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日期:2020-09-30 11:37

Software Specification and Design

Engi 9874, 2020

Due Sept 28 @ 11:59PM.

For each question you will be marked on programming style as well as correctness.

To see my opinion about what constitutes good programming style

see http://www.engr.mun.ca/~theo/Courses/ds/pub/style.pdf. In short:

• All .java files must be professionally commented; in particular, each file

should contain a comment header that gives your name, student number,

and mun email address. Each subroutine and class should have a comment

at the start of it. I encourage you to use the “javadoc” conventions for


• Code and comments must be consistently indented; tab stops should be

set every 4 characters.

• Names must be chosen carefully and spelled correctly. (Use names starting

with lower case letters for variables and methods; use names starting with

upper case letters for classes and interfaces.)

• Use subroutines to avoid redundant coding.

• Keep control structures and data structures simple.

All classes must be tested by you prior to being submitted. You are welcome

to share test code with each other.

The assignment is to be done alone. Each file should contain the following

declaration in comments near the top. “This file was prepared by [your name

here]. It was completed by me alone.”. If you obtained help in doing the

assignment, do not include this declaration, but rather an explanation of the

nature of any help that you received in doing the assignment.

Q0. Boolean Expressions

[Learning Objectives: This question requires you to not only implement

an interface in multiple ways but also to write some polymorphic code. In

particular you should find that you have fields whose type is an interface and

to make calls to methods whose exact implementation you do not know. You

will also use an abstract class. This question uses the Abstract Factory pattern

and the composite pattern. end of learning objective]

For this part, we will together create a simple program to print a truth table.

For example, given an input of


a /\ b \/ ~(a /\ c)

the program will print the following

a b c ((a /\ b) \/ ~ (a /\ c))

false false false true

false false true true

false true false true

false true true true

true false false true

true false true false

true true false true

true true true true

Luckily for you, I’ve written the hardest parts.

Here is how it works: (See class TruthTableMain.)

• Step 0. Two objects work together to create a tree representation of the

input expression. One object is a Parser; it analyzes the input and decides

how the tree should be built. The other class is an ExpressionFactory; it

looks after the details of building the tree.

The above example would be converted to a tree containing 8 nodes. One

node for each occurrence of a variable and one for each of the 4 operators.

Each node will be an object that implements the interface ExpressionNodeI,

which I will provide.

• Step 1. The first line of the output is printed. This involves printing the


• Step 2. The tree is ‘evaluated’ once for each possible assignment of values

to variables. After each evaluation, the result is printed.

Your job is to create (or complete) the following classes:

• ExpressionFactory: Responsible for creating expression nodes.

• Various nonpublic classes that implement the ExpressionNodeI interface.

• Implement at least one abstract class that has at least 2 subclasses. For

example, you could have one abstract class that is a super class for all

your concrete implementations of ExpressionNodeI, or you could have an

abstract class that is a super class for all classes that represent nodes with

2 children.

Each concrete class that implements the ExpressionNodeI interface must implement

an appropriate constructor and 2 methods:


• The first is

public boolean evaluate( Environment env ) ;

This method computes the value of the expression in a given environment.

The environment maps each variable a boolean value (false or true). Each

expression node object will have to evaluate its children (if any) and then

compute and return the appropriate boolean value.

• The second is

public void printTo( PrintWriter p) ;

This method sends a textual representation of the expression to the given

PrintWriter object. ‘And’- and ‘or’-expressions should always be surrounded

by parentheses. (PrintWriter is an interface that supports a print(String)


Submit the source code for your expressionTree.tree package as a single .zip

file called tree.zip that contains your .java files directly.

Q1. Sets

[Learning Objectives: The first question requires you to implement an

interface and to write some polymorphic code. In particular you should find

that you have to implement methods with parameters whose type is an interface

and to make calls to methods whose exact implementation you do not know.

This assignment also requires you to write at least one iterator class, which will

be a class whose objects are mutable. You will use the Abstract Factory pattern

and the Iterator pattern. end of learning objective]

For this question you will implement an abstract data type representing

finite sets of integers between −2

31 up to (and including) 2

31 − 1.

Implement a public class set.implementation.SetFactory that implements interface

set.SetFactoryI. All other classes should be nonpublic. Classes that implement

the set.SetI interface be immutable (i.e., the objects they describe should

be immutable) and should not be public. There are various data structures you

could use to achieve this goal; you could even use different strategies depending

on the nature of the set, e.g. large and sparse sets could represented one way,

while small, dense sets could be represented another way.

You will need to read about the java.util.Iterator and java.util.Iterable interface.

These are generic interfaces. Conceptually we want java.util.Iterator<int>,

however Java does not allow primitive types as type arguments and so I used

java.util.Iterator<Integer>. The java.lang.Integer class is a class that described

immutable objects that contain an int value. Luckily conversions between Integer

and int and usually implicit, so you can usually ignore the difference between

Integer and int. For example you can write

for( int i : s ) { System.out.println(i) ; }


where s is a reference to a SetI object. The iterator object will deliver references

to Integer objects, but they will be implicitly converted to int values before being

assigned to i.

You will need to override the equals method for classes that implement the

SetI interface. Writing equals methods can be tricky. I suggest that you use the

following implementation:


public boolean equals( Object other ) {

if( other instanceof SetI ) {

SetI otherAsSetI = (SetI) other ;

return otherAsSetI.subset(this) && this.subset( otherAsSetI ) ;

} else {

return false ;



(It is conventional that, when you override ‘equals’ in Java, you should also

override the ‘hashCode’ method. The reason is that any two objects that are

equal should have the same hash code value, otherwise your class can not be

used as the key type in hash tables. But you may ignore this convention, if you

wish, for this assignment.)

Submit your implementation folder as a .zip file called implemention.zip that

contains your source code directly in it.


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