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日期:2020-04-04 10:22

COMP 2406 – W20 – A4 Due Friday, April 3rd at 11:59 PM

Assignment 4

MongoDB and Sessions

Submit a single zip file called assignment4.zip. You should not submit your node_modules

folder or database folder. Instead, you should submit the resources required to install

your dependencies using NPM. The TA will run the provided database-initializer.js file before

grading your assignment. This assignment has 100 marks. You should read the marking

scheme posted on cuLearn for details.

Assignment Background

In this assignment, you will use a database to store user profile and order information.

Additionally, you will add session support to the application so that users may log in,

place orders, and view a history of their orders. Users will also have the option of setting

their own profile to private/public, which will limit who can view their order history. You

MUST use MongoDB to store the user profile, order data, and session data for

this assignment. You may choose to use the MongoDB module or Mongoose for

database manipulation within Node.js.

To start this assignment, download the A4-Data.zip file from cuLearn. This zip file

contains several resources that will be used for the assignment. The first of these

resources is the database-initializer.js file, which you can use to create the initial

database for the assignment (or re-create it if you break the database during testing).

Initialize your project using npm init. Ensure the MongoDB Node.js driver is installed

in your assignment directory by running npm install mongodb. Run the databaseinitializer.js

file using Node.js while the MongoDB daemon is also running on your

computer, and it will initialize a database called ‘a4’ with a collection called 'users'

containing ten initial user profiles for your server. Each user document contains a

username, a password (which is the same as the username, for convenience), and a

privacy field that will initially be set to false. You may modify the provided databaseinitializer.js

file to perform any additional initialization your server requires. If you

do modify the file, ensure that you include a copy with your assignment submission.

The A4-Data.zip file also contains a public folder with order form resources. This

includes a working orderform.html and orderform.js file that will allow a client to

select a restaurant and submit an order to the server using an XMLHttpRequest. Note

COMP 2406 – W20 – A4 Due Friday, April 3rd at 11:59 PM


that you may need to modify the order form resources, or create a similar version using

a template engine, to meet the navigation header requirements of the assignment. You

may use your own version of similar resources, if desired. For this assignment, it is

acceptable to store the data for the three restaurants in the client-side Javascript.

However, you can also choose to serve the restaurant data from the server, as was

done in the previous assignment.

Navigation Header (12 marks)

Each page on your web application should have a navigation header. The information

contained in this header will vary depending on the current session state of the client.

If the client is logged in as a user of the application, the header must include links to the

home page (/), the users page (/users), the order form, and the user's profile.

Additionally, the header should provide a way for the user to log out of the application

(e.g., a link or button).

If the client is not logged in, the header must include links to the home page (/), the

users page (/users), and the registration page. Additionally, the header should include a

way for the user to log in to the application (e.g., a login form in the header, or a link to a

login page). The link to the order page should NOT be shown unless the client is logged


User Registration (16 marks)

Your server must provide a page to allow users to register through a registration form.

To register, the user must provide a username/password and click the register button.

All new users should start with a public profile (e.g., privacy = false) and no order

history. Duplicate usernames should not be allowed. If the registration is successful, the

user should be redirected to their own profile page and be considered 'logged in' to the

application. If the registration is unsuccessful (e.g., due to duplicate username), an error

message should be displayed, and the user should remain on the registration form.

User Directory (12 marks)

Your server must provide a route to handle GET requests for the URL /users, which

will allow clients to search for users. This route must support the query parameter name,

which will be a string value. The server must respond with an HTML page containing

links to all non-private user profiles that match the query. The text of each link should be

the username of that user. A profile will match the query if the username of that user

COMP 2406 – W20 – A4 Due Friday, April 3rd at 11:59 PM


contains the given name query parameter value. This search should be done in a caseinsensitive

manner (e.g., et, ETE, and PetE, all would match the username pete). Note

that private user profiles should NOT show up in the search results.

