the code. The system should be made more

configurable through a property file. You will have to make a judgement as to which parameters are

worth making configurable, however you need to at least support all the parameters found in the test

property files (see below).

3. There is no requirement to change the bidding behaviour in the code. Your report, however, should

comment on how the design could be extended to support NPCs making smarter bids.

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Note that, despite the graphics in Figure 1, an NPC must not be able to see another player’s card until they use it to

lead or follow in the game play. Players must not share information directly and must store their own information

about the game they are playing, i.e. they must not access a common pool. As well as cards played, a player can

see which player played the card, the number of tricks taken by a player, and the scores. Note that inferred

information is also useful, for example, it can be assumed when a player doesn’t follow suit, that the player must

have no remaining cards in that suit.

Property Files

The following three property files (provided) should all support repeatable runs (subject to interactive player

choices) with a fixed seed “30006”:

1. “original.properties”: one interactive player (0) and three random NPCs, and game settings as per the

original package. Running with this file should preserve the current behaviour of the system.

2. “legal.properties”: four legal NPCs, with nbStartCards = 4.

3. “smart.properties: one interactive player (0), one smart NPC (1), and two legal NPCs, and game settings as

per the original package.

There is a further property file “runmode.properties” which should tell the program which of the property files

above should be used (in a similar fashion to the way property files work with Snakes and Ladders on a Plane).


Your submission must include a report (pdf) with supporting diagrams (PDF or image).

The report should describe the changes you have made to the system and provide a rationale for these changes

using design patterns and principles. Note that to do this well, you should include discussion of other reasonable

options which you considered, and why you did not choose these options. Around 4-6 pages (not including

diagrams) should be enough to provide a concise rationale. You must include and refer to diagrams in your report

to illustrate aspects of the changes: at least one UML design class diagram and at least one UML sequence diagram

should be provided.

Testing Your Solution

We will be running your application manually using the property files and will need to be able to build and run your

program without using an integrated development environment. The entry point must remain as


Note: It is your responsibility to ensure that you have thoroughly tested your software before you submit it.

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The Sample Package

You have been provided with an Eclipse project export representing the current system. This system runs in a fixed

configuration like the property file described above in 3a.

To begin:

1. Import the project zip file as you did for Workshop 1 (Import>Existing Projects into Workspace>Archive

File, not Import>Projects from Folder or Archive)

2. Make sure that the JGameGrid.jar file is in the Java Build Path for the project (Project > Properties > Java

Build Path); if not, re-add it (using Add Jars …).

3. Try running by right clicking on the project and selecting Run as... Java Application.

4. You should see a window like that in Figure 1; you can then play the game as the interactive player.

The current system should be used as a starting point. Please carefully study it and ensure that you are confident

you understand how it is set up and functions before continuing. You will need to preserve elements of the system

in making changes, that is, you will want to refactor parts of the system. However, you are free to make whatever

changes you wish, as long as the game play is preserved and still easily recognisable. If you have any questions,

please make use of the discussion board, or ask your tutor directly as soon as possible; it is assumed that you will

be comfortable with the package provided.

Note: By default, the simulation should run without a fixed seed, meaning the results will be random on every run.

To have a consistent test outcome, you need to be able to specify the seed in the configuration file.

Note: There are three required tasks here – design, code, and report – which are interrelated. You should work on

these tasks as a team, not separately. Every team member needs to be able to demonstrate their understanding of

and contributions to all deliverables.

Submission Details

Only one team member needs to submit for the team. The team can submit any number of times, however staff

will only look at the latest submission for a team.

Your submission should be a zip file (with .zip extension) containing only two folders:

1. "report": this folder should contain your report and any separate diagrams.

2. "src": this folder should contain the java source files for your submission, in whatever subfolder structure

you choose.

Do not include sprites, property files, jar files, or version control repositories in your submission.

Submission Date

This project is due at 11:59pm on Friday June 5. Any late submissions will incur a 1-mark penalty per day unless

you have supporting documents. If you have any issues with submission, please email Khang at

khang.vo@unimelb.edu.au before the submission deadline.

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This project will account for 20 marks out of the total 100 available for this subject.

The design of the system is our key concern. We want a good extended or extendable design, based on GRASP and

GoF Patterns. We are not looking for the "best design". A good design with a rational justification well based on

design principles and patterns is sufficient. The design report, the design (implicit in the implementation), and the

implementation are all related artefacts so there is no breakdown of marks in the rubric – they are all marked

together. We expect appropriate UML diagrams to be provided to support the explanation provided in your


H1 [16-20]:

Excellent extendable design and implementation.

1. Clear, consistent, and helpful rationale for design and other changes in terms of patterns.

2. Preserves original behaviour and implements new capability appropriately.

3. Few if any minor errors or omissions (no major ones).

H3-H2B-H2A [13-15.5]:

Good extendable design and implementation.

1. Generally, clear, consistent, and helpful rationale for design and other changes in terms of patterns.

2. Preserves original behaviour and implements new capability appropriately.

3. Few errors or omissions (no major ones).

P [10-12.5]:

Reasonable design and implementation.

1. Fairly clear, consistent, and helpful design rationale with some reference to patterns.

2. Preserves original behaviour with at most minor variations in output (or similar behaviour to original)

3. Implements new capability appropriately.

4. Some errors or omissions.

F+ [5-9.5]:

Plausible design and implementation.

1. Plausible attempt at design rationale with some reference to patterns.

2. Plausible implementation, that is, required elements are present.

3. Includes errors and/or omissions.

F [0.0-4.5]:

No plausible design/implementation.

1. Design rationale provided but not particularly plausible/coherent.

2. No plausible implementation.

Note: We reserve the right to award or deduct marks for clever or very poor code quality on a case-by-case basis

outside of the prescribed marking scheme. Further, we expect to see good variable names, well commented

functions, inline comments for complicated code. We also expect good object-oriented design principles and

functional decomposition. For UML diagrams you are expected to use UML 2+ notation.

On Plagiarism: We take plagiarism very seriously in this subject. You are not permitted to submit the work of

others under your own name. This is a team project.

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