Cardiff School of Computer Science and Informatics
Coursework Assessment Pro-forma
Module Code: CM3112
Module Title: Artificial Intelligence
Assessment Title: Coursework
Assessment Number: 1
Date Set: 2 November 2020
Submission Date and Time: 23 November 2020 at 9:30am
Return Date: 14 December 2020
This assignment is worth 40% of the total marks available for this module. If coursework is
submitted late (and where there are no extenuating circumstances):
1 If the assessment is submitted no later than 24 hours after the deadline,
the mark for the assessment will be capped at the minimum pass mark;
2 If the assessment is submitted more than 24 hours after the deadline, a
mark of 0 will be given for the assessment.
Your submission must include the official Coursework Submission Cover sheet, which can be
found here:
Submission Instructions
You should submit a single zip file, containing the source code of your implementation of
Task 1 and a PDF version of your answers to Task 2.
Description Type Name
Cover sheet Compulsory One PDF (.pdf) file [student number].pdf
Solution Compulsory One zip file [student number].zip
Any deviation from the submission instructions above (including the number and types of
files submitted) will result in a reduction in marks for the assessment of 5%.
Staff reserve the right to invite students to a meeting to discuss coursework submissions
This assignment consists of two tasks. In Task 1, you are required to implement a minimax
computer player for the game Snake, using the java framework that is provided. In Task 2,
you are required to answer a number of questions about an (unseen) pathfinding method
called bidirectional search.
Detailed instructions can be found in the appended description.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
1. Choose and implement an appropriate search method for solving a given problem.
2. Define suitable state spaces and heuristics.
3. Understand the basic techniques for solving problems.
Criteria for assessment
Credit will be awarded against the following criteria.
For the implementation in Task 1:
• [Correctness] Does the code correctly implement the required algorithm?
• [Efficiency] Is the computational complexity of the implementation optimal?
• [Clarity] Is the code clearly structured and easy to understand?
For the questions in Task 2:
• [Correctness] Does the answer demonstrate a solid understanding of the problem?
• [Clarity] Is the answer well-structured and clearly presented?
Marks for Task 1 will be assigned based on the following benchmarks:
1st (70-100%) The code is correct, efficient and clearly structured.
2.1 (60-69%) The code is correct but may be too inefficient to perform well (when
given a fixed time limit).
2.2 (50-59%) The code is largely correct, but also contains some mistakes.
3rd (40-49) A reasonable attempt towards a fully working implementation has been
made, but the code is not finished.
Marks for Task 2 will follow the marking scheme that is provided in the attached detailed
Feedback and suggestion for future learning
Feedback on your coursework will address the above criteria. Feedback and marks will be
returned at the latest on 14 December 2020 via learning central. General feedback on the
coursework will be provided in the subsequent online lecture.
Task 1: Minimax (70 marks)
Getting started
In the archive, you will find a basic implementation of a multiplayer version of the
game Snake. In this game, each player has a snake, which moves across a grid (see the screenshot
in Figure 1). The snakes move in turn, one grid cell at a time. The grid also contains a yellow
disc. If a snake ‘eats’ this yellow disc, it will grow in size and a new disc will appear at a randomly
chosen location. If a snake hits another snake or the outer boundary of the grid, it dies. The aim
of the game is to have the longest surviving snake after a given number of steps.
Figure 1: Screenshot of the Snake framework used for the coursework.
Game framework
The main classes of the java framework are:
Snake This class represents an instance of the game, and will repeatedly call the doMove method
of the (remaining) players in turn, until the game is over. This class also contains the main
SnakePlayer An abstract class which contains some code that is common to all types of players.
The method doMove is left abstract.
HumanPlayer An extension of SnakePlayer which allows a human to play the game, using the
keyboard arrows.
RandomPlayer An extension of SnakePlayer which implements a very basic computer player,
making random moves.
AStarPlayer An extension of SnakePlayer which uses the A∗
algorithm to choose the move
which gets the snake closest to the yellow disc.
Position Used for representing grid positions in AStarPlayer.
Node Used for representing nodes in AStarPlayer.
GameState This class represents a state of the game.
GameDisplay This class takes care of the visualisation of the game.