User Profile Page (20 marks)

Your server must provide a route to handle GET requests for the parameterized URL

/users/:userID, which will allow the client to view a specific user's profile page (note: it is

recommended that you use the MongoDB generated IDs for each user, but you can use

your own IDs if you want). There are several rules that will determine how a request for

this route should be handled:

1. If the requested profile is set to private and the requesting client is NOT

logged in as the owner of the profile, then a 404 or 403 status and error

message should be sent in response. That is to say, the only person that can

view a private profile is the owner of that profile. The exact status code you

use is a design decision. Sending 403 would give more information to the

requesting client, as they would be able to tell the profile does exist but is set

to private. Sending a 404 would provide less information.

2. If the requested user's profile is NOT set to private, or the requesting client is

logged in as the owner of the profile, then the resulting HTML page should

show the user's username and a list of their order history. Each entry in this

order history list should be a link to that specific order's page (i.e.,

/orders/thatOrdersID). You can use the order ID for the text of the link.

3. Additionally, if the user is logged in and viewing their own profile, the page

must provide a way for them to update their privacy value and save the

changes to the server. Note that ONLY logged in users should be able to

change their own profile. If a user is not logged in or is trying to change the

profile of another user, the server should respond with 403 or 404 status and

error message.

Order Summary Page (15 marks)

Your server must provide a route to handle GET requests for the parameterized URL

/orders/:orderID, which will allow the client to view a specific order. The requested order

should only be shown if:

1) The user who placed the order is NOT set to private.


2) The requesting client is logged in as the user who placed the order.

If neither of the above are true, the server must respond with a 403 or 404 status code

and error message.

COMP 2406 – W20 – A4 Due Friday, April 3rd at 11:59 PM


The contents of the order summary page must include:

1. The username of the user who placed the order

2. The restaurant's name

3. A list of item names and their quantities.

4. The subtotal, tax, delivery fee, and total of the order

Order Form and Submission (10 marks)

Your server must provide a way to access the order form and submit orders. The URL

you use is up to you but must match the one you provide in the navigation header. The

order form should only be viewable by users who are logged in. You can serve the order

form resources provides in the A4-Data.zip file or use your own version. The minimum

requirements the order form must support are:

1. Contains the proper navigation header. The easiest way to achieve this is

likely to duplicate the orderform.html contents using a template engine file.

2. Allow the client to select one of the three restaurants we have been working

with throughout the course. This data can be stored in the client-side

Javascript or requested from the server (your choice).

3. Allow the client to add items to an order and view the order summary.

4. Allow the client to send the order to the server.

The provided order form resources will send the order using a POST request to the URL

/orders. An example of the format of the data sent to the server is included below (you

can change the structure as you see fit):


restaurantID: 0,

restaurantName: "Aragorn's Orc BBQ",

subtotal: 31.5,

total: 39.65,

fee: 5,

tax: 3.15,

order: {

'2': { quantity: 2, name: "Sauron's Lava Soup" },

'3': { quantity: 4, name: "Eowyn's (In)Famous Stew" },

'4': { quantity: 1, name: 'The 9 rings of men.' }

// '2', '3', and '4' are the item IDs in the menu, though you may not need them



COMP 2406 – W20 – A4 Due Friday, April 3rd at 11:59 PM


Your server must accept the order submission request and process it in whatever way is

required to meet the rest of the requirements of the assignment (e.g., by adding the

order information to the database).

Code Quality and Documentation (15 marks)

Your code should be well-written and easy to understand. This includes providing clear

documentation explaining the purpose and function of pieces of your code. You should

use good variable/function names that make your code easier to read. You should do

your best to avoid unnecessary computation and ensure that your code runs smoothly

throughout operation. You should also include a README.txt file that explains any

design decisions that you made, precise instructions detailing how to run your

server, as well as any additional instructions that may be helpful to the TA.


Your zip file should contain all the resources required for your assignment to be

installed and run by the TA. You should not submit your node_modules folder or

your MongoDB database folder. Submit your assignment4.zip file to cuLearn.

Make sure you download the zip after submitting, verify the file contents, and ensure

that your installation instructions are sufficient.

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