Fast Fourier Transform
The file provides the GUI, which includes saving and
loading a .wav file, and displaying the waveform (in time domain) and the
spectrum (in frequency domain, which will be obtained by DFT/FFT).
The file is a class for complex numbers, which will
be needed for FFT and IFFT. It contains several basic operations, such
as constructor, setter and getter. You will have to fill in the operations
between complex numbers (e.g. addition, subtraction, etc) that are
necessary for DFT/IDFT/FFT/IFFT.
The file contains the doSave() method for saving a
waveform (list of numbers) to a .wav file, and the doLoad() method for
loading a .wav file to a list of numbers.
Discrete/Fast Fourier Transform (DFT/FFT) can be used to analyse a
waveform (e.g. a series of numbers). Specifically, DFT/FFT transforms a
waveform from the time domain to the frequency domain, while Inverse
DFT/FFT (IDFT/IFFT) is from the frequency domain to the time domain.
Visualising the spectrum in the frequency domain can show different
aspects that are hidden in the time domain.
The template code already provides the methods for loading(store it as
a waveform (list of numbers) in the program) and save a waveform (list
of numbers) as a .wav file, and displaying a waveform in the time domain,
as well as displaying a spectrum in the frequency domain. You will need
to write the DFT, IDFT, FFT and IFFT methods (ideally creating a new class file for them), as well as the supporting
methods, that is, the operations between complex numbers, in the file.
Apply DFT to the waveform in the time domain and transform it to the
frequency domain (NOTE: this can be very slow).
Apply FFT to the waveform in the time domain and transform it to the
frequency domain.
Apply IDFT to the series in the frequency domain and transform it back
to the time domain (NOTE: this can be very slow).
Apply IFFT to the series in the frequency domain and transform it back
to the time domain.
For each file, you can load it using the "Load" button in the GUI, which
will also display the waveform (in the time domain) in the window. After
loading the file, you can test your FFT and IFFT methods. If everything
is correct, you should be able to display exactly the same waveform after
applying FFT and then IFFT. You can save the file with a different file
name. The file will be a truncated sound file of the original file, due
to the truncation to be the power of 2 in the FFT. You can play the saved
file to see if the sound is the same as the original file (easier to figure
out for the Forest.wav and Sea.wav files). Solving the problem in stages
Stage 1 – Complete the SoundWaveform.dft() and SoundWaveform.idft()
methods to implement the DFT and IDFT based on the formulas . You need
to implement the necessary operations between complex numbers in the file as supporting methods.Hint: You can test the DFT
and IDFT on the small .wav files. On large sound files they will be VERY
SLOW. Convert the Double list to complex number list to prepare for DFT/FFT. Successfully implement the (slow) Discrete Fourier transform, and can
display the obtained spectrum by clicking the GUI button. Work on the
small files. Successfully implement the (slow) Inverse Discrete Fourier transform.
Work on the small files. Convert the obtained complex number list to double list to restore
the waveform. Can display the restored waveform by clicking the GUI
Stage 2 – Complete the SoundWaveform.fft() method to implement the FFT
based on the algorithm . Hint: You have to cut the tail of the waveform
to make its size equal to some power of two, so you can run FFT properly.
Cut the tail of the waveform so its size equals to some power of 2.
Only tail is cut, that is, the original size of the waveform should
be smaller than the size after the cut times 2. Successfully implement the (recursive) FFT algorithm, and can display
the obtained spectrum by clicking the GUI button. For the small files, record the time taken by the slow DFT and FFT,
compare between them and discuss about the comparison.
Stage 3 – Complete the SoundWaveform.ifft() method to implement the IFFT.
It uses the divide-and-conquer algorithm which is very similar to the FFT.
You will need to figure out the difference between the two methods and
get the IFFT correct. Hint: You can compare the results of FFT (IFFT) and
DFT (IDFT) to see if they can obtain the same results. You can also compare
the computational time of FFT (IFFT) and DFT (IDFT) on the small .wav files
to understand the efficiency advantage of FFT (IFFT). Hint: The loading,
FFT and IFFT process can take time. To avoid breaking the program, you
should wait until the text screen shows “Loading/FFT/IFFT completed!”
Successfully implement the IFFT algorithm, and can display the
restored waveform by clicking the GUI button. Record the time taken by the slow IDFT and IFFT, compare between them
and discuss about the comparison.
The waveform loaded from a .wav file is an array list of Double. However,
the FFT method takes a list of ComplexNumber. Therefore, you need to
transform a Double to a ComplexNumber, which is easy to do.
Also, after IFFT, you will need to obtain the waveform as a list of Double.
This requires converting a list of ComplexNumber to a list of Double. A
simple way is to get its real part, since the imaginary part is supposed
to be (almost) zero.
The FFT algorithm works only when the size of the series equals some power
of 2. Therefore, cut the tail of the input list before doing FFT.
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