Homework 1 (Haskell)
Please follow carefully all of the following steps:
1. Prepare a Haskell (or literate Haskell) file (ending in .hs or .lhs, respectively) that compiles without errors
in GHCi. (Put all non-working parts in comments.)
2. Submit one solution per group (each group can have up to 5 members) through Canvas.
Late submissions will not be accepted. Do not send solutions by email.
Insert the following definitions at the top of your file.
import Data.List (nub,sort)
norm :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
norm = sort . nub
Exercise 1. Programming with Data Types
Here is the definition of a data type for representing a few basic shapes. A figure is a collection of shapes. The type
BBox represents bounding boxes of objects by the points of the lower-left and upper-right hand corners of the smallest
enclosing rectangle.
type Number = Int
type Point = (Number,Number)
type Length = Number
data Shape = Pt Point
| Circle Point Length
| Rect Point LengthLength
deriving Show
type Figure = [Shape]
type BBox = (Point,Point)
(a) Define the function width that computes the width of a shape.
width :: Shape -> Length
For example, the widths of the shapes in the figure f are as follows.
f = [Pt (4,4), Circle (5,5) 3, Rect (3,3) 7 2]
> map width f
(b) Define the function bbox that computes the bounding box of a shape.
CS 381, Spring 2020, Homework 1 2
bbox :: Shape -> BBox
The bounding boxes of the shapes in the figure f are as follows.
> map bbox f
(c) Define the function minX that computes the minimum x coordinate of a shape.
minX :: Shape -> Number
The minimum x coordinates of the shapes in the figure f are as follows.
> map minX f
(d) Define a function move that moves the position of a shape by a vector given by a point as its second argument.
move :: Shape -> Point -> Shape
It is probably a good idea to define and use an auxiliary function addPt :: Point -> Point -> Point, which
adds two points component wise.
(e) Define a function alignLeft that transforms one figure into another one in which all shapes have the same
minX coordinate but are otherwise unchanged.
alignLeft :: Figure -> Figure
Note: It might be helpful to define an auxiliary function moveToX :: Number -> Shape -> Shape that changes
a shape’s position so that its minX coordinate is equal to the number given as first argument.
(f) Define a function inside that checks whether one shape is inside of another one, that is, whether the area
covered by the first shape is also covered by the second shape.
inside :: Shape -> Shape -> Bool
Hint: Think about what one shape being inside another means for the bounding boxes of both shapes.
Note that this remark is meant to help with some cases, but it doesn’t solve all.
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