COMP 2406 – W20 – A5 Due Friday, April 24th at 11:59 PM
Assignment 5
Final Assessment
Submit a single zip file called You should not submit your node_modules
folder or database folder. Instead, you should submit the resources required to install
your dependencies using NPM. The TA will run the provided database-initializer.js file before
grading your assignment. If your assignment requires additional database setup, you
should modify the database-initializer.js file and provide a copy in your submission. This
assignment has 100 marks. You should read the marking scheme posted on cuLearn for details.
Assignment Background
In this assignment, you will develop a web application that will allow players to receive
cards from a collectible card game and trade those cards amongst their friends. The
card data used for this assignment is taken from the game Hearthstone. This is the
same data used in tutorial #8 – a description of the structure of the data is provided at
the end of this document. A database-initializer.js file has been provided that will
create an empty 'a5' database in MongoDB and add each card to a 'cards' collection.
Note that the initializer will also delete any information in the 'a5' database. Each
user that registers for your web application will maintain their own set of cards and their
own set of friends. Friends within the application will be able to view each other's cards
and propose/accept trades with each other. All data your server uses for this
assignment (cards, user profiles, session data, etc.) must be persistent. Your server
should be able to be restarted at any point and all the data should still be present.
The specification of this assignment has intentionally been left more vague than
previous assignments. The details of the overall design of the application (routes,
pages, etc.) are left up to you. You are expected to make decisions that will result in a
usable and reactive application that is scalable and robust. You will be required to
include a short document with your submission explaining how to use your application
and arguing in support of the design decisions that you made.
The list of requirements your application must meet are described in the sections below.
You are encouraged to read the entire document before starting your design. Some
more details of specific requirements may be available in the marking scheme.
Additionally, some tips for success have been included at the end of this document.
COMP 2406 – W20 – A5 Due Friday, April 24th at 11:59 PM
Registration, Logging In/Out
Your application must provide a way for new users to register by providing a username
and password. Duplicate usernames should not be allowed. New users should be
initialized with no friends and a set of 10 randomly selected cards. A user must be
provided with a way to view their own set of cards.
Existing users must be able to log in to the application using their username and
password. You must also provide a way to log out of the application.
Users should be able to propose friend requests to other users of the application. A user
should be able to search for other users by performing a username search. From the
results of this search, the user should be able to propose a friend request to any other
user that is not already their friend. Users should not officially become friends until the
other user has accepted the friend request. If a user is logged in to the system when
somebody tries to add them as a friend, they should receive some sort of notification
that a friend request is available in 'real-time' (i.e., without refreshing their page). Note
that this does not have to be immediate but should show up in a relatively short time
span (e.g., 5 seconds).
A user who receives a friend request must be able to either approve or reject the friend
request. If the user rejects a friend request, no changes to user profiles should be made
(i.e., they should not become friends). If the user accepts a friend request, both users
involved should become friends. That is, if X proposes a friend request to Y, and Y
accepts, then Y is friends with X and X is friends with Y. After a request has been
rejected or approved, it should be deleted from the server.
Users should be able to view a list of their friends and view their friends' list of cards. A
user who is not your friend should be not able to view your cards.
Users should be able to propose trades to their friends. To propose a trade, a user
needs a way to select a subset of their own cards, one of their friends, and a subset of
their friend's cards. This should be done in a reactive manner, without requiring multiple
page views. The card subsets could be empty (i.e., I give you nothing and you give me
something), the entirety of their set of cards (i.e., I give you all my cards), or anything in
between. Once the user has selected a trading partner and cards, they should be able
to propose the trade. When showing a card during a trade, or elsewhere in the
application, you can use the card's name attribute. You can choose to provide a method
COMP 2406 – W20 – A5 Due Friday, April 24th at 11:59 PM
for viewing additional card information (class, rarity, artist, etc.) or use the additional
card information for extra features, if you want.
As with friend requests, a user should receive some form of notification that they have
received a trade request without having to refresh whatever page they are currently on.