To compile the code, from outside the directory that contains the source files, you can use1
javac snake/
To run the code you can use:
java snake/Snake
In addition to the provided framework, you are allowed to reuse any code that was provided as
part of this module. However, you are not allowed to use any other existing code or libraries. If
you use any external sources for solving your coursework (e.g. pseudocode from a website), you
should add a comment with a reference to these sources and a brief explanation of how they have
been used. You are allowed to discuss high-level aspects of your solution with other students, but
you should disclose the names of these students in a comment.
The objective of this task is to implement a computer player for Snake based on the minimax
algorithm. Particular challenges are the fact that the game involves chance elements (since we
don’t know in advance where the yellow discs will appear) and the fact that this game can be
played with more than two players.
Basic framework. When implementing a multiplayer variant of the minimax algorithm, there
are different assumptions that could be made about how the other players will behave (e.g.
whether they will collaborate to defeat you). In your implementation, you should assume that
each opponent will always play the move that is best for themselves (i.e. they will not collaborate).
Iterative deepening. In your implementation, you should use iterative deepening to ensure that
your player makes its move within the available time. [10]
Chance nodes. To deal with the uncertainty about where future yellow discs will appear, you will
also need to consider chance nodes. Normally such a chance node would have one child for each
possible position where a yellow disc might appear, which would make the search far too slow. To
address this, you should instead use chance nodes with 5 children, corresponding to 5 randomly
chosen samples of locations where the disc might appear. [10]
Evaluation. You are also expected to carry out an experimental evaluation of your minimaxplayer,
by letting it compete in a four-player game against two instances of AStarPlayer and one
instance of RandomPlayer. You should run this evaluation 20 times and report the number of
times your player has won, in a comment block at the top of the source file of your minimax player.
You should also specify how much time your computer player was given to make each move. Your
submitted code should be set up such that running the main method of snake/ carries
out this experiment. [10]
1Replace / by \ on Windows.
Task 2: Pathfinding (30 marks)
For this task, you are expected to answer some questions about bidirectional search.
The idea of bidirectional search is to simultaneously run two instances of graph search. The
first instance is called the forward search. For this instance, the frontier is initialised with the
initial state, as usual; we call this frontier the “forward frontier”. For the second instance, called
the backward search, the corresponding frontier is instead initialised with the goal states. This
frontier is called the “backward frontier”. Bidirectional search alternates between iterations of
forward search and iterations of backward search. More precisely, the pseudocode of bidirectional
search is as follows:
While a solution has not yet been found:
if the forward frontier contains more elements than the backward frontier
Expand a node from the backward frontier
Expand a node from the forward frontier
Expanding a node from the forward frontier is done in the normal way. Expanding a node from
the backward frontier is done similarly, except that the actions are reversed, i.e. the pair (a, b) is
considered as an action for the backward search if (b, a) is a valid action of the initial (i.e. forward)
search problem.
To check whether a solution has been found, we now need to check whether the “forward path”
and the “backward path” meet, rather than checking whether a goal state has been found. More
precisely, in the basic version of bidirectional search the search finishes when the forward frontier
and backward frontier have a non-empty intersection. This idea of “meeting in the middle” has
several advantages, which can speed up the search process quite substantially in some applications.
1. Suppose the branching factor of the forward search and backward search are the same
constant b. Suppose furthermore that there is a unique goal state, and let d be the length
of the optimal path from the initial state to this unique goal state.
(a) What is the largest number of nodes that may need to be stored in the frontier at the
same time when using breadth-first search for this search problem? [4]
(b) What is the largest number of nodes that may need to be stored in the frontier at the
same time when using iterative deepening for this search problem? [4]
(c) What is the largest number of nodes that may need to be stored in the two frontiers
when using bidirectional search, if breadth-first search is used for both the forward and
backward search? [4]
2. Explain why it is not possible to use iterative deepening for both the forward and the
backward search. [8]
3. Suppose uniform cost search is used for both the forward search and backward search.
When a solution is found (i.e. when the forward and backward frontiers have a non-empty
intersection), is it guaranteed that this solution is optimal? Justify your answer by either
giving a proof for why this is the case or by presenting a counter-example (i.e. a search
problem where this first solution would not be optimal). [10]
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