COMP3059 - Mobile Device Programming
MDP Coursework 2 - Running Tracker
Assessment Criteria
Hints & Tips
Using Location / GPS tracking
Emulating GPS
In this exercise you are required to build an Android running tracking application, and document its design
and architecture in a report. This is an assessed exercise and will account for 40% of your final module
mark. This is an individual coursework, and your submission must be entirely your own work – please pay
particular attention to the section of this document regarding plagiarism. This is a sizeable and open-ended
coursework compared to the previous assessed exercises (labs and coursework). This document sets out
general requirements that your application should meet rather than specific instructions.
Your application, source-code and report should be submitted no later than:
Submissions should be made electronically via Moodle. Standard penalties of 5% per working day will be
applied to late submissions.
The Quantified Self or life-logging movement has been around for a number of years, but advances in
mobile and wearable computing have increased the ability of people to collect data about their physical
activities. The most common of these track activity as it happens for fitness, health or gamification
purposes, for example displaying comparisons with previous activities, keeping track of best time or
longest distances etc.
The goal of this coursework is to design and implement a mobile application that functions as a basic
Running Tracker , in that it should allow the user to track their movement when they decide to walk, run
or jog, principally by logging the change in physical location using GPS.
The application should allow the user to inspect this data in a useful manner. The user might expect to
want to be able to ask simple questions of the data such as “how far have I run so far today?”, “how far
have I run this month?” or “have I run faster than my best time today?”.
Better submissions will provide functionality that will allow the user to annotate their data. They might
expect to be able to tag a particular exercise activity as good, or bad, or note something about the weather
conditions, or they might want to associate a photograph with the exercise activity.
At the minimum, your application should support the core functionality:
Logging the movement of a user when they go running or walking
Saving the movement data in an appropriate manner
Allowing the user to inspect their data in an appropriate manner
You may find the Open Source application RunnerUp a useful reference application for much of the core
You may wish to extend your application to include the extended functionality:
Allowing the user to annotate their data in a useful manner
This could be notes, pictures, audio or video at di!erent stages of their walk/run.
This could be other data sources (weather, AQI, etc) which is collected automatically during their
Any additional functionality you think is relevant and useful
This is your opportunity to be creative - but ensure that you are providing functionality that is
How you approach building this application is up to you, however in principle, appropriate use of all four
major Android application components is expected:
Content Provider
Broadcast Receiver
For this reason, it is important to consider how the task can be broken down into multiple atomic
components, how they communicate with one another, and how their various lifecycles should interact.
There is no requirement that your components will be accessed by components outside of the application,
however it is good practice to consider how your components might be made available to other processes
for subsequent reuse.
Some hints and tips regarding getting started with location services / GPS monitoring are provided below.
Your application must be written in Java and make use of the Android SDK. There are no requirements to
target a specific Android API version, however you can assume that your application will be tested on an
emulated device (1080 x 1920 420dpi) running Android API version 29 (Android 10.0).
Your application should have appropriate comments and variable / class names, so that a reader can easily
understand how it works at the code level.
Adding further additional functionality to the application is encouraged, as are, for example, di!erent
interpretations of what it means to log running – you could consider walking, or other kinds of movement
activity as might be measured by sensors on an Android device – however as always your application
should meet the above specification primarily. Indeed, an appropriate interpretation of the app’s required
functionality is an implicit part of this assessment.
You should provide a report alongside your application that documents its design and technical
architecture, in particular providing a rationale for the components that you have implemented and their
communication, and the behaviour of the application from the user’s point of view.
The report should be at minimum 1000 words long, with a maximum length of 1500 words.
There is no set structure for the report, however you may wish to include a diagram showing the
components and their relationships, and a short explanation of each one, for example how the task is
broken down into discrete Activity components, how and when Services are started, how data is abstracted
from underlying storage etc.
Use of third party assets (tutorials, images, example code, libraries etc.) MUST be credited and
referenced, and you MUST be able to demonstrate that they are available under a license that allows
their reuse.
Making significant use of tutorial code while referencing it is poor academic practice, and will result in a
lower mark that reflects the significance of your own original contribution.
Copying code from other students, from previous students, from any other source, or soliciting code from
online sources and submitting it as your own is plagiarism and will be penalized as such. FAILING TO
ATTRIBUTE a source will result in a mark of zero – and can potentially result in failure of coursework,
module or degree.
All submissions are checked using both plagiarism detection so"ware and manually for signs of cheating. If
you have any doubts, then please ask.
