Subject Code: ITICT207A
Subject Name: Fundamentals of Computer Science
Final Coding Assignment
This is the final coding assignments started worth 25% of final mark. You are given 2 weeks to complete this assignment. It is due in week 13 (Nov 2th 2020). You are required to submit your completed coding assignment via Moodle. The code MUST be working. Half of the mark is allocated for code working where the remaining half shall be granted for correctness and efficiency of the algorithm, structure of the coding and embedded documentation. Late submission policy of the TAFE is applied for late submissions.
Write a Java application which builds a binary expression tree using infix expression format. Make sure you take into account precedence rule (brackets > ^ > * / > + -) and associativity rule (R to L for ^ and L to R for other operators). Application should have a display option to show in-order, pre-order and post-order of the given expression. Your application should also be able to run from command line where if the expression to be evaluated is given as part of argument, it is evaluated and result is displayed. If application is run without any operand then a text based menu is displayed with all the options specified. In your design of data structures, make sure you consider:
1.Java abstract and/or interface classes where appropriate.
2.Function overloading and overriding,
3.Operator overloading.
4.Appropriate use public, private access control on instance variable, methods
5.Your classes should implement getter and setters.
Deliverables for this assignment are:
1.A brief report, with title page, table of content, describing nature of the problem, solution in form of brief description of algorithm, pseudocode, flowchart, screenshot of code application running showing all the options. You must specify all your reference in report appendix.
2.A fully working Java application. A java source file which compiles without any error and fully tested.
3.A well structure java source file with commented file header describing the author’s name, student ID, a brief description of the code and any open source copy right acknowledge if needed.
4.Your code must be appropriately commented in every section necessary.
5.Error checking wherever required using Java exception handle capabilities.
6.Your program should have a text based menu at start giving the user all the options available where one of the option should be to gracefully exit the application. If not the user should be able to try again. Menu should also include a help option where long list of all options with one line description for each is given. Options for display in-order, display pre-order and post-order and option to evaluate the expression are displayed.
7.Submissions are to be done via Moodle in the link provided.
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