The receiving user should be able to view the trade details and choose whether to
accept or reject the trade. If the trade is rejected, no changes should be made. If the
trade is accepted, one of two possible cases may occur:
1. Both players still have the cards required to make the trade, in which case the
selected cards should be switched between the two users. The user who has
just accepted the trade should receive a notification that the trade has been
completed. The proposing user does not need to receive a notification, but
you can add this as an additional feature if you want.
2. One of the players can no longer fulfill the requirements of the trade, in which
case no changes should occur. This case may occur if the user X proposes a
trade to user Y, then also proposes a trade to user Z involving some of the
same cards. If user Z accepts the trade first, then user X will not have the
cards to fulfill the trade with user Y if Y accepts the trade. The user who
accepted the trade should be notified that the trade is no longer valid. The
proposing user does not need to receive a notification, but you can add this
as an additional feature if you want. Alternatively, you can write the trade
proposal code in a way that does not allow invalid trades to be proposed
(e.g., by not allowing the same card to be used in more than one proposed
trade simultaneously).
Once the trade has been accepted or rejected, the trade should be removed from the
Design Document
You must submit a PDF document that explains how to setup your system and how to
test each piece of the required functionality. Ideally, it should be clear to the TA how to
fully test each piece of functionality mentioned in the marking scheme, as well as any
additional functionality you have added. This should be significantly more detailed than
the usual README file that has been submitted with previous assignments. This
document must also describe the design decisions you made, including a description of
how your data is stored, what routes your server supports, and justification for all your
design decisions.
COMP 2406 – W20 – A5 Due Friday, April 24th at 11:59 PM
Your zip file should contain all the resources required for your assignment to be
installed and run by the TA, as well as your design document. You should not submit
your node_modules folder or your MongoDB database folder. Submit your file to cuLearn. Make sure you download the zip after submitting,
verify the file contents, and ensure that your installation instructions are sufficient.
Summary of Fields in Card Documents:
Each card in the dataset has, at minimum, the following field names:
1. _id: the unique ID created by MongoDB when the card was inserted
2. artist: a string representing the name of the artist(s) that created the card art
3. name: a string representing the name of the card
4. cardClass: a string representing the class of player that can use the card
5. rarity: a string representing the rarity of the card
6. attack: an integer representing the attack value of the card
7. health: an integer representing the health value of the card
Tips for Success:
1. Identify patterns. Previous tutorials have covered similar concepts that will be
useful here. As an obvious example, tutorial #8 worked with the same card data
used in this assignment. Earlier tutorials involving polling will also be useful in
handling notifications of friend/trade requests and improving the overall reactivity
of your application. Additionally, certain parts of the requirements share
similarities. Proposing friends and proposing trades involve much of the same
logic, but with different data. The better you get at recognizing the patterns, the
more efficient you will be in creating solutions.
2. Design first. Figure out what information you need to store in order to meet the
application requirements (will adding collections help simplify your solution?).
Consider the queries that you will need to execute and ensure that your design is
sound before trying to code.
3. Discuss on Discord. Discussion is a severely underrated learning tool. We should
be taking advantage of our large student body and sharing ideas. You are fully
encouraged to discuss overall design and general approaches to the assignment.
Exchanging ideas with others will lead many of you to have better overall designs
in the end, which will ultimately save you time in implementing and debugging
your solution.
COMP 2406 – W20 – A5 Due Friday, April 24th at 11:59 PM
4. Use Mongoose. Its features may reduce your complexity and save you a
significant amount of effort.
5. Build incrementally. Always keep your overall design in mind but break the entire
system down into smaller components and add features in a step-by-step
fashion. For example, you could start by adding support for registration. Follow
that with viewing cards, submitting friend requests, receiving pending friend
requests, approving friend requests, and so on.
6. Confirm your database manipulations are correct BEFORE committing to a
database. As an example, perform some 'dry runs' by logging out the documents
you would be writing to the database in the console before you actually perform
any write operations. This will drastically reduce the amount of time you spend
manually manipulating the database to fix errors you have carelessly introduced.
7. Add authorization later. Some of the requirements state that only friends should
be able to do X or view Y. Write the code without these rules to start – let
everybody do everything at first. You can add the authorization in later.
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