Assessment Criteria
Application Functionality
The application meets the core Activity Tracker specification 25
The application meets the extended Activity Tracker specification, including novelty and
Application Structure and Implementation
Implementation and appropriate use of Android components 30
Programming Style
The application is easy to understand, with comments explaining each part of the code,
correct formatting, and meaningful variable names
Description of the design and architecture 20
Total 100
Assessment Criteria
The following areas will be taken into account for each part of the assessment:
Demonstrating knowledge of the area
Quality of the concept, including appropriateness and novelty
Quality of the technological design, including appropriate use of so"ware design concepts, and
appropriate good coding practice (abstraction, commenting, naming)
Quality of the realization, including how well it works and elaborations over and above the basic
Including all of the above aspects, clarity of structure, quality of argument / evidence, and insight /
There are three seperate requirements for a complete submisison for this coursework:
Report - You must submit a PDF named zy12345.pdf (where zy12345 is your student ID).
Submit your report: CW2 - Report
Source Code - You must submit a ZIP file named (where zy12345 is your student ID).
This ZIP file should contain all the neccesary materials to build your application.
Submit your source code: CW2 - Source Code
APK - You should submit an APK file name zy12345.apk (where zy12345 is your student ID). The
APK file should be a self-contained application that the marker can install on a (virtual and physical)
android device in order to test the functionality of your application.
Submit your APK: CW2 - APK
You must submit all three of these components for your submission to be considered "complete". Failure to
do so will result in a 25% deduction for each submission component that is missing from your "complete"
Hints & Tips
Using Location / GPS tracking
There are di!erent mechanisms for obtaining the location of the device, including GPS, Wi-Fi or cell-tower
signal triangulation, and di!erent mechanisms for how this data can be accessed by the device.
Increasingly Android is attempting to push this functionality into Google Play services (giving Google more
control over parts of the Android stack), and this provides a unified approach that fuses multiple location
systems into one to provide an abstraction over multiple pieces of hardware and to reduce battery usage.
This requires making use of an emulator with the Google APIs installed – generally this will be a di!erent
emulator system image.
There is, however, a simpler approach that is perfectly adequate for this coursework, and that is to use the
LocationManager system service to provide GPS (global positioning system) updates that reveal the user’s
Accessing location requires permission from the user:
The LocationManager is a system service, and so needs to be retrieved from the service manager via
getSystemService . Then it can be passed an instance of a LocationListener that will receive
updates from the GPS provider. The two other parameters specify the minimum frequency of updates (i.e.
we can say that we want at most 1 update every 5 seconds), and distance between updates (i.e. we can say
that we only want to be told when the device has moved at least 5 metres). The fastest update frequency
for GPS is around 1 second, and accuracy varies from a few metres upwards depending on environmental
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
import android.content.Context;
import android.location.Location;
import android.location.LocationListener;
import android.location.LocationManager;
The MyLocationListener class receives these location events by implementing the LocationListener interface
as follows:
onProviderEnabled and onProviderDisabled methods are called when the user enables or
disables the GPS, and onStatusChanged gives information about the status of the GPS signal:
The important method call is onLocationChanged , which reports the current location as it is measured,
and provides a Location object that can be inspected to obtain WGS 84 latitude, longitude, altitude
(elevation), reported accuracy of the signal etc.
LocationManager locationManager =
MyLocationListener locationListener = new MyLocationListener();
try {
5, // minimum time interval between updates
5, // minimum distance between updates, in metres
} catch(SecurityException e) {
Log.d("g53mdp", e.toString());
public class MyLocationListener implements LocationListener {
public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
Log.d(TAG, location.getLatitude() + " " + location.getLongitude());
public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {
// information about the signal, i.e. number of satellites
Log.d(TAG, "onStatusChanged: " + provider + " " + status);
public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {
// the user enabled (for example) the GPS
Log.d(TAG, "onProviderEnabled: " + provider);
public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {
// the user disabled (for example) the GPS
Log.d(TAG, "onProviderDisabled: " + provider);
Note that geodesy and global positioning are incredibly complicated subjects in their own right - the Earth
is in no way perfectly spherical, and we like to think of linear distances on a locally flat surface as opposed
to degrees around the world – however the Location class hides most of this from us. In particular the
distanceTo method will calculate the distance between two points given as latitude and longitude:
Emulating GPS
It is possible to complete this coursework entirely using the emulator – there is no advantage to or
necessity of having a physical Android phone. There is also no expectation that you handle the everyday
practical details of GPS – losing signal, inaccurate signals etc. You can assume that it will be tested on an
emulated device with “perfect” GPS.
The emulator provides a mock GPS device that feeds NMEA (latitude and longitude position updates) to the
phone where they will be handled by the LocationManager as if they were real updates, via the
extended controls menu. This can be found by clicking “…” on the emulator side bar.
Furthermore, the emulator can replay a series of GPS events from a GPX file (a standard log format for
many GPS devices and applications). It is also possible to export from Google Maps to GPX.
There are example GPX files have been uploaded to Moodle for use as “real” latitude and longitude
positions that can be played out.
float distance = myLocation.distanceTo(someOtherLocation);